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June Wrasslin |OT| When you lose, you're a jobber, when you win, you're Cena.


How about an OT dedicated to another Triple H.....one who is actually running a good show right now.....



Headed to the White Sox game right now to photograph Shawn Michaels throwing out the first pitch. Pretty cool. Got Punk at the Cubs game last month and now HBK is doing the Sox game.


Did you get to witness Punk's angelic singing?

Yeah, was cool. I was covering the game for a wire service and pretty much had free rein to walk around that night and take photos, so I was right under the press box when Punk sang.

HBK is just throwing out the first pitch, no singing from him tonight.


I wouldn't mind if they could somehow throw together a face Jericho/heel Bryan match for SS.
Would most assuredly be better than Punk-Cena.

Hopefully they have a good feud for Dolph Ziggler going into SummerSlam, and he gets his big victory. Will Rey be back by then?


Hopefully they have a good feud for Dolph Ziggler going into SummerSlam, and he gets his big victory. Will Rey be back by then?
We're probably looking at a long-term Ziggles vs. Swagger feud.
Perhaps it'll be a dual pole match with the MITB briefcase on one pole and Vickie on the other. Let's see who goes for which prize.


Tna Ratings are in:

Impact on Thursday, June 21 scored a 0.97 rating, down from a 1.02 rating last week, but the third consecutive show to round to a 1.0.

With basketball over we will see if they can get any momentum going and if not then they will stay taped.

Also, this is the new favorite TNA plant who needs someone to buy him a shirt.



Good rant from Mike Johnson at pwinsider about why the angle TNA ran with AJ and Dixie was actually a good thing.

pwinsider said:
As I watched last night's TNA Impact Wrestling closing segment, I couldn't help but laugh to myself. I wasn't laughing at the angle and I wasn't laughing at the negative feedback I knew it was going to get (and boy, did it) but I was laughing because wouldn't you know it, Hulk Hogan was right.
All TNA needed was to go live weekly.

That realization hit me last night watching the show's ending. Now, no matter whether you thought the twist of AJ Styles and Dixie Carter helping a pregnant junkie being the secret (and just WHY did Christopher Daniels know about this woman, anyway? Perhaps Daniels is the father of her demon seed?) was insanely ludicrous or ground-breaking, there was one reality through all of this.

You didn't know it was coming and that's why it was the best thing TNA could have done.

Had the show been taped on Tuesday a week ago and aired last night, I'd have a different feeling. After all, if you are the average person, unless you are meticulously taping every wrestling show that is fit to be broadcast, you likely wouldn't have cared about the angle, the reveal or perhaps even the Impact episode. You may have read about it and then moved on, shrugging by the time that it aired. You invested yourself by reading about it and maybe made a mental note to catch the RVD vs. Jeff Hardy match (or Joseph Park, whatever your poison) via DVR later. There was no feeling that it was critical you needed to watch, because it wasn't.

By going live, TNA has created a situation where the majority of the audience that cares about pro wrestling needs to watch, because that's the only way they can follow the company live as it happens, and let's face it, there's a reason Raw will always be the WWE flagship over Smackdown - and it ain't because it's on Mondays, but because it's live and "anything can happen." Impact now has the same feeling.

There's no chance for a preconceived notion about the show to be created, no chance for criticism of the show to be voiced and no chance for Impact to be something that is dismissed without viewing it.

Now, the audience can still do all those things, but ONLY after the show has aired. By then, TNA has you. TNA has created a situation where the audience that watches and dissects the show now has to be emotionally invested in watching the two hours plus (including the online segments and post-game show) before that discussion has happened.

By going live, TNA has pulled the control of their product and how it is depicted back into their own hands and that's a good thing.

Now, as far as why last night's reveal was the best thing the company could have done, no matter whether you saw it as bad acting or a campy twist, here's the reality - no one could have predicted it.

While people may not have liked it (although I can see some female viewers interested in seeing where the twist may go, because obviously this is just the start of a new direction), they certainly couldn't have looked at it and said, "Eh, same old sh**."

Maybe you loved it. Maybe you hated it. But, you had to watch an entire Impact episode to get the payoff, and there was a lot of good wrestling and angles underneath the last segment.

So, the reveal was the best thing the company could have done, because it opens them up to an entirely new dimension for the audience the follow - and with the show airing live, more fans than ever have the potential to actually invest and watch.

It's not a stretch to say that right now, out of every promotion out there, TNA is the only one with any sort of real feeling of momentum. At a time where everyone from WWE management to your local indy promoter is trying to figure out how to get eyeballs on their product, TNA is doing just that. They haven't conquered the world yet but they sure took a nice, firm step forward in the last month.

So, rant and rave about how stupid the ending was or why you liked it - because TNA already won. They got you, most of you anyway, to watch...and more importantly, to care. Email to the site and responses to our post-show polls are up. That's a huge sign that you are out there, watching, and caring.

I hate to say it, but Hogan dropped the leg on everyone. He was right. I'll really be saddened if TNA reverts to their old taping format this September...and even if you hated the end of Impact, so will you....because they are giving us a reason to care about TNA.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Smackdown has been the best WWE show since August 1999. It has the most amount of wrestling and the less amount of Cena.

If this bullshit is truth then the hottest storyline of the year is cut short for the sake of John fucking Cena. As if his match wasn't going to be the second on the card with or without a title anyway.

I believe I posted in this very thread a week ago that Cena would face Punk to get the belt off Punk and play up their MitB re-rematch. It would be a "respect" match so Cena isn't booed out the building.

Oh my god, someone is leaking our post to WWE
Anybody else here re-watch PPVs sometimes some of my favorites are

Money in the Bank 2011
ECW One Night Stand 1
ECW One Night Stand 2
Wrestlemania 17
WrassleGAF? Get that Mr. Sam bs outta here.

bishoptl said:
Originally Posted by bishoptl:

each poster gets one (ONE) post with a gif per page, NeoGAF-gold style.

Should you provide more than one gif per 100 posts, or do a bunch of stupid image quotes of someone else's post with the SAME FRIGGING GIF OVER AND OVER and I will do horrible things to your account privileges.

Thought the midnight wrestle-gaf nonsense would have sorted things out in a way everyone could understand going forward, I gave you folks too much credit :(

if you're sitting at your computer going "hmmmmm I wonder if quoting this particular image one more time is going to get me whacked? that is a mystery" then err on the side of caution and assume that yes, it will backfire mercilessly upon you and your colleagues will gather and laugh about how you got banned for double quoting that cool animated gif of HBK pantomiming playing the skin flute while some fan takes a swing from behind the fence.

one gif per one hundred posts per person, please give me an opportunity to make an example of somebody. I'm begging you.

That seems like a good OP in my book.


Let's not worry about July guys, let's worry about the present.

Plywood put er there, no hard feelings *holds out hand*
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