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June Wrasslin |OT| When you lose, you're a jobber, when you win, you're Cena.


I wish Heath Slater would get together with a few other jobbers and form some sort of group some sort of group of Us's that are NEXt in line or something.

We can call it.

Billy and the Clonasaurus


Cena doesn't want him anymore, CM Punk is now Cena's 'Robin'. Orton is going to have to be his Nightwing.

He'll go to TNA as Randy Cage Anderson Rockthorn
3 years ago today one of the greatest professional wrestlers of all time passed away in the ring at the age of 46 - from his run as the second Tiger Mask, through his legendary All Japan feuds with Toshiaki Kawada & Kenta Kobashi, the split away from All Japan and the forming of Pro-Wrestling NOAH, Mitsuharu Misawa was ever at the forefront of Japanese professional wrestling and the industry as a whole is far worse off without his spirit - rest in peace Misawa;


16 of his best and most notable matches - welp, I know what I'll be doing while I'm supposed to be working. EMERALD FLOWSION!!!!


formerly cjelly

Hello everyone welcome to the landmark 1000th episode of MONDAY NIGHT NITRO! WE ARE SOLD OUT HERE AT THE GEORGIA DOME. I'm Tony Schiavone, with me Living Legend Larry Zbysko, truly fans tonight will not only be one of the greatest nights in the history of professional wrestling but perhaps all sports.

Legend, we have Daniel Bryan and CM Punk facing off for the World Title in a triple threat match with Hollywood Hulk Hogan..... how can either one of them counter the threat of the NWO? They've run wild since invading our screens 16 years ago, causing havoc at all turns, they ended the career of Hunter Hearst Helmsley, they ran Randy Orton out of town, John Cena will never walk again, what possible chance do these 2 men now have?

And what of Sting? We know he's in the building, the Total Package Lex Luger has confirmed to us STING WILL MAKE SOME SORT OF IMPACT in regards to his son Daniel Bryan's title shot tonight.

*Larry Larry Larry Larry Larry chants*

Well thats all and good Tony but I think the main factor we're forgetting here is immediately following the title match the undefeated Goldberg has indicated he's gonna cash in his World War 3 title shot he earned by eliminating Cody Rhodes on whoever wins TONIGHT.... I think 260,332,030 win streak speaks for itself. There's so much going on I can't even believe that slime ball Bischoff along with his lacky Vinnie Mac can try and control it all.

Fans there you have it, later we'll have DDP vs Dolph Ziggler for the US title but right now we take you to ring announcer David Penzer as we go to our first contest for the WCW Television Title, its Glacier going up against 8 times champion Chris Benoit.
I don't know why I keep doing this to myself, but I'm about to watch this year's IWA Deep South Carnage Cup. Last year some idiot let Mad Man Pondo impale his tongue with a pair of scissors, the year before some idiot let another idiot stab him in the arm with a box cutter - what delights will the 2012 Carnage Cup have in store? I can't wait to find out...

First up is a 'Spider Net Circus Death Match' between Spidar Boodrow and Bryant Woods. This year's Carnage Cup comes to you from...some field/junk-yard in butt-fuck Alabama. Bryant Woods looks like a Juggalo and has all sorts of scrap metal shit hanging from the holes in his ears. There are about 50 people in attendance, and I'm probably being generous. Oh wow, Spidar Boodrow is a sight. Jesus, what ugly ass face tattoos. They start out with a light-tube sword fight and the crowd is showered in glass, while Boodrow is left bleeding from the back his head. Boodrow then hits Woods on the forehead with a plastic bat covered in bottlecaps, the caps go flying everywhere and we get our first "holy shit" chant of the night, lol. Someone produces a soda bottle on a stick with wooden spikes skewered through it, like a deadly game of KerPlunk, and Woods gets some stuck in his forehead. They're getting through a lot of weapons here, pine-cone bat, prosthetic arm covered in barbed wire, staple gun. Woods hits Spidar with some weak-ass chairshots to the head, but Boodrow gets the chair and just fucking floors him with it, splitting open his forehead in the process. Woods pulls out some pliars and rips out Spidar's eyebrow piercing. Both guys climb up on top of the U-Haul truck parked next to the ring and Boodrow hits the 'Spidar Driver' off the truck and through the net of barbed wire and light-tubes across the ring to pick up the victory.

Next up is a 'No-Rope Barbed Wire Carpet Strip House of Pain Match' between Kody Krueger and Bill the Butcher. Both are kinda tubby long-haired dudes with a barbarian/Bruiser Brody look and they start out quick, bringing the carpet strips into play before just flinging open chairs at each other. Reckless chair shots to the kidneys from Bill, who flings Kody in to the ring through the barbed wire, before hip tossing him into a wall of barbed wire and carpet strips, which he gets hung up on. Bill charges Krueger, but he steps out of the way and the Butcher goes face first through the barbed wire and onto the gravel floor, leaving chunks of hair behind in the process. Bill recovers and dumps Kody off the ring into a carpet strip board, leaving his back bloody, but Kody gets right back in, takes out Bill's ankle and applies the most 'WTF is that shit/is that even supposed to hurt?' leg submission I've ever seen to make Bill tap. Fuck, that was just awful.

3rd match is a 'Deep Sea Death Match', which features fish hooks hanging from the barbed wire ropes. Sounds like a good idea. First out is John Rare, some scrawny guy with metalic facepaint, followed by his opponent Mad Man Pondo. This is a typical Pondo match, he walks from spot to spot, throwing Rare into chairs, cutting him open with barbed wire, stabbing him with a fork, but it gets so much worse when John Rare is on offence. Holy fuck, this guy is legitimately awful in every single way. He tries to wrap Pondo up in the barbed wire ropes and hit a neckbreaker, the result is so awful that Pondo seemed to be struggling not to laugh. Rare goes for a chair shot but Pondo just punches him in the dick and tries to end this shit as quick as humanly possible. He sets up a board with fish hooks on it across two chairs and dumps Rare on top, but the fucker kicks out at 2, so Pondo starts gouging at his forehead with the hooks before throwing him into the barbed-wire/fish hook ropes. Pondo then sets up a huge ladder, picks up Rare and makes him climb it before climbing up the other side himself, then some guy rushes the ring, hits Pondo with a light-tube, Pondo gives the weakest bump ever off the ladder into a fish hook board, Rare hits him with a fucking umbrella for some reason and pins him for the 3. WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?

Non-tournament match next, and some ACTUAL wrestling. Holy shit. As a result, most of the crowd seems to have wandered off, waiting for some more meaningless bloodshed before they return. Also, it's raining, lol. We've got some guy named Shane Smalls taking on some guy named Jerek Tyler. They start off with some nice, but slightly awkward, chain wrestling. Tyler is botching on about the same ratio as Sin Cara here. Nice tope con hilo through the ropes from Tyler. He then tries for a suplex to the outside, but Smalls counters and goes for a Cody-style Disaster Kick but the fucking ref is standing in the exact fucking corner they need to do the spot in. Haha, holy shit. Unfortunately, instead of just KO'ing the ref, Smalls jumps down, Tyler runs into position on the apron and lets Smalls kick him in the face, lol. Tyler tries to recover on the outside, but Smalls hits him with an asai moonsault before bringing things back inside. Tyler with a big moonsault leg drop, but Smalls kicks out. Wtf, they someone managed to Irish whip each other into the same corner? Match is starting to drag now. Hilarious miscommunication for the finish, Tyler goes to hit a phoenix splash, Smalls rolls out of the way, but Tyler fucking pins him for the 3-count anyway, lol.

OK, 40 minutes in and I'm done. Fuck, IWA-DS always makes for painful viewing, but this was particularly bad.

I remember reading about Misawa's death. What a freak accident that was. I can't imagine how his opponent must've felt, too.

Yeah, Saito seemed pretty much inconsolable after it happened and at the memorial service, probably put a lot of the blame on himself, but you have to think that with all the bumps Misawa had taken over the years and with little sign of him wanting to work a safer style, it was only a matter of time before an accident happened.


So if I wanted to get into a bit of Chikara, but am completely unfamiliar with any of their current stars or storylines, where should I start? I mean, literally. Is most of their stuff up on YouTube?
So if I wanted to get into a bit of Chikara, but am completely unfamiliar with any of their current stars or storylines, where should I start? I mean, literally. Is most of their stuff up on YouTube?

Their youtube account has all sorts of videos with the goings on in CHIKARA, including the Podcast-A-Go-Go which features either clips of recent matches or a full match for CHIKARA's past;


Generally CHIKARA always does a good job of explaining itself in the matches, promos and commentary, so I'd suggest just jumping in with a recent show. The Chikarasaurus Rex iPPV from a couple of weeks ago was really awesome, well worth checking it out, either on DVD or VOD.

Nocturnowl said:
"Like a deadly game of Kerplunk" is an amazing statement really, this shit sounds horrible.

Yeah, it's got to be one of the worst shows I've ever seen. Just awful on so many levels. I still want to get through to night 2 though, as I'm curious about the 'Nathan's Sadistic Playground Match', lol, and the final is a 'No-Rope Flaming Barbed Wire 250 Light-Tubes Death Match'.


Their youtube account has all sorts of videos with the goings on in CHIKARA, including the Podcast-A-Go-Go which features either clips of recent matches or a full match for CHIKARA's past;


Generally CHIKARA always does a good job of explaining itself in the matches, promos and commentary, so I'd suggest just jumping in with a recent show. The Chikarasaurus Rex iPPV from a couple of weeks ago was really awesome, well worth checking it out, either on DVD or VOD.
Thanks for this info mate.


And just like that, I am a Kota Ibushi fan.

I didn't know who any of these guys are, but I was marking the fuck out during the entire second half of this match. In-fucking-credile. Gonna go watch alot more now.
Couple of Carnage Cup gifs;

Spidar Boodrow's nasty-ass chairshot;


Ref fucking up the disaster kick;


And just like that, I am a Kota Ibushi fan.

I didn't know who any of these guys are, but I was marking the fuck out during the entire second half of this match. In-fucking-credile. Gonna go watch alot more now.

Haha, yeah Ibushi is pretty damn amazing, El Generico too, and that match was just off the charts fun.

Speaking of Generico & Ibushi, here's a match of theirs from DDT Pro last month that I recommend everyone check out, really awesome, awesome stuff from both guys;



How the fuck did that shit match turn into a if Cena loses he is fired, it makes no fucking sense. I wonder if it's Vince's wet dream to fire Cena, but he can't do it because the company would go to TNA levels of hell.


So not worth it
How the fuck did that shit match turn into a if Cena loses he is fired, it makes no fucking sense. I wonder if it's Vince's wet dream to fire Cena, but he can't do it because the company would go to TNA levels of hell.

I fast-forwarded the end... Really? I thought it was another "if JL loses he's fired" stipulation?


So not worth it
Sigh... The thing is, everytime Cena is fired he's back within the week. There's no consequence whatsoever to him losing.

No wonder I FF through this stuff.


formerly cjelly
Wait, why is Cena fired if he loses?
I know the real answer is because WWE loves these stipulations but I meant in storyline reasons.

You will find out on Friday! Or now...

* Cena says that either he or Show were supposed to be getting knocked out tonight, but since Show is gone, that spot will have to go to Big Johnny. Laurinaitis threatens to fire Cena if he hits him and also says that if he loses at No Way Out, he will fire him on RAW next week.

* Cena says that no matter what, someone will be fired once No Way Out is said and done and then proceeds to punch Laurinaitis. Cena does the “you can’t see me” taunt and then celebrates in the ring to close the show.


So not worth it
God I hope the good rating they did this week opened their eyes to the shitness of Cena.

Which, I'm sure they won't, because the segment will have gained like 1 million idiotic viewers that only check in when that fucking christmas tree colored dumbass is up there. #sofuckingsickofjohncena

If I was on Twitter I'd do my utmost to get that trending.


Maybe he will tear his quad or pull a hamstring during the match and the finish will be changed to be fired. And then we will be freed from him for 4 whole months, since I don't expect him to sell an injury for as long as anyone else.


So not worth it
All I know is I've never wished injury on any wrestler as much as I wish it upon Cena. WWE really needs to learn that you have to have all good things in moderation.
So, who are the names I ought to be looking out for, aside from these two?

On the technicos (faces) side;

. Eddie Kingston, the reigning CHIKARA Grand Champion, King presents a different style than most members of the roster, very hard hitting and intense, tells a great story in the ring and cuts some of the best promos on the indies. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94dom-_OQS4 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sT6H4-H955Y

. 'Lightning' Mike Quackenbush, the founder and head trainer of CHIKARA, a technical wrestling mastermind, lots of unique submissions and holds and a style that draws influence from all over the world. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSzgR5HisrQ

. The Colony, Fire Ant, Soldier Ant & Green Ant, big fan favourites for their innovative high-flying style. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bqrj7qcgEDo

. UltraMantis Black, one of the CHIKARA veterans and, despite a dark past, is a huge fan favourite, great technical wrestler with one of the best finishers on the roster, the Praying Mantis Bomb. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgH-T_ObBNM

. Sara Del Rey, trained in part by Daniel Bryan she's an excellent technical wrestler, and very heavily influenced by the hard-hitting Japanese women's wrestling of the 90's, making her one of the most powerful wrestlers on the roster. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-tKvO3ifbs

On the rudos (heels) side;

. F.I.S.T. (friends in similar tights, lol), Chuck Taylor, Icarus & Johnny Gargano, one of the best teams today who work really well together. Icarus is quite possibly the most despised heel in all of wrestling, and while the fans may laugh at Chuck Taylor's antics, he's a very underrated wrestler. Johnny Gargano, meanwhile, is one of the current 'hot properties' of the indies, very accomplished junior heavyweight style wrestler and the current Dragon Gate USA champion. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHM37W1WBxE

. GEKIDO - a group of former CHIKARA students who left under less than amicable circumstances, but have now returned under new identities to get revenge on CHIKARA. The group consists of The Swarm (assailANT, combANT & deviANT) who are going after The Colony, The Shard who is going after Jigsaw, and 17, master of 17 forgotten submissions, who is attempting to end the career of Mike Quackenbush. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gz5Dtz2z7C4

. Tim Donst, an underrated wrestler with great mat skills who's crazy and unpredictable nature has made him one of the better heels today. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5vDJgxjC68

. Ophidian, one of the quickest members of the roster, Ophidian's snake like luchalibre submission style is always entertaining to watch. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBZQkC6iwlM

. Archibald Peck, while considered a rudo by CHIKARA, many fans have come to love Archibald Peck and his personae Marchie Archie, the Leader of the Band, and Mixed Martial Archie, as he tries and fails to impress his marching band love, Veronica. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDw0ivvq9Nk
All I know is I've never wished injury on any wrestler as much as I wish it upon Cena. WWE really needs to learn that you have to have all good things in moderation.

Do not wish harm upon Cena, for if he gets injured he will come back stronger than you ever thought possible.
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