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Jury sides with Hulk Hogan in his sex tape lawsuit against Gawker & awards him $115m

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Even more painful to read how Gawker justified their position:

I don't know how ANYONE can logically say that a public figure should have his privacy invaded because his sexual escapades are public because he's a public figure. Retarded circular reasoning.

What really hurts is they took the exact opposite stance for the fappening. People called them out for that back when, and gawker tried to brush off the criticism.


Sad how people are literally cheering in this thread for Kotaku's closure, meaning people like Jason Schreier will lose his job over this, sickening


Sad how people are literally cheering in this thread for Kotaku's closure, meaning people like Jason Schreier will lose his job over this, sickening

As much as it might sound cold (and maybe it is), the fact that jobs will be lost can't prevent companies ceasing to exist that are doing shit like what Gawker did. There is a difference between celebrating justice being done and celebrating people losing their jobs, even if the two outcomes come from the same event.

I have nothing against Kotaku, but this situation was completely vile and the right outcome was reached. It's like a murderer not going to jail because he's got kids that will miss their dad - yes, that is tragic, but he did it to them himself.
To be fair, the way you worded the phrase, didn't do you any favours. You brought up a fact that was completely irrelevant to the case at hand ("So a racist gets 115mil...") and juxtaposed that with possible consequences with regards to people losing their jobs. It made it seem as if you cared less about the legal dispute and more about Gawker. If you wanted to talk about the arbitrariness of compensation, you could've simply stated "how did the jury reach the conclusion that Hogan was to be awarded 115mil?/Seems arbitrary/etc."

As for celebrations, it's more complicated than that. Some people are celebrating that Gawker is getting what they deserved with regards to their hypocritical stance on celebrity nudes (see: Gawker's EXTREMELY hypocritical posts regarding The Fappening, and then shitting on people for seeing JLaw's nudes THAT THEY THEMSELVES LINKED, while celebrating Hogan's sex tape reveal). Some just hate Gawker and like to see them burn. Some are equating this to Hogan taking down a "giant" as per his old Wresting days. It's a myriad of reasons.

Personally, I have no sympathy for Gawker after their hypocritical stance and acting inappropriately during trial (being unnecessarily smug and snarky).

Gawker is made up of absolutely horrible human beings who would do anything for pageviews, as has been proven many times before. Just now someone has linked a video in which the editor in chief makes "a sarcastic statement" (according to him) to where he would draw the line of "newsworthy" sex videos, which would be children the age of 4.

There have been multiple cases where I had compassion for people losing their jobs, even when I didn't particularly like the company they were working for.

But, in this case, I have no compassion. Just look at this shit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Pr8S44o6N4

These people think they are above the law. And now they are finally being judged for it, they don't know how to react.

Yet you're running to the defence of a company of its character.

People losing their jobs sucks but what exactly is your alternative? Ignore privacy laws? Only give the company a slap on the wrist? The best way to avoid outcomes like this is to not break the fucking law in the first place but with the way Gawker is run, a result like this was inevitable.
Yep, all fair points which I'm not denying. But I feel like there's a more appropriate sum of money that they could have settled for, in addition to constraining the legal fallout to the people responsible for making the decisions in the first place. I've only ever read Kotaku and Gizmodo, so I wouldn't be the most well versed in the ill committed by their Gawker's "Gawker" branch. It just seems unjust that unrelated sites like the ones I listed prior will be potentially obliterated for something they didn't do.

As for the racist thing, I honestly expected a more neutral response seeing a case settled between two shitty parties, hence my initial post.


Sad how people are literally cheering in this thread for Kotaku's closure, meaning people like Jason Schreier will lose his job over this, sickening
Its not that simple. I for one am happy about the outcome because recently Gawker and it's tactics have been really deplorable when it comes to certain scandals as of late. That being said I'm not happy a certain branch of Gawker, Kotaku, and its employees I like are out of a job.

It sucks but talent like that will bounce back and honestly I'm looking forward to a Jason Schreier that isn't under a Gawker sister site.


No Scrubs
Sad how people are literally cheering in this thread for Kotaku's closure, meaning people like Jason Schreier will lose his job over this, sickening

Gawker's been practicing bad journalism for years and this was going to happen sooner or later. If Schreier is any good he'll find someplace that isn't a garbage dump to write for.


A Good Citizen
Is there any form of conversation lower in topics like these than handwringing over jobs? I feel like people would defend almost anything as long as it was a place of employment. Jesus.


I'm not a big fan of Kotaku, but they do have some decent people in there. I'm happy about this ruling because this means they may get to break off and make their own site, with less shitty management. After Crecente left the site turned into crap. I won't even go into the other Gawker sites - they can diaf.

My personal feelings aside, I hope everyone find jobs.


Sad to see sites like Kotaku and Lifehacker go because of this. I got some good cooking tips from Lifehacker. I'm not the world's biggest fan of Jezebel but feel bad for the people losing their jobs over it.


If Donald Trump or Ted Cruz' campaigns go kaput, people will also lose their jobs.

Campaigns are time-limited anyways, bad comparison. I see the point you are making, but I still find the celebration extremely distasteful considering there are gaffers affected by this


Sad to see sites like Kotaku and Lifehacker go because of this. I got some good cooking tips from Lifehacker. I'm not the world's biggest fan of Jezebel but feel bad for the people losing their jobs over it.

They knew who paid the bills when they joined that company.
Campaigns are time-limited anyways, bad comparison. I see the point you are making, but I still find the celebration extremely distasteful considering there are gaffers affected by this

These things happen. Nobody is happy that some poor guy lost his job. That's not what is being cheered here. What is being cheered is karma kicking a company in the ass. It's a shame that others are affected by it, but it happens.

The Llama

Sad how people are literally cheering in this thread for Kotaku's closure, meaning people like Jason Schreier will lose his job over this, sickening

I've loved Schreier ever since all anyone knew him as was Prism, but Gawker deserves this verdict against them.
Hogan could buy TNA with that money.

The people in this thread could probably chip in and buy TNA.

As for Gawker, it's unfortunate for the staff, but Gawker's ownership/management showed a flagrant disregard for the law and contempt for the court, and had to be made an example of. Hopefully this judgment will go some small way to improving the conduct of online journalism.
Sucks for Deadspin and Kotaku.

Gawker however deserves this for the shit they tried to pull. Reporting on a video is one thing, but posting actual footage was crossing the line in a big way.

I even think the amount is justified considering this video resulted in a man having his life ruined in the public's eye.
Would expect an overturn on appeal. There's some vital depositions missing here.

Can a US lawyer explain to me how/why US juries get to decide the degree of damages in the US?


No Scrubs
So if gawker took down the video they'd have not gone to court?

Nothing beats hulk hogan

If they hadn't put it up in the first place they wouldn't have gotten in trouble.

They had no reason to put that tape up, nothing about it was in the public interest. If they had even the slightest sliver of integrity they could have avoided all of this.

Would expect an overturn on appeal. There's some vital depositions missing here.

Can a US lawyer explain to me how/why US juries get to decide the degree of damages in the US?

None of that would change what Gawker did or the outcome of this trial.
Gawker was shit for running that story, but if they close a lot of completely unrelated people will lose their jobs. It was only a matter of time until their complete lack of integrity pissed off the wrong people.

Hogan's still a racist asshole despite being in the right legally to sue.


Would expect an overturn on appeal. There's some vital depositions missing here.

Can a US lawyer explain to me how/why US juries get to decide the degree of damages in the US?

They have to pony up 50 million in cash, plus two years interest on the total amount to be put away for them to be able to appeal, Which they obviously do not have. If they try to get out of it by declaring bankruptcy, Hogan gets everything. One way or the other, Hogan gets paid.
So, all the racist comments in Hogan's sex tape only came to light after the lawsuit was filed. Did Gawker have the full tape with those comments and chose not to run with them for whatever reason, and instead only went with showing clips of the actual sex part?

Also, hypothetically, if they instead wrote an article that went like "Hulk Hogan is a racist scumbag, here's some audio from a leaked sex tape proving it", would they be in nearly as much trouble?


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Somewhere in hell Steve Jobs is pleased. They stole his iPhone, man.


One last big leg drop and Gawker is down. Hogan goes for the pin. ONE! TWO! THREE! It's over. A seriously blow has been dealt to bad hypocrisy filled journalism today and the crowd love it!

Yes, it is a shame for the genuinely good reporters and hopefully they can find their way outside of the shadow of the Gawker umbrella. Not saying it's guaranteed they'll all fall on their feet, but the death of Gawker as a whole is for the best.

Reading about their reasons for an appeal: I don't see how it will help their case other than maybe lowering the damages, which is already ridiculously high for them to pay. I'm not sure how much it'll help. Silly, Gawker, no one goes over Hogan. You get down and you job. Also, hopefully this means Hogan can now fuck off to obscurity and never be heard from again.


butthurt Heat fan
Would expect an overturn on appeal. There's some vital depositions missing here.

The documents unsealed a couple of days ago seem to show that Hogan sued to keep the racist things he said under wraps.

I'll be shocked if this doesn't get overturned on appeal.

The Gamergaters celebrating this on twitter seem to be unaware of this.


OMG, this whole thing was a work! McMahon had to fire Hulk and strip him from the company to send the possible damages sky high! Hulk gets all the money, Gawker dies, then Hulk returns to the WWE bigger than ever!!!


The documents unsealed a couple of days ago seem to show that Hogan sued to keep the racist things he said under wraps.

I'll be shocked if this doesn't get overturned on appeal.

The Gamergaters celebrating this on twitter seem to be unaware of this.

There will be no appeal if Gawker can't pony up the 50mil as required in Florida.


nwo fo life!

i'm surprised he didn't get more money, his rep and being known worldwide and the racial stuff being leaked.

i don't buy that hes a racist either. im a cracker thats been listening to rap since i was young. no idea why but i constantly sing the lyrics and have used that kind of foul language around friends, etc.

i have let words slip in my worst moments blindly with no ill will behind them, i have even had to apologize for doing it in front of minorities. its almost like a parrot spitting out shit from memory before thinking. i ain't no racist either.


Trucker Sexologist
nwo fo life!

i'm surprised he didn't get more money, his rep and being known worldwide and the racial stuff being leaked.

i don't buy that hes a racist either. im a cracker thats been listening to rap since i was young. no idea why but i constantly sing the lyrics and have used that kind of foul language around friends, etc.

i have let words slip in my worst moments blindly with no ill will behind them, i have even had to apologize for doing it in front of minorities. its almost like a parrot spitting out shit from memory before thinking. i ain't no racist either.
He didn't just let a word slip. Listen to the tapes carefully.
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