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Justified - Season 5 - Timothy Olyphant & Walton Goggins - Tuesdays on FX

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Michael Rappaport's accent has been all kinds of bad, but otherwise he has been pretty amazing as Daryl Crowe Jr. I love that Justified always manages to have these villains that straddle the line between being nefarious and moronic and how they are often self aware of how people view them as "hill billies" or what have you and use it to their advantage.

Also, it was fun seeing Boyd get back to basics and just blowing shit up. Sometimes when the chips are down you just gotta go back to what you're good at.
Surprised at the Rapaport love as I still don't buy him in the least. He's hulking which gives him some presence but to me that's about all he's got going for him.
Harlan. There is no Podunk Hollow in Kentucky.



I don't get it why didn't Raylan just tell Darrel he wanted to kill him. Clearly.....
none of that nonsense he couldn't cuz he is a Marshall or he was in the office with many others listening/watching.
The hotel room stuff confused me. Did they reconvene after being arrested or what? It looked like they played the same scene twice with two different outcomes.
Also a neat little thing is the scene with Boyd in the bar earlier in the episode, you don't know on a first watch that the thing he's playing with in his hands, besides the cigarette pack, is the trigger.


- Lengthy Yost interview with Buzz Focus

He talks about how production went this season and where they're headed for the last two episodes and S6. Some minor teases/spoilers.

Shit seems to me that Yost needs to deign to read some reviews himself Vs taking feedback secondhand off of the other writers because clearly they're distorting the message if he believes the audience are behind this season. I enjoy the characters, but this season has been completely disjointed. Dude needs a reality check.


I think there's time for the season to redeem itself, though I don't view it as the disappointment others do. A step down from previous seasons, but not bad watching by any means.

If next season is the last one, I wonder how the finale will set things in motion for whatever Raylan's arc will be?
This season has been quite messy structurally and the Ava plotline pretty much sucks (just when things were about to get interesting, the writers pussied out of making Ava a true killer by having Judith attack first). That being said... I love the Crowes and their presence has made the season quite enjoyable for me. If the ending is good I will probably rank this one above season 3 when all is said and done... maybe even 4. I know I'm in the minority though (if not completely alone).


This show has fallen too much.

I agree. I loved this show but I find myself bored with it. To me, this entire season has been a train wreck. Where to even begin?

  • The Crowes aren't very compelling antagonists; Scratch that, let me just say the Crowes aren't very compelling, period. I don't care at all what happens to anyone in the Crowe family.
  • The "morally questionable woman falls for Raylan's bad boy cop swagger" plot device was played out seasons ago.
  • Ava's plot arc has been all over the map and they've stretched out Boyd's budding drug business so long that it's impossible to believe any market still exists in Harlan County.
  • I don't know if it's the writing, acting malaise, or being busy with other aspects behind the scenes but Timothy Olyphant just seems like he doesn't really want to be playing Raylan anymore. Of the actors, only Walton Goggins seems to be acting with the same level of enthusiasm from previous seasons.
  • Making Art cold and distant, thus restricting his lines and role on the show, has really devalued the show as a whole. Many of the best scenes in the show involve interactions between Raylan and Art but this season Art's character has been reduced to observer rather than actor.

A bit of a season spoiler, but a great example why I can't find the Crowes compelling at all:
We spent a whole episode chasing down Kendel when he "ran away" and learned the truth behind his origins. At the end of that, Wendy promises to help Raylan, but a few episodes later that entire episode became meaningless as the writers barely threw a couple lines to connect the episodes after Danny's death. It was like "oh, shit, yeah we had that loose end we need to tie up before this goes to post production".

I remember reading an article that season 6 would be the last season for the show. I can't help but wonder if burn out has already set in. I hope the quality of the rest of this season and then the final season improve. Or, at the least, don't drop.

T Dollarz

Agree with all the criticisms on the current season. It's honestly pretty bad and I didn't see it coming. Almost makes me want to stop watching like I did with Walking Dead, but that was seasons of built up angst. This show has only a couple episodes and a season left so I may just continue on.


Unconfirmed Member
I agree that having Art act hostile to Raylan has taken away the magic their appearances together had, but you can't just sweep Raylan's cooperation with Augustine's murder under the rug. That confrontation had to happen at some point, and I don't see how Art reacts any other way.
Honestly, this seasons feels like they just wanna move pieces around for the final season rather than constructing a proper season in its own right. Michael Rapaport is mostly wasted, which is a shame since I actually like how he plays the character.

But hopefully, last couple of episodes will be a fitting Justified awesomeness thing happening you know.

Amazing. Simply amazing.
Definitely a weak season overall, but I think the last couple episodes have been pretty good. Far from the top tier Justified we all know and love, but a definite step above what we've seen from most of this season.

Crowes have been disappointing and the Ava storyline is just awful. Also, where the hell is Jackie Nevada?
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