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June Wrasslin |OT| When you lose, you're a jobber, when you win, you're Cena.


I barely tune in and see Brodus clay knocked on his stupid face.

Truly I underrated Smackdown.

All is Well.



Didn't we all hate Otunga and swear he was gonna accidentally kill someone in the ring like, a year ago?

Otunga then embraced his not-so-inner dickhead Harvard-educated Lawyer / Bodybuilder side, and all was forgiven.



Three guys in the ring (Show, Otunga, and Clay) and ALL of them could be the target of that "YOU CANT WRESTLE" chant. WWE, ladies and gentlemen!
He's improved in the ring, but only slightly. His risk of killing someone in the ring has changed from "damn near guaranteed" to "it'll probably happen, I guess."

Can we even say that, though? His skills in the ring have improved, but the amount of oil he pours on sometimes (at least, I think he's done it more than once) has me worried sometimes. Mark my words, one of these days he's going to fly out of someone's hold like a bar of soap.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Can we even say that, though? His skills in the ring have improved, but the amount of oil he pours on sometimes (at least, I think he's done it more than once) has me worried sometimes. Mark my words, one of these days he's going to fly out of someone's hold like a bar of soap.

Oh god, No Holds Barred is coming to DVD? This is easily the best
movie WWE will release this year.

And yet I'm surprised that even Cole is underselling it on air. Well, not really, but still.


Dolph Ziggler does a great high flying move off the ring onto Sheamus outside and the commentators.....don't sell it.


Ziggler is so talented, fuck you CM Punk.


Watching this match, I just have to say Ziggler is really f'ing good.

Give me a Bryan Danielstein vs Ziggler Iron Man match


If this bullshit is truth then the hottest storyline of the year is cut short for the sake of John fucking Cena. As if his match wasn't going to be the second on the card with or without a title anyway.

Even if the dirtsheet was bullshit, I couldn't stop laughing at

WWE doesn't want their top draw to be in the fourth most important match

They say this but somehow it's okay for the company champion to not be in the Main Event for almost 5 straight PPVs. Laughable that the WWE would actually begin to put the focus on their champions leading into Summerslam instead of the Cena vs ______ feud of the month. Whatever.

Not that I don't want to see Cena vs Punk III but the reason I'm really not looking forward to more Punk/Cena is because of the implications if Cena does go over. Punk is already seen as just a champion under the shadow Cena casts over the entire company, so him losing to Cena would just kill his star potential as a top guy, and I've said it forever that there's nobody the fans think is on Cena's level. That said,

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