He can BBQ.
That's La Familia I like!
He can BBQ.
I would so date the girl in black (Kane's other daughter is married), but her father would scare me.That's La Familia I like!
No, he's just VERY close with Kane. According to Kane's wife, they consider him part of the family, and according to Edge, there's no one in the business, outside of Christian, that he's closer to than Kane.Why is Edge in the picture? Is he dating or married to one of his daughters?
No, he's just VERY close with Kane. According to Kane's wife, they consider him part of the family, and according to Edge, there's no one in the business, outside of Christian, that he's closer to than Kane.
I like the short hair. It fits her. Especially the picture with her holding Kane's granddaughter.Vickie really needs to grow her hair back out. Short hair doesn't work on her.
I would so date the girl in black (Kane's other daughter is married), but her father would scare me.
is sid gonna be back for a while or just the one night ?
That's the thing. I can tolerate straight serious guys, but he seems like such a lovable nice guy. I wouldn't know how to react, lol, especially considering his presence.How could such a loveable father-in-law scare you?
I've always wanted to see that happen. Their numerous feuds is probably due to them liking each other so much.Kane/Edge team is such a missed opportunity, they could brag about their many title reigns with multiple partners, both men are possibly the two top tag title holders regarding the number of different partners.
They'd have real life chemistry and stuff and could joke about their shitty 2010 feud.
Just for that one night. He just did that appearance in honor of the "1000 episode" show.is sid gonna be back for a while or just the one night ?
That's the thing. I can tolerate straight serious guys, but he seems like such a lovable nice guy. I wouldn't know how to react, lol, especially considering his presence.
Can't I just be a family friend?SoulPlaya, you should send a letter to Kane, asking him for his daughter in marriage.
Tell him that you wish to marry his daughter because you worship him and want to become part of La Familia.
If he declines, you can write him back and ask him to adopt you, or elope with you, whatever you prefer.
Just for that one night. He just did that appearance in honor of the "1000 episode" show.
He is. To bad the crowd had mixed results about him. I was hyped when I heard his music play. I'm like "PSYCHO SIDDDDDDDDD".ah man the guy is so awesome tho
Oh, good lord. You're sick!Wait a few more years and go for his grand-daughters then.
Oh, good lord. You're sick!
In honor of last night's WTF craziness. IT'S KANE BANANA!!!!!
Just a heads-up to all you perverts out there: a nude picture of Taka Michinoku has now surfaced online.
I want to work out in Kane's gym.Imagine if that pool had turnbuckles.
Imagine if that pool had turnbuckles.
Why would we want to see Taka Michinoku nude??
Why would we want to see Taka Michinoku nude??
We should take a trip to his house.Kane's gym looks like an obstacle course. But nevertheless I still would like to exercise there.
I want to work out in AJ's gym:
Hey what do you think Brock's official response to Triple H's proposition will be?!? Do you think he'll say no and go on with his wife?
Brock and Steph vs HHH and Sable?
I can hear the money incoming.
I love how the refs are like "Go Taka! You're out! Get out of here!"
Wasn't King being super-racist during that moment, too?
Worst: John Cena, Aggressive 9-Year Old, Reading Promos Written By Nerds Who’ve Gotten Too Old
And then this happened.
Cena continues to be in a weird dark place since the news of his divorce broke, and this week it took the form of an absolutely out-of-a-bat’s-ass shit promo about Star Wars where Cena makes WWE guys be Star Wars guys and pretends it’s hilarious. You know for a fact that this was scripted out meticulously by some 36-year old Kevin Smith-esque asshole who either
1. Hasn’t updated his pop culture references in 20 years and missed Zack And Miri Make A Porno causing Star Wars references to jump the shark for f**king ever.
2. Wanted that promo to be Cena comparing wrestlers to ‘Babylon 5′ or ‘Lexx’ characters but nobody got his “John Cena’s a Cylon” Prototype gag and couldn’t get anybody to laugh at anything but ‘Lexx Luger’, so he dumbed it down and made it about Star Wars so people who watch wrestling and have the pop culture scope of a Ziggy comic could enjoy it.
Either way, it was a nearly-lethal dose of secondhand embarrassment, and as Totes Adorbs as Cena was laughing at his own Yoda impression it only succeeded in making me forget about Cyndi Lauper and Wendi Richter’s forceable nostalgia entry from last week. If you want to be nerdy on wrestling you have to be SINCERELY nerdy on wrestling, like when AJ dressed up as Kitana from Mortal Kombat. It worked because you knew she knew who that was, and because she tried to do the fan lift. If Cena’s seen an entire Star War for real I’ll eat my shoe.
If you guys are just hiring nerds to make pop culture jokes on Raw, I am a pretty desperate blogger with mild wrestling business connections and I could write the hell out of a “Kane and Undertaker are Fire Benders” gag. It ends with Kofi Kingston throwing a boomerang at Kane and f**king up his third eye.
Best Best Best: Chris Jericho Is Tired Of Your Shit
This Raw was full of great moments, but I think my favorite was Chris Jericho remembering that he’s CHRIS JERICHO and not that stammering weird guy from the last four months, wandering out in the Million Dollar Man’s jacket and asking John Cena to cut another Star Wars promo like a 9-year old (complete with GLORIOUS EYE-ROLL):
The video package of Fozzy preforming in front of a bigger-than-Raw audience made Jericho look like a huge star, and despite sorta looking like Dana Carvey he made more of an impression on me last night than he has since January. Seriously, the guy looks like he’s aged 15 years in the last month. Kicking a Brazilian flag is basically the worst thing you can do. Regardless, Cena desperately needed someone to shut him up, and all Jericho had to do was be a normal person who isn’t an invalid 5-year old to do it.
No offense, Make-A-Wish kids.
Best: The Underpants Rumble
I’m not sure how to justify it, but I liked the Summer Whatever Excuse To Put Girls In Bikinis battle royal. In a TV-PG environment it seems a little more sane. In the Attitude Era, these things were excuses for people to get stripped naked and blasted with super soakers and stuffed into potato sacks or whatever. Here, it seemed like a fun novelty. You wouldn’t think I’d say that, but I love battles royal, and will usually find a way to justify them as great.
Highlights (which you’re free to note have zero to do with wrestling) include:
- Kaitlyn in a swimsuit, because Kaitlyn is my fitness and improperly-dyed hair role model.
- Vickie Guerrero looking so good in her swimsuit that Lawler lost track of the 65,000 of the 70,000 jokes he had ready about her being a fat old worthless Mexican cow.
- Rosa Mendes making “gross” face at Vickie in a swimsuit, like she won’t be lucky to still look that good in her mid-40s after two kids.
- Layla making “gross” face as well because she’s secretly still LayCool Layla, which is why she acted so weird about having to introduce Wendi Richter and Cyndi Lauper last week. Tossing her into the “secret heel” group with Punk. Bonus highlight for Layla making the gross face, and Kaitlyn standing next to her with a huge smile on her face.
- Maxine in a bright yellow bikini. True fact: Maxine was the best looking woman out there.
- I am not going to post a picture of AJ’s butt.
- No, I’m not. Stop asking.
- Seriously.
- all right all right
Read more: http://withleather.uproxx.com/2012/06/the-best-and-worst-of-wwe-raw-62512#ixzz1yw9gMMQ9
Whatever, Heavy told me that was a fantastic promo and Cena was the only who could've done it and you're a fucking mark and I'm a fucking mark and we're all marks because we don't understand the the business.
Worst: Destiny Promised To Watch The Entire Show With Me This Week And Offer Running Feedback For The Column But Bailed As Soon As Kane Got Pinned And Went To Bed
Just putting this out there. Destinys new routine is as follows:
1. Join me on the couch when Raw starts, instantly start talking about how she wants to see Kane.
2. Hangs around until Kane shows up, gets excited for Kane.
3. When Kane is on-screen, she starts explaining all the things shed write for Kane if she was in charge of wrestling (i.e. Kane should have a girlfriend who dresses like Kane, Kane should drive a car that looks like Kane).
4. When Kane gets pinned (or leaves the screen), she gets listless and wanders away, or starts multitasking.
So last nights show was TERRIBLE for her, because Kane showed up almost immediately, only to quickly lose. No build-up, no time for ideas and no pay-off. She didnt even stick around long enough to see him break up with a girl he wasnt dating, like he isnt a kayfabe f**king rapist murderer.
WWE, if you read this, put all of Kanes matches in the overrun, and mention that Kane will be appearing later on every 10 minutes throughout the show so my girlfriend will watch Raw in its entirety.
Read more: http://withleather.uproxx.com/2012/06/the-best-and-worst-of-wwe-raw-62512#ixzz1yw9pk1qa
Either way, it was a nearly-lethal dose of secondhand embarrassment, and as Totes Adorbs as Cena was laughing at his own Yoda impression it only succeeded in making me forget about Cyndi Lauper and Wendi Richter’s forceable nostalgia entry from last week. If you want to be nerdy on wrestling you have to be SINCERELY nerdy on wrestling, like when AJ dressed up as Kitana from Mortal Kombat. It worked because you knew she knew who that was, and because she tried to do the fan lift. If Cena’s seen an entire Star War for real I’ll eat my shoe.
We should take a trip to his house.
Whatever, Heavy told me that was a fantastic promo and Cena was the only who could've done it and you're a fucking mark and I'm a fucking mark and we're all marks because we don't understand the the business.
HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!! People have been following my advice!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!
Vickie Guerrero looking so good in her swimsuit that Lawler lost track of the 65,000 of the 70,000 jokes he had ready about her being a fat old worthless Mexican cow.
Whatever, Heavy told me that was a fantastic promo and Cena was the only who could've done it and you're a fucking mark and I'm a fucking mark and we're all marks because we don't understand the the business.