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June Wrasslin |OT| When you lose, you're a jobber, when you win, you're Cena.


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Also let's be fair I usually cheer heels - because I hate good people.
My point is I'm not convinced it's an issue with Punk as much as it is an issue with the company as a whole.

This. It's entirely an issue with how WWE book their heels and faces. There's a fine line between over-protecting someone and making them look weak, and it's a line WWE very rarely walk - it's as if they're terrified that if a heel ever looks decisive the other guy will be incapable of getting face reactions. The result is that the heels almost always look weak and the faces are unbeatable super-men.
My issue with Punk is that he keeps pushing the "I'm a rebel" gimmick in interviews, when it's just not true. In the end, it's not really a problem with him, but how the WWE has wanted him to act. He's Cena lite now. Is he better than Cena? Hell yeah, but he's got no direction, and I just get the feeling that he's only holding the title because they don't want to give it to Cena yet. He honestly has added very little to the current, feud too. They've neutered his character to such an extent that he's putting his arm around Sheamus, and it's ruined his character. He just smiles and adds nonsensical one liners to promos like it's done something for the feud.

On a personal level, I just don't like how he acts outside of the ring. He comes across as an ass, and he's constantly complaining about how he has to do all these media appearances, and he's never home. Dude, this is what you wanted. He made it clear that his goal after his promo last year was that he wanted the same money and treatment that Cena got. Well, this is it. Yes, you got the title and the tour bus, but Cena has to do nonstop media appearances too. That's no excuse to be a jackass just because some radio jock asked you the same question you've heard a million times.

Outside of WWE television is where Punk's personality still shines imo. I wouldn't say he complains about being on the road all of the time, it just seems like an honest romance. It is who and what he loves, but it is sort of a harsh reality.

Also, I have a hard time rectifying the bolded complaint with the second paragraph. You want him to be rebellious and speak his mind, but don't want him to be rude to condescending moronic DJ's? Admittedly, I haven't seen the Fallon interview but I'll check it out today.

Guys, Punk never changed. He said so during his HILARIOUS promo where he called Bryan goatface. LOL GOATFACE. This guy!

Who is this directed at? I haven't seen anyone defend his current promo work


Guys, Punk never changed. He said so during his HILARIOUS promo where he called Bryan goatface. LOL GOATFACE. This guy!



Guys, Punk never changed. He said so during his HILARIOUS promo where he called Bryan goatface. LOL GOATFACE. This guy!

I think it's funny how he denies the change. Babyface champion in WWE means you HAVE to change otherwise you can't be the babyface champion Vince wants you to be.

Why does he keep denying it? He hasn't dropped a pipebomb since July/August 2011 and yet he keeps mentioning "pipebomb".

And as for the whole "Voice of the voiceless"... what the fuck...

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I think it's funny how he denies the change. Babyface champion in WWE means you HAVE to change otherwise you can't be the babyface champion Vince wants you to be.

Why does he keep denying it? He hasn't dropped a pipebomb since July/August 2011 and yet he keeps mentioning "pipebomb".

And as for the whole "Voice of the voiceless"... what the fuck...

The thing is, when he addresses selling out he's like "I'm sorry I was successful" but that's not what it's about.

Wake me up when he addresses legitimate questions and gives legitimate answers about why he says WWE Universe and treats the viewer like a mouthbreathing Cener fan. It wouldn't bug me if he'd just be like "yep." but instead he insists he didn't sell out. It's not the success. It's the bullshit.


Isn't that like posting a torrent link basically?

Don't see how it's much different than people who upload Raw/Smackdown/NXT on youtube (aside from the obvious difference of one being a streaming link and one being a file that you download).

If it was for a PPV or something else you would have to pay for, then I certainly wouldn't post it.


The thing is, when he addresses selling out he's like "I'm sorry I was successful" but that's not what it's about.

Wake me up when he addresses legitimate questions and gives legitimate answers about why he says WWE Universe and treats the viewer like a mouthbreathing Cener fan. It wouldn't bug me if he'd just be like "yep." but instead he insists he didn't sell out. It's not the success. It's the bullshit.

To be fair, viewers are Cener fans...

I think he took a look at Cena/Triple H ratings and just thought "fuck it, this is hopeless" and went Cena-lite.


Also let's be fair I usually cheer heels - because I hate good people.

I have nothing against face characters, but I just like good face characters. My first and favourite character is Bret Hart and he didn't turn heel until late.

But really, as XenoRaven said, it's very hard to be a good face, that's why there's so many better heels than faces, specially when people aren't genuinely nice and have to force their face act. Best faces are those that are kept real and don't try to push smiles or jokes.


So who's this Buggy Nova that signed with development?


Looks like If Serena, Lita and Ashley fell into a primordial soup.


To be fair, viewers are Cener fans...

I think he took a look at Cena/Triple H ratings and just thought "fuck it, this is hopeless" and went Cena-lite.

But HHH's face status was earned during years and years of burying the roster as a heel, a great heel at that. While Cena schtick is just lousy shit that goes against what he promotes (his slogan, ba* and make-a-wish).


more money than God
Outside of WWE television is where Punk's personality still shines imo. I wouldn't say he complains about being on the road all of the time, it just seems like an honest romance. It is who and what he loves, but it is sort of a harsh reality.

Also, I have a hard time rectifying the bolded complaint with the second paragraph. You want him to be rebellious and speak his mind, but don't want him to be rude to condescending moronic DJ's? Admittedly, I haven't seen the Fallon interview but I'll check it out today.
He's fine in the Fallon interview, it's on no-name radio interviews that he can be an ass. And btw, no one cares if he's being a "rebel" to some poor radio host just trying to do his job or to some idiot like Chris Brown, it's in the WWE that people want him to be a real "rebel".
so whats this about Vince issuing a size and weight requirement for new signings?

Oh Vinny Mac.

I guess the roster is a bit small now a days.

Punk, Bryan, Ziggler, Rhodes, Christian, Miz, Del Rio...

Not a lot of big muscular guys that give Vince those funny feelings.


Looks like WWE is not allowing people to upload the entire episode of NXT on youtube. Certain parts of the show are still there while others have already been taken down.


so whats this about Vince issuing a size and weight requirement for new signings?

Oh Vinny Mac.

I guess the roster is a bit small now a days.

Punk, Bryan, Ziggler, Rhodes, Christian, Miz, Del Rio...

Not a lot of big muscular guys that give Vince those funny feelings.

Del Rio is almost 2m tall, I think you meant Sin Cara.


Time to stop posting the snowangeling gif, it's worn out it's welcome.


Also, saw this in the WZ comments (I know, I know) about WWE adding Steiner to their alumni section and couldn't help but laugh:

"Scott Steiner as the new GM would be EPIC. Imagine those sirens going off every time he came to the ring to settle an argument or make a match. Damn... Plus he's freaking huge."

"what would even be funnier is hearing him stumble over all his words lol"

"Imma book a match...buh-tween dad guy wid all da tattoos an' stuff...whazzisname?...CMPUNK...an'...MikaCO! And as soon as CMPUNK...kicks MikaCO's'...bony l'il white ass...Imma make JR d'announcer o'RAW again because MikaCO SUCKS!

Damn, dude, you're on to something."
Well this thread sure went places after I left, except Beef being Beef with his Raw Quality trolling. To lighten the mood let me regale you all with the random as hell dream I had last night that is tangibly wrestling related.

Okay so i'm at a small train station, in fact it's my local one and somehow it now has three platforms in a dead end formation, i'm on one with D Bryne, CM Punk is on another and Evan Bourne and RYBACK were on the remaining platform.
Now here's where things get really weird, Evan Bourne being the idiot he is decides to jump down on the third rail because he's a daredevil high flying nutjob, instead of getting bolted to the next century nothing happens, as me and my fellow Vegan are perplexed by this chain of events Bourne somehow unscrews a piece of the rail and lobs it up on the platform.
And this is when things that a shocking twist, for reasons unknown Ryback has a Sword resting next to him (in fact it was the Monado from Xenoblade just to make the scene look even more mismatched), the chunk of rail hits is charging it up with electricity, science has no place in here it seems.
So now with a charged up sword Ryback does the logical thing and picks it up, swiftly dashes across the track to Punk's platform and cleanly slices him in half with No More Heroes style blood rain taking place.
Now me and Bryan are bricking ourselves and rightfully so, Ryback basically teleports over and jobs us out with brutal murderous sword slices.

And yeah that was the dream, i'm challenging Beef's title of weirdest wrestling related dream, not sure it tops his though, being chased by Nash and Hall in a car for stealing their spot. The lesson here is you job to Ryback even in your dreams.

At least you were able to face your fears and head to that very station. Meanwhile I still get nervous at the thought of messaging Nash over Twitter!

That's a fantastic dream, though. It gets a 9/10 from me.


Various news.

- According to The Wrestling Observer, the WWE No Way Out PPV drew 10,000 fans. This is considered to be one of the lowest attended WWE events in years at The Izod Center.

- The WWE No Way Out YouTube pre-show match featuring David Otunga vs. Brodus Clay peaked at 43,855 viewers. This is slightly down from previous month's Over the Limit pre-show match with Kane vs. Zack Ryder. That match peaked at 44,049 viewers.

- WWE is currently in the process of re-packaging Tensai.

- Following Tensai's attack on Sakamoto two weeks ago, their association is said to be over. Sakamoto is expected to start as a wrestling character within the next few months.

- Sakamoto been wrestling since 2003 and was trained by former WWE star Taka Michinoku at his Kaientai Dojo school in Japan.

- Despite having two Wellness Policy strikes against him, Randy Orton will be pushed back into a main event spot when he returns from his current suspension.

Orton has been very vocal about wanting to be a heel, but WWE continues to push him as a babyface because the feeling is that World Heavyweight champion Sheamus is not strong enough yet to carry SmackDown live events as the top good guy.


He's fine in the Fallon interview, it's on no-name radio interviews that he can be an ass. And btw, no one cares if he's being a "rebel" to some poor radio host just trying to do his job or to some idiot like Chris Brown, it's in the WWE that people want him to be a real "rebel".

Have you ever heard him be rude to a DJ who didn't have it coming?

Morning radio DJs in general are pondscum, why wouldn't you want them called on it?
Between TNA suing WWE, and TNA suing Steiner...yeah probably not for a long time. Sadly.

Also I'm glad I got at least a few of you on the Sid wagon. :D He really was suuuuper-over at one point. It's amazing how he's come back from that terrifying leg injury and can still go in the ring. Sid is awesome.


His small run in ECW was so over you have no idea.
Bryan doesn't give Punk anything to work with? D-Bry called him out and dropped truth bombs all over and Punk's response was to call him a goat face. Bryan makes screaming yes entertaining, Punk tells people to get their balls from their wife's purse, bullies Big Johnny, who at the time had literally done nothing wrong,, and Cena smirks while calling people toolboxes. A year ago he would tweet about if you didn't like the product to let it be known and not give your money then boo, now he says deal with it and we're all whiners and haters. I can forgive how incredibly sloppy he is in ring because he trues more than most but he's not that great to put all his eggs in that basket.



What a tag team! I'm liking this new NXT quite a lot.

Bryan doesn't give Punk anything to work with? D-Bry called him out and dropped truth bombs all over and Punk's response was to call him a goat face. Bryan makes screaming yes entertaining, Punk tells people to get their balls from their wife's purse, bullies Big Johnny, who at the time had literally done nothing wrong,, and Cena smirks while calling people toolboxes. A year ago he would tweet about if you didn't like the product to let it be known and not give your money then boo, now he says deal with it and we're all whiners and haters. I can forgive how incredibly sloppy he is in ring because he trues more than most but he's not that great to put all his eggs in that basket.




Bah, no Rollins, but at least we got Bo Rotundo, right? Hooray, the blandest of the bland.

Rollins can easily be a huge babyface for WWE, he's great in the ring, flashy as hell, has a great look (which is common in the indies, but not in WWE), and is solid (if unspectacular) on the mic, which is all most babyfaces need.

He and Ambrose are the most easily packaged face and heel they've got in developmental, I hope they've noticed that. I've always heard that there's lots of buzz about Ambrose amongst WWE officials, but I don't hear so much for Rollins.


formerly cjelly
Whatever happens, Orton needs a big kick up the arse.

He's been phoning it in for way too long. Even being called out by Austin didn't get him to pull his finger out of his arse.
lol Orton pushing to be a heel. But Orton, you're fucking awful.
Really I think he just wants to be able to chin lock people for 20 minutes again, you know because it gets heel heat and totally not stop this boring move heat.

Tensei being repackaged already? Bring in A-Train Mk2.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Orton's heel promos ... were ..... AWFUL. Half of them ... consisted of Orton ... mentioning all of his ... nicknames and if he was ... WWE champ ... or not.
Orton's heel promos ... were ..... AWFUL. Half of them ... consisted of Orton ... mentioning all of his ... nicknames and if he was ... WWE champ ... or not.

Still better than "my name.......................*audience cheer*..............................is Randy Orton."
Tensei being repackaged already? Bring in A-Train Mk2.

You're ready for another train already? After your amazing dream?
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