Here's how shitty WWE's booking is.
I'm trying to think of a heel I can see posing a legit threat to Punk, Cena, or Sheamus from a storytelling perspective. Dolph? Nope. Jobbed to all of them, not to mention, got squashed by a dancing idiot who has never even won a title. The only way they could do it is to turn him face, drop Vickie and act like she was why he was failing so much, but then they wouldn't do face vs face. Kane? Nope. Kane will always be a joke who never wins anything major. You know it, and I know it. The last time Kane was a threat was shortly after he lost his mask, and he's been a boring goober since then. Mark Henry? Possibly over Sheamus and Punk. Sheamus has beaten him, but they're close calls. Mark has beaten Punk even if it involved interference that wasn't on his part. I love Mark Henry as a heel, but between all the injuries and his age, this wouldn't be ideal. Cody? Nope. They've booked Cody like shit ever since he feuded with Big Show. Big Show turns everything to shit. Big Show? Fuck Big Show. Tensai? Nope. Cena beat him, and Sheamus beat him. I'm sure Super Punk can beat him too. Jericho? Punk beat him. Cena's beaten him more times than I have fingers. Sheamus has probably beaten him if Jericho has trouble with a guy like Kofi.
What the hell does that say about your booking when you don't have a single, credible heel in your company to face Gohan, Goku, and Vegeta?