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Jurassic World SPOILER THREAD | Boy, do I hate being spoiled all the time

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Another review written in a sarcastic and cynical tone. It lacks information and detail that couldn't be extrapolated by the released footage. Reads like a douchey bit of crap. These unprofessional internet critic poser reviews are always terrible whether they're subjectively right or wrong.

Not in denial or any bullshit like that but I don't think many would disagree.


The only reviewers that inject humor into their impressions that I've enjoyed has been RLM. They will likely tear holes into JW, but they don't rely on snark nearly as much and points out things clearly. It's the only impression I'm looking forward to, really.
The only reviewers that inject humor into their impressions that I've enjoyed has been RLM. They will likely tear holes into JW, but they don't rely on snark nearly as much and points out things clearly. It's the only impression I'm looking forward to, really.

Oh god I'm looking forward to RLM's impressions about as much as getting thrown into a woodchipper. Why would you do that to yourself, unless you love to wallow in the cynicism of others :p


Oh god I'm looking forward to RLM's impressions about as much as getting thrown into a woodchipper. Why would you do that to yourself, unless you love to wallow in the cynicism of others :p

I dunno, I actually found them to be getting softer recently and enjoying some films as they are. They enjoyed Dark Knight Rises, Avengers, Age of Ultron, and plenty of other blockbuster films that people like to dislike. They weren't even all that harsh on the new live action Ninja Turtles movie o_o

Now RLM's gaming sub-unit, they're a fucking tough crowd.


Unconfirmed Member
I feel like if the original JP came out today (and let's say CG quality was up to speed) that there would still be a bunch of cynics that point out all the flaws just for the sake of it.

"The t-rex was on flat ground and suddenly there's a drop?! WTF movie?! Terrible movie can't even be consistent..."


I'm going to keep finding as many reviews as possible before the embargo, but man, it seems like most of these early reviews aren't done well at all!!!


I'm going to keep finding as many reviews as possible before the embargo, but man, it seems like most of these early reviews aren't done well at all!!!

Yes, please do so! So far all it's shown me is that embargo breakers are mediocre hit-seeking bloggers who can't review much at all. I'm all for critical reviews, but it's hard to take any of them seriously when they try to lean on their "wit" to describe how it's bad, and using vague language. Maybe a decent one will pop out before embargo.
Yes, please do so! So far all it's shown me is that embargo breakers are mediocre hit-seeking bloggers who can't review much at all. I'm all for critical reviews, but it's hard to take any of them seriously when they try to lean on their "wit" to describe how it's bad, and using vague language. Maybe a decent one will pop out before embargo.

It's just the hipster gotta be hip and cool attitude that people think are cool or funny these days. It's for a certain crowd, but utterly worthless to me.


Some of the complaints in the last dudes review sounded cool to me. :/

Yeah, that's exactly my issue with it. All the review states as far as complaints has none of the "how" attached.

Worse is how the review digs around in the "insult box" to pull out truly original and blind speculation implying that the film was made by corporate men and women in suits, and is a product of heavy focus-testing, despite multiple sources saying the contrary.


Reviewer seems like another cynical anti-corporate type to me. He did at least seem excited about that late scene, maybe it's the T-Rex vs Indominus fight
So I'm kind of impressed with a sort of board/battle game I created with my son's JW toys. I'll try and share it later but I'd almost rather find someone to collaborate with for a mobile game. It was pretty dang fun. I'm not even sure where/how to start for such a thing.


So I'm kind of impressed with a sort of board/battle game I created with my son's JW toys. I'll try and share it later but I'd almost rather find someone to collaborate with for a mobile game. It was pretty dang fun. I'm not even sure where/how to start for such a thing.

You could potentially try to recreate it in tabletop simulator
Man, that "final" trailer really got me hyped for this

1) That scene at 1:06, that has to be the kids finding the old visitor center/ruins of the original park, right?

2) The roars at the end, that sounds like the T-Rex and something else, likely the Indominus Rex. Anyone else hearing that too?


Gonna suspend my disbelief like a motherfucker for my first viewing. If it's crap, I'll reserve sharing my opinions until after a second viewing.


My body is ready! Thursday cant come soon enough. To mentally prepare myself I will watch TLW & JP3 these days to lower the bar...


The reviews are really not inspiring me right now. But... they are not coming from very established sources, so maybe it's a fluke. Must stay positive! Positive!
I don't plan on giving it a # rating, but I will genuinely try to craft a well structured and in depth review. It will probably hit JW org, but I'll be sure to post here as well.

I may do a podcast or video blog also. Lots to do in these next few days!
Marathoned the entire series yesterday with a friend.

Guys, The Lost World and Jurassic Park 3 are not good movies. They aren't. Both my friend and I decided that is the last time we need to see TLW/JP3 ever again. They're just thoroughly mediocre.

Even scenes that seemed great in our memories weren't that great. The compy scene goes on too long, the T-Rex trailer attack is so tonally and logically inconsistent to the point of distraction, the raptors get very stupid, etc.

God, the San Diego scene is so awful.

Don't even get me started on JP3.

I think they seemed even WORSE, because we had just watched Jurassic Park. That T-Rex escape is the real-fucking-deal and is borderline horror.
I rewatched them too and while they both have poor aspects JP3 is still a fun and quick adventure to me. I would never watch TLW over it. Ever.


I'm starting my rewatch today. Jurassic Park, then TLW tomorrow, then JP3 on Wednesday.



They've been playing the first 3 films quite a lot on UK television, and I've been watching the cinema sins videos on the sequels. Yeah, the sequels are not good movies. There are a few good moments in there but they are overall pretty meh.

Pretty hyped to watch Jurassic World next week :3

At the very worst there are bound to be a few good moments in there like the sequels, and it won't take much for it to become the best Jurassic Park sequel.
I've seen JP a handful of times (along with special features) these last few weeks. Moving onto single viewings of TLW and 3 this week. My son doesn't know them as much. Seeing TLW with him Friday night and then again with fam and friends on the weekend.



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