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Justified - Season 3 - Timothy Olyphant & Walton Goggins - Tuesdays on FX

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Well, appears I was wrong about the guy in the room being Gary, though his ultimate fate may end up being similar. Gutterson is getting more and more annoyed with Raylan, I wonder if at some point Raylan will need him for something important, and he'll just blow it off as another annoying request.
Yost says that Timothy Olyphant came up with the idea for handling Johnny in that manner. Then again, he says Olyphant came up something in all of those interviews, I think he's desperate to justify his producer credit after Sutter's rant :p
Heh, good point. Yost has mentioned a number of ideas from Olyphant recently. I should probably stop reading the weekly Yost breakdowns. He usually ends up revealing more than he intends to.
Well, appears I was wrong about the guy in the room being Gary, though his ultimate fate may end up being similar. Gutterson is getting more and more annoyed with Raylan, I wonder if at some point Raylan will need him for something important, and he'll just blow it off as another annoying request.
Begs the question if there's ever going to be a serious breaking point with Raylan and the rest of the marshals. They've been sick of him before, but they usually end up bailing him out anyway (see: S2 finale.)
What rant?
Sutter was mouthing off on Twitter about giving actors too much power by making them producers:
justified is a great show despite the fact that they had to make olyphant a producer and deal with his belief that he has some kinda input.

the danger with actors wielding too much producorial power is that ultimately vision gets compromised by vanity.
It's just Sutter being Sutter and probably best ignored.

Also, I'm fairly sure Chiklis was a producer of The Shield near the end? Obviously, Sutter wasn't the captain of that particular ship, but still.
Yes, he was given a producer credit. I'm assuming in Justified's case, they gave Olyphant the producer credit in part to reward him without paying him a lot more money and blowing up their budget.
- “The Man Behind the Curtain” – Writer’s Recap
Sometimes it’s easy to forget that television is a business. A TV show needs an audience to turn a profit. Without the audience, advertisements would fall on empty living rooms and the paying advertisers would simply disappear. So it will always be important to produce quality TV, because the audience knows when they’re watching good TV and when to hit the off switch.

But sometimes making good TV just isn’t enough. Sometimes, to make a profitable show, you have to leave room for profit; meaning, you have to reduce spending when possible. For years, producers have been employing the trick of ‘cross-boarding’ to save money. When an episode shoots, typically, scenes that take place on the same set are shot together on the same day regardless of when they occur within the episode’s timeline. This technique, which allows the producers to shoot out of sequence, saves both time and money (which are often one in the same when it comes to production).

This year on Justified, we took ‘cross-boarding’ one step further. Instead of just grouping the scenes by set for one episode, we did ‘cross-boarding’ for two— episodes 307 and 308. By ‘cross-boarding’ these episodes together—both directed by Peter Werner—we were able to save a day of filming.

Well ‘cross-boarding’ isn’t the only behind-the-scenes tid bit that I’ve got for you today. In this week’s Writer’s Recap video, Ryan Farley talks about his episode—“The Man Behind the Curtain”—being on set, and what it’s like to work with some of Justified’s new talent.
Youtube vid via the link.


I wish they would've kept the guy tied up in the bedroom a mystery all season.

It would've been very Coen Bros. of them and very cool.

Anyways, love this Season. Love all the characters. Love this show. They really are hitting it out of the park this season.

I wish Ian McShane could make a guest appearance some how :)


"Do you know karate?"
"Yeah, and two other Japanese words"

:lol :lol :lol

Well, after last week's worst episode of the season (and perhaps series, I dunno), this was easily my favorite of the season. All of the Raylan and Quarles scenes were perfect. Fantastic writing pushed over the top by two great performances. Neal McDonough is absolutely killing this shit. I also really loved the Raylan/Boyd scene. It's endlessly amusing to watch these two casually beat each other up and use each other. There is a strange mutual respect there which is the glue of the show for me. I also have come to realize that slowly but surely, Wynn Duffy is becoming one of my favorite characters on the show. His reactions to Quarles' actions are fucking priceless. He knows Quarles is absolutely batshit insane and is totally terrified of him. It's a side of Duffy I love seeing. Can't wait to see where this business with Gary goes.
"Do you know karate?"
"Yeah, and two other Japanese words"

:lol :lol :lol

Well, after last week's worst episode of the season (and perhaps series, I dunno), this was easily my favorite of the season. All of the Raylan and Quarles scenes were perfect. Fantastic writing pushed over the top by two great performances. Neal McDonough is absolutely killing this shit. I also really loved the Raylan/Boyd scene. It's endlessly amusing to watch these two casually beat each other up and use each other. There is a strange mutual respect there which is the glue of the show for me. I also have come to realize that slowly but surely, Wynn Duffy is becoming one of my favorite characters on the show. His reactions to Quarles' actions are fucking priceless. He knows Quarles is absolutely batshit insane and is totally terrified of him. It's a side of Duffy I love seeing. Can't wait to see where this business with Gary goes.

Jere Burns is totally Linning on this show.
I really want a character to say to him, "Does that surprise you? Because you look very surprised." He's gone way overboard with the Botox on his forehead, or an eyebrow lift.

http://i.imgur.com/xHme0.jpg[IMG][/QUOTE]I think they're just playing up certain features to make him look more like a weirdo on Justified. He looked pretty normal on Breaking Bad last season.

"Can't paint over blood stains..."


Very good episode, and great ending. Much better than last week's. The next one looks to be awesome.
- Slashfilm's Justifiedcast Interview: Graham Yost, Creator and Executive Producer of Justified *spoilers for this season & future seasons*
Dave Chen and Myles McNutt from Cultural Learnings interview Graham Yost about how he developed the third season of Justified. Graham discusses getting the show’s dialect correct, figuring out how to resolve the Raylan/Winona storyline, and trying to change up the game from season two. He also drops some tantalizing hints about the future of the series.
I haven't listened to this yet, so I don't know how spoilerish it is, but please use tags if you want to talk about it. Thanks.
They want to avoid over scripting when characters like Raylan and Boyd talk. Boyd will say 40 words when only 4 is needed. That's cool and all, but they want to make sure it's not superfluous or ends up being stale. Elmore Leonard wrote the characters so that he himself was entertained. They want the clever phrases which is more of a Southern affect.

Limehouse was a response to how Graham didn't feel that the African-American characters on the show had represented Harlan country in their story. They did a lot of research and we're seeing things protrayed by Mykelti. For ex. They're place being somewhat of a refuge for battered women, who's husbands would not venture up to Limehouse's area.

They have a faint idea of how 6 season would play out. If they get there is based on ratings, etc.

They were happy when with how a single villain like Margo worked in season 2. They didn't want to repeat it this season or even challenge it. An outsider (carpetbagger) and Limehouse (from surrounding areas) that they can pull from the area they already had.

To avoid people getting Lost in latter seasons, they try to have some standalone, accessible episodes for new viewers at the beginning of every new season. Then they can get back to the main storyline after that.

Graham doesn't like the terms "Team Ava" or "Team Winona" that are monikers taken from the Twilight series. He want's to be able to move past that.

He understands the issues fans have taken with Winona's character. But maintains that there will always be a place for her on the show, not necessarily as a live in wife.

Season 2 of Boomtown was their attempt to recalibrate things, but they lost too many viewers by doing this and ending up being to late to get back to what the first season was like.

Season 3 spoilers:

Everyone's favorite dancing Physicist will be back towards the end of the season.

Quarles fate will make people say "fantastic".

Season 4 spoilers:

It will be fun to see Season 4 with Boyd and Ava as King and Queen of Harlan, and where that takes them and the show.


May contain jokes =>
Yeah it's pretty obvious what it is. Also that barely qualifies as a spoiler, it's not like it's some earth shattering reveal.
I agree that it's an Earth Shattering Reveal and I expected one. What did you think a Season 4 spoiler would be about? Whether or not Gutterson switches to decaf?

I was wondering when they'd announce it.

- Sepinwall: FX renews 'Justified for season 4
"'Justified' is one of television’s best series and this season has reinforced that excellence,” FX vice-president of original programming Nick Grad said in a statement. “Graham Yost and his writing team continue to deliver compelling material and richly drawn characters brought to life by the brilliance of Timothy Olyphant and our terrific ensemble cast. Their work is validated by universal acclaim, awards, and ratings that have grown every year. We look forward to many more seasons to come.”

Yost in turn said, "There are many reasons all of us on 'Justified' are grateful to get a chance to do another season. We get to do more work with amazing actors, writers, producers, directors, musicians, editors and a jaw-droppingly talented crew. We get to keep doing a show that appeals to a wide demographic: people in Harlan, retired US Marshals, criminals (we honestly did hear that), and, most happily, our guide, our muse, Elmore Leonard. Best of all, we get to keep doing a show on FX (and while that may sound like craven ass-kissing, when you look at their roster, you can't help but feel grateful to be on that list)."
That's one thing I forgot to mention. Graham Yost said on the podcast that they were wrapping the 3rd season that night and the next thing was to wait for the call from FX on a 4th season.

Looks like he got the call.


Should we start taking bets on who is going to bite the dust this season?

My guess would have to be Limehouse and Sammy Tonin.
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