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Just got Xbox Live (aka crack)


So after my purchase of Halo 2, I decided to take the plunge and go ahead and buy Xbox Live. Its by far one of the most addictive things I've ever induldged in. I started to wonder how many people did the same thing.....so my question....

Did anyone here buy an xbox and/or xbox Live just for Halo 2?

Musashi Wins!

There's been several posts here stating "yes" to both.

I know in our store's region, they are sold out of every new PS2 and Xbox due to the power of GTA and Halo 2 respectively.

In a more general sense...LIVE is fantastic. I love turning on my console and seeing what games all the folks on my list are playing. Lately that's just Halo 2 except for a few stragglers, but that's fine since playing that game on LIVE is truly awesome.
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