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Justified - Season 3 - Timothy Olyphant & Walton Goggins - Tuesdays on FX

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There were a few more:


Well, Happy Valentine's day to all of us.

Boyd does have a good point - does he have any muscle at all right now if he goes after Tanner/Quarles?


We need a Dewey Valentine with the message 'You stole my heart' and Dewey can have a stitched up wound on his chest and a frowny face.
Great episode tonight. Love the focus on Dewey along with the all of the serialized elements coming together. We got our first scene with Boyd and Quarles and some good stuff from Limehouse, too.


So much tension between Boyd and Quarles. For every word spoken, there were three implied. The same went with the ending. Not a lot of spoken words, but everything was implied.
Watching the replay and I'm thoroughly amused that the nurse's solution to everything is "cut him up and sell him for parts" while the random cop's solution to everything is "ram down the door."


Shit I called the ending right when I saw the meeting between Raylen and her.
Man that makes me feel bad for him:(
That Limehouse is a sly one.
Mags bust be rolling in her grave. If Dickie ends up finding it out, boy is he going to be pissed
When Raylan wouldn't tell the "rubenesque" nurse the doctor's nickname I just about died.

Also, "I have four kidneys?"

Finally: Team Ava.
I loved the Crank-style setup for Dewey's run.

Yeah, it's the most un-Justified look I can ever remember from the show.

I liked how they setup the Raylan badass moment in the bathtub with "Lawrence" Nightingale put the gun in his backside.

The comedic writing has been terrific throughout this season.


Yeah, it's the most un-Justified look I can ever remember from the show.

I liked how they setup the Raylan badass moment in the bathtub with "Lawrence" Nightingale put the gun in his backside.

The comedic writing has been terrific throughout this season.

Definitely. This season feels like a bit of a turning point. They seem comfortable enough to step out and experiment a bit. I'm digging it.

Side note: Justified is fast on its way of being the only show that I've ever bought the dvd/br release for each season as soon as it's available. S3 doesn't look like it's gonna disappoint and im ready to pre-order the BR already lol
I actually laughed out loud at Dewey's response when he realized he could still piss. And I was sort of wearily unsure about the supposed comedic buffoonery that I expected from the episode. As usual, the writers surprised me.

Hell, even when the episode ends like most of them end--with Raylan shooting someone--there's a twist that keeps it from feeling stale. Tonight it was Raylan shooting a woman for the first time and feeling uncomfortable about it.

I'm not sure what that prison doctor thought Dewey was going to do, though. He had Dewey as a hostage for a while, so he knew the guy is an idiot. Where would he get that kind of money in four hours? (Or was that all a law enforcement diversion?) I suspected the doctor was lying about the kidney removal early on, but I never come away from an episode of Justified feeling like I saw it all coming.

I'm so glad Boyd isn't some remorseless killer now, after all the changes he went through in seasons 1 and 2. I would find that hard to accept. I don't believe for a second that Quarles would get allowed to get the drop on Boyd and kill him, but I think if any show might pull something crazy like that, it would be this one. And so I actually feared for Boyd's life in their scene together, which is an absurd compliment to the writers.

Fuck that ending. Maybe Raylan was more persuasive than he though the night before :(

Winona left! lolz Good riddance.

Winona > Ava *arms crossed*
It's just great how they built up the rest of Harlan county (excluding Tim and Rachel) that they can experiment like that with this episode. Dewey of all characters get a sharply crafted episode that continues his storyline of the black market organ stuff going while intertwining the underlying stuff with Limehouse, Quarles, and Boyd and delivering great scenes with them.
Side note: Justified is fast on its way of being the only show that I've ever bought the dvd/br release for each season as soon as it's available. S3 doesn't look like it's gonna disappoint and im ready to pre-order the BR already lol

Limehouse is the wild card that's keeping the season fascinating for me. He's a lot different than the other "villains" the show has shown us so far, and I have a feeling he's going to make this thing between Quarles, Boyd, and Raylan very interesting.


I don't understand the reasoning in putting Dewey on a robbery spree when they know he's stupid enough to fuck it up when they could have the guaranteed money of his kidneys. Nor do I understand the nurse shooting the prison doctor.

I do like the scene of Raylan shooting the nurse through the doctor in a bath tub. It's cartoonish and having fun with the gunslinger image.

And since they don't spell out what the note said, they could add more caveats to it other than a dear john letter.


Haha, Raylan shot through that guy to hit the girl. Reminded me that's how he dies in Die Hard 4.0.


Team Winona!! Screw the haters.

Who was the women nurse? She looks super familiar.

Anyway, fantastic episode as usual. Love how Quarles tone changed once Boyd mentioned the carpet-bagger stuff. Wasn't the biggest fan of Neal, but he is starting to win me over here.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
I don't understand the ending, it doesn't feel like Winona would just leave like that. Or that if she did, at least Raylen would go chasing after her, especially since in the scene before he's telling Art that he is considering changing his career so it's not like there's anything keeping him there. It doesn't make sense for him to simply sit down and feel like he can't do anything.

In the teaser,
we see him apparently chasing after the local baddies. So it doesn't look like he's spending time trying to find out why his baby mama left.

So then I'm guessing that Winona's note said that she needs to take a break and have some time alone. The note probably made it sound like she's coming back.

Team Winona!! Screw the haters.

Who was the women nurse? She looks super familiar.

Anyway, fantastic episode as usual. Love how Quarles tone changed once Boyd mentioned the carpet-bagger stuff. Wasn't the biggest fan of Neal, but he is starting to win me over here.

She also plays a main character in the USA show Psych. Ironically, she plays a cop.
I don't understand the reasoning in putting Dewey on a robbery spree when they know he's stupid enough to fuck it up when they could have the guaranteed money of his kidneys. Nor do I understand the nurse shooting the prison doctor.

Maybe they thought he would show up with the money and then they'd kill him and take his organs and sell them.

Or maybe the entire thing was a way to keep the cops busy while the nurse and her boyfriend quietly killed a guy who, as the other nurse said, died in a while patients often die after massive trauma, then took and sold his organs and disappeared while the police were busy cleaning up Dewey's mess.

Not sure why she shot him either, unless she just wanted all the money for herself and didn't want to leave her husband and job for him. That's a good question, actually...

And since they don't spell out what the note said, they could add more caveats to it other than a dear john letter.

True. What if she were kidnapped? Raylan looks to be kicking ass and taking names in the next episode, judging from the previews. Maybe that's why.

I don't understand the ending, it doesn't feel like Winona would just leave like that. Or that if she did, at least Raylen would go chasing after her, especially since in the scene before he's telling Art that he is considering changing his career so it's not like there's anything keeping him there. It doesn't make sense for him to simply sit down and feel like he can't do anything.

In Raylan's defense, the medic said he would feel hung-over for about two days because of all the tranquilizer in his system.
Really digging the villains this season. Great episode and Dewey Crow yet lives

Next episode, justified really like them Lost actors. At the end, Justified was just Sawyer's dream



That was Juliet from Psych.

I'm on Team Winona too!

*High Five! Team Winona hell yeah!

I don't understand the ending, it doesn't feel like Winona would just leave like that. Or that if she did, at least Raylen would go chasing after her, especially since in the scene before he's telling Art that he is considering changing his career so it's not like there's anything keeping him there. It doesn't make sense for him to simply sit down and feel like he can't do anything.

In the teaser,
we see him apparently chasing after the local baddies. So it doesn't look like he's spending time trying to find out why his baby mama left.

So then I'm guessing that Winona's note said that she needs to take a break and have some time alone. The note probably made it sound like she's coming back.

She also plays a main character in the USA show Psych. Ironically, she plays a cop.

Well, it's not hard to understand why Winona would leave. She is probably worried every time Raylan comes home late that something bad happened to him, and to worry like that while pregnant probably isn't good.

I mean look at today's episode, if Raylan didn't regain a bit of conscience, dude would be donating organs involuntarily. I doubt that's news Winona would want to hear while pregnant right?
Dewey's "I HAVE FOUR KIDNEYS?!" line got me real good. I was not expecting that kind of line to end the scene.

And I wonder where this note leads...
Definitely Team Winona here too. Ava is no slouch, but...

Also, the four kidneys line was great. But what teally got me was the part right after.

God bless you son.
*muffled*Thank you, sir.
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