Instead of laughing, maybe you can enlighten me.lolol
Instead of laughing, maybe you can enlighten me.lolol
Instead of laughing, maybe you can enlighten me.
I wasn't sure if you were serious. Sorry. I did however edit my post though.
Please disclose what information the OP hasn't provided which would explain the account's banning.
Man, so far we have piracy accusations and theft accusations thrown at the OP, all to have Microsoft's best interests at heartIf they found traces of piracy I'm pretty sure Stinkles wouldn't even be bothering to still try to to help the guy.
This account was issued a permanent suspension for possessing a modified tenure level. The account's tenure does not accurately represent the number of years that the account has held a gold membership. Such modification of user account data is in strict violation of the Terms of Use and Code of Conduct. The suspension will stand as issued.
he works for 343.
skellington, are you losing a whole bunch of paid for downloaded content if they ban your gamertag?
this whole situation seems unfortunate.
I've seen this one floating the last couple of days and just today i mustered the courage to click it.November 27th update: Well, unfortunately, I don't think this is going to be solved. On the release day, I provided Stinkles with the information he requested, and a couple days later, I was informed my issue had been passed on to the appropriate people. After not hearing back from Stinkles on 11/13, I waited four more days and sent another private message on 11/17. Though, at this point, we were approaching Thanksgiving. I understand many vacations run around this time, and so I didn't want to be a nuissance and push for answers over the holidays. However, at this point, we're nearly three days into the return to the working week, and I still haven't heard back on my PMs from Stinkles. Considering the first PM went out on the 13th, I imagine he's moved on and I'm left hanging. I hate to think that; and Stinkles, if I'm incorrect and there is something working in the background, please let me know and I'd be thrilled to update this thread. I'd much prefer a happy endingI can certainly understand you're busy, it's just been quite a while since I've heard anything.
Furthermore, at this point, I can't imagine standard customer support being any help at all. We're so far past the launch date, and even further past my inital banning, that I highly doubt any tier 1 or tier 2 rep will give me the time or even fully comprehend the (what I like to think) uniqueness of my case. A shame, really.
I had a good deal of GS credit, and purchased a new Xbox over Black Friday - yeah, yeah, I know... I'm weak and shouldn't have bought it. But I want to play your game, Stinkles! I want to play your game! ... That said, I'll definitely be buying used titles from now on; and you can sure as heck bet I won't be buying any digital games ;p With that said, my end point is that I'd really just like to get my GamerTag name back. If I lose my Gamerscore or friends list or whatever... I can deal. If I can just get my name back, I'd at least have a smile; for what it's worth.
His console and gamertag were banned.
Wait what? How would someone modify this?
Probably moved their gamertag profile from a USB drive to their PC, modified with the file to show a Gold Membership tenure of 10 years, and then put it back on their Xbox. Microsoft probably can detect such alterations over Xbox Live, and banned them for it.
While it's unfortunate the situation is still unresolved, let's keep the discussion civil. No need to assume the OP is a pirate or that stinkles is being disingenuous. The situation is complicated.
I've seen this one floating the last couple of days and just today i mustered the courage to click it.
So Skel1ingt0n, you feel mistreated by MS, you judge your banning as unfair. And then your response to this "injustice" is punish the company by buying them yet another product? Justice has been served alritght.
This just goes to show why publishers incur in a lot of abusive practices that exploit the videogame consumer. We are drug addictives... we have no will power whatsoever.
That how many days his account going to be banned?lolol
It's 343
Ahhh... Abusive relationships, so if a woman is constantly attacked by it's partner she should resign and take the damage all in the name of loveIf a companyu screwed me over, I would be pissed and probably boycott them. But he love microsoft games. He probably learned to not buy games without receipt. From what we know, anybody could have stole the game and then get banned and complain that they go banned.
Its not really different here. No proof of purchase = No case.So if he paid cash, which he probably did, well here we go. Every judge would agree on that.
While it's unfortunate the situation is still unresolved, let's keep the discussion civil. No need to assume the OP is a pirate or that stinkles is being disingenuous. The situation is complicated.
As complicated as it may be, it's been over a month and no resolution? That is bullshit. People pay a lot of money for xbox live and games, they owe him some kinda of resolution. So either OP is lying (which I don't think that is the case) or Stinkles is in a position where he is trying to help but can only do so much and is left up to Microsoft to work out.
Why does anyone other than the OP believe that Stinkles owes them an explanation? The OP has made it public, though Stinkles has no obligation to anyone else in this thread regarding this issue. I know I wouldn't be eager to attempt to reason with anyone who desperately tried to equate this (earlier in the thread) to rape and sodomy. Microsoft is far from perfect, but this seems like Stinkles is being vague here for the sake of the OP's privacy.
Ahhh... Abusive relationships, so if a woman is constantly attacked by it's partner she should resign and take the damage all in the name of love
Being a bit serious here, i've seen guys cycle through 4/6 Xboxes. The line needs to be drawn somewhere. MS is not providing air for you to breath and live, if you feel led down by the company don't buy their products. More over when there are other and plenty alternatives to satisfy your needs.
If one thing is clear here it's that Microsoft has the authority to do whatever the hell they want.
Ahhh... Abusive relationships, so if a woman is constantly attacked by it's partner she should resign and take the damage all in the name of love
Being a bit serious here, i've seen guys cycle through 4/6 Xboxes. The line needs to be drawn somewhere. MS is not providing air for you to breath and live, if you feel led down by the company don't buy their products. More over when there are other and plenty alternatives to satisfy your needs.
After the rrod fiasco I'm amazed people still bought xbox's. But the lies with the customer and if they choose to buy it, the company will continue to be how they are. Idk why op bought another xbox after this event. Id be calling Microsoft everyday until it got fixed.
:lol This thread has been a good read. Not surprised by some of the responses in here.
The best the people begging for blood here can hope for is that the OP discloses all the info. Every bit of it. It's his thread, and his X360 & GT at stake. To think Stinkles should be responsible for doing so, or verifying such info, is ridiculous.
And to think EviLore just recently stickied a System Wars thread at the top. :lol
I didn't say anything about hating them. Having to replace your console every 6 months multiple times is unacceptable, regardless if it was free to fix. I don't support shitty hardware, I bought mine after they fixed the issue.Microsoft didn't charge me anything for my replacement. Why would I hate them for that? My first PS3 YLODed, and Sony offered to fix it for 200 dollars. My first 2 Wiis had the graphics chip issue. Should I just give up gaming because of hardware faults?
Just got off my plane. Again, posting in less than ideal conditions; thank goodness for smartphones.
Two quick things...
I've been informed by another poster via PM that I had been given "my options" about my account... But I haven't. Waiting to hear back what that might mean.
And two - While again, you only have my word, but I honest-to-God have never modified any Xbox console I've owned, nor do I have an ounce of "pirate" history on my GamerTag. So that can't be (or sure as heck SHOULDN'T be) the issue.
The best. I can't imagine being a father and thinking your innocent kid got banned for no reason, only to find out he was whipping his dick out in Uno. Fucked up.
After the rrod fiasco I'm amazed people still bought xbox's. But the lies with the customer and if they choose to buy it, the company will continue to be how they are. Idk why op bought another xbox after this event. Id be calling Microsoft everyday until it got fixed.
Things break. It's funny to quote that now, but it's true, they do. It's how they respond to manufacturing problems that matters. My Panasonic Plasma TV died after 1 year, right after warranty expiration and it cost me a fortune to fix. My launch PS3 died, 2 years later, I had to buy a brand new one. My 360 died twice, it cost me nothing, both times.
Ask me how I feel about these 3 companies. Yes, the 360 RROD thing was a unprecedented disaster, but giving customer a 3 year warranty with a promise to fix each one was in turn an unprecedented moved to address the issue. It does not mean they should be forgiven, in fact they should be held now to a higher standard especially next gen.
If I were you then I'd not even respond to accusations like that.And two - While again, you only have my word, but I honest-to-God have never modified any Xbox console I've owned, nor do I have an ounce of "pirate" history on my GamerTag. So that can't be (or sure as heck SHOULDN'T be) the issue.
The best. I can't imagine being a father and thinking your innocent kid got banned for no reason, only to find out he was whipping his dick out in Uno. Fucked up.
i bet the kid isnt black either, but you never know
Hey guys, something crazy happened today.
I was over at the little neighborhood bookstore here and saw that volume four of Kōrin, a manga series from Bijū Publishing that I've always liked, was on the shelves.
It was a little surprising because I thought it wasn't going to be out for another couple of days. Well, sometimes Buddha smiles, right? So I bought the book! Didn't need a receipt; I know the old couple that runs the store and it's not like I'm going to return the book.
So I'm on the train, reading it and enjoying it, and a couple of people look my way. Maybe they're pleasantly surprised as I am to see that this book is out already!
Then when I get home, I see a note tacked to my door: "You have read Kōrin Vol. 4 in advance of its scheduled publication date, which is a violation of Bijū Publishing's terms of service. Consequently, you have been banned from accessing any of Bijū Publishing's materials, which may include materials you have already purchased. Unfortunately, this ban is not reviewable and cannot be overturned. Good day, sir."
And turning to my bookshelves, half of them are filled with empty spaces -- Bijū representatives had come into my home and taken away all the books I own that they published! Not only that, but my Bijū-Maru® electronic reader, with which I read their digital books, has been rendered permanently inoperable! (An error message is displayed, saying. "You may wish to purchase a new Bijū-Maru® reader.")
What did I do? I'm a loyal customer who just wants to read their books! And what kind of Orwellian society are we living in where they can get away with this kind of thing? Surely the Better Business Bureau, Consumer Reports, city hall, and various consumer rights groups will be all over this, right? Right?
Hey guys, something crazy happened today.
I was over at the little neighborhood bookstore here and saw that volume four of Kōrin, a manga series from Bijū Publishing that I've always liked, was on the shelves.
It was a little surprising because I thought it wasn't going to be out for another couple of days. Well, sometimes Buddha smiles, right? So I bought the book! Didn't need a receipt; I know the old couple that runs the store and it's not like I'm going to return the book.
So I'm on the train, reading it and enjoying it, and a couple of people look my way. Maybe they're pleasantly surprised as I am to see that this book is out already!
Then when I get home, I see a note tacked to my door: "You have read Kōrin Vol. 4 in advance of its scheduled publication date, which is a violation of Bijū Publishing's terms of service. Consequently, you have been banned from accessing any of Bijū Publishing's materials, which may include materials you have already purchased. Unfortunately, this ban is not reviewable and cannot be overturned. Good day, sir."
And turning to my bookshelves, half of them are filled with empty spaces -- Bijū representatives had come into my home and taken away all the books I own that they published! Not only that, but my Bijū-Maru® electronic reader, with which I read their digital books, has been rendered permanently inoperable! (An error message is displayed, saying. "You may wish to purchase a new Bijū-Maru® reader.")
What did I do? I'm a loyal customer who just wants to read their books! And what kind of Orwellian society are we living in where they can get away with this kind of thing? Surely the Better Business Bureau, Consumer Reports, city hall, and various consumer rights groups will be all over this, right? Right?
Hey guys, something crazy happened today.
I was over at the little neighborhood bookstore here and saw that volume four of Kōrin, a manga series from Bijū Publishing that I've always liked, was on the shelves.
It was a little surprising because I thought it wasn't going to be out for another couple of days. Well, sometimes Buddha smiles, right? So I bought the book! Didn't need a receipt; I know the old couple that runs the store and it's not like I'm going to return the book.
So I'm on the train, reading it and enjoying it, and a couple of people look my way. Maybe they're pleasantly surprised as I am to see that this book is out already!
Then when I get home, I see a note tacked to my door: "You have read Kōrin Vol. 4 in advance of its scheduled publication date, which is a violation of Bijū Publishing's terms of service. Consequently, you have been banned from accessing any of Bijū Publishing's materials, which may include materials you have already purchased. Unfortunately, this ban is not reviewable and cannot be overturned. Good day, sir."
And turning to my bookshelves, half of them are filled with empty spaces -- Bijū representatives had come into my home and taken away all the books I own that they published! Not only that, but my Bijū-Maru® electronic reader, with which I read their digital books, has been rendered permanently inoperable! (An error message is displayed, saying. "You may wish to purchase a new Bijū-Maru® reader.")
What did I do? I'm a loyal customer who just wants to read their books! And what kind of Orwellian society are we living in where they can get away with this kind of thing? Surely the Better Business Bureau, Consumer Reports, city hall, and various consumer rights groups will be all over this, right? Right?
Only half of the game.Except he can still play his fucking game and retains ownership of it.
Only half of the game.
Damn, I see some of these and it's kind of scary what you could get permabanned for. Though I guess relatively minor infractions (false number of years) are caused by more serious things (hacking the system).update: That's a no, it seems. The copy as you may be aware was illegitimate. This is grounds to ban everything that has your name attached to it, even if it's not your fault. - This is your one and only form or recourse (lol)
Oh, this is still being defended.
OP, I've contacted a friend of mine who may be able to help you. They may come to the same conclusion Frankie did, I don't know... But just wanted to let you know.
update: That's a no, it seems. The copy as you may be aware was illegitimate. This is grounds to ban everything that has your name attached to it, even if it's not your fault. - This is your one and only form or recourse (lol)
Stinkles probably did all he could, it's not like hes high up the MS food chain.
This still isn't resolved? This is ridiculous. Speaking as Lawyer GAF, I think this would make an interesting case. It has to do with the validity to exercise such control over purchased property. To say the game is still playable offline or with another console or with another Gamertag is disingenuous. And everyone knows the EULA stuff is bullshit.
Cases like this are ripe for picking in the digital rights movement. I'd have to think more about it but that's just off the top of my head.
Poor kid. Maybe he is black and was wearing shorts. Not his fault he peaked out.i bet the kid isnt black either, but you never know
He do not have any receipt. Pretty sure there is no way for him to prove he actually purchased the game.