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June Wrasslin |OT| When you lose, you're a jobber, when you win, you're Cena.

I'm more a fan of finishers that come out of nowhere. Either submission moves that are locked on out of nowhere or devastating moves that just hit you. That's what I loved about Benoit, that guy could just come out of nowhere and suddenly the guy would be in the Crippler Crossface and you would be like WTF is happening! OMG! YEAH!

Much more fun then "pick a guy up on your shoulder and turn to the camera" like Cena and Punk do or Sheamus punching his chest 20 times yelling BROGUE while the other guy slowly gets on his foot so he can slowly walk into the boot.

One guy better than Benoit, at the OOH SNAP moment was Kurt Angle in his WWE days.. Angle lock out of reversals and take downs.. Kurt Angle at his prime..


Lol, I thought I was the only one here who knew about that pic and story. Now, I respect you even more. *Puts glove back on, takes it off again, shakes your hand again*

When is Barrett back, any way?

I've heard nothing at all, but if we assume that WM was going to have a MITB match for him to win but they abandoned it upon his injury maybe we can at least hope for a return in time for the MITB ppv, however that's just me being optimistic and hoping they still plan to give him the case and that his arm has enhanced healing capabilities.


Let them stick with their idea or they might repackage Wade Barrett as one.

Yeah but Barret is a heel so that would actually make sense.

While Sheamus is the new Cena, so that doesn't make sen- oh wait, if Sheamus is the new Cena, then it makes perfect sense. Vince is a genius!

Wouldn't it be amazing if Big Show is about to beat Cena at No Way Out and then the shocking return of Wade Barrett hits the scene with new entrance music yet again except this time it doesn't suck, he storms the ring and punches through the cage with his bareknuckle brawling powers and then beats seven shades of shit out of Big Show for his disgraceful botch that broke his arm, Cena smirks in the corner only for Barrett to assault him as well.
PPV ends with Barrett standing in the ring, both hands bloodied with Cena and Show's blood. Also JR is on commentary screaming his head off.

also Kane wins WWE title after a double chokeslam to Punk and Bryan, IWC weeps.


also Kane wins WWE title after a double chokeslam to Punk and Bryan, IWC weeps.

That would be fantastic. I'm all in for a '3-time' Kane. And he'd be a transitional champion until Summerslam where Bryan beats him for the title all the way until WM29 where the Royal Rumble winner, CM Punk, defeats him in an 60 minutes iron man match.

Evening Musuko

Black Korea
Wouldn't it be amazing if Big Show is about to beat Cena at No Way Out and then the shocking return of Wade Barrett hits the scene with new entrance music yet again except this time it doesn't suck, he storms the ring and punches through the cage with his bareknuckle brawling powers and then beats seven shades of shit out of Big Show for his disgraceful botch that broke his arm, Cena smirks in the corner only for Barrett to assault him as well.
PPV ends with Barrett standing in the ring, both hands bloodied with Cena and Show's blood. Also JR is on commentary screaming his head off.

also Kane wins WWE title after a double chokeslam to Punk and Bryan, IWC weeps.

That would actually be an awesome return, but I fear that they'll make Barrett into a cookie cutter baby face down the line, because you know the crowd's going to pop hard and Vince is going to see dollar signs because of that.
That would be fantastic. I'm all in for a '3-time' Kane. And he'd be a transitional champion until Summerslam where Bryan beats him for the title all the way until WM29 where the Royal Rumble winner, CM Punk, defeats him in an 60 minutes iron man match.
You see, it all works out in the end and Bryan gets to look like a million bucks by winning that summerslam match clean with brute force making the monster tap out.

That would actually be an awesome return, but I fear that they'll make Barrett into a cookie cutter baby face down the line, because you know the crowd's going to pop hard and Vince is going to see dollar signs because of that.

I shudder to think what face Barrett would be like, unless they go with my suave British agent character idea and give him a heel villain to match.
But yeah it's WWE so cookie cutter face for everyone.


more money than God
That would be fantastic. I'm all in for a '3-time' Kane. And he'd be a transitional champion until Summerslam where Bryan beats him for the title all the way until WM29 where the Royal Rumble winner, CM Punk, defeats him in an 60 minutes iron man match.
Going by ratings data, the safer bet would be Kane vs. Fake Kane for the WWE title.
I'm liking "White Noise" as Sheamus' new finisher, especially as I feel that most guys should have a couple of finishers in the bag to keep their opponents (and the audience) guessing. Also, any moves that lead into a pin should actually work as finishers sometimes (looking at you Kofi).

Sheamus needs to be a different kind of unstoppable Superman than Cena. Cena is annoying because he looks defeated for the entire match and then taps into the powers of Hustle, Loyalty, Respect to shrug everything off. Sheamus should just let everything hit him showing no weakness until something just breaks him, they used this during the 2/3 Falls with Bryan and it worked very well imo
Damn....We had lots of Punk fans in here too. Still remember the first day Punk started his reign towards the title and mostly everyone marked out

To be fair that's from an article from 2008 talking about how Punk was a loser from the indys and that Colin Delaney leaving was a big loss for the company.
Looks like someone can't take the heat


Some if u need to realize, I'm not on creative team, I'm not in talent relations. I'm an announcer, who now has input on ONE talent per month...so relax.


Why would someone care how many followers they have? What purpose does it serve?

Goldust was the most socially active gold-colored fictional character for the 4th month in a row. He now has more followers than Goldar, Gold Lightan, and Goldilocks combined.
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