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Just got my console (and I assume my account) banned from Live for playing Halo 4.


Legally bought, but illegally sold.

By the store not the customer. Blame the store, not the customer.

I have bought MS games before the official release date before. I have done it with Halo 3 and I believe Reach as well. I knew the owner of the shop.

I never got banned, should I have gotten banned? Fuck no.


As long as it didn't fall of the back of a truck.


Legally bought, but illegally sold.

Correct. I would imagine a sales receipt would be enough for MS to unban the OP.

I wonder if MS can detect if a game is a legit or pirated copy.

I fucking hate MS, never owned a 360, think the 360 controller is shit, and think people who pay for Live are morons. I'm a Sony fanboy through and through. Doesn't mean I'm not an adult businessman who knows what's going on here.

I'm not even defending anything. I have zero investment monetarily or emotionally in MS. Zero. None. I hope Halo 4 sucks and sinks them.

You are so cool.
By the store not the customer. Blame the store, not the customer.

I have bought MS games before the official release date before. I have done it with Halo 3 and I believe Reach as well. I knew the owner of the shop.

I never got banned, should I have gotten banned? Fuck no.


As long as it didn't fall of the back of a truck.

Ok, lets blame the store. What was the name of the store? If the copy is legit, we should have this information right? If it is legit... there is nothing to hide if the OP is totally innocent.


Ok, lets blame the store. What was the name of the store? If the copy is legit, we should have this information right?

It's not the consumer's problem to give MS that information. They have the technology to ban you so they should make the technology to track which version goes to which store... it's not my problem.


This is crazy stuff. I've never bought a game before street date on the 360 but I do it all the time for the PS3. And I plan on doing it again for PlayStation All-Stars too.


Wow what. The question of 'can I play it early without being banned' comes up with every major game release and I always thought it was common sense that it was fine as long as the game was a real copy. And it has been until now - with Reach, bungie acknowledged it and made sure that EXP and such got wiped for launch. It's baffling that Microsoft would suddenly do a 180 here, I mean how many people aren't even aware of release dates and such?

For those arguing that 'the only reason they'd get it early is if they asked for it', that's bullshit. I mean, the last time I was in an EB I saw someone walk up to the counter and ask if they could buy a Playstation 4 yet. To us that's silly, but most people don't know or care about this sort of thing. Not unreasonable at all to have someone who likes Halo but isn't aware of 4's exact release date.

The most troubling thing here is the 'it was an illegitimate copy' statement. What's that even mean? If it was stolen from the store, okay, but they have no goddamn way of knowing that. Punishing the customer rather than the store that broke the street date is just insanity. Yes, I know you can get unbanned by sending in some 'proof', but does it SAY THIS when you get banned or is it just the generic message telling you to fuck off? Either way they're screwed out of a service they're paying for until MS decides to click that unban button.

On the one hand I hope this blows up in their face, but on the other I really hope they fix it fast because I feel bad for anyone who just wanted to play some Halo and ended up banned.


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
Ok, lets blame the store. What was the name of the store? If the copy is legit, we should have this information right? If it is legit... there is nothing to hide if the OP is totally innocent.

Hi, I know your angle, and I can understand it. But the guy who was at the store is a pretty cool fellow, and lent me a helping hand. I know, your next argument then, is that I was complacent or I knew the risks. But with that said, I'm CERTAIN the money will get to MS just the same soon enough; and honest to goodness, I would have never expected them to permaban my entire console over a legitimate copy of the game.

Do I have a receipt? No, I don't. But as I mentioned before, I love this industry and probably have more X360 games than 95% of the population, and purchased the console on Day One. I'm not a hacker, I'm not a thief. I just had an opportunity to play a hyped game early - I think a lot of honest people would take up that offer.

You have my word I didn't steal it. But I know, it's the internet, and that might not mean a lot for you.


Anyhoo, I added another Edit to the OP so those arriving late to the thread know that this should be settled soon. I don't want anything too damning out there against MS if they come through and resolve the issue.
Hi, I know your angle, and I can understand it. But the guy who was at the store is a pretty cool fellow, and lent me a helping hand. I know, your next argument then, is that I was complacent or I knew the risks. But with that said, I'm CERTAIN the money will get to MS just the same soon enough; and honest to goodness, I would have never expected them to permaban my entire console over a legitimate copy of the game.

Do I have a receipt? No, I don't. But as I mentioned before, I love this industry and probably have more X360 games than 95% of the population, and purchased the console on Day One. I'm not a hacker, I'm not a thief. I just had an opportunity to play a hyped game early - I think a lot of honest people would take up that offer.

You have my word I didn't steal it. But I know, it's the internet, and that might not mean a lot for you.


Anyhoo, I added another Edit to the OP so those arriving late to the thread know that this should be settled soon. I don't want anything too damning out there against MS if they come through and resolve the issue.

I'm not saying you stole it. I'm sure he is a good fellow at the store as well but you cannot deny that you knew you were doing something wrong. My point by your own admission is that this sale was not legit nor was it official. You can agree to that right? Your post did play off as being the victim in this instance and you have everyone fired up trying to protect the rights of an average consumer being dupped by a store. But that didn't happen here. You knew you were doing something wrong from the get go. The old saying "when you mess with the bull, sometimes you get the horns"

But my posts are clarifing that the deal was shady. Was not official or legit and you knew you were doing something wrong and the store was too. Something a lot of people in this thread are glossing over. By your own admission you knew the risks of buying it like this. But it is lame to know the risks, take the risk, then complain about it later.
Wow what. The question of 'can I play it early without being banned' comes up with every major game release and I always thought it was common sense that it was fine as long as the game was a real copy. And it has been until now - with Reach, bungie acknowledged it and made sure that EXP and such got wiped for launch. It's baffling that Microsoft would suddenly do a 180 here, I mean how many people aren't even aware of release dates and such?

For those arguing that 'the only reason they'd get it early is if they asked for it', that's bullshit. I mean, the last time I was in an EB I saw someone walk up to the counter and ask if they could buy a Playstation 4 yet. To us that's silly, but most people don't know or care about this sort of thing. Not unreasonable at all to have someone who likes Halo but isn't aware of 4's exact release date.

The most troubling thing here is the 'it was an illegitimate copy' statement. What's that even mean? If it was stolen from the store, okay, but they have no goddamn way of knowing that. Punishing the customer rather than the store that broke the street date is just insanity. Yes, I know you can get unbanned by sending in some 'proof', but does it SAY THIS when you get banned or is it just the generic message telling you to fuck off? Either way they're screwed out of a service they're paying for until MS decides to click that unban button.

On the one hand I hope this blows up in their face, but on the other I really hope they fix it fast because I feel bad for anyone who just wanted to play some Halo and ended up banned.

don't even bother with it, when people say "The guilty until proven innocent approach is the only approach", there's no hope left. it's a shitty practice, and one that doesn't make any sense at all from the customer pov. why shouldn't he be allowed to play a game he bought?


Hi, I know your angle, and I can understand it. But the guy who was at the store is a pretty cool fellow, and lent me a helping hand. I know, your next argument then, is that I was complacent or I knew the risks. But with that said, I'm CERTAIN the money will get to MS just the same soon enough; and honest to goodness, I would have never expected them to permaban my entire console over a legitimate copy of the game.

Do I have a receipt? No, I don't. But as I mentioned before, I love this industry and probably have more X360 games than 95% of the population, and purchased the console on Day One. I'm not a hacker, I'm not a thief. I just had an opportunity to play a hyped game early - I think a lot of honest people would take up that offer.

You have my word I didn't steal it. But I know, it's the internet, and that might not mean a lot for you.

Anyhoo, I added another Edit to the OP so those arriving late to the thread know that this should be settled soon. I don't want anything too damning out there against MS if they come through and resolve the issue.

they permabant your account... that you payed for lol

well fuck that... M$ will not be getting my money... canceling my LE and getting it for free at gamestop.
better thank your lucky stars your a gaffer and made this thread... but fuck them for doing this in the first place. Every single AAAA game is sold early to people in the world it will never stop. M$ answer is to ban the people that buy their shit and pay for live year in and year out....


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
I'm not saying you stole it. I'm sure he is a good fellow at the store as well but you cannot deny that you knew you were doing something wrong. My point by your own admission is that this sale was not legit nor was it official. You can agree to that right? Your post did play off as being the victim in this instance and you have everyone fired up trying to protect the rights of an average consumer being dupped by a store. But that didn't happen here. You knew you were doing something wrong from the get go. The old saying "when you mess with the bull, sometimes you get the horns"

But my posts are clarifing that the deal was shady. Was not official or legit and you knew you were doing something wrong and the store was too. Something a lot of people in this thread are glossing over.

Personally, if my money exchanges hands with the owner (or even manager) of the store for a product and a price we both agree; that's a legitimate transaction. Just because a register didn't do the math, I still consider it an honest sale. A receipt doesn't change that; as small stores do hand written receipts or none at all; ie: Dry Cleaners, small record/movie shops, etc.

With that said, I won't argue with you that I knew actually getting it early required some finess and a "little" working working behind the scenes. I can't argue that. But I do believe most anybody else would do what I was doing.

I justify it that the store will get their money. MS will get their money. I have a legitimate copy of the game. If it were hacked or downloaded? Ban me to hell and back. But what risk did I take other than risking MS would ban me for playing their retail title a bit early?

And furthermore, I tried to be honest in the OP. I could have just as easily lied and said I lost the reciept or said Walmart sold it to me early or something. I don't think, really, it should make a difference in the end. And that's why I feel like your argument is more a "Karma is a bitch" argument than anything else.

In the end, I respect your opinion and can see where you're coming from. And I don't mean any ill-will. But no, I don't think I should have my console and account permabanned from Live for playing a retail game a week or so early.

Personally, if my money exchanges hands with the owner (or even manager) of the store for a product and a price we both agree; that's a legitimate transaction. Just because a register didn't do the math, I still consider it an honest sale. A receipt doesn't change that; as small stores do hand written receipts or none at all; ie: Dry Cleaners, small record/movie shops, etc.

So we are now back to if it was a legitimate transaction, why go out of your way to hide the name of the store?
I know Stinkles stepped in and fixed the situation, but as a general policy, banning people who purchased your game is downright silly.

I bought Halo 3 a week+ before launch, and I remember joking with Frankie on these boards about getting banned. We all had a good laugh about it, and ended up playing multiplayer together instead.

The game is out in a week. MS needs to drop this terribly draconian policy as stores will definitely have their full stock by Friday.


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
So we are now back to if it was a legitimate transaction, why go out of your way to hide the name of the store?

Because they sold it to me early and I don't want to get someone in trouble that did me a favor. Just because it was sold early doesn't make that sale illigetimate.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Because they sold it to me early and I don't want to get someone in trouble that did me a favor. Just because it was sold early doesn't make that sale illigetimate.

So..this wasn't a store breaking street date. It was a friend "helping" another friend.


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
So..this wasn't a store breaking street date. It was a friend "helping" another friend.

They broke street date for more than just me. This was not a friends thing.

Anyhoo, I'm gonna stay out of this thread. I don't think I'll change anyone's opinions. Hopefully my account banning will be resolved soon, anyway.


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
How can they get in trouble if they did a legitimate sale with a customer?

Very last post; sorry, not trying to cut out - but I feel like I don't have much to add and that I won't change your opinion, which is fine. That, and I gotta work ;p

But out of cuirosity, what if I bought the game from eBay or CL? There are plenty of copies to buy early right now, and I'm sure none of those would have a receipt. But surely, you wouldn't suggest antyhing/everything bought from eBay is illegitmate.

Exactly. The witch hunt for the name of the store is sad.

I guess people buying games off Craigslist is illegitimate too.

If it is for a game sold before its street date... Yes, it is illegitimate. If it is a truly legitimate sale then there would be nothing to hide or hold back about the purchase.

Very last post; sorry, not trying to cut out - but I feel like I don't have much to add and that I won't change your opinion, which is fine. That, and I gotta work ;p

But out of cuirosity, what if I bought the game from eBay or CL? There are plenty of copies to buy early right now, and I'm sure none of those would have a receipt. But surely, you wouldn't suggest antyhing/everything bought from eBay is illegitmate.


Give me the ebay number of a Halo 4 game sold before street date and it would clearly show the name of the seller. That isn't hidden like it is in your case.


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
OP admitted he knew the risks buying the game this way.

Gah, one more post.

Just to clear it up- no, didn't know the risks of getting perm'd over a legit copy. In an earlier post I said I Googled before playing and only saw a week old Kotaku post about pirated copies. In the past, I can't recall any console bans over a retail copy of a game.


I fucking hate MS, never owned a 360, think the 360 controller is shit, and think people who pay for Live are morons. I'm a Sony fanboy through and through. Doesn't mean I'm not an adult businessman who knows what's going on here.

As an adult businessman, you think MS banning their paying customers due to a retailer screw up is a good choice?

So we are now back to if it was a legitimate transaction, why go out of your way to hide the name of the store?

You are obsessed with this. Who cares? What difference does the name of the store make? Either MS's policy of banning people who bought the game early is good or it's not.
Gah, one more post.

Just to clear it up- no, didn't know the risks of getting perm'd over a legit copy. In an earlier post I said I Googled before playing and only saw a week old Kotaku post about pirated copies. In the past, I can't recall any console bans over a retail copy of a game.

I must have read your post wrong then. Clearly you knew something may happen due to the "shady" nature of the sale.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
As an adult businessman, you think MS banning their paying customers due to a retailer screw up is a good choice?

I've stated repeatedly I have no issue with how MS conducts their policies because I have zero interest in MS. I never said that banning his account was "the right thing to do" or anything of the sort. I even hinted that it was a bit extreme in some of my posts. I was simply trying to explain WHY they might do it, purely from the standpoint that they are a business trying to protect their property - and that property's image. The actions they took are completely justifiable from a business standpoint and if they choose to later apologize to those affected and rescind the bans that's also justifiable. But MS haven't done anything "wrong" and you give them the right to choose what's right and wrong when you pay for and use their service.


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
I must have read your post wrong then. Clearly you knew something may happen due to the "shady" nature of the sale.

No, maybe "shady" was the wrong term. Basically, yes, it's obvious this person did the transaction a bit differently to get it in my hands sooner - but it wasn't being stolen, everyone would get their money, and it would be in the books. But when I said "shady", I'd never think in the sense that my console would get permanently banned.

Maybe a lock-out of multiplayer, or a temp account ban until release or something. That was the risk I assumed I was taking, and that's with being in the "know."
You are obsessed with this. Who cares? What difference does the name of the store make? Either MS's policy of banning people who bought the game early is good or it's not.

No, it is not the OP's fault nor MS fault. The fault is the stores for selling a copy of the game to the customer when they shouldn't have. But he is hiding the name of the store because he is trying to protect them because he knows what they did was wrong.

I don't care about the store, just proving a point that if it was a truly legit sale then there would be no need to withold this information about where he bought it.

No, maybe "shady" was the wrong term. Basically, yes, it's obvious this person did the transaction a bit differently to get it in my hands sooner - but it wasn't being stolen, everyone would get their money, and it would be in the books. But when I said "shady", I'd never think in the sense that my console would get permanently banned.

Maybe a lock-out of multiplayer, or a temp account ban until release or something. That was the risk I assumed I was taking, and that's with being in the "know."

But again, if it is a legit sale then all this back handed stuff wouldn't need to happen.

What would "something" even be?

Maybe a lock-out of multiplayer, or a temp account ban until release or something. That was the risk I assumed I was taking, and that's with being in the "know."
So I went around yesterday to all the mom and pop shop electronics all whopping 6(2 were closed) of them and none would sell me H4 early. One actually laughed at me. I am imagining this is a lot easier of a feat in NYC or LA but after this thread I thought this would be a piece of cake. Point is none of them are willing to risk selling the game early which would mean the shops do know there is some type of risk associated with this.


No, it is not the OP's fault nor MS fault. The fault is the stores for selling a copy of the game to the customer when they shouldn't have. But he is hiding the name of the store because he is trying to protect them because he knows what they did was wrong.

The banning was MS's fault. They chose to implement a policy that console bans people who purchase a game early. Either you support that or you don't. Your obsession with the store is just deflection.

Stores sometimes break street dates. MS knows this, and has decided to ban the consoles of their customers anyway. This is a new policy, and it's a stupid policy.

From Stephen Toulouse :
"I can be clear however that this applies to illegitimate copies only, the ban covers the Xbox LIVE account and could possibly include their console depending on the results of our investigations (which are ongoing). We do this from time to time with titles to combat piracy," he wrote to Kotaku. "If a user happens to purchase a legit copy of Halo 3: ODST early, then our problem is not with the user but the retailer who broke the street date. Those individuals will not be punished."


Doesn't make it right but playing a game pre street date while being logged in is just a fucking stupid thing to do.

Are you serious? We're talking about a legal retail copy here! Do you really think people should actually be punished if they buy something at a store earlier than the publisher would like to?

How many customers outside this forum keep up with street dates?

How can anyone demand that a customer should check a street date first before buying something that is actually offered in a store?
The banning was MS's fault. They chose to implement a policy that console bans people who purchase a game early. Either you support that or you don't. Your obsession with the store is just deflection.

Stores sometimes break street dates. MS knows this, and has decided to ban the consoles of their customers anyway. This is a new policy, and it's a stupid policy.

You are concentrating on the last thing that happened (the banning) while I'm concentrating on the first thing that happened (the unofficial sale). If you go back in time, if he doesn't purchase the game under the table from the shady retailer (he admits he knew what he was doing) in the first place then everything after that including the banning never happens anyway.

I would totally be on the customers side here if he wasn't hiding the store. Him hiding it proves he knows he was doing something wrong the entire time.
You are concentrating on the last thing that happened (the banning) while I'm concentrating on the first thing that happened (the unofficial sale). If you go back in time, if he doesn't purchase the game under the table from the shady retailer (he admits he knew what he was doing) in the first place then everything after that including the banning never happens anyway.

And he still did nothing wrong

Guilty till proven innocent? For a service you are paying for? DA FUCK

Shit is going upside down in my head right now

Oh yeah because, because... human rights from courts in online services.

If you have something that can't be sold, and you're playing it online, only three things apply:

A) You're in a whitelist by the developer
B) You have bought it from a store that broke the launch date
C) You're playing a torrented version.

B and C are both consumer's fault. C is totally it, B is 50%. But you know, you'll get unbanned... IF you provide the receipt. The receipt will contain the store in question, basically making whoever sold the game fired.

How is that not right? Sure it sucks for whoever sold it to him, but it's not like he had to. The least you can do is suck it up, it's your own mistake. And if the person actually risked his job because he thought you were a nice consumer/friend, you will either have to rat him out or get a new console/gamertag.

That last thing doesn't apply here because... yeah, direct help without need of receipt it seems.

And he still did nothing wrong

Let's rephrase it and i'm sure you'll see he did something wrong. He persuaded someone to sell him something that can make him an unemployed person. Nothing wrong with that, clerk had it coming...right?

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
And he still did nothing wrong

He didn't do anything "wrong", but once he tried to access online content that was very tightly restricted he opened himself up to whatever action MS wanted to take. They are strictly monitoring the online portion of the game right now in preparation for launch, and having someone who shouldn't be there seeing things they shouldn't see set off an alarm that lead to this action.

It's 2012, everything we do whether on our consoles, or phones, or computers is tracked. The ISPs, the websites, the services, they all track everything we do. The op knew that MS could see him, and, because they can't immediately identify if he has a legitimate copy or not, took the only course of action they could to ensure any leak of information was as small as possible before release.


Him hiding it proves he knows he was doing something wrong the entire time.

It's not the customer's job to do any detective work for Microsoft.

If they can't be 100% sure that someone is playing an illegal copy, they shouldn't ban anyone.

"Ban first, ask questions later" is just a horrible way of doing business with paying customers.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
It's not the customer's job to do any detective work for Microsoft.

If they can't be 100% sure that someone is playing an illegal copy, they shouldn't ban anyone.

"Ban first, ask questions later" is just a horrible way of doing business with paying customers.

They cannot confirm whether it's a paying customer or not. The alternative you're suggesting allows the much larger number of pirates to get away with it while only a very small minority who got the game through lucky means get to enjoy it. The best option is cut off EVERYONE and deal with it as best as possible from then on. Which is what they are doing in this specific situation.
He didn't do anything "wrong", but once he tried to access online content that was very tightly restricted he opened himself up to whatever action MS wanted to take. They are strictly monitoring the online portion of the game right now in preparation for launch, and having someone who shouldn't be there seeing things they shouldn't see set off an alarm that lead to this action.

It's 2012, everything we do whether on our consoles, or phones, or computers is tracked. The ISPs, the websites, the services, they all track everything we do. The op knew that MS could see him, and, because they can't immediately identify if he has a legitimate copy or not, took the only course of action they could to ensure any leak of information was as small as possible before release.

And their policy has never been to ban people with legitimate copies so he had no reason not to take it online. Its the stores fault for selling it and MS fault for not being able to tell if a copy is pirated.
They cannot confirm whether it's a paying customer or not. The alternative you're suggesting allows the much larger number of pirates to get away with it while only a very small minority who got the game through lucky means get to enjoy it. The best option is cut off EVERYONE and deal with it as best as possible from then on. Which is what they are doing in this specific situation.
Exactly, I don't buy the argument that because one innocent player may get banned (for a bit only), 100 pirates have to be allowed to play the game for example.

I prefer the lock down, prove that you have this game that you shouldn't have.

It's like you're complaining because they don't allow you into a country because you don't carry your ID card. Show them your ID card, they'll let you in. No: The obvious solution would be: let everyone in the country, ask for ID later at some point.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
And their policy has never been to ban people with legitimate copies so he had no reason not to take it online. Its the stores fault for selling it and MS fault for not being able to tell if a copy is pirated.

MS's policy is they can do anything they like if you agree to their ToS and EULA. Same as Blizzard, same as Steam, or Origin, or any online service. They can ban you/lock your content anytime they wish. Only way to protest is not give them your money.
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