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Jury sides with Hulk Hogan in his sex tape lawsuit against Gawker & awards him $115m

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I'm not very up to date regarding the way Gawker peddles its business, but I do remember a pretty big thread on GAF about a high level executive of Conde Nast a while back who was needlessly outed by Gawker. From the little I remember, he planned on a tryst with a gay pornstar, and when the pornstar asked him for help on some matter (I think the executive was a relative of Timothy Geithner), the guy refused to use his position to direct the matter in the pornstars favor. The pornstar then sent the cell phone pics of his messages with the executive to gawker, who posted it online.

So a guy who is in the closet, who sexual orientation and how he lives it out should be between him and his wife, the status of whose marriage and what accommodation if any he and his wife have reached is unknown, was outed for refusing to accede to blackmail. Plus someone mentioned in the thread that Conde Nast is a competitor of Gawker.

So yeah, screw them. Screw them all to hell.

Those worrying about our own Press Sneak Fuck, Totilo and Klepeck can rest assured that good journalists will always find a home. It might be difficult for them temporarily, but these guys do good work (whatever the overall image of Kotaku might be, these guys are all great journalists imo) and I am sure will land on their feet. My best wishes to them, and worst wishes to Gawker.

P.S. I just found out that io9 is also one of their sites. I enjoy their content from time to time, especially their Person of Interest related posts (they tend to think the show is as incredible as I do), so hope those guys all land on their feet as well.


Lifehacker got any tips on avoiding $115m verdicts?



It is bad people are losing their jobs but considering the Conde Naste shit it was clear that they didn't learn a single thing. They were almost all defending that despicable move.


Hulk talking about the differences between Hulk Hogans and Terry Bollea penis size is etched on my brain thanks to this trail.

If jalopnik goes down i'll be sad

The more I think about it though 115m seems really excessive, shouldn't this amount be way lower and just go after who ever made the call to ignore the order to take it down? Lots of people may be out of a job over this and that's not right

Well the company as à whole stood behind it so it is right imo.

Sure it is sad that people lose their jobs.
Hulk talking about the differences between Hulk Hogans and Terry Bollea penis size is etched on my brain thanks to this trail.

If jalopnik goes down i'll be sad

The more I think about it though 115m seems really excessive, shouldn't this amount be way lower and just go after who ever made the call to ignore the order to take it down? Lots of people may be out of a job over this and that's not right

It's really bizarre how all of a sudden GAF, generally a pretty liberal place, is suddenly against punishing companies for blatant violations of the law and human rights. I guess it's different when said companies happen to be tangentially related to video games.
It's really bizarre how all of a sudden GAF, generally a pretty liberal place, is suddenly against punishing companies for blatant violations of the law and human rights. I guess it's different when said companies happen to be tangentially related to video games.

How much of this thread have you read? There are tons of posts with people reveling at the thought of Gawkers demise.
Always sad to see that so many people will be losing their jobs, but when you knowingly go to work for an entity as scummy and unethical as Gawker, you'd have to know that the axe could drop at any time.
Serves them right, these are the people who were outraged about people watching the Jenner Lawrence videos but we're more than eager to share this guy's video. Shut the whole place down for those double standards.


I wonder if this will impact lifehacker, kotaku, gizmodo, sploid, io9.
I usually frequent these blogs everyday for content. It would really suck if they shut down because of that asshole. Jobs will be lost :(


Honorary Canadian.
Isn't Gawker the same site also that outed that CEO based on the confession of some male whore who was mad he wasn't getting paid or something?

Hope Deadspin lands on their feet. Seemed a pretty cut and dry case though, and when Hogan got fired from WWE because of what he said on the private tape, well... That was that.


Most celebrity's (movie-stars, pop-stars, sports-stars, politicians etc) live a double life & are hypocrites preaching one thing whilst doing another & they really don't like it when they get caught/found out.

I don't care for either Gawker or Hogan, it's a pity both couldn't lose.

As for the damages, they should be at most what Youtube pays per view imo, $115m is a ridiculous amount.


Most celebrity's (movie-stars, pop-stars, sports-stars, politicians etc) live a double life & are hypocrites preaching one thing whilst doing another & they really don't like it when they get caught/found out.

I don't care for either Gawker or Hogan, it's a pity both couldn't lose.

As for the damages, they should be at most what Youtube pays per view imo, $115m is a ridiculous amount.

No, it should be way more tha n what YouTube oays. If might be over the top at 115 million and I wish the money was going elsewhere, but they decide a judge order telling them to take it down even. Gawker should be punsihed heavily for everything they did regarding this case.


Isn't Gawker the same site also that outed that CEO based on the confession of some male whore who was mad he wasn't getting paid or something?

Yup. Even if you don't care about Hogan's particular case, Gawker needed a smacking for their particular brand of "journalism". I guess the clue is in the name.

doea gawker even make that much money ? can they pay even half of that ?

Nope. At least, definitely not in liquid assets.


I wonder if this will impact lifehacker, kotaku, gizmodo, sploid, io9.
I usually frequent these blogs everyday for content. It would really suck if they shut down because of that asshole. Jobs will be lost :(

Who? The Hulkster? Because Gawker's vile attitude is what brought this on themselves.


May Gawker burn and lets the fire spread.

I wonder if this will impact lifehacker, kotaku, gizmodo, sploid, io9.
I usually frequent these blogs everyday for content. It would really suck if they shut down because of that asshole. Jobs will be lost :(

Dude, Gawker is scum.
I've never known a more perfect source of trying to push a narrative, do a 180 and push another.
They are a clear example of a company pissing in your ear and trying to call it rain.
Gawker is a slimy piece of shit and I'm happy to see it burn down, but Kotaku is the only gaming news site than I can tolerate. I'll miss it slightly.


I'm not terribly worried about the people who work for Gawker. The sites that do put out good content with consistent readership will get sold off to provide the funds for the judgment or will be poached by other sites looking for good talent.

Fuck Gawker
Isn't Gawker the same site also that outed that CEO based on the confession of some male whore who was mad he wasn't getting paid or something?

Hope Deadspin lands on their feet. Seemed a pretty cut and dry case though, and when Hogan got fired from WWE because of what he said on the private tape, well... That was that.

This is what I don't get: Gawker, the same site that puts up the Hogan sex tape, was also the site condemning the celebrity nude hacks from a couple of years back. What is the difference between explicit Hulk Hogan imagery and explicit J. Law imagery? How is either newsworthy?

I will miss io9 and Gizmodo, but not Gawker Media as a whole. It's a toxic bunch of sites for the most part.

Perhaps io9 and Gizmodo will split off, like Consumerist did a few years back, and nothing of value will be lost.


Hogan is not getting a shit tone of money for being racist. Rather Gawker is giving a shit tone of money to a racist because they were complete morons.
Serious question, if it's been answered, sorry I didn't see it. Any idea on how long until the websites go down? Like an estimate?


Well the company as à whole stood behind it so it is right imo.

Sure it is sad that people lose their jobs.

Yeah I guess but the rank and file writers didn't do it

It's really bizarre how all of a sudden GAF, generally a pretty liberal place, is suddenly against punishing companies for blatant violations of the law and human rights. I guess it's different when said companies happen to be tangentially related to video games.

Just skimming the thread and it seems most people are happy Gawker is getting the leg drop, they just also acknowledge the Hulkster is a racist.


I'm sure they will keep them up until the appeals process is done and that could take years.

Maybe the appeals process will take years. If they can't get a judge to axe the 50 million escrow they have to put up to appeal however, they may already be SOL. Gawker doesn't have that kind of money, and finding people to put it up for you when you may lose it all in the end won't be easy.

Curious what this means for the future of gawker

They just got leg dropped by the HH

They done

It's really bizarre how all of a sudden GAF, generally a pretty liberal place, is suddenly against punishing companies for blatant violations of the law and human rights. I guess it's different when said companies happen to be tangentially related to video games.

I think most people are taken aback by how absurdly large the settlement is.

But we also are enjoying a very sensible chuckle at the thought of Gawker and its ilk going down the tubes.


Always sad to see that so many people will be losing their jobs, but when you knowingly go to work for an entity as scummy and unethical as Gawker, you'd have to know that the axe could drop at any time.

That's how I see it. Sorry to the Kotaku folks that people like, but they knew exactly what kind of company Gawker Media was and how they do business. It's been apparent for years, they were knowingly working for a company that plays fast and loose with ethics and the law. And frankly good riddance to the ones supporting that Conde Naste business.


I won't be too sorry to see Gawker go down. Most of the sites are straight trash, and though I read Deadspin and Jalopnik fairly regularly they piss me off more often than not. Drew Magary is probably the only writer I ever actually enjoy reading on the entire network. Marchman has run Deadspin into the ground and all of the talent at Jalopnik moved on to better things.
I cannot believe that there is a judge (and maybe judges) in the US that considers a fucking sex tape of interest to the public.

The US is definitely la-la-land.
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