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June Wrasslin |OT| When you lose, you're a jobber, when you win, you're Cena.

I just want him to be out for some months, not to cripple him.

There is no happy medium. If he is gone for a while he will be insurable when he comes back

Even if we kill him, they will have a memorial show (three hours) for him, then months of t-shirts and special




Current Cena, every week, every month, every year, is best in the long run.


So not worth it
Well, as long as their's a good portion of AJ on my screen each week, I can skip ahead of the Cena parts and be happy.

It's when WWE decides that AJ is popular and team her with Cena to get him over is when I'll start to worry. We all saw what that did for Ryder, it's not a good place.


He'll come back like this

And jump around the ring Sin Cara style.

That won't be John, It'll be Juan Cena.


There is no happy medium. If he is gone for a while he will be insurable when he comes back

Even if we kill him, they will have a memorial show (three hours) for him, then months of t-shirts and special

I'd rather have videos of Cena doing unrelated shit around, than have him near the ring.


formerly cjelly
Did anyone else think it was a bit off when Cena called Johnny Ace 'chain-smoking cripple' on Monday?

I know, Be A Star and all that, but for a guy that is at the forefront of Make A Wish that seemed a little off to me.
Cena won't get fired because it's Big Johnny, and he can't make threats like that with Vince around.

This will happen

Vince McMahon turns heel and helps Big Show win. Next night announcers in despair all night about Cena being fired. End of the night HHH comes out and reinstates him. Start the summer feud of Vince and Laurinitis vs Cena and HHH. Entire WWE fanbase in shock and awe as Cena doesn't even miss 1 Raw being fired. Vince brings back Lesnar and gives him everything he wants to take out HHH at Summerslam.


This will happen

Vince McMahon turns heel and helps Big Show win. Next night announcers in despair all night about Cena being fired. End of the night HHH comes out and reinstates him. Start the summer feud of Vince and Laurinitis vs Cena and HHH. Entire WWE fanbase in shock and awe as Cena doesn't even miss 1 Raw being fired. Vince brings back Lesnar and gives him everything he wants to take out HHH at Summerslam.

Oh my god you're right.
This will happen

Vince McMahon turns heel and helps Big Show win. Next night announcers in despair all night about Cena being fired. End of the night HHH comes out and reinstates him. Start the summer feud of Vince and Laurinitis vs Cena and HHH. Entire WWE fanbase in shock and awe as Cena doesn't even miss 1 Raw being fired. Vince brings back Lesnar and gives him everything he wants to take out HHH at Summerslam.

Does this also mean we finally get Cena/McMahon? it's like one of the few big Cena matches left even if it's just Vince being destroyed for 20 minutes.


Vince being sprayed with sauce and being forced to say funny quips by Cena is coming to a Summerslam near you soon! Best prepare the money to order such a landmark event.

At least it will be JR's bbq sauce, Vince might bully him, but always makes him money.


This will happen

Vince McMahon turns heel and helps Big Show win. Next night announcers in despair all night about Cena being fired. End of the night HHH comes out and reinstates him. Start the summer feud of Vince and Laurinitis vs Cena and HHH. Entire WWE fanbase in shock and awe as Cena doesn't even miss 1 Raw being fired. Vince brings back Lesnar and gives him everything he wants to take out HHH at Summerslam.

Another convoluted angle to get Cena and, more importantly, H's over again?

So what crummy motive would Vince have for the heel turn?
- I hate all these people and therefore I hate you, there is no reason for this hate!
- You shouldn't have dodged Show's punch and i'm unbelievably angry!
- You lost to Rock at WM meaning that this current era sucks and i'm blaming you!
- Because i'm Vince McMahon dammit!
Why are people predicting a Vince "heel" turn?

You just wait, there is an entire audience of people who will be shocked out of their shoes and socks by the idea of Vinny Mac attacking Cena even if Vince has spent 90% of his on air tenure screwing over the good guys with them watching, twitter and facebook will implode with silly messages saying how the chairman has only just now come off his rocker and should be fired from the sports by the mighty COO.


more money than God
Does SoulPlaya work for WWE.com?

Happy Birthday, Sandman!!!

And I wish I worked for WWE. It would be Kane, all day, everyday.

He probably just sent them that by twitter.
I don't have a twitter. :(

EDIT: BTW, that Kane article is missing Chyna, his first "love" in the WWE, but I guess they're completely ignoring her.

EDIT 2: Here's that pic without the tumblr filter that was asked for earlier.
3 years ago today one of the greatest professional wrestlers of all time passed away in the ring at the age of 46 - from his run as the second Tiger Mask, through his legendary All Japan feuds with Toshiaki Kawada & Kenta Kobashi, the split away from All Japan and the forming of Pro-Wrestling NOAH, Mitsuharu Misawa was ever at the forefront of Japanese professional wrestling and the industry as a whole is far worse off without his spirit - rest in peace Misawa;


16 of his best and most notable matches - welp, I know what I'll be doing while I'm supposed to be working. EMERALD FLOWSION!!!!

Fantastic. Will watch these throughout the week.

Thanks for this info mate.


And just like that, I am a Kota Ibushi fan.

I didn't know who any of these guys are, but I was marking the fuck out during the entire second half of this match. In-fucking-credile. Gonna go watch alot more now.

Ibushi is amazing. He is my #1 Wrestling crush. He is my version of Kane. And he is better than Kane. Omega is a close second. Jacobs is #3.


So what crummy motive would Vince have for the heel turn?
- I hate all these people and therefore I hate you, there is no reason for this hate!
- You shouldn't have dodged Show's punch and i'm unbelievably angry!
- You lost to Rock at WM meaning that this current era sucks and i'm blaming you!
- Because i'm Vince McMahon dammit!


-"You know what I actually agree with Big Show, what has pandering to all you idiots done for my company"
-Goes on thousands of reasons why over the last 7 years business has been in the toilet. Commercial break during this segment.
-Mentions that it took Rock coming back to actually make people think Cena look like a star.
-Praises Otunga, Wade Barrett, Cody Rhodes, Punk and Bryan.(inside baseball references a plenty).
-introduces new segment of people cruiserweights or tag team divsions, comments Johnny is right he has been reading the message bords like wrestlingcrap - people want refeshing ideas and concepts not big lumpering goofballs sends Cena back to developmental.

I'm not a WWE writer but this will be what Vince will do.


more money than God
This is such a great quote by WWE.com

"WWE.com looks back at the various romantic exploits of Kane: lover, fighter, champion of women, and most of all … The Divas’ Favorite Demon."

We salute you, Big Red Sexy. *tear*


more money than God
So Kane is only 20 years older then AJ right?

That's not freaky at all, no sir.
Yeah, exactly twenty years. Honestly, they really should have gone with a Kane's daughter gimmick. It would allow her to be unique, justify her insanity, and it would guarantee a job for life with the WWE.

My worry for her is that once she's done with this Bryan run, which must happen eventually, she'll be relegated to the worthless Divas division, where she'll be turned into another cookie cutter Diva.

-"You know what I actually agree with Big Show, what has pandering to all you idiots done for my company"
-Goes on thousands of reasons why over the last 7 years business has been in the toilet. Commercial break during this segment.
-Mentions that it took Rock coming back to actually make people think Cena look like a star.
-Praises Otunga, Wade Barrett, Cody Rhodes, Punk and Bryan.(inside baseball references a plenty).
-introduces new segment of people cruiserweights or tag team divsions, comments Johnny is right he has been reading the message bords like wrestlingcrap - people want refeshing ideas and concepts not big lumpering goofballs sends Cena back to developmental.

I'm not a WWE writer but this will be what Vince will do.

Reason #273: ARMBAR



Marc Braun
So Ricardo Rodriguez likes Justin Bieber! Big Deal! I'm afraid this is one time I will have to stick up for Alberto Del Rio's personal ring announcer. If he is a fan of The Beiber then that is his right so stop laughing at him in this regards. He is a good singer and even made a song i particularly like. Just because you or someone you know may like an artist that is not popular within your inner circle does not mean they suck or you don't know anything. So, everyone, including Santino Marella, don't laugh at Ricardo for liking Justin Beiber. Laugh at him for his announcing!
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