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June Wrasslin |OT| When you lose, you're a jobber, when you win, you're Cena.

Ill agree since MITB is so meaningless anyway. Give a new wrestler a chance in the rotation to win it and cash in aft er a match is so tired, then the title reign burns out as boring anyway most of the time. Ziggler is probably up to get a reign though.

I dunno, some MITB wins have led to amazing runs. Edge's first cash in, Punk's second, and D Brine being the three most obvious examples.
I dunno, some MITB wins have led to amazing runs. Edge's first cash in, Punk's second, and D Brine being the three most obvious examples.

The run of Edge's first cash in was only like 3 weeks though, but that said it was the best three weeks in ages and had Ric Flair storming down to the ring to show Lita his mastery of the bedroom because Edge was according to Flair himself "dead in the bed, Fred" so maybe it was amazing after all.
The cash in itself was incredible, such a mark out moment, funnily enough I missed it at first because I turned off the ppv after Cena retained with a rollup.
true.. what a flop.

It eats away at me, I was so chuffed when Kennedy won at WM23 and if Batista's biography is to be believed (who can doubt big Dave?) Kennedy would have cashed in when Edge did with his case but as we know he got injured which is why Edge cashed it in in the first place, except it wasn't a serious injury at all that was misdiagnosed and he missed like 2 weeks.


It eats away at me, I was so chuffed when Kennedy won at WM23 and if Batista's biography is to be believed (who can doubt big Dave?) Kennedy would have cashed in when Edge did with his case but as we know he got injured which is why Edge cashed it in in the first place, except it wasn't a serious injury at all that was misdiagnosed and he missed like 2 weeks.

AJPW, "RISE UP TOUR 2012 - FINAL", 27.05.2012
Tokyo Korakuen Hall
1,650 Fans


01. Hiroshi Yamato & Yasufumi Nakanoue vs Osamu Nishimura & MAZADA

02. Akebono & Ryota Hama vs KENSO & Masao Inoue

03. Suwama & Masanobu Fuchi vs Masayuki Kono & Minoru Tanaka


04. Manabu Soya & Takumi Soya vs Seiya Sanada & Joe Doering

05. Taiyo Kea vs Takao Omori


06. Daisuke Sekimoto & Yuji Okabayashi (c) vs Kaz Hayashi & Shuji Kondo


07. Kenny Omega (c) vs KAI

The Soyas teaming together in Takumi's return match was cool while it lasted, Sanada & Takumi had a nice stretch into the finish and it's good to see Takumi back from injury. Omori vs Kea was pretty good, started off with some nice technical wrestling before bringing the hard hitting action, although Kea kinda fumbled the Tiger Driver '91 leading into the finish. Sekimoto & Okabayashi vs Kondo & Kaz was freaking awesome, Daisuke & Yuji are amazing and Kondo is so over with the crowd. Yuji has a great display of strength early on when Kaz tries to take him to the ground by his neck, but he just powers out and slams Hayashi with a backdrop. Kaz and Kondo regain control with a clever bit of tag team trickery, but Yuji manages to tag out shortly after, leaving Kondo to test his strength against the freakishly strong Sekimoto, who just powers him up like he weighs nothing. Later, Kaz goes for a hand-spring on Sekimoto, who deftly catches him in a torture rack, but nearly botches as the momentum almost causes him to dump Hayashi over the top rope. They pick up the pace like crazy in the last 5 minutes or so into an excellent finishing stretch that had me jumping out of my seat on more than one occasion, really awesome, awesome match and yet another instance of Sekimoto & Okabayashi being involved in the best match of an All Japan card. In the main even Omega vs KAI wasn't bad, Kenny was in full dickish heel mode, which is always fun to see. Handful of nasty looking spots, namely Omega with a northern lights off the guardrail onto the floor, KAI with a HUGE German that dunked Omega right on the top of his head and when KAI got his knees up for Kenny's running SSP Omega's head impacted full on with the side of KAI's knee. The finish was complete overkill, with both guys kicking out of each other's top tier moves, but the crowd seemed really into it by that point, as they were pretty burnt out during the awkward start. I'm not entirely sold on KAI yet, and I felt this was one of the poorer matches for the World Jr. title that Omega has been involved in. Good show overall though, highlighted again by an awesome All Asia tag match.

So yeah, watch Sekimoto & Okabayashi (c) vs Hayashi & Kondo, you won't regret it if you love top drawer tag team wrestling. Also Prince Devitt vs PAC from the Super Juniors is awesome, watch it.

*edit, next set of talent announced for SHINE Women's Wrestling, which debuts live worldwide via iPPV on July 20th at www.wwnlive.com - here's the updated talent roster;

. Cherry Bomb
. Daffney
. Sara Del Rey
. Christina Von Eerie
. Santana Garrett
. Jayme Jameson
. Jazz
. Allysin Kay
. Kimberly Maddox
. Taylor Made
. Mercedez Martinez
. Rain
. Nikki Roxx
. Veda Scott
. Reby Sky
. Tracy Taylor
. Su Yung


Well, I was very disappointed by the results of the matches, and because I lost £8. However it's not as bad as the £10 I lost due to Russia and the Netherlands.

So anyway, leaving the outcomes and the last half an hour of the PPV aside, I enjoyed the main matches. Ziggler was great as usual, although his matches with Sheamus aren't as good as the ones with Edge and Punk, I don't think (after already having 3 matches in a month) that Ziggler and Sheamus mix well in the ring, now what's going to happen with Ziggler? The MitB briefcase is the only solution for his character and the only way that he might be able to become world champion (for more than an hour).

Christian and Cody work well together, kinda want to see them have a few more matches, but Cody might be going to the MitB match while Christian gets to job to Ryback. Christian's first killswitch was very well done, it locked on smoothly and didn't look awkward as it usually does.

The tag teams match was great, the Usos are the most undeserved team they have, I wonder when will they finally get to be tag champions, or if they'll be broken apart before then. Gabriel jobbed like a champ, he should be put on TV more even if it's just to job, because he does it quite well. Wish Kidd would have gotten more time in the ring, same as Primo. About Primo, surprising how he was the "veteran" in that ring. I'm not a fan of O’Neil and Young, however their current gimmick is interesting, and maybe (if Vince doesn't forgets the tag division again) they will be up for some interesting things if they get the titles with AW as their manager.

I wasn't expecting Hunico and Sin Cara, Hunico had a good heel offensive, however I hated the way that Sin Cara won, it was Cena style, I knew (and wanted) Sinca to win, but not before having an stronger comeback.

And finally, the main event, good match although great at times thanks to Bryan's intensity, Bryan is the best performer there is in the WWE today, brings the best out everyone he wrestles with, and brings some intensity into the matches that no one else in the WWE does it now. As everyone has already said, it was nonsensical for him to be missing at the end of the match, although this is far from being the first time that a clear situation is given in the ring for someone to do a run-in after a match, and it never happens, so whatever.

AJ got into Kane's mind and it is still unknown how Punk will react to AJ's unwanted help. Bryan, didn't get pin and just as his 2 previous title matches (Punk and Sheamus) he was most impressive and dominant. He has a case, and he won't give it up. Will there be another triple-threat for MitB? Or will Bryan stay missing just like at the end of the match until his 1-on-1 match with Punk at Summerslam?

Last but not least, the bad-ass, the fighter, the game, the COO!!!



NeoGAF's smiling token!
Heath Slater is the Team Rocket of the WWE. He comes out and does a catch phrase, gets destroyed, then comes back the next week showing no signs of having taken any damage and has seemingly learned nothing.

He may be one of my favourites.
Yeah, I totally ignore Cena related stuff, so I'm not sure about his match. I only caught part of the ending. The wrestling has been good, but I'm sure they want a heel to drop the title to Cena, and it's going to be Bryan, who I fear will be buried in the process.
They should give the MitB to Heath Slater and i'm not joking. Then he could become the first to not successfully cash it in but the oh shit, Heath Slater is going to beat Cena/Sheamus would be great. I'd love to see a one man southern rock band celebration. He's my favorite jobber (obviously besides Ziggler).


Khrno, your ppv analysis seems to be missing something, almost like an entire match was deliberately ignored, maybe i'm just going mad.

Oh yeah, I deliberately left out the pre-show, the tuxedo match, the women's title and Ryback's squash.

I would have mentioned the Tuxedo match if Ricardo would have arrived in his own car like the other time and had he introduced himself.
I honestly hope Brock no shows the rest of his contract.
This would be pretty delicious, I have no desire myself to see Brock wrestle again especially against Trips in an ego boosting extravaganza so the fallout of such no showing events would be a joy to behold as Vince's last marbles slip through the cracks.

Oh yeah, I deliberately left out the pre-show, the tuxedo match, the women's title and Ryback's squash.

I would have mentioned the Tuxedo match if Ricardo would have arrived in his own car like the other time and had he introduced himself.

Of course! that's everything accounted for then.
I just realised, there's a freaking ROH iPPV this weekend - I wouldn't be all that bothered, but seeing as ROH are giving away the iPPV for free to me and anyone else foolish enough to buy their last in-house iPPV, I guess I'll be watching;

ROH - Best in the World: Hostage Crisis - Sunday, June 24th @ 5PM EST/10PM GMT


. Kevin Steen (c) vs Davey Richards

. Wrestling's Greatest Tag Team (c) vs The All-Night Express

. 'The Belfast Bruiser' Dave 'Fit' Finlay vs 'Unbreakable' Michael Elgin

. Roderick Strong (c) vs Jay Lethal vs 'The Sicilian Psychopath' Tomasso Ciampa

. 'Die Hard' Eddie Edwards vs 'The Notorious 187' Homicide

. The Briscoe Brothers vs The Guardians of Truth

HYBRID FIGHTING RULES (fuck you Cornette);
. Adam Cole vs Kyle O'Reilly

Not a bad card, but nothing crazy exciting other than Elgin vs Finlay, which should prove to be an all out war. Looking forward to finding out who Truth Martini's 'Guardians of Truth' are, also hope ANX beat WGGT for the tag titles.


Of course! that's everything accounted for then.

Mysteriously the Spanish announcers table ended up broken, but I somehow missed how, it was probably when Kane bumped into AJ and sent her flying onto the announcers table.

JBL should be proud of this clothesline.

Mysteriously the Spanish announcers table ended up broken, but I somehow missed how, it was probably when Kane bumped into AJ and sent her flying onto the announcers table.
Yeah it's like the table got aced at some point, how bizarre.

JBL should be proud of this clothesline.

Remember Kane's been to hell and he didn't see JBL's clothesline anywhere, D Bryne must have the clothesline from heck, the PG safe equivalent.


more money than God
Yeah it's like the table got aced at some point, how bizarre.

Remember Kane's been to hell and he didn't see JBL's clothesline anywhere, D Bryne must have the clothesline from heck, the PG safe equivalent.
Greatest line ever. "Clothesline from hell, huh? Well, I've been to hell, and I didn't see your clothesline anywhere."

I still say it to my friends. They laugh. . . . . . . . . on the inside. :(
For someone who didnt watch the PPV, whats up with all this about the crowd reacting to Sheamus?

The fans were cheering very loudly for Sheamus and King was nice enough to acknowledge it, if anyone tells you they were cheering for Ziggler then that's just 10 percenter talk and a complete load of baloney.


In a time where everyone was coming up with the coolest finisher they could, it was a nice change of pace that JBL's finisher was just a brutal clothesline.

He actually made a clothesline to look devastating (props to his opponents for flipping around his arm too).

Remember Kane's been to hell and he didn't see JBL's clothesline anywhere, D Bryne must have the clothesline from heck, the PG safe equivalent.

Bryan performance was fantastic, that clothesline although looks silly while replayed in the gif, in the match looked like he went with everything he had against a wall.


Greatest line ever. "Clothesline from hell, huh? Well, I've been to hell, and I didn't see your clothesline anywhere."

I still say it to my friends. They laugh. . . . . . . . . on the inside. :(

The hype SoulPlaya, the hype!!!


I was a little disappointed that Kane's offensive wasn't better during match, he didn't look weak, but Bryan's intensity being through the roof made him and Punk look somewhat tamer.


The fans were cheering very loudly for Sheamus and King was nice enough to acknowledge it, if anyone tells you they were cheering for Ziggler then that's just 10 percenter talk and a complete load of baloney.

I see. Thank you very much for that information!


Kevin Nash is cool.

Brodus Clay is NOT cool. At all. EVER. Maybe your mom likes him.

My wife insists I should stop watching until they fire Brodus. She hates him that much. No, she doesn't really watch, but she knows enough of his existence to absolutely, positively not be down with the funkasaurus.
I was a little disappointed that Kane's offensive wasn't better during match, he didn't look weak, but Bryan's intensity being through the roof made him and Punk look somewhat tamer.
This bugged me a bit, he spent quite a lot of time getting his ass kicked but hey he gets people over so really I can't complain, Bryan's alternating kicks to Punk and Kane were great.

I see. Thank you very much for that information!

No problem at all, but I must let you in on a little secret,
To actually explain it properly there was a very audible Ziggler chant and King swiftly claimed that it was a Sheamus chant because you know, it's WWE
Oh no, I think Vince is about to yell down my headset, it was definitely Sheamus chants and nothing more!


My wife insists I should stop watching until they fire Brodus. She hates him that much. No, she doesn't really watch, but she knows enough of his existence to absolutely positively not be down with the funkasaurus.

Tell your wife The King of Games thinks she's a smart cookie.

Id watch that clip Bootaaay but I can't right now so ill take your word for it.


As cool as the name was, and as cool as Bradshaw made it look, I always found it strange that they called it the Clothesline from Hell when it was actually a running lariat, Stan Hansen style

Well, the Sharpshooter is a Sasori-gatame, but who are we to argue with wrasslin gods!?


25 minutes of Daniel Bryan interview.

I like how he starts off by saying he would love to be like Cena, main eventing PPV's regardless of owning a title.

Thanks Aiii, listening now.
The Best and Worst of WWE No Way Out '12
Worst: Let’s Not Go, Jerry Lawler

Jerry Lawler heard the crowd chanting “LET’S GO ZIGGLER” and quipped about how the crowd was going crazy with “let’s go Sheamus” chants. Nobody is chanting for Sheamus. At some point you’ve got to stop saying what’s coming in through your headset and observe what’s actually happening. If you aren’t, take it in the other direction. When the crowd’s chanting “GOLDBERG” during Ryback’s match, laugh about how this crowd really thinks Dawn Marie’s got herpes. You were friends with Kaufman, right? Make an Alzheimer’s patient’s understanding of wrestling chants your roaming booger.



Worst: Is Daniel Bryan Floating Around In The Phantom Zone Right Now Or What

Credit to @The_Real_RJ for that. Bryan gets Punk in the Yes Lock and it gets reversed, so he breaks the hold. He goes for it again, Punk reverses and pops him with a GTS. Punk goes for a pin, but before he can, Kane reaches into the ring and pulls Bryan to the outside. Apparently this small gesture caused him to go all The Darkest Hour and turn to ash, because he was nowhere to be found for the last five minutes of the match. Not during the finish, not during the AJ-gets-knocked-off-the-apron and suffers a miscarriage, not during Punk’s Chris Jericho Memorial Run Around The Ring And Get Everyone To Cheer For Nothing celebration. He was just … gone.

They should keep him off television for the next six months until they return to this arena, then start off the show with the ring crew coming down to set up and finding him passed out on the floor.

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