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Just traded in my second game this gen: Fable


I wanted to love Fable. The things it did well, it did brilliantly. What I wanted in Fable was this: a sense of immidiate consequence for the choices I made in the game. My greatest frustration with Knights of the Old Republic is that, until you were 90% of the way through the game, no matter how evil you were people acted like you were good. In Fable, no one made that mistake.

What I didn't realize is that Fable would do nearly everything else wrong. I expect, in general, two things from an RPG: a good story and a sense of exploration, of discovery. From an action RPG, I expect good action. It delivered on the last count, but boy - it could not have failed any more on the first two.

It's one thing to have a well crafted plot twist. It's another to announce them without any buildup, or consequence. I never cared about anyone in Fable, except me.

Any sense of exploration was destroyed by: A) narrow roads you are confined to, B) absolutely epic loading times, and C) the ability to just teleport around. Not only did I not feel rewarded for exploring, it got to the point where I was asking myself, 'do I really want to wade through three loading screens to double check that corner of the map?' By the end of the game, I was saying, 'nah'.

Okay. You've read all that before. I only buy games once ever few months now (got that whole 'raising a family' thing going on) so indulge me. The bottom line is, it was a fun romp, but despite my really wanting to go through it again, I just couldn't. I didn't have the patience for the loading times, didn't want to 'explore' the world again, and wasn't fascinated by the nuances of the story. It was a great hack'n slash, but for that I've got the two XBox Baldur's Gate games.

Oh, and when I returned it for $26 store credit towards my Halo 2 Limited Edition, the Gamestop guy pulls out this massive wad of preorder receipts. I asked how many he had, and he said, "Over 500. But that's at the low end for the company; the mall stores have over 1,000 each on average." (This was a strip mall store.) Holy crap. And yes, there will be a midnight sale. :D


The other game I returned was Gunvalkyrie. My fingers still hurt.


Heh, that was an interesting read. I trade in games I never manage to sell here at GAF. At least the trade in value was still good.
I trade in lots of stuff, but I traded in Fable like a week after I got it in...didn't like it at all. I anticipated it so much too :(

I'm now trying to build up my PS2 collection, so trade-ins aren't going to happen as much as before.

aoi tsuki

Heh, that was an interesting read. I trade in games I never manage to sell here at GAF. At least the trade in value was still good.
How much was it? New games devalue almost as badly as new cars, at least when you trade them into retailers.


aoi tsuki said:
How much was it? New games devalue almost as badly as new cars, at least when you trade them into retailers.

GhaleonEB said:
Oh, and when I returned it for $26 store credit towards my Halo 2 Limited Edition....


On Friday, I called ahead and they said it was worth $30, but they were hit with a deluge of returns and that drove the price down a bit.


aoi tsuki said:
How much was it? New games devalue almost as badly as new cars, at least when you trade them into retailers.

Sorry for the poorly worded sentence; I meant that Ghaleon got a good deal.


Sorry for the poorly worded sentence; I meant that Ghaleon got a good deal.

Was it? Like I said, I usually don't turn in games for credit, so it was like buying a used car for the first time. The guy said"$26," and I didn't know if I was getting a decent deal or not. Thanks for the assessment.

Only $24 more and Halo 2 is paid for (I had $5 down on the LE already).


And even i am moderately surprised
cheers for the feedback - still toying with picking up Fable.

The pickiest gamer i know loved it , which was a massive eye opener, but even then he qualified it with "if you ignore what it was *supposed* to be, it's a good game."

Hmmm... guess i'll see what else there is too.
DCharlie said:
The pickiest gamer i know loved it , which was a massive eye opener, but even then he qualified it with "if you ignore what it was *supposed* to be, it's a good game."

I was massively frustrated with it ... it's okay, but it should be great. Oh well. I'll rant at you about it sometime.


And even i am moderately surprised
hmmm... *puts cash back in wallet*

I shall hold my purchase lust in place (unless i find it at a suitably low price)


Hmm... I might just sell the game after I beat evil mode. Game Rush has a couple good deals going (which I will fully take advantage of with the very close Gamestop selling $2-$4 PS2 games), and if I can get over $30 for it, it'll be a profit.


but they were hit with a deluge of returns

The moment the length of the game was revealed I knew this would happen. Now all to do is wait a bit until Halo Holy Day and pick Fable up at the same time along with using the Gamestop card.

Man this card has paid for itself so many times over. Me likey it.


trippingmartian said:
Shit I was hoping that was American $$$ :p

Might trade it towards Battlefront.
Do it, especially if you have LIVE (or just get Battlefront outright). The game is tons of fun online.


keeblerdrow said:
You could've gotten $40 credit for it at a Gamerush.

::eyes turn into dollar signs::

Gonna do this as soon as possible. Want to beat the game evil and then I'll get some extremely cheap games to go sell with Fable. Should get upwards of $100 altogether methinks (you can trade 10 games a day) off of around $50 spent.

I normally wouldn't do this (especially with a game I like), but it's selling well enough that I will probably be able to pick it up again as a PH. Besides, there are way too many damn games this fall, and I want to get a set amount... This will help a lot.


After three days I tried to sell it on Ebay, and some newbie fucked up auction, so I relisted it immediately, and not even two days after that this damn game depreciated by like $10 unless you saddled it together with the preview DVD and a strat guide or something. That seriously says a lot


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Not defending Fable, but although the Zelda games tend to have a great sense of exploration, they rarely have good plots. Only a few exceptions exist (such a Majora's Mask)...

What do you think of them?


OoT, MM, and WW all had good plots.

Anyways, I bought fable two days ago after debating with myself for a good week, and I'm totally disapointed with the game...I usually never sell games, but I'm thinking of putting it up on ebay. Its nothing like i thought it was gonna be, or how it was supposed to be.


dark10x said:
Not defending Fable, but although the Zelda games tend to have a great sense of exploration, they rarely have good plots.

In your opinion...

I loved the plots in Majora's Mask, Ocarina of Time, and Wind Waker (the only Zelda games I played).


Chrono said:
In your opinion.

Definitely. At least the Zelda games gave you motivation for questing (finding the sages, lunar impact, Aryll.) Did Fable guy ever have a reason for leaving the guild?


dark10x said:
Not defending Fable, but although the Zelda games tend to have a great sense of exploration, they rarely have good plots. Only a few exceptions exist (such a Majora's Mask)...

What do you think of them?

I'm not sure what you're getting at. Fable has a lot of problems unrelated to the story. And in the case of GhaleonEB, the fact that game's world is too small and not affected enough by his actions seems to have more bearing on his choice to sell it.


I asked how many he had, and he said, "Over 500. But that's at the low end for the company; the mall stores have over 1,000 each on average." (This was a strip mall store.) Holy crap. And yes, there will be a midnight sale.

That sounds like my store. Which one did you go to? I could give the rundown of how we're going to handle the Halo 2 launch if it's my store.
dark10x said:
Not defending Fable, but although the Zelda games tend to have a great sense of exploration, they rarely have good plots. Only a few exceptions exist (such a Majora's Mask)...

What do you think of them?

One thing Zelda has that fable desperately needed was the puzzle solving elements. There was a layer of depth that felt like it was missing from Fable...like it was just a hack n'slash title.
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