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June Wrasslin |OT| When you lose, you're a jobber, when you win, you're Cena.


My Member!
Memphis rasslin junk

Wow I thought WWE has rights to USWA, but I guess not. Maybe it will sort itself out eventually and they can grab it, but honestly, it may not be worth it outside of the crossover WWF stuff. The studio show for USWA was used as a selling tool to get people to go here to the Louisville Gardens or the show in Memphis for matches and then the next week later you would find out what happened there, and they were rarely taped or taped badly.

So that leaves you with a whole lot of Dangerous Doug Gilbert and Tommy Wildfire Rich promos with Lance Russell or Cory Maclin saying "comeon what are you guys doing out here" as they walk around their desk with the corded mic to go interview them.


Jesus christ.

With Orton and Jericho suspended they literally have no one left for Sheamus to face, plus they've done a few weeks of buildup for Del Rio/Sheamus already.

I hope it gives them a wake up call.

But most likely will just double down on returning stars.

We'll see Henry and Rey return quickly from injury.
Bootaaay is the Jesus of wrasslin.


That's foul, yo. You could've called him X-Pac or something...
What's funny is that WWE wanted to give Mysterio a lesson by waiting to suspend him once he recovered from hes injury, now they probably regretting that decision.


What's funny is that WWE wanted to give Mysterio a lesson by waiting to suspend him once he recovered from hes injury, now they probably regretting that decision.

Vince is probably regretting having a Wellness Policy that involves suspensions and not just fines lol


Former WWE writer Chris DeJoseph interview:

Vince McMahon is returning to WWE Raw this coming Monday, and today on the PWTorch Livecast, a former WWE Creative Team member Chris DeJoseph explains what it's like behind the scenes when Vince McMahon decides to appear on TV after an absence.

"I think there were numerous times where that could be brought up in totally different ways," DeJoseph, also known on air as Big Dick Johnson, says. "Sometimes it could be a request from the writing team. For the most part Vince didn't like to be on TV if he didn't have to be. I'm just using my own judgment here; I think this might have something to do with - usually it's like the McMahon Million Dollar Mania, or now the three hour Raws - I'm wondering if it's some kind of play to make some kind crazy announcement to get ratings."

Did the writing team usually collaborate with him or did he just say "this is what I'm doing"?

DeJoseph says: "There were lots of time where it was, 'We have this idea, we'd like to do it.' And he would be, like, 'Okay, that's great.' There were other times, for instance the Million Dollar thing, where he came to us with the idea and [that meant] we were doing it. (laughs)"

So what was the plan five years ago when Vince McMahon's limousine exploded, apparently with him inside of it, dying a fiery death - a storyline dropped abruptly after the real-life death of Chris Benoit and his family via murder-suicide?

"I think we were excited about it," says DeJoseph. "It was kind of a directive from the network in a way to try to create a huge story arc of - I think at the time everybody was into Whodunit? Okay, we are given the task of coming up with a Whodunit? We sat around that room enough hours and days and finally came up with: We're going to blow up Vince. We had a pretty long-term storyline. I don't know if we have a complete, defined finish of who it was or why it was done. I think that was going to be an evolving process. We couldn't necessarily get an answer out of the boss. Sometimes that's a little difficult. Even if you did get a definitive answer it would probably change anyway."

Was the idea to sell the idea he would have died inside the explosion?

"Yes, I think the idea was for Vince to just be missing and his body is burned beyond recognition, he is gone, something like that, I think. The idea was to say he was actually dead."

And where would the storyline go from there? What was the point of it all?

Says DeJoseph: "I think it was going to be a scramble for power in the company. That was really the idea behind it. Now that he was gone, everybody was fighting for power and everybody has different motives. What were some of those motives to get the power?"

That was one example of a storyline being dropped before it was resolved, but that was a special circumstance due to the awful Benoit family situation.

In general, though, did Vince care about storyline consistency? No, says DeJoseph.

"It would always be brought up. Logic would always be brought up, but sometimes it'd just be thrown right out the window. He'd sometimes say he couldn't even remember what happened three weeks ago, so how is the audience going to remember it? I think sometimes that was his thought…"

DeJoseph says the blame should be on Vince himself, and not the writing team, for the big gaps in logic, dropped storylines, and stream of aggravating contradictions. He says the writing team typically tries to fix any gaps in logic.

"I'm sure they're going to try or at least they've been pitching all week or they're going to try to explain something. I'm sure they have something in mind to explain it logically. If they don't that'll be interesting, too."

The attitude is Vince doesn't think it's ultimately important to business or the bottom line. "It's a big promotional thing that's going to get eyeballs on this TV show and I think that's what he thinks [matters]," DeJoseph says.

Does it chip away at fans investing in the product? "Yeah, it sucks. [Fans have to be thinking,] 'Why should I invest my time and everything into this storyline when they're just going to sh-- on it without explanation.' I'll give them the benefit of the doubt that maybe they will on Monday. I don't know what they're going to do on Monday."

DeJoseph says the writing team cares even when Vince doesn't. "At least when I was there, and I'm sure it's still the same way, we would try to present every logical thing. We'd say we need to explain that, and whether it was ignored or we were told 'No, we fuckin' don't,' that's the way it was."

If not for Vince, the writers such as Michael Hayes, Ed Koskie, and Brian Gewirtz would try to make sense of their ideas, but with Vince "you're constantly dealing with switching and changing things," says DeJoseph.

"Sometimes it's even hard for yourself to keep up on everything. I think they would try for sure. I'm sure when they knew that Vince was coming back, it was probably one of the first things that came up - how in the hell are we going to explain why he's back. And then it was probably, like, 'Don't fuckin' worry about it.' And they go, 'Okay.' I think the writing team wants what most fans want because, for the most part, they're all fans."
Former WWF and WCW star Paul Roma does a pretty fun interview:

On Brooke Hogan being brought into TNA:

It’s always about who you know and really not much about what you know. So, you know, Hogan obviously has a lot of pull. He knows what kind of business the business is. One of the things was always that you never bring family members into professional wrestling in any nature whether announcers, ring girls, valets, or whatever you want to call them. That being said, he’s going to have to travel everywhere with her and probably room with her too, because he’s not going to trust everybody else around her. And he’s probably trying to get her a payday because her singing career flopped. Look, at the end of the day, when someone’s a singer, it doesn’t matter if your father is Hulk Hogan. Either you can sing or you can’t sing. Make it or you won’t make it. But he has to realize something. He’s not that guy anymore. Nobody gives a shit about him anymore. He has no juice as far as in the real world. So, that’s why she’s in wrestling. Can’t make it anywhere else.

On Hulk Hogan's current drawing power:

I still run into people who know me and say, ‘hey, you look great’ or you were this or you were that. Great. But that’s gone. It’s over. If I was to come back, sure, you’d get some people who would come out. But you’re preaching to a new audience. Either they’re going to accept you or they’re not. At least my body still looks great. He looks like shit. He comes back and does the same shit. His skin and everything is flapping all over the place. He’s out of shape and thinks he’s still that same guy back in the day and he’s not. It’s over. His notoriety is over. These companies that keep bringing him back in thinking he’s going to do something, how long does it take them to figure out he’s not drawing the crowds he used to?

On WWE producing 10 hours of television weekly when Raw moves to 3 hours:

Maybe he’s testing the waters to see how many suckers there are out there…Maybe if you add in a lot of commercials and get endorsements from that. It has to be about making money. At the end of the day do you seriously think (Vince) cares about the fans anymore?…We can go back and forth until we’re blue in the face. It’s not gonna change anything. He’s an egomaniac. He thinks everything he touches turns to gold. That’s why he brings back the Hogans and Flairs and he thinks it’s gonna make him money and it flops. You’d think he’s have learned when he tried to start his own bodybuilding federation. Then he tried to get into football. Had his own league. Then he tried to promote boxing. He makes movies. And he flops. But he’s that guy who looks in the mirror and says, ‘Wow. I’m doing well.’ Well, it ain’t from everything else you’re doing because everything else you’re doing flopped. Now he’s losing sight of what got his company to where it was. Maybe he has so much money, he doesn’t have to. I don’t know.

On Vince being embarassed by wrestling and his failures outside of it:

I think Vince should have realized he didn’t have the power he thought he had when he went up against WWF for the rights to (the name) and he lost. He had to change to WWE. That should have told you something. He beat the drug investigation. He beat that. Then he does the battle with WWF and he lost that. Then he did movies and he lost that. Then he promotes boxing, he loses that. Promote football, loses that. Tries to create his own bodybuilding world, he loses that. But, like the fat girl in the mirror with her skirt hiked up to her ass, exploding through it, he doesn’t see it. He just doesn’t see it. He’s a very jealous, insecure man. Hence back to Power and Glory. They didn’t create our dolls because he never liked me. He’s jealous of me. Couldn’t look like me. Couldn’t get the women I got. Couldn’t have the body I had, and still have. A little smaller, but still. He didn’t have the security that I have. The self confidence that I have. So he pushes people back. Don’t do this. Don’t do that. Don’t create t-shirts for Power and Glory. Don’t send them to the top. Get them close, but then pull them back down. Then split the team up. That’s him, man. That’s what he’s all about. He can look in the mirror and see what he wants to see, but the people who know him, know the real him. And if he looks deep enough, he knows the real him. He’s just a punk ass bitch.


by Mike Johnson @ 4:56 PM on 6/9/2012

The word making the rounds today is that a lot of the Raw stars are going to be booked for Smackdown tapings going forward as the company needs all hands on deck due to their thin talent roster. The fear among the wrestlers is that all the pushing to get them to work so often is going to lead to fatigue and injuries. Another major topic of conversation is how hard John Cena and CM Punk are working as they are also doing media and appearances on top of everything else asked of the roster.

There is a fear that Alberto Del Rio, who is still recovering from his groin tear and surgery, suffered a concussion last week. As late as yesterday, there was discussion he may need to be pulled from the No Way Out PPV, although PWInsider.com has not confirmed that he was officially pulled. Del Rio is set to challenge Sheamus for the World title at the PPV.
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