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Jurassic World |OT| WARNING! Safety Not, uh, Guaranteed | RT: 71?!%

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Got out of it a few hours ago. Over all had a great time seeing it with people who were passionate about it and also met a fellow gaffer!

As for the movie. I enjoyed it. It's not the second coming of christ, but I didn't expect it to be, so I left satisfied.

There's a lot of fan service in it.

I rank the movies JP>>JW>>>JP2>JP3

The people out there shitting all over this movie want to hate it, it's as simple as that. It's a different kind of movie than the OG JP, so it really shouldn't be compared to it.
Just came back from seeing Jurassic World.

First time the Jurassic Park theme starts playing is poorly done.

I think it's better than 2 and 3. This feels more like a sequel to the first one. Chris Pratt is great. The Raptor tamer stuff isn't as dumb as it looks in the trailers. The kids are awful, worse than Lex, Tim, Kelly and Eric. The older brother is just awful. Frankensaur is played up as a giant monster and every scene with it is very tense. There's a sequence in the middle of the film that sort of made me teary eyed out of nostalgia. There's an awesome sequence near the end that made me go f*** yeah.

All in all, worth seeing if you're a fan of the series.

Hold onto your butts
Just got back home, loved it. Kinda regretted watching it on IMAX 3D, don't know if something was wrong with my theater but a lot of times the movie just looked like a blurry mess. Can't wait to watch it again in 2D.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
Pretty decent movie, while being a huge fan of the movies and books.
I was glad that the velociraptors got some time to be intimidating, because the girl I took had never seen the movies and though they were cute when she first saw them. I also liked the call back to the original one.


I really enjoyed it and liked a lot of things they were trying to do. A certain subplot went on way too long, and some weird placements for comedy moments, but overall I enjoyed it a lot
Did anyone else catch the nod to JP in the airport scene?

The mom tells the kid "You know that green button on your phone? When I call, push it." This was like in JP when Hammond is telling Ellie how to turn the power back on: "There's a large green button. Push it."


Also I'm seeing this tonight, can't wait!!! I'm probably gonna nostalgia hard since I grew up with the original as a kid.


I am not sure but the first time they introduced the guy with the Jurassic park shirt I swear I was seeing an Ian Malcolm book in front of him. But I am not 100% sure.


Crystal Bearer
I am not sure but the first time they introduced the guy with the Jurassic park shirt I swear I was seeing an Ian Malcolm book in front of him. But I am not 100% sure.

Yes, it is.

It was pretty good overall. Wished there could have been more build up to some set pieces to get more tension. Cg was also hit and miss in spots. Didn't mind the kids, but it's hard to believe they were related by blood.

"Did your general ride into battle with you?" was my favorite line. The soldiers' wtf reaction made it work so well.

Just got back home, loved it. Kinda regretted watching it on IMAX 3D, don't know if something was wrong with my theater but a lot of times the movie just looked like a blurry mess. Can't wait to watch it again in 2D.

I watched it on a regular 3d screen amd thought the same thing. Just seemed a smidge out of focus especially on the bottom left.


I hated those 2 'geeks' in the control room. Their acting was atrocious and they were just overal crying annoying shits.


Purple Drazi
Seeing this on Monday.

Jurassic Park... I read the book when I was 4 in prep for the first movie I saw in theaters later that year. Don't remember if I already posted that in here but screw it, worth repeating. I've got a connection, same as many of you.

The feelings are real.
It was fun which is what I needed since most of what I've so far this year I hated

Little kids taking rides on small dinos should be considered a crime
I saw it at 730. I remember just fine.

They don't mobilize every part of asset containment immediately, despite knowing how dangerous it is. They also don't halt and evacuate the park either until I.rex is well on its way to the outer edge of the tourist areas. Once the first team is wiped, they don't mobilize everyone else with lethal rounds but instead send one helicopter flown by an amateur pilot in a combat scenario, and they don't call in the military when they know full well that the IRex will likely breach the park walls (and it has already done so by the trams and gyro areas). Then it lets a bunch of airborne assets loose, and they are delayed in preparing for that, despite the fact that they knew it was coming (via cameras, tracking, and outer edge guards seeing them firsthand), which causes the deaths of who knows how many. That's not even touching the fact that despite having all those lab techs involved, nobody knew all the components of what was in the IRex except Wu and Kingpin, which makes no sense.

Lots of stupid decisions. I'd have to see it again to lay them all out in detail, but I don't want to. It was fine. An okay movie. But the plot shouldn't have happened at all with a park that size.

There was a reason they didn't, and the reason was money. Claire says if they evacuate the park it probably will never re-open, they wanted to handle it themselves and if they had to call in the military then it would be game over. Just like every bad decision they ever made was driven by money and stockholders.

As for Wu it is explained,
Hoskins runs the mercenaries of InGens elite private security force and Wu works for Hoskins. Hoskins wants to exploit the dinosaurs to make money and it is clear that he is getting Wu to cook up crazy predators so that he can sell them to the military. That's probably why the I-Rex has raptor DNA because of Owens work with the raptors, Hoskins thinks that if you can control raptors then you can control a super predator with raptor DNA/intelligence.
I just got back. YOU BET JUR ASS I LOVED IT!!!

I seriously feel like I'm now living in an alternate historical timeline where Jurassic Park sequels don't have to suck. For the record, I like TLW a lot, but I can understand how others don't, the movie has some serious flaws. JP3 just plain sucks but I keep it in my collection because it's an artifact showing what Jurassic Park looks like as a B-movie.

The Jurassic Park 4 rumors had been around for a long time and the leaked scripts always had the stupidest plot lines imaginable. But I knew I'd still watch it because even at the lowest points of the series, bad Jurassic Park is better than no Jurassic Park. But this movie proves it doesn't have to be like that!

My take on a few complaints some have had with the movie (don't worry no spoilers):

-Product placement: it's there and it's noticeable. But I didn't have a problem with it because the movie is very self aware and has a scene where product placement is made fun of. The most noticeable one for me was all the Mercedes Benz vehicles. I actually liked that one because Mercedes was a big sponsor of TLW so I see it as a throw back to those days, kinda like how Bond has a link to Aston Martin.

-The puppets look great but the CGI dinosaurs look fake as shit. Just compare the Gallimimus scene to the original. It's sad to see how CGI has failed to make organic things look real.

-"OHHH MAN!!!! such a disappointing film!! TROLL LOLOLLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!! Oh and BTW, the first film sucked ass too!!!"
Guys, really. I know it's asking too much of those who just chime in to make a drive by comment, but can you please explain what you didn't like about it? Also- Gee! if you hated the first film, what the hell made you think you're going to like this one?!

My mostly spoiler-free thoughts on the film:

Early in the film I knew they were on the right track. I had a tear in my eye when I saw the
cameo. I can't recreate my joy after seeing the park fully operational, it's what I've wanted to see since I was 8. They got everything just right.

There are some tropes and character archetypes that will have some film snobs rolling their eyes. But every character has a role and they play off each other brilliantly. It even includes Spielberg's director trademark by having a character who's bad with children but gradually learns to be more protective and loving towards them by the end of the film. The characters follow the old Jurassic Park formula of "Man vs. Nature vs. Dinos" very much in the same vein as Michael Crichton and it works really well in this film. Plus, I would argue you can even add "vs. Commercialism" to that mix here.

The quips were hilarious and it made me realize that we haven't seen a Jurassic Park with a true sense of humor since the first. I think this is a big reason why the others were so poorly received. They just weren't fun.

Indominous Rex really surprised me. I went in thinking that if this film were to fail anywhere, Indominous Rex is the weak point. I couldn't have been more wrong.
Having such a super intelligent killing machine really breathes some life into the park. It becomes like a slasher film with this dinosaur being its Mike Myers. And the ending fight with the T-Rex was awwwweeessomme!!! It felt like a Kaiju film for a few minutes! So this film falls into the Jurassic/Slasher/Kaij genera. Brilliant! And if you want to go even deeper down the rabbit hole, the idea of one of the theme park attractions becoming an unrelenting killing machine seems to be borrowed from Crichton's own Jurassic Park-style film, Westworld.

In conclusion, this Jurassic Park movie doesn't try to top the last one or take you to a foreign land, it takes you to a place you're familiar with- and that place is your childhood. It's such a fun and brilliantly crafted movie. Anyone who liked the first film is going to enjoy this one.


Just got back from IMAX 3D showing. Movie was fantastic. Pulled on all the right Nostalgia strings to make people who grew up with the Original while having its own identity.

Loved seeing Hammonds full dream realized with all the in the future elements he mentioned in the Original actually complete and just to see it all crumble again. You can argue stupid choices were made and there were but its also obvious that there was elements at play that did not mind the chaos and those elements were the ones who controlled the guns
I saw it at 730. I remember just fine.

They don't mobilize every part of asset containment immediately, despite knowing how dangerous it is. They also don't halt and evacuate the park either until I.rex is well on its way to the outer edge of the tourist areas. Once the first team is wiped, they don't mobilize everyone else with lethal rounds but instead send one helicopter flown by an amateur pilot in a combat scenario, and they don't call in the military when they know full well that the IRex will likely breach the park walls (and it has already done so by the trams and gyro areas). Then it lets a bunch of airborne assets loose, and they are delayed in preparing for that, despite the fact that they knew it was coming (via cameras, tracking, and outer edge guards seeing them firsthand), which causes the deaths of who knows how many. That's not even touching the fact that despite having all those lab techs involved, nobody knew all the components of what was in the IRex except Wu and Kingpin, which makes no sense.

Lots of stupid decisions. I'd have to see it again to lay them all out in detail, but I don't want to. It was fine. An okay movie. But the plot shouldn't have happened at all with a park that size.

Very true, but
neither were really deserving of what they got in either case. Here especially- she wasn't overtly cruel to them or anything.

Nothing you said sounds stupid.
They try to capture it alive because it's worth millions. They fail and immediately move to trying to kill it. They did send out teams with lethal rounds but if you REMEMBER it clawed out it's tracking device so they don't know where it is. They take the chopper because it's the fastest way once Owen finds it and they send word. The president dude was the only person available at the time who could fly(they even say they can't find the instructor) The crashing was unavoidable because 100 pterodactyls flew directly into the helicopter. They immediately move all of their troops to defend the civilians from the pterodactyls. If you didn't remember the reinforcements were being held off by the guy who wanted to use the raptors for military testing. Again none of that sounds stupid it sounds like completely logical steps that any normal person would take.


This movie is the true sequel to the original. Of course, it's not as ground breaking or iconic as the first one, but I feel it's the most natural progression of the story, rather the two previous movies. You can totally ignore them and jump straight to this one after JP. There were so many wonderful callbacks to it.
is goldblum in this

They make reference to him, but as far as a cameo, no.

The only person from the original film to make a cameo is Dr. Wu. I don't consider that a spoiler. If his cameo means that much to you then you already know and if it doesn't mean that much to you then you're probably now asking "who the hell is Dr. Wu?"


Oh, and one other character from the first film makes a cameo... but he's not really an actor... but he will send your nostalgia-o-meter off the fucking charts.
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