What the hell?
What the hell?
MVP says no to PG era.
MVP says no to PG era.
It's just like my Japanese anime.
Here Bootaaay, we can enter threads now.
Didn't he recently no-show an indy event, and then the promoter gave out his phone number to the audience?
Oh wow, Teddy Hart blaming his failures in WWE on the fact that because Bret punched Vince, WWE didn't go out of their way to protect Teddy in the same way that they would, say, Randy Orton;
Oh, Teddy.
Didn't he recently no-show an indy event, and then the promoter gave out his phone number to the audience?
Okay so i've just watched Raw and I need clarification, is there only one MITB ladder match this year?! and are they using it as a tool to give Cena another accolade and also shove him back into the title scene?
And why has Kane been bum rushed out of the WWE title storyline with no fanfare and plopped into the MITB? why does he not give as shit about this turn of events? why was he saving AJ and getting distracted by her if he gives no fucks?
I actually didn't mind Raw but my word have they buggered up the storylines
That's what I liked, and that's why he was often in the main events, or feuding with top guys. He fit his name to a tee. Now, you look at somebody like Miz or Randy Orton. I'm thinking, who the fuck are these guys, and why in the hell should I be terrified of them? Especially Miz. When he makes those angry faces, really is embarrassing. It's like Cena when he had that look on his face trying to look pissed off - there's a gif of it somewhere. Not that it is surprising by any means, but most of today's stars are simply bad actors.That really is one of the best power bombs I've seen.
And going just by facial expressions, Sid looked like he would legit kill you.
Didn't watch Raw, and looks like I didn't miss much, per usual. Also that AJ "ass" shot, lol. Low expectations of current WWE bikinis.
Note while Sid's intro hit: Cole and King need to shut the fuck up. And stop laughing. FFS.
That's what I liked, and that's why he was often in the main events, or feuding with top guys. He fit his name to a tee. Now, you look at somebody like Miz or Randy Orton. I'm thinking, who the fuck are these guys, and why in the hell should I be terrified of them? Especially Miz. When he makes those angry faces, really is embarrassing. It's like Cena when he had that look on his face trying to look pissed off - there's a gif of it somewhere. Not that it is surprising by any means, but most of today's stars are simply bad actors.
There's two MITB matches as usual, but the RAW one is now just four people, which is Cena and three people who only wrestle to put over others now.
Combine with that the knowledge that they're planning Cena/ Punk at Summerslam (which means Bryan has zero chance of winning against Punk) and they've screwed up to no brainers already.
The SD MITB is going ahead as normal, I guess. Apparently they only plan to use MITB to elevate one person this year, because John Cena.
Well at least the situation isn't as bad as I thought, but it's still pretty bad. Cody Rhodes for the second case then.
The Raw MITB needs more people, I know Rey has been discussed but what about Orton? is he back in time for it?
And another point, I see a lot of whining about "oh no Kane and Big Show in ladder matches boo hoo", does everyone have a selective memory or just automatically hate on big men in ladder matches?
Kane has been a solid addition to all his MITB ladder matches, usually as the power man, he and Benoit play one of the main in ring stories of the original match, the TLC match with one man tag team Kane and then there's the one MITB which Kane won after he systematically destroyed everyone to brute force his way to victory. The same match had Big Show in with his special giant ladder and it was great fun to watch, Show threw people around like rag dolls and his team up with Jericho against DX in a TLC match was good fun as well.
Basically they should get more credit for their work in ladder matches, just because they aren't leaping off the top of a ladder through a stack of tables doesn't mean they have no place.
For me it's nothing to do with their big man status, it's that there's only four people in the match, and Kane/Big Show have zero chance of winning. Just look at last year's Smackdown MITB match, there's were four or five guys that could have won.
There's no drama when they've blatantly telegraphed Cena winning.
Oh well that's a different matter entirely, in that case you can throw Jericho in there with Show and Kane. I still expect more additions to the match, a 6 man total at least.
I just remembered Wade Barrett, he needs to hurry up and return to win the other MITB.
Maxine didn't even get f**king mentioned in the battle royal thing, she was out before even realised who it was.
I'm glad AJ is getting screen time, her music plays basically every other segment at this point. But I'm well and truly sick of go-nowhere story crazy but in love WITH SO MANY MEN AJ. Shes good at it but its stupid and she can just be good at a proper (lol) diva feud or being someones evil heel associate.
Unless you're bringing in Joker Sting to go with crazy her, if you're doing that then......
Well this whole crazy chick thing has gotten her over with the crowd, but she really does need to land somewhere now. If she goes into the Divas division and that's that, well, that's a black hole at the moment. Her best bet is to stick with one of the men for good, if she's to remain in main event level exposure.
Although, one problem is that she's pretty much the only Diva in years to get over like this. If they put her with Bryan she'll have to turn heel. With all this positive crowd reaction, I wonder if they're now feeling like she should stay face?
I don't think that's a good path, but I certainly think differently to them.
The only way this AJ thing could make sense is if there was a new talent working his way up the card into the main event picture who seemed to be getting pulled into the feud without a horse in the race until it's revealed that AJ's been working for him ever since Bryan dumped her. Fatal 4 way match for the WWE Title, AJ distracts all 3 guys somehow, new guy wins championship, new power couple emerges, long term booking reigns supreme.
I don't know, SOMETHING. If shes just thrown back to irrelevancy after all this, talk about a waste of time.
There you go. Instantly over, AJ stays relevant, Ambrose can handle himself on the mic, Bryan is dumbfounded, Punk is pissed, Kane throws tantrums, and the feud is fresh again.
And as for Ambrose, part of me wants to believe that they have something brewing and are waiting for the perfect time for him to debut, but mostly I think they just haven't figured out how to do it yet. Same goes for Seth Rollins, who seems to be stuck in developmental limbo.
Nonsense. Dean Ambrose is going to be a noodle cart salesman turned wrestler, who is mute. He will headline WWE Main Event.
Outside of Sid, Raw was meh. I wish Sid had gotten a better pop but the people in the crowd who knew who he was gave him a good chant. No choke slam? The high release power bomb was perfect though.
Next week....THE BROOOOOOOOOODDDD! bah, who am I kidding. Even if it was just David Heath and Kevin Fertig I would still mark out though
Vince Russo and Eric Bischoff need to come and reboot this shit.
You know full well there's no such long-term booking in place and that the WWE is simply spinning its wheels running the latest thing to catch on into the ground without any plan or direction.The only way this AJ thing could make sense is if there was a new talent working his way up the card into the main event picture who seemed to be getting pulled into the feud without a horse in the race until it's revealed that AJ's been working for him ever since Bryan dumped her. Fatal 4 way match for the WWE Title, AJ distracts all 3 guys somehow, new guy wins championship, new power couple emerges, long term booking reigns supreme.
I don't know, SOMETHING. If shes just thrown back to irrelevancy after all this, talk about a waste of time.
Didn't he recently no-show an indy event, and then the promoter gave out his phone number to the audience?
As much of a mismatch as it would be, I kinda want to see AJ feud with Kharma eventually.
One thing I learned from last night's RAW was that WWE contracts are very slippery.
I guess it's like a pass in football. Except contracts are obviously much harder to hold in your hand than a football.I wish Dolph would have won that, I thought he did when he first grabbed it but then they said something about having to control it. What does that even mean?