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Justified - Season 3 - Timothy Olyphant & Walton Goggins - Tuesdays on FX

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HOLY SHIT. THAT season one finale. Should I expect season 2 to have the same level of awesomeness?
The common opinion is that S2 is a fair bit better than S1. Expect more of what you got from the finale but with a more compelling set of antagonists.
HOLY SHIT. THAT season one finale. Should I expect season 2 to have the same level of awesomeness?
Awesomeness? Yes. Delivered the same way? No. Personally, I like season 1 more, though season 2 was more enjoyable the second time through---certain characters were much less annoying, though still annoying.
Season premiere tonight!
The Gunfighter

A dangerous new player in Lexington puts Raylan on a collision course with a Dixie Mafia hitman.

- Sepinwall: FX's Justified loads up on bad guys for season 3
The writing and acting that went into Mags Bennett gave the second season a kind of Southern Gothic grandeur that the two newcomers may not be able to match. But watching them run up against Raylan and Boyd and Dickie and everyone else early in season three was an awful lot of fun. I'll take that for now, and we'll see if there's some epic tragedy coming on down the line.
- Daily Texan: Justified Season premiere meets high expectations
What really makes “Justified” a unique program, outside of its well-rounded cast and strong writing for its villains, is its elegant, winding dialogue, packed with Southern colloquialisms and sharp wordplay that makes it a delight to listen to Givens spar with enemies and friends alike. “Justified” is a show that aimed high last season and overwhelmingly succeeded and season three promises to be more of the same captivating television.
- USA Today: Critic's Corner Tuesday: 'Justified'
One of last year's best shows is back, and happily, Justified (**** out of four, FX, tonight, 10 ET/PT) already looks set to be one of this year's best as well.


May contain jokes =>
Glad to see the good reviews, aside from the one negative one from the Washington Post. I agree with Sepinwall that they probably won't be able to beat Mags.

Won't be able to watch tonight sadly but I'll be catching up ASAP tomorrow.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
GQ spoke with Graham Yost, Justified's creator, executive producer, and showrunner, about exactly how he's going to handle those complications.

GQ: Raylan is such a steady lead character, he doesn't necessarily do inner turmoil. Do you ever yearn to give him a spiraling emotional breakdown?
Yost: You know what, I'm gonna go back, when you asked me my favorite scene from season two, I'm going to change that to show you just how wrong you are! [laughs] It's one of the scenes towards the end of "Reckoning". He's finally caught Dickie Bennett, who murdered his beloved Aunt Helen, and he drives Dickie into the woods and we very self-consciously modeled it on Miller's Crossing. He's taking to Dickie, and he's going to kill him. And what Tim did in that scene when he tells Dickie what Aunt Helen meant to him, and then you realize he's not going to kill him because of her, that's my favorite of the season. And that is inner turmoil. But the thing is, you can't do it too much. Because Raylan is not that guy. He is self-aware, but he's not gonna broadcast it. There's a great line in the first season where he says to Boyd, "I am not unaware of my motivations in life." But it's just not something he wants to [pause] explore.

I knew it in my blood that was a Miller's Crossing homage.

God damnit I love this show.
Damn, that's awesome. I didn't make the connection at the time, but it makes sense after rewatching Miller's Crossing recently.

I also love that little moment when he gets out of jail and he's like "He put a gun to my head, momma!" and you're like "DAMN! He did!"

People are always getting shot so much and shit that you forget how crazy and brutal that is.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
The quick one second shot of Dickie I see in these new commercials always gives me a rush. So glad Davies is on another great show.
- Warming Glow: ‘Justified’ Season 3 Review: Yep, Still Great
What happens the rest of the season, in terms of both plot and show quality, is anyone’s guess, but the first four episodes indicate that we’re in very good hands. “Justified” does many things well — it’s well-written, well-acted, sexy, and surprisingly funny — but its best quality has always been the way it gives overarching story lines a slow burn over the course of a season while providing tense, explosive action from week to week. Season 3 maintains that excellence across the board. You don’t want to miss it.
If it makes it through this season in a good way, it fully deserves to be considered better than Sons of Anarchy, which managed a decent first season, very good second season and average third season. Justified is currently plotting the same course, but seems able to maintain momentum where Sons failed.

EDIT: Before anyone misinterprets, I already consider it better than Sons.
Is Southland worth watching? AV Club seems to think so. I'm a huge fan of The Shield, so if there are any similarities at all it could be worth it.

If so, do I watch the NBC episodes or jump in when TNT took over proceedings?
- Maureen Ryan: Justified Review: Season 3 Has Many Pleasures To Savor
It's hard to write a review of "Justified," which returns for its third season Tuesday night, because it's hard to tease out which of the show's many fine qualities is most enjoyable.

That the performances of the core cast and guest actors are always top-notch almost goes without saying at this point, though there should be at least a brief mention of how casually great everyone on screen is as the third season unfolds. Between the confidence of the cast and the distinctiveness of the dialogue, which is often memorable but never forced, an hour of "Justified" (Tuesdays, 10 p.m. EST on FX) is simply a great place to hang out. These people value words and are constantly telling each other stories and the show itself serves as a reminder of the many pleasures of adroitly used language. If the show consisted of U.S. Marshall Raylan Givens (Timothy Olyphant) and various co-workers or criminals just sitting in a bar shooting the breeze, I'd want to be a fly on that wall.
A few pics from the premiere party last week:



Bonus Gugino from sometime this season:

...and Gutterson might be a little too excited about tonight's premiere:


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
It's pretty obvious that the writers have a good handle on the characters. Even during Season 1's more episodic moments, they didn't fail to have compelling antagonists and snappy dialogue. Then they switched gears and made Season 2 more serial, and it was still solid. S1 finale was a little more interesting, but S2 finale tied a very pretty bow on a great season. Things went full circle, perfectly.

Counting the minutes until Season 3 starts!
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