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Justified - Season 3 - Timothy Olyphant & Walton Goggins - Tuesdays on FX

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T.M. MacReady

Sepinwall's writeup says to wait until after season 3 to read the new "Raylan" novel we saw a picture of on page 2. Damn. Was thinking I might grab that after tonight's episode, but i'll wait.

Rewatched season 2 finale after tonight's premiere. Damn this show is good.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Sepinwall's writeup says to wait until after season 3 to read the new "Raylan" novel we saw a picture of on page 2. Damn. Was thinking I might grab that after tonight's episode, but i'll wait.

Rewatched season 2 finale after tonight's premiere. Damn this show is good.

Thanks for the heads up, was about to buy the Kindle version a couple hours ago. Along with Pronto, Riding the Rap, and When the Women Come Out to Dance. I'm in the mood for some good crime novels.
I'm crying because I'll never be as cool as Olyphant was in that final scene. Amazing stuff.

Fantastic writing throughout. Damn, welcome back Justified.


I love see Neal McDonough in great material again. Boomtown feels so long ago.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Sepinwall's writeup says to wait until after season 3 to read the new "Raylan" novel we saw a picture of on page 2. Damn. Was thinking I might grab that after tonight's episode, but i'll wait.

That's not quite what was said. Apparently there are loose elements that made their way into season three but Graham Yost said it was ultimately fine if people read it before seeing the season.

(**) Today saw the publication of Leonard's newest novel "Raylan," which is partially inspired by the Mags Bennett story from season 2 and at times features story elements and characters whom Leonard invited Yost and his writers to "strip for parts" in writing season 3. I asked Yost whether fans of the show should wait until the end of this season to read the book; he thought on it for a few moments before ultimately suggesting the two are different enough that it's okay. But if you want to remain completely unspoiled for anything coming up, you can wait. Raylan was a supporting character in Leonard's "Pronto" and "Riding the Rap," but this is the first novel where he's the unquestioned lead, and I'm looking forward to it.
So at the beginning of the episode, I was being really cynical: "Well, I guess Boyd would do something like that on principle, but I dunno. I'm not sure I'm buying it. Let's see if the show goes downhill." As if over a one-year hiatus, all the talent would have disappeared or something...

After two great seasons, should I have learned to trust the writers? The answer is "yes."

I'm so glad the show is back. And that it airs again after I get home at midnight!


Only one thing to say about this show- sooooogood.gif.

My top shows that are not cancelled are as follows:
1. Doctor Who (The only thing that had a shot at defeating this show was Reaper, it's gone and now Timelord goodness reigns supreme and unchallenged)
2. Walking Dead (I'm a freakishly devoted fan of the zombie survival genre, have been my whole life)
3. Justified (Sorry about your table cloth)


Great premiere and it made me so pumped about this season.
Ton of amazing dialogue (no show does dialogues like Justified though), Raylan's total badassery and the new villain looking very promising.

Also, that bit about businessman stetson was such a wonderful nod to the fans.


Season two really takes it to another level. Finished watching the sixth episode now, I should catch up with you guys in 2 days. It's really becoming one of my favorite shows.
That's not quite what was said. Apparently there are loose elements that made their way into season three but Graham Yost said it was ultimately fine if people read it before seeing the season.

True. But that article's a bit topsy-turvy on the S2 process, as a lot of the core ingredients came from Leonard's book:

[Vulture:] Ah, okay — because there seems to be some synergy between the show and Leonard's upcoming book, Raylan.

[Olyphant:] I'm well aware of it. [Chuckles.] We steal a lot from that. I'm a big fan of his stories, so I read them at every turn I get as it is. But that book, we stole a lot of it for season two. We just stripped it apart last year. We were sort of privy to the book as it was being written in its various stages, so last season, we read some of what he was writing, and many of the characters are in large part from the book. We did our own thing with it — in the book, it was a patriarch instead of a matriarch — but he had the sons, the storefront, the marijuana, and Loretta McCready hanging out, as well as the coal mining representative coming to Harlan, the town meeting, and Raylan as security detail. That's all in the book, and he encouraged us to steal from it.

Apparently, Leonard is also stealing right back, fleshing out the show-created Rachel's backstory in the novel, which will see some play later on this season. There seems to be an incredibly astute creative environment behind this show.
Damn, missed the premiere; was so tired last night that I passed out when I got home, and since FX is one of the worst networks for digital distribution, I can't find it anywhere legitimately. (ITunes doesn't have it, Amazon doesn't have it, 30 day delay on Hulu, and if it's like last year, it will take a week to appear on Comcast On Demand - which then puts you behind on the next episode). I hate how some of these networks go out of their way to punish users who want to actually support a show but can't always be there to watch it at network time.

Oh well, it airs Friday night at 11:30pm on FX again. If I don't go out, I'll at least have something to do.
Thank god for the "previously on" bit at the start there. Seeing Anson from Burn Notice kind of tripped me up for a second before I fully remembered him.
Amazing episode. So many great moments: Ava's frying pan, Raylan's tablecloth pull, Boyd getting sent to jail to get some Dick

I'm happy that many of the Desmond Harrington haters will realize that he can act if he has better material than the terrible Dexter writers give him.

Funky Papa

I'm totally a Winona fan through and through, but I can't deny Ava's hotness.

Both are trouble, though. Like real trouble.

Funky Papa

Arlo may be the biggest scumbag in this show. I see tiny flashes of decency in him, but that only makes him more despicable.
Arlo may be the biggest scumbag in this show. I see tiny flashes of decency in him, but that only makes him more despicable.

I feel bad for the dude. Broken and damaged and constantly fucking up. I always get the sense that he is against every single thing he does but is powerless to stop it.


Great episode, though I'm not sure how I feel about the neutering of Wynn Duffy. I also love Neal McDonough, why is he not big yet?
Videos from FX's youtube channel:
- Promo for next week's episode "Cut Ties" (please spoiler tag any discussion)
- This season on Justified (please spoiler tag any discussion)
- Tablecloth scene from last night's episode
- Go Behind The Scenes of Justified and Meet "Limehouse"
- Go Behind The Scenes of Justified with Natalie Zea

edit: Looks like ratings are down from the premiere last year. TVbtN
Yeah, I was about to post that. Disappointing news. I hope the show picks up some momentum as the season progresses.


The fact that he refuses to shoot any sex scenes is probably a huge factor. Dude's a great actor, but that would be pretty limiting for series work.

edit: Looks like ratings are down from the premiere last year. TVbtN

I also noticed that they portrayed his character as a family man. Wonder if that was a way to get him on board with the role.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
Awesome episode, even though I read a spoiler if the tablecloth scene. Was the teaser at the end for the entire season or just the next episode?
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