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Justified - Season 5 - Timothy Olyphant & Walton Goggins - Tuesdays on FX

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What. An. Episode.

Best hour of TV I've seen in a while, that's for sure.

Spinning in my chair for the large majority of it.
OMG, that was one of the best episodes in the series. Boyd's scheming that I wanted clarification on was illuminated right off the bat and his character owned this episode. For all his wonderful dialog and screen filling abilities he hasn't had must "action" to do in a while. This episode could have been his own. Things were moving. As a fan, you're getting that high brought about by the multiple wins he has in this epsiode. And then, boom, all good things must come to an end. A bad guy can't have all this happiness, that quickly that easily. That GODDAMN great writing team throws up a barrier like that and the pain he feels in the final scene is shared. So sad. How can you do that to the King and potential Queen of Harlan drug trade?

I also thing Justified will go down in history as having the best and most varied selection of standoffs you can find in long form entertainment. The ability to throw in two, three, four situations that all have different levels of tension and purpose is awe-inspiring.

We're watching legendary stuff here.


Hunky Nostradamus
It should be obvious to everyone that it wasn't Ava who shanked the guard, since once Ava shanks you you stay shanked!

That GODDAMN great writing team throws up a barrier like that and the pain he feels in the final scene is shared. So sad.

Goggins really did a great job with that scene. I feel his pain ;__;
Eh, again I'm annoyed with their sudden wrap it up plot twists. Introduce and interesting angle and close it in the same episode.
Boyd was badass in this ep though. Feels like he's been saving up badass credits, just so he could spend them all in one episode.... I hope he's on a roll though, Johnny and the midget guard need to get it, and hard.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Great episode, only criticism is it feels like they are spinning their tires with Ava's plotline. Really curious to see where they are going with regards to Raylan.


That was one of the best episodes of TV I've seen in a long while - had the same come down feeling as an episode of The Wire or The Shield.

That opener. I was certain it was a final threat to get him to change his Ava testimony. Nope.
Art being a badass with balls so big they have a gravitational pull.
Good news: We have Alan Tudyk. Bad news: it's only for one episode. Good news: we send him off with a fucking automatic shotty.
Sad to see the Haitian go out in such a shitty way, but glad they're setting up the Crowe's unpredictability. Predicting people's next move is Boyd's greatest strength. Combine that with being distracted by Ava's situation, having a cousin on the loose who knows him too well and a pissed off Eastern block chick; and I don't think he's coming out of this season unscathed.
What on earth was Raylan thinking with that last comment? Art is a bro, but he's not going to let that slide. Maybe he knew Art already had it sussed and wants to get ahead of it? Could this be his end game? 'Leave' the Marshall service at the end of the season to be with his kid, and the final season is Raylan trying to tie up loose ends?
That poor, little prison guard. He has no clue how painful his death is going to be.

Can't believe there are only 21 episodes left...
What on earth was Raylan thinking with that last comment? Art is a bro, but he's not going to let that slide. Maybe he knew Art already had it sussed and wants to get ahead of it? Could this be his end game? 'Leave' the Marshall service at the end of the season to be with his kid, and the final season is Raylan trying to tie up loose ends?

Worst place to end the episode, in the best way. The rest of that conversation is going to be amazing.

I think you're pretty on point there - Raylan and Art have had a lot of "wink-wink nudge nudge, I don't want to know/we're not talking about this" conversations in past, usually with Art working things out himself. Raylan figures that Art knew more than he let on or had his suspicions, and Picker turning up again shows that he can't walk away from the tarmac and expect it to be forgotten forever.

Whether he knows it'll come out eventually and sink him even further if he leaves it, or just doesn't want to keep going with the lie. The look on his face before turning around makes me think both. I can't wait for next week.

Also the DA dude is pretty great and I love that he's always around now.


Great episode. Shout out to my home town of Windsor Ontario as well! Justified really is one of the best shows on TV right now.
Fucking amazing episode. Only thing I didn't like was how much Tudyks character ended up sucking when push came to shove. Got the drop on them with an automatic shotgun and still got his shit kicked in? Very disappointing. The Haitians send off was much better. Shame we didn't get to see more off him though.



Boyd was all kinds of amazing this episode. Dat opening.


Damn it, I liked the Haitian.

And the ending reminded me why I wait until the season's over and just marathon shows like Justified. :(


Guns don't do this in real life...


Yea that was some Michael Mann level impossible physics. I laughed when it happened.

Conservation of linear momentum, folks.

Darwin from X-Men: First Class can't catch a break.


I was just reading that. Turns out Jean-Baptiste wasn't supposed to get killed, or at least this early, but the actor wasn't enjoying the role. That sucks. :/
Sucks, but not surprised. He started off super cool, like a 'cleaner' the Crowe's went to to dispose a body (similar to The Wolf in Pulp Fiction), but as soon as they moved to Harlan, became just another grunt for a family associated to white power. Was weird.
Great episode. In fact I'd say that was the best episode of television that has aired in 2014 so far.

They were laying it on so thick with the "Ava's getting out tomorrow" stuff that I thought she was going to get killed and then Ratsky would have to placed on suicide watch.


Subete no aware
So, after a bit of time since watching the episode, I'm really thinking... was this episode good because it did anything exceptional for a Justified episode, or was it good only because of all the plot twists and revelations?
Middle Crowe brother is clearly gonna cause issues for the family, I kept thinking he or the kid was gonna hurt/kill the other. I thought the Haitian was gonna kill him, not the other way around.

What exactly are the oldest Crowe brother and the Crowe sister planning? "The usual" almost sounded kinky. Keeping Kendall in Harlan seems like asking for trouble as well.

I feel like Raylan trying to scare the oldest Crowe into leaving is gonna bite him in the ass on several levels.

The callback to the corrupt FBI guy was a nice way of tying up a loose end.

Art Mullen is a bad ass. I almost expect him to reveal he had no weapon on him, but that wouldn't have made sense.

Raylan knows that Art knows, gonna be interesting to see what he tells him next week and how that plays out.

It was weird seeing Walsh playing a hitman.

I was surprised the mob guy was still alive, also how careless was the hitman?

That hotdog stand place looked like it was in LA, the whole location just took me out of that scene for some reason.

That female prison guard has to help out Ava, right?

Why would anyone want to be sheriff in Harlan County at this point. I mean how many have they gone through over the course of this show, 4? 5?

I gotta say the villains in this show have gotten progressively scarier and less bumbling. Gone are the days of Dewey and Cousin Johnny fumbling around getting nothing right. Now we got straight up schemers, movers and shakers.
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