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June Wrasslin |OT| When you lose, you're a jobber, when you win, you're Cena.

Madison Rayne, Tessmacher, and Gail Kim are also the only women at the meet and greets this weekend in Texas plus Tessmacher is from Texas so it makes sense for her to win the title this weekend.


That glorified tackler? Smh.

It did take place, it wasn't an ironman match but it did go nearly an hour in length on 4/23/07*

*Tape delayed as it was shot in the UK

EDIT: I should also note that it was one of the best matches/segments Raw has ever put on, but I'm not going to look up the ratings

That match is one of my top ten favorite matches of all time. It is fantastic.


That 40 minute Cena vs HBK match was the last time I felt like any match on Monday Night Raw was must see.

All the Punk/Bryan matches (not sure how many were on Raw and how many on SD) this year have been must-see, even when they had unclean finishes, but even that was good.

Orton/Christian had a few very good matches on SD last year, and in past years (after the Cena/HBK match) there have been great matches by Punk/Morrison, Edge/Punk, Edge/Hardy in SD and maybe ECW.

Those are the ones I remember from the top of my head, and you might be right that Raw doesn't have many great matches and most are on SD or others.


All the Punk/Bryan matches (not sure how many were on Raw and how many on SD) this year have been must-see, even when they had unclean finishes, but even that was good.

Orton/Christian had a few very good matches on SD last year, and in past years (after the Cena/HBK match) there have been great matches by Punk/Morrison, Edge/Punk, Edge/Hardy in SD and maybe ECW.

Those are the ones I remember from the top of my head, and you might be right that Raw doesn't have many great matches and most are on SD or others.

The main difference in the 40 minute Cena vs HBK match and any of the others you mentioned are I'd actually want to go back and watch the Cena vs HBK match again down the road.


The main difference in the 40 minute Cena vs HBK match and any of the others you mentioned are I'd actually want to go back and watch the Cena vs HBK match again down the road.

Maybe I don't really remember that match well, or maybe my hatred for Cena and specially Michaels doesn't let me appreciate objectively that match, however although 40 min has a higher impact than a 20-25 min match, I still value highly those matches.

But in this day an age, as someone said, people wouldn't stand to watch such a long match on Raw (or SD), if there will be any Iron Man matches, they better have them on PPVs.


List is BS anyway. Cena only has 2 World Title Reins. Batista, HHH and Edge all are easily way ahead of him.

Also LOL at a top 10 list when only 23 people have held it and that's counting Dolph Zigger and The Big Show.
I recently was thinking about the Wonderbook crap that Sony was demoing with J.K. Rowling's Book of Souls and I thought of something. What if the WWE created a Wonderbook based on Triple H's day-to-day schedule at the mothership in Connecticut?

"People Power" John Laurinaitis is one of the best characters on the show right now.

But in his actual role of VP of Talent Relations, that guy really probably should be fired.

Still, I doubt that Clyde and I would get along=====


I recently was thinking about the Wonderbook crap that Sony was demoing with J.K. Rowling's Book of Souls and I thought of something. What if the WWE created a Wonderbook based on Triple H's day-to-day schedule at the mothership in Connecticut?

where can I pre-order?


pwinsider said:
Carlito Colon appeared this week on MLW's Konnan Show presented by Masked Republic's LuchaShop.com. Carlito talked for the first time about an after hours fight that took place with John Cena.

"I actually had a fight with [John] Cena. I forget where it was, but we got into a fight. A drunken fist fight. He told me I wasn't applying myself. He said I should be at a higher level. I didn't punch him because I'm not going to punch the face of the company. It was more like a drunken fight. I don't think we were out to hurt each other. I was just defending myself, but Cena, he's strong as hell."

"He jumped at me first. They ended up separating us about three times. I felt like he and I had always been close. I think he just wanted to see me do better. Cena is one of those guys that's a top guy, but he wants to see other guys. He doesn't try to hold guys down, he wants to see them come up."

Tell that to Wade Barrett and Zack Ryder.


I've been out of the loop on wrestling for a few weeks so have mostly stayed offline to remain spoiler free. Just catching up on the last 2 Smackdown's and I'm wondering if it came out how Ryback got that nasty eye injury? I'm hoping for a juicy story about him getting a slap off a veteran for acting tough but I'm guessing there's some far less interesting explanation?
I've been out of the loop on wrestling for a few weeks so have mostly stayed offline to remain spoiler free. Just catching up on the last 2 Smackdown's and I'm wondering if it came out how Ryback got that nasty eye injury? I'm hoping for a juicy story about him getting a slap off a veteran for acting tough but I'm guessing there's some far less interesting explanation?

He accidentally hit himself in the face while working out with kettle bells, obviously.


I've been out of the loop on wrestling for a few weeks so have mostly stayed offline to remain spoiler free. Just catching up on the last 2 Smackdown's and I'm wondering if it came out how Ryback got that nasty eye injury? I'm hoping for a juicy story about him getting a slap off a veteran for acting tough but I'm guessing there's some far less interesting explanation?

Daniel Bryan: Right now, my road wife is Ryback [Laughs] and Cody Rhodes. We don't have any particular good road stories because I feel like we're kind of boring. We just kind of drive to the next town. But what me and Cody really like to do is make up stories about Ryback and then spread them amongst the locker room. For example, yesterday, we were working out in a gym. He was doing kettle bell snatches with only 35 pounds. You look at him, and you'd think, 'Oh! This guy is way stronger,' but he was lifting this kettle bell and he couldn't control it, and it hit him in the eye and now he's got a black eye. That story spread throughout the locker room all day yesterday.
Screw you Dead Man, Spitfire is MY theme song.

You know, Punks a punk for not responding to my tweet.

Objectively? Not Cena's fault really. Ryder in particular just seems to have pissed Vince off somehow.

Doesn't help that Ryder has been with the company X number of years and not bothered to improve his wrestling.
We might, I dunno, it would be weird going back from the iPPV.

We should most def watch the CHIKARA Aniversario events. They had tons of guys from the 10 years of the company. Plus nothing else will be on worth watching. Saturday at 3 or 4 EST. Whats everyone think?
Tell that to Wade Barrett and Zack Ryder.

Do you think John "I dont want to lose any matches between Survivor Series and Mania" Cena would do such a think as egotistical as put himself over instead of taking a loss in the hopes of putting over a younger talent or making a storyline more interesting?

But yeah.. I cant help feel Cena has some WCW Hulk Hogan syndrome stuff going on right now.

Dude cant make anyone look better then him in any situation ever.

Only person on the planet who could get over Cena clean was Rocky and I be damned if they didnt dp there best to gimp rock leading up to that match.
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