I wonder if Ziggler will burn Lawler tonight. Something along the lines of "I stole the show last night and despite what Jerry Lawler thinks, the crowd was chanting for me!"
We can dream.
Aiii said:Come on, she faked death and smiled behind his back Soulplaya, I'm sorry man, it's over, time to start the mourning process.
Lol, as if Ziggler will get mic time.
if Kane is enraged by that point, he shouldn't be leaving this feud.She's going to continue to toy with Kane, while playing the damsel in distress so Punk keeps trying to save her from the Big Red Machine - Punk and Kane will feud going into Money in the Bank, Punk wins but is either hurt in the process, or injured by a Daniel Bryan surprise attack post-match, which helps Bryan beat an injured Punk for the title at SummerSlam. AJ goes to console Punk post-match, but then hits him with a low blow before celebrating with Bryan to close the PPV, leaving Punk out for revenge and Kane enraged as he realises that AJ has been manipulating him all along.
if Kane is enraged by that point, he shouldn't be leaving this feud.
I hope Bryan is still in the title picture but as many have mentioned, the focus seem to have shifted to Kane/Punk>/AJ. However, I have a feeling that Bryan isn't done yet and we will have our blowoff match at SummerSlam.
Cena will do the same to Bryan. Pretty soon, we won't have a reason to watch the actual PPV.Kane will embrace the hate from all the betrayal. All the way back to the pre-show. JTG, Drew and Slater better hide.
Mysterio is free to come back next week. Guess they'll put him on the Smackdown side since they have Punk and Cena working Smackdown shows now due to the lack of talent. Daniel Bryan vs Mysterio would be some great matches. Tonight's gotta be the night for them to do the big June angle if there is one this year right??? I'm still thinking Lesnar was the big summer angle, but they just rushed it.
Cyndi Lauper is the big June angle.
The new format NXT starts up this week doesn't it?
Anyone know, is it the full FCW roster or is it just a set cast?
What if it was Sin Cara? He needs a storyline, after all. maybe he should be behind all of this AJ madness.
Sin Cara: *Takes out picture of Kane, points at it repeatedly*
Cole: "Aw, son of a female dog!"
I honestly think they are going to have Punk yell at AJ about her helping him win the title and then she goes nuts and Kane appears.
Well, we'll always have the memories, people. Remember this great moment from so long ago?Haha, that's great, they should totally do that.
Nah, he was smiling when he saw it, obviously he's not gonna turn on her. He might claim innocence. But yell at her? Doubt that.
According to F4Wonline.com, for the second pay-per-view in a row, WWE officials came very close to putting the WWE Championship on Daniel Bryan.
It had been reported after WWE's Over The Limit pay-per-view that debate had gone on all week behind the scenes about Bryan beating CM Punk for the title. Once again, Bryan was heavily considered for the win last night, and creative has discussed Bryan for the future as WWE Champion, but in the end, the company decided to stick with CM Punk as the champion for the time being.
It's a stupid dirt sheet post. It means nothing. Of course, "at one point", they considered giving the belt to Bryan. I'm sure, "at one point", Kane was brought up. It says nothing, and means nothing.*reads the above, tries to reconcile last night's ending with Bryan gone for 5 minutes*
and I don't even have HD for Sky, in the words of Kurt Angle that's a load of bunk.Yes supposedly its going to up between £5 - £10 streams because starting November all Sports event replays will be in HD. Sky has to recover these costs somehow.
This post is great, I'd almost forgotten about the texting stuff, but what really sucks is that as awful as that all was it was probably better than what's happening now and I say that as someone who has never liked Nash.How does him coming back again so soon even make sense? After his and HHH's LEGENDARY BLOOD FEUD of a match that left us all riveted at the magnitude of its personal-ness, the pure importance of it all ended, how does he just waltz back in, show the NWO sign, hug and then squash the one-man-southern-rockband?
I'll keep asking for some instrumental music for him because all this lyrical rock stuff hasn't fitted him at all and it's all been downhill since the Nexus theme which was actually pretty good.When Wade Barrett comes back I hope its without that stupid new theme he had that didn't really fit him at all.
He liked it though so he'll probably keep it lol. *shakes head*
One of the more positive things of last night, aside from the obvious is the push for Titus and Young, very deserving. Love their characters and their angles.
Also good to see there's now 4 different tag-teams outside of the champions, now there's a tag-team division. Yay.
One of the more positive things of last night, aside from the obvious is the push for Titus and Young, very deserving. Love their characters and their angles.
Also good to see there's now 4 different tag-teams outside of the champions, now there's a tag-team division. Yay.
*reads the above, tries to reconcile last night's ending with Bryan gone for 5 minutes*
All the guys want her, she can wrestle, is the best actor of the bunch and she's cute enough to send to the troops for their promotional videos.
She'll be in the top 10 of Maxim's 100 next year. (because Vince will pay them to put some divas in there)
Bryan being out for the last 5 minutes made no sense. How ever Kane doing the job and not Bryan means something. If the WWE was really destroying him he would have taken the fall.
Wouldn't it be more amazing if Kane came out, took off his mask, and just showed pictures of his granddaughter?Bryan being out for the last 5 minutes made no sense. How ever Kane doing the job and not Bryan means something. If the WWE was really destroying him he would have taken the fall.
A more edgy (read: racist) mid to late 90s WWF would know exactly what to do with groups like Epico/Primo, The Usos, The PTPers (I can't help but think of Dick Vitale now when I see D.Young and O'Neill), etc. It would be awfully offensive in hindsight yet produce great television and wrestling matches.
She's going to continue to toy with Kane, while playing the damsel in distress so Punk keeps trying to save her from the Big Red Machine - Punk and Kane will feud going into Money in the Bank, Punk wins but is either hurt in the process, or injured by a Daniel Bryan surprise attack post-match, which helps Bryan beat an injured Punk for the title at SummerSlam. AJ goes to console Punk post-match, but then hits him with a low blow before celebrating with Bryan to close the PPV, leaving Punk out for revenge and Kane enraged as he realises that AJ has been manipulating him all along.
It would be something different at leastWouldn't it be more amazing if Kane came out, took off his mask, and just showed pictures of his granddaughter?
Kane: "I have a family, damn it! Stop making me betray my wife! Get these women away from me!"
Cole: "Aw, son of a female dog!"
Heath Slater will be complaining that he got a text from someone.
I hope the WWE actually does something with this potential emerging tag team scene.
Has anyone seen Daniel Bryan? Is he still knocked out on the outside of the ring?
You know what else would be different? A storyline or match that has a satisfying conclusion.It would be something different at least
Running Raw tomorrow night,going to be epic
What does it mean?!