So guys, I turn 31 today.
Happy Birthday champ
So guys, I turn 31 today.
Marc Braun
So Ricardo Rodriguez likes Justin Bieber! Big Deal! I'm afraid this is one time I will have to stick up for Alberto Del Rio's personal ring announcer. If he is a fan of The Beiber then that is his right so stop laughing at him in this regards. He is a good singer and even made a song i particularly like. Just because you or someone you know may like an artist that is not popular within your inner circle does not mean they suck or you don't know anything. So, everyone, including Santino Marella, don't laugh at Ricardo for liking Justin Beiber. Laugh at him for his announcing!
Are you kidding? I just found out that what tumblr and reddit were a few weeks ago. You think I have those editing skills?You?
Wow. Thankyou mate.On the technicos (faces) side;
. Eddie Kingston, the reigning CHIKARA Grand Champion, King presents a different style than most members of the roster, very hard hitting and intense, tells a great story in the ring and cuts some of the best promos on the indies. -
. 'Lightning' Mike Quackenbush, the founder and head trainer of CHIKARA, a technical wrestling mastermind, lots of unique submissions and holds and a style that draws influence from all over the world.
. The Colony, Fire Ant, Soldier Ant & Green Ant, big fan favourites for their innovative high-flying style.
. UltraMantis Black, one of the CHIKARA veterans and, despite a dark past, is a huge fan favourite, great technical wrestler with one of the best finishers on the roster, the Praying Mantis Bomb.
. Sara Del Rey, trained in part by Daniel Bryan she's an excellent technical wrestler, and very heavily influenced by the hard-hitting Japanese women's wrestling of the 90's, making her one of the most powerful wrestlers on the roster.
On the rudos (heels) side;
. F.I.S.T. (friends in similar tights, lol), Chuck Taylor, Icarus & Johnny Gargano, one of the best teams today who work really well together. Icarus is quite possibly the most despised heel in all of wrestling, and while the fans may laugh at Chuck Taylor's antics, he's a very underrated wrestler. Johnny Gargano, meanwhile, is one of the current 'hot properties' of the indies, very accomplished junior heavyweight style wrestler and the current Dragon Gate USA champion.
. GEKIDO - a group of former CHIKARA students who left under less than amicable circumstances, but have now returned under new identities to get revenge on CHIKARA. The group consists of The Swarm (assailANT, combANT & deviANT) who are going after The Colony, The Shard who is going after Jigsaw, and 17, master of 17 forgotten submissions, who is attempting to end the career of Mike Quackenbush.
. Tim Donst, an underrated wrestler with great mat skills who's crazy and unpredictable nature has made him one of the better heels today.
. Ophidian, one of the quickest members of the roster, Ophidian's snake like luchalibre submission style is always entertaining to watch.
. Archibald Peck, while considered a rudo by CHIKARA, many fans have come to love Archibald Peck and his personae Marchie Archie, the Leader of the Band, and Mixed Martial Archie, as he tries and fails to impress his marching band love, Veronica.
Who the fuck is making these music videos? Wow.
FYI, ilovewrestlinggifs guy hosts his on imgur because tumblr has a shitty 1mb cap.Stop using tumblr gifs and waste time making them?
I can make a better music video than these shmucks.
FYI, ilovewrestlinggifs guy hosts his on imgur because tumblr has a shitty 1mb cap.
This one of AJ is well done:
She could start punching like Kane.MY only disappointment of the handling of AJ is that she hasn't had any presence in the Divas division. They should have taken it to the next level by having her emulate her current 3 obsessions moves. Flying Elbow off top rope, yes lock, choke slam(maybe not given her size) but you get the idea, etc.
This would be fun to see, she can perform the Kane Klaw instead of the chokeslam which would also build up the psycho meter.MY only disappointment of the handling of AJ is that she hasn't had any presence in the Divas division. They should have taken it to the next level by having her emulate her current 3 obsessions moves. Flying Elbow off top rope, yes lock, choke slam(maybe not given her size) but you get the idea, etc.
I don't know. I thought it was effective. I want to see Kane win a match by submission, for once.This would be fun to see, she can perform the Kane Klaw instead of the chokeslam which would also build up the psycho meter.
Why the hell is Kane no longer smothering people dammit?!
I don't doubt it, man.I can make a better music video than these shmucks.
I'll have you know that my musical tastes are exquisite!Naw, it was the music that tipped me off. I already knew you had questionable taste so I just connected the dots.
I'll have you know that my musical tastes are exquisite!
Just check the metal thread, darn it.
I've posted this before, but damn it, it deserves another listen.
I lmao on that segment.....Cena's face was priceless
This one of AJ is well done:
overgrown ash ketchum.
He has no pokemons, so that's out.
If memory serves he busts out a little "hey!" upon making his pose, it's weirdly amusing.
Twelve IMPACT WRESTLING Superstars battle in grueling series of matches with the ultimate prize on the line - a World Championship Match in the main event at Octobers Bound For Glory Pay-Per-View spectacular, our biggest event of the year! The wrestler with the most points at the end of the Bound For Glory Series wins and advances to the Bound For Glory main event!
The 12 Competitors
Find out who will be in the 2012 Bound For Glory Series during the Gauntlet match at 8pm on Spike TV!
How to Get Points
Points are determined by wins and losses how you win is equally as important!
Submission Victory 10 points
Pinfall Victory 7 points
Countout Victory 5 points
Disqualification Victory 3 points
Draw (Time Limit/Double Countout/Double Disqualification) Two points
Disqualification Lose you LOSE 10 points
The Type of Matches
Each wrestler will battle each other ONCE in the series! These matches will take place over IMPACT WRESTLING on Spike TV and on TNAs live event tours across the country, with the point structure outlined above.
Standings and How to Win!
The standings will be updated on The standings will be locked on the September 6 edition of IMPACT WRESTLING on SpikeTV. The top point leaders advance to No Surrender PPV (9/9) for a one-night playoff to see who gets the Bound For Glory World Title Match!
I can't understand if Cena is some sort of super hero, cereal mascot, or power ranger or overgrown ash ketchum.
Debut episode of Billy Corgan's Chicago-based indy Resistance Pro, featuring wrestlers such as Harry Smith, Matt Cross, ACH, Jay Bradley, the Daivari brothers, Melanie Cruise & Taylor Made;
"This episode introduces newcomers to R-Pro and the major forces currently dominating it's live shows including current Heavyweight Champion HARRY SMITH, Women's Champion MELANIE CRUISE, and number one contender "Lonesome" JAY BRADLEY."
*edit, btw, this episode features VADER.
Does SoulPlaya work for
Yup. Great song.Hmm...
I concede
I remember people saying that if Austin had the same brawl match against Johnny Ace at Over The Limit, that everyone would eat it up. Well this video demonstrates the difference between the two. Austin would've made jumping guys in their hotel room really funny and memorable. With Cena it's like some random Barney cosplayer threw a tantrum. The guy has become boring incarnate.
And the Bound For Glory Series last year provided hilarity. I'm hoping for another Samoa Joe mishandling for the lulz.
Thanks, that looks awesome. I will be watching this. That production quality puts Ring of Honor to shame.
That video is terrible, lol.Austin had his own style of making fans cheer as well as Cena. IMO theres no comparison as far as entertaining the fans. Austin got away with flipping people off, using more of the vulgar language. As for Cena he had to make it a Comedy hour because he had to entertain the kids as well.. My favorite Cena promos were he had a feud with Angle, Edge and Eddie
We have four releases from FCW:
-- Eli Cottonwood
-- Jiro
-- Benicio Salazar
-- Sonny Elliot
This is a whole lot better than last year's format. 100% improvement. I look forward to this.
That video is terrible, lol.
Debut episode of Billy Corgan's Chicago-based indy Resistance Pro, featuring wrestlers such as Harry Smith, Matt Cross, ACH, Jay Bradley, the Daivari brothers, Melanie Cruise & Taylor Made;
"This episode introduces newcomers to R-Pro and the major forces currently dominating it's live shows including current Heavyweight Champion HARRY SMITH, Women's Champion MELANIE CRUISE, and number one contender "Lonesome" JAY BRADLEY."
*edit, btw, this episode features VADER.
Kane has already sent Cena home to be a family man. Kane won!
I know it wasnt the best but was kinda giving an example of cenas stuff.. AE Cena would be alot better
We have four releases from FCW:
-- Eli Cottonwood
-- Jiro
-- Benicio Salazar
-- Sonny Elliot
wow this is GREAT!
It features a lot of superstars I know and love. Thanks Bootaaay.
Billy Corgan really has a great thing going here. Puts current ROH to shame.
Billy Corgan is a smart cookie - i never though he out do ROH and Sincair has a FUCKTON of money from the ABC deals and the Christian Boys.
Sincair has a FUCKTON of money from the ABC deals and the Christian Boys.