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Justified - Season 3 - Timothy Olyphant & Walton Goggins - Tuesdays on FX

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Man, I'm getting Band of Brothers flashbacks. So many of the same actors.

Amazing series as always.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
God damned dope episode. Constantly subverting expectations. This season is shaping up to be something really special.
There's some great physical comedy in this episode with Dewey flopping around in the body bag and the prison guard trying to shoot Raylan after he gets hit with the car the first time.
That is messed up. I hope that prison doctor gets what's coming to him. Also at the preview for the next episode, a potential meet up between Quarles and Boyd? I am loving Season 3.


Hunky Nostradamus
Wow. I didn't expect Devil to die. I would have liked to see him work for Carpetbagger for a time. Ah well. Now he knows to never cross Boyd. :/

Loretta! Looks like she's on the fast track to becoming the next Mags.
In a word: WOW.

Boyd got his balls back in a big way. No way would Johnny flip on Boyd that quickly.

Dewey is a lovable dumbass. The body bag stuff was hilarious.
I'll tell you how good Justified's writing is: I actually thought Devil might get away with his plan. I couldn't see Boyd dying... but I had doubts.

I guess Boyd was becoming too likable and nonthreatening a character, and the audience needed a reminder. But technically Boyd shot in self-defense. Kind of :/
God, I could watch all of these characters just talk and talk while situations spiral more and more. The whole Dewey/Dickie/Limehouse thing was SO entertaining.


I tarted watching justified and got myself all caught up rather quickly. I have one comment, other than enjoying the show, uhh the titles song is all wrong. It doesn;'t match the tone or mood at all. There's many times where the intro cuts to the title music and its jarring as fuck. It feels like someone changed channels on you.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
Wow great episode, I wonder why is it that Dewey decided not to accept the money? Is it so that he can keep Limehouse indebted to him, or is it just pride?

And why did he just sit there and wait for Raylan to take him back to prison?

I tarted watching justified and got myself all caught up rather quickly. I have one comment, other than enjoying the show, uhh the titles song is all wrong. It doesn;'t match the tone or mood at all. There's many times where the intro cuts to the title music and its jarring as fuck. It feels like someone changed channels on you.

The song is pretty good and fits the setting, but sometimes the cold openings of the episode don't match the same attitude. I remember thinking the same thing when watching The Wire.

By now, it's too iconic and memorable to change it though.


The song is pretty good and fits the setting, but sometimes the cold openings of the episode don't match the same attitude. I remember thinking the same thing when watching The Wire.

By now, it's too iconic and memorable to change it though.

The song makes me think of a hillbilly fast n the furious. I'm not sure it fits the setting at all. Is it really iconic? They should have replaced it after the first season with the song they use in the season finales. All the title song makes me think of is the volume bar, because I mute it nearly every time.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
Found this video randomly.


lol sarcasm.

The song makes me think of a hillbilly fast n the furious. I'm not sure it fits the setting at all. Is it really iconic? They should have replaced it after the first season with the song they use in the season finales. All the title song makes me think of is the volume bar, because I mute it nearly every time.

That Brad Paisley song was a good song, but depressing as hell.

The current theme song is bluegrass-rap blend and talks about life of an outlaw, and I just think it fits the setting of Harlan and the flow of the show pretty well.
Wow great episode, I wonder why is it that Dewey decided not to accept the money? Is it so that he can keep Limehouse indebted to him, or is it just pride?

And why did he just sit there and wait for Raylan to take him back to prison?

I think it was pride on Dickie's part. The dude has a huge inferiority complex about his disability and how impotent it's made him, and to compensate he developed into a quick thinker and an adept manipulator. But without his family and his boys around to support him, and without even the promise of the money that kept Boyd from killing him, he has absolutely no power. Limehouse and his soldier don't even turn to confront him when he pathetically yells after them that he'll come eventually for the money he's "owed." (And yeah, I think Dickie may try to claim later that Limehouse is still bound by his promise to Mags.)

Dickie went back to prison because 1) he has nobody to help him hide from the law so he knows he's bound to be caught sooner or later, and 2) without the money, there's nothing to prevent Boyd from finishing him off. Prison is safer than the outside, even given how easily Boyd got to Dickie before.


It just occurred to me that after episode 11 this season, Timothy Olyphant will have been Raylan Givens longer than he was Seth Bullock. Damn.

Anyways, probably won't get to see last night's episode until tomorrow :_(



The "Seriously, you're going to make me do this?" look on Raylan's face before he floors it in reverse kills me. :lol


Ok, this part was fantastic, too:



Devil's plan could have worked if he just shot Boyd in the back, but when he went to Johnny, you know that he's done. Didn't expect him to actually die though, can't remember the show killing off a second tier character so early in a season.

I'm guessing Quarles didn't really expect Boyd to fall, but like last week he wins either way. Raylan hasn't been getting much story so far actually, just following the cases, taking it in his stride. It feels like he and Boyd, as well as Quarles and Limehouse are all sitting back at the moment. As much as the Crowe story looks fun next week, I can't wait until the tension ramps up.
It just occurred to me that after episode 11 this season, Timothy Olyphant will have been Raylan Givens longer than he was Seth Bullock. Damn.

Anyways, probably won't get to see last night's episode until tomorrow :_(
I guess I need to watch that show, huh?


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Here we are at Season 3, and this show just has lost absolutely no steam. If anything, the writers seem to have found their sweet spot. Each character has found their own voice. I didn't think they could keep things going after such an amazing premiere, but every subsequent episode has been fantastic.

And the preview for next week looks wild. Just sayin'


Imagine if Dexter had supporting characters and the sort of exquisite writing that this show has. One of the most impressive things about Justified is that its premise isn't in itself anything too special on paper - old-fashioned Wild West mentalities transplanted to the modern world - but they've taken that and crafted very memorable characters and situations with it, with some wicked dialogue. Meanwhile Dexter took a corker of a premise and an excellent lead actor and did everything it could to screw it up.


Justified shows how dumb criminals are, and it does a great job creating heels for the face of the show.

The guy from Lost Dickie has been entertaining.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Imagine if Dexter had supporting characters and the sort of exquisite writing that this show has. One of the most impressive things about Justified is that its premise isn't in itself anything too special on paper - old-fashioned Wild West mentalities transplanted to the modern world - but they've taken that and crafted very memorable characters and situations with it, with some wicked dialogue. Meanwhile Dexter took a corker of a premise and an excellent lead actor and did everything it could to screw it up.

That's what makes Justified so compelling. So many of the supporting characters (especially antagonists) are just as charismatic and interesting as Raylan. Season 1 was a slow burn, and it took time for the full charm of the show to shine. But what was always apparent was how well crafted the villains were. Even the one episode and dead bad guys are entertaining, something I haven't seen in any other show. And they're able to do this on a consistent basis.

You watch Dexter for Dexter. You watch Justified for Harlan County. That does remind me...I need to catch up with the latest season of Dex.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
The show just has an intense love for writing. It is very aware of itself and the normal expectations and is in a constant pursuit to subvert and surprise. I don't know how anybody couldn't love this show how it is now. It's damn near poetic in its charm.
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