Fanny Pack.
Real Ass SC.
Stop giving people these corny ass cartoon character gimmicks.
Oh, without question. Steve Austin is the best promoer ever, and his charisma draws well even out of character (which isn't that far from his in ring character).Good stuff.
You know, Stone Cold out of character is arguable more charismatic than the Rock(when he's out of character).
Probably the last time we got RASC was when he gave those Tough Enough promos. Every time he shows up on Raw though, he's PG G-Fex Friendly Stone Cold.
Steve Austin and Kevin Pereira challenge each other to a Gruff-Off featuring lines sent in via Twitter from AOTS fans. Find out who wins!
Holy shit, LOL!!!Chugging some Stevewater, flipping people the thumbs up, raising heck.
That is seriously going to be the line of the year. The only thing that comes close is Jiu-Jitsu Jack-Off.
and I don't care if he said it in 2011.
They didn't even need a fancy CGI logo and shit.
Survivor Series.
November 17.
Everyone knows Hulk is a Persona 3 exclusive character.
You watch that promo and think "Man, that guy can kick someone's ass. I want that PPV"
You watch Raw these days and think "Man, I can take all these guys. Let's watch a legit sport like boxing."
Boxing? Stop playin', lol.You watch that promo and think "Man, that guy can kick someone's ass. I want that PPV"
You watch Raw these days and think "Man, I can take all these guys. Let's watch a legit sport like boxing."
Boxing? Stop playin', lol.
You watch that promo and think "Man, that guy can kick someone's ass. I want that PPV"
You watch Raw these days and think "Man, I can take all these guys. Let's watch a legit sport like boxing." you missed me, @WWEUniverse! Takin' a little vacay. If the umbrella drinks run low, Might be back next week!
Net probably wears a Kane mask at night now. What happened, Net?Net Wrecker sold out. I hear him and John Cena and CM Chump were having Coffee at Starbucks.
Boxing? Stop playin', lol.
I guess you're pretty much fucked then.'m in costume, on set and ready to roll. But where are @WWERoadDogg and @wwejoshmathews? ‪#Amateurs‬
Guise, c'mon guise. T'was a jokey joke.
I meant to say legit sport with actual tough guys like futbol, or the en-bee-aye.
And I only go to Starbucks to spend money I would have used for watching ROH.
The only tough guy in the NBA is Carlos Boozer.Guise, c'mon guise. T'was a jokey joke.
I meant to say legit sport with actual tough guys like futbol, or the en-bee-aye.
And I only go to Starbucks to spend money I would have used for watching ROH.
Chugging some Stevewater, flipping people the thumbs up, raising heck.
Puppet H has better ab definition than Triple H.
The only tough guy in the NBA is Carlos Boozer.
Motherfuck, I nearly choked on my grapes reading this. :lol
Motherfuck, I nearly choked on my grapes reading this. :lol
Don't forget Punk who has floundered on end since his golden boy promo.The problem with Del Rio besides a ring announcer, wink and catchphrase his character hasn't evolved however Daniel Bryan's character has kept going forward since MITB not looping like Del Rio/Swagger/Dolph Ziggler.
"Raising heck" is the best censorship of anything ever in history.
You on the Matt Hardy diet, btw? Good for you.
Because they've stood tall gettting Cena shoved down your throat, and they don't worry about developing other wrestler's character. Bryan did evolve, but not because of their writing or intentional booking.The problem with Del Rio besides a ring announcer, wink and catchphrase his character hasn't evolved however Daniel Bryan's character has kept going forward since MITB not looping like Del Rio/Swagger/Dolph Ziggler.
That Austin promo led me to watch more videos of Austin, HBK and Bret. Love it.
Some unintentional comedy:
Damn straight. Welcome to the Boozer Defense Force.So tough he uses shoe polish for hair. Can't get no tougher then dat, boi.
no i don't care if that made no sense shut up
Because they've stood tall gettting Cena shoved down your throat, and they don't worry about developing other wrestler's character. Bryan did evolve, but not because of their writing or intentional booking.
Not to mention, if you saw any of those gentleman walking down the street, carrying groceries, there'd be no doubt in your mind that they're WWE Superstars.
Beautiful. Someone, tweet this to AJ.
You can tell by the fanny pack.
Because they've stood tall gettting Cena shoved down your throat, and they don't worry about developing other wrestler's character. Bryan did evolve, but not because of their writing or intentional booking.
Beautiful. Someone, tweet this to AJ.
EDIT: Tweet this too, lol.
Well they intentially paired Bryan with AJ and intentially embaressed Bryan at WM to get Smarks as the catalyst to get others to at least react to him, Vince told him to over react to every match victory. Bryan and Vince to get her got the character over.
That's not PG.....even though it would create a good feud with CM Punk.