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Justified - Season 3 - Timothy Olyphant & Walton Goggins - Tuesdays on FX

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Another fine episode. Did I see it correctly, Quarles had an EMT going into the house when Duffy arrived? I think the guy in the room is the same as the first one, and Quarles is keeping him alive to torture him cause he's a sick bastard. I also wouldn't be surprised if it ends up being Gary.

Yes, I believe you are right. This guy is sick.
As if it needs to be said, I'm no longer on Team Winona.

It wouldn't be at all believable for Winona to stick around while Raylan shoots someone or gets shot at in like, every episode. I understand that. Even though she said, "I'm fine with this and I accept you and your work," in the SAME EPISODE that ended with her leaving. I totally accept that someone would say that and then do the opposite, especially someone who had ended her marriage to the same guy for the same basic reasons.

But does it seem to anyone else like maybe this wasn't a planned development for Winona's character? (Or maybe an accelerated change that was planned to happen later?) Justified is really tightly written (tonight's episode is further proof of that,overall) and seems tightly plotted as well, and this change seems to me to have come out of nowhere. The writers have made the sudden change the point of the change, but... I don't know. Natalie Zea is pregnant IRL, right? Maybe she requested time off from shooting or something.

Or maybe this is just more of a theme that's been running through the show since the beginning: people are who they are at their cores, and there's no changing someone fundamentally. Raylan says he'll give up the job for Winona, but he can't seem to do it. Boyd went through some pretty dramatic changes in season 1 and 2, and he is different as a result, but (as he himself has realized) he's a criminal and he's always going to be a criminal. Ava was involved with the Crowder's shady business during her marriage to Boyd's brother, and despite her fling with law-abiding citizenry in season 1 and 2, she's right back where she was--different Crowder, slightly different situation (no longer abusive), but still basically the same. We even see some of this theme with the oxy addict in this episode, a recurring character from season 2. As Raylan says, he could lock her abuser up, but she'd just bail him out again.

So maybe Winona running away again is in line, thematically, with the other characters. Maybe I'm wrong and just annoyed that this didn't work out for Raylan. I don't know.

Can I be on the team of that hot redhead who represented Black Pike in season 2? I want to be on her team.
Team Rebecca Creskoff? Everybody's on that team. Good team... damn good team.
Another fine episode. Did I see it correctly, Quarles had an EMT going into the house when Duffy arrived? I think the guy in the room is the same as the first one, and Quarles is keeping him alive to torture him cause he's a sick bastard. I also wouldn't be surprised if it ends up being Gary.
Caught that too. We've also gotten a couple looks at the guy on the bed, doesn't appear to be anyone we know.

So, enjoyed the episode but that ending? That was completely embarrassing, very un-Justified. Expect way more than the cheesy, meaningless character rides off into the sunset stinger. Not even funny.


Why would it be Gary though? Gary is a Duffy guy, I can't remember if Quarles even knows who he is.

Because Gary is a loose end. Gary made the original deal with Arnett for the real estate, and then the deal with Duffy for the life insurance on Winona. Doesn't seem like a person Quarles would want running free.
Who was the old dude at the end?
He's the guard that watched the evidence locker.

EW.com Q&A with Yost said:
Q: Do you think fans really thought Winona had taken the money?

A: I think the people who have problems with the character might’ve jumped to that conclusion, and that was something that we were playing with.

Q: Charlie took the money and retired to Mexico. Will we see him again?

A: There are no plans to see Charlie again. We’re just gonna let him ride off into the sunset to a little bit of Dave Alvin music written for the show.

Q: Was that always how you envisioned ending that money storyline, or was it just a cool out?

A: It was a cool out for us. We wanted Raylan to think that Winona had the money, because we thought that would add a little extra kick to his drive to find her, and it would just sorta make him grind on it more and be angrier with her when he finally found her. So the money had to be somewhere. I just felt that having Charlie take it would be the most fun way to go. Our feeling is that after Raylan and Winona put the money back, sometime in the ensuing weeks, he sniffed around and went, Well, I wonder what that was all about… and found this box of money. He knows that there’s no trail to it, and he took it home. He didn’t think anyone would ever miss it because it doesn’t exit — it got lost in the paperwork. So when Raylan comes thinking that maybe Winona took it, now it’s been exposed, now people are gonna start to talk to Charlie. So he pulled it out of the floorboards at home, got in the car, went to an airport, flew to El Paso, got another car, and that was it.
Yeah, it was a pretty left-field ending, but actually I think it was distinctly Justified-esque, and also very neatly ties up that shitty storyline in a bow.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Yeah, it was a pretty left-field ending, but actually I think it was distinctly Justified-esque, and also very neatly ties up that shitty storyline in a bow.

The best part is he got away with it too. They gave him a little intimidation in a Justified way to foreshadow things might not be all that rosy....and then the dude just laughs his ass off and rides into the sunset. It was totally left field for a show that almost never lets a criminal get away with things 100%. Just....fucking awesome. They earned it.
It felt a little more like an Elmore Leonard moment than a Justified one to me. Justified has been getting more grim this season, so I think it worked for me as something to add a little levity to a somewhat heavy episode.

The best part is he got away with it too. They gave him a little intimidation in a Justified way to foreshadow things might not be all that rosy....and then the dude just laughs his ass off and rides into the sunset. It was totally left field for a show that almost never lets a criminal get away with things 100%. Just....fucking awesome. They earned it.

But the thing is that not all of them get caught, some are lucky and manage to get away. So, I assume he was the one using Wionna's computer to lead Raylan astray.
I had been wondering if they were keeping that storyline for later or if they'd just tie it up and drop it. Glad to see they've just left it, even if it led to me going "why are we seeing this" during the last scene lol.


Aliens ate my babysitter
"Shit, I didn't bring a knife"

Another awesome episode! So many great lines, so many great scenes! And I liked the end with Charlie riding off into the sunset. I thought it was something unexpected, but fitting.

Quarles is scary awesome! "Oh shit, that's awesome!" :lol:

edit: I love this show!
Another fine episode. Did I see it correctly, Quarles had an EMT going into the house when Duffy arrived? I think the guy in the room is the same as the first one, and Quarles is keeping him alive to torture him cause he's a sick bastard. I also wouldn't be surprised if it ends up being Gary.

I think it's the previous owner of the house.
I often wonder about the more banal moments of TV characters that we aren't shown. Can you imagine Raylan looking through the coat racks at Macy's? You know it had to happen between last week and now.

Now I wish they'd show him buying the new jacket. Knowing Justified, even the conversation between Raylan and the salespeople would've been gold.
So, enjoyed the episode but that ending? That was completely embarrassing, very un-Justified. Expect way more than the cheesy, meaningless character rides off into the sunset stinger. Not even funny.

I sort of agree. If that guy had been a slightly more developed character, it might have worked. As it was, it was kinda like, "Oh. That guy. Okay..."
this episode had a lot of great lines

ive possibly underrated it a little

Oh good, because she wasn't the worst part of The Shield at all!

ugh yeah shes terrible

does casting family members ever turn out well? michael chiklis daughter was bad in the shield too

and matt weiners kid in mad men..


What an awesome episode. I loved Raylan's boiling rage all throughout this episode. He clearly didn't want to deal with this shit with the Winona thing happening too.

Oh, and hope we never know what the hell is up with the dude tied up in the bed - Kubrick style.
It felt a little more like an Elmore Leonard moment than a Justified one to me. Justified has been getting more grim this season, so I think it worked for me as something to add a little levity to a somewhat heavy episode.

Guess I just like grim!
Much did Charlie got away with?
Not sure that we know the exact amount, but it was a box of old hundreds from a bank robbery so probably tens of thousands.
I think it's the previous owner of the house.
As do I.
Unfortunately, I suspect a rapey situation.
Kind of getting that feeling too.
I sort of agree. If that guy had been a slightly more developed character, it might have worked. As it was, it was kinda like, "Oh. That guy. Okay..."
Yep, just read as cheesy to me. Just like, "eh!"


So, was Winona looking at trips to Costa Rica, or was somebody else browsing Costa Rica on her computer?

Did they ever quote a figure last season? I can't remember if they did, but I thought it was more on the order of a hundred thousand.
I was racking my brain and I don't think they did. It was definitely enough to retire in Mexico at the very least!
So, was Winona looking at trips to Costa Rica, or was somebody else browsing Costa Rica on her computer?
New Winona's computer! Though maybe not for long with her day-1 slacking!


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
yea Im very curious on whos the person tied up on the bed. and what is quarles doing to him?

Strange, the interview with G. Yost implied that the guy tied up in the bed, is played by either an extra, or some stagehand. Basically, someone who was "alright" with being tied to a bed.


What show was that final scene from? It certainly wasn't Justified. In fact, this episode was a bit weird in a lot of ways compared to the series norm. Especially the odd musical flourishes before the commercial breaks which were a little too LOST for my tastes. Best part of the episode for me was Quarles, who continues to show absolutely no signs of being a human being or having any kind of a conscious. Things are going to get quite bloody very soon with Limehouse's lackey overstepping his bounds and potentially starting a war. Overall, that was my least favorite of the season by quite a stretch, and I hope next week returns to form in a major way.


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
I have to admit this episode was probably the best in a while simply for the fact that it seemed "off" for an episode of Justified.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I have to admit, I was confused when that scene with Limehouse came up. I had a real hard time piecing together how his lackey played into the episode's events.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
I was confused in the beginning, but by the middle when he said "you fired the first shot" I pieced together that the opening scene of the episode was a retaliation and not a first strike.
I have to admit, I was confused when that scene with Limehouse came up. I had a real hard time piecing together how his lackey played into the episode's events.

This episode had a lot of weird plot points that didn't really make sense. Seems like they have a place they want to be with their characters and not enough episodes to get there, so they stuffed a bunch of contrivances into a single episode to get it all out of the way.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
What I don't get is what Trixie's relationship with her killer was. She was sitting next to him in the previous episode when Boyd and Johnny beat him up at the bar, so I thought she was his girlfriend or something.

Not sure that we know the exact amount, but it was a box of old hundreds from a bank robbery so probably tens of thousands.

I think I remember it being a few hundred thousand dollars.
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