Well, I was very disappointed by the results of the matches, and because I lost £8. However it's not as bad as the £10 I lost due to Russia and the Netherlands.
So anyway, leaving the outcomes and the last half an hour of the PPV aside, I enjoyed the main matches. Ziggler was great as usual, although his matches with Sheamus aren't as good as the ones with Edge and Punk, I don't think (after already having 3 matches in a month) that Ziggler and Sheamus mix well in the ring, now what's going to happen with Ziggler? The MitB briefcase is the only solution for his character and the only way that he might be able to become world champion (for more than an hour).
Christian and Cody work well together, kinda want to see them have a few more matches, but Cody might be going to the MitB match while Christian gets to job to Ryback. Christian's first killswitch was very well done, it locked on smoothly and didn't look awkward as it usually does.
The tag teams match was great, the Usos are the most undeserved team they have, I wonder when will they finally get to be tag champions, or if they'll be broken apart before then. Gabriel jobbed like a champ, he should be put on TV more even if it's just to job, because he does it quite well. Wish Kidd would have gotten more time in the ring, same as Primo. About Primo, surprising how he was the "veteran" in that ring. I'm not a fan of ONeil and Young, however their current gimmick is interesting, and maybe (if Vince doesn't forgets the tag division again) they will be up for some interesting things if they get the titles with AW as their manager.
I wasn't expecting Hunico and Sin Cara, Hunico had a good heel offensive, however I hated the way that Sin Cara won, it was Cena style, I knew (and wanted) Sinca to win, but not before having an stronger comeback.
And finally,
the main event, good match although great at times thanks to Bryan's intensity, Bryan is the best performer there is in the WWE today, brings the best out everyone he wrestles with, and brings some intensity into the matches that no one else in the WWE does it now. As everyone has already said, it was nonsensical for him to be missing at the end of the match, although this is far from being the first time that a clear situation is given in the ring for someone to do a run-in after a match, and it never happens, so whatever.
AJ got into Kane's mind and it is still unknown how Punk will react to AJ's
unwanted help. Bryan, didn't get pin and just as his 2 previous title matches (Punk and Sheamus) he was most impressive and dominant. He has a case, and he won't give it up. Will there be another triple-threat for MitB? Or will Bryan stay missing just like at the end of the match until his 1-on-1 match with Punk at Summerslam?
Last but not least, the bad-ass, the fighter, the game, the COO!!!