Yeah, you could definitely book it better. I'm sure. That type of line reminds me of forum-goers saying they could run Sony/MS/Nintendo better than the current execs. You have no idea of the logistics and future planning and crazy time deadlines there is for WWE. I doubt it's as easy as you make it.
They assemble a team of 10-20 "writers" who come up with terrible fake crap that doesn't breathe any personality or character into any individuals on the show.
Do you know why Daniel Bryan has gotten over? It's because they didn't really write his shit. They just told him to start celebrating every win as though it was the greatest moment of his life. Thus the birth of "YES! YES! YES!" Daniel Bryan made it happen.
That's how you "write" for wrestlers. You give them a very broad direction to go in and make them come up with the lines (or give them a mouthpiece if they suck on the stick).
What WWE does instead usually is have the same people write the same scripts for the same wrestlers, and it all comes off very samey. Add to the mix an owner with ADHD in Vince and you get requests for last minute changes, which wouldn't be a problem if they didn't insist on having every line scripted out instead of just outlines and ideas.
As for the "deadlines," well, those shouldn't be problem if you plan long term. but WWE doesn't do that anymore. It shouldn't be hard to pull a 3 month feud out of your ass with a slow build and 1 or 2 PPV matches. Have a tag match where individuals miscommunicate or accidentally hit their partner with a clothesline or something, costing their team the match, and then having the two individuals argue/brawl it out in the ring post match to fill a week of buildup here or there. This is booking 101 stuff.
WWE can't even finalize their PPV cards until 1 or 2 weeks in advance. Hell they sometimes change the card between the last smackdown before the PPV and the PPV now. Their problem is LACK of planning.
As for the