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Justified - Season 6 - The Final Showdown - Olyphant & Goggins - Tuesdays on FX

I did have to think, the Marshals just walked out the hotel door like two minutes after Duffy did without even scanning the area. There was a pretty strong possibility of them blowing the entire thing if Duffy hung around or had someone continue watching the guard.

I'm sorry this documentary isn't up to your standards.
I love Constable Bob and Limehouse. All these guests coming back for the final season has been fantastic.

I did have to think, the Marshals just walked out the hotel door like two minutes after Duffy did without even scanning the area. There was a pretty strong possibility of them blowing the entire thing if Duffy hung around or had someone continue watching the guard.

I watch Justified with my mom and sister, and they said the exact same thing. "Don't use that door, Duffy is right there!" It was worth it just to have Tim talking while closing the door. That was great.
Man, I'm really loving this final season, it's definitely been the best season in a while too (last season was good, but marred by Ava in prison). I have to say this is one of the most consistent shows I've ever watched. I guess in my head I have also been thanking the gods this didn't somehow turn out like Sons of Anarchy's final season.
Good episode.

lol @ Raylan finally realizing that Ava > Winona. Better late than never. (I always had a feeling he knew deep down though and that's what was really preventing him from heading to Florida)

I always wondered if Natalie Zea wasn't so busy doing so many tv shows what the original plan for Winona would have been. Because in the last few seasons she's has been more of a motivational device or destination for Raylin rather a character (heck half the time in the later seasons she's just a talking face on a computer screen)

There were only 3 seasons, so there really aren't that many episodes.

Wait I thought there were 6 seasons of the show with about 120 episodes? (or is this a joke about how the later seasons don't exist to some people. I've always been a little slow to recognize internet sarcasm :p)

It has its shortcomings, but just try to keep an open mind if you watch it. Lots of great moments and characters. I don't know if there will ever be anything quite like the week to week frenzy that that show had.

Yeah I will definitely keep an open mind when i watch it eventually. I know there was a lot of negativity when it ended, but I always try to judge things for myself. Actually the reason why I never watched it when it was on TV was because I was a huge X-Files fan growing up and when that show ended I was so burnt out on conspiracy/mythology heavy shows that I needed a big break. And by the time I was interested in jumping into Lost, the show was almost over.


Hunky Nostradamus
I always wondered if Natalie Zea wasn't so busy doing so many tv shows what the original plan for Winona would have been. Because in the last few seasons she's has been more of a motivational device or destination for Raylin rather a character (heck half the time in the later seasons she's just a talking face on a computer screen)

She would have dragged the show down into the abyss.

Wait I thought there were 6 seasons of the show with about 120 episodes? (or is this a joke about how the later seasons don't exist to some people. I've always been a little slow to recognize internet sarcasm :p)

the second one :)


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
What are the chances of Tim getting a Better Call Saul after this show ends.


She would have dragged the show down into the abyss.

the second one :)

LOL (at both responses)

Also kind of off topic but it just dawned on me today that the actor who played Errol (Demetrius Grosse) is the same guy who played Deputy Emmett on Banshee. I don't know why I never made the connection before.
- Matt Zoller Seitz on Tuesday's episode
This is the second time in two weeks that we've seen a blackly comedic, accidental explosion. Does this feel like foreshadowing to anyone else?

It's also worth noting that pretty much every bit of plot action this season draws connections between Harlan's future-in-progress, whatever that turns out to be, and its past, which is built around a very limited kind of agriculture (the Christmas tree weed) and coal mining. The opening episode, if you'll recall, was organized around two close-ups of a historical photo showing Boyd's grandfather as a coal miner. Boyd and Raylan used to work together in the mines, as we're repeatedly reminded. Maybe they'll both buy it down there, or instead, figure out a way to live.

Funky Papa

I'm catching up really slowly this season due to work and stuff, but I just reached the second episode and both Tim and Choo-Choo are killing me. Internet babies. Tim making shit up at Raylan's car. Tim befiending Choo-Choo. So many awesome little lines.

Dillahunt is also damn funny. I had no idea he had that in him. That bit about Tim just being a dick had me in stitches. I swear to God Ep2 may be one of the funniest episodes so far.

(btw, if Choo-Choo manages to survive this season can he take a trip down to Banshee, Pennsylvania pls?)


Nice analysis! Seems like all signs are pointing to a nasty end for both Boyd and Raylan. Art's constant warnings, Raylan and Boyd both giving up chances to leave town for their wife/kid, "You'll never leave Harlan alive", coal-mine backdrops...the showrunners are laying it on thick with the foreshadowing. Maybe they're making a concerted effort to have us thinking that way, only to let one or both of them somehow survive for a happy ending.

I doubt it though. It just feels right that Justified should have a somber close.
He's pretty damned funny on Raising Hope, I think FXX shows the reruns.

He was my favorite on the show. Him and Martha Plimpton were fantastic in all four seasons, they were the best part of the show, IMO.

Nice analysis! Seems like all signs are pointing to a nasty end for both Boyd and Raylan. Art's constant warnings, Raylan and Boyd both giving up chances to leave town for their wife/kid, "You'll never leave Harlan alive", coal-mine backdrops...the showrunners are laying it on thick with the foreshadowing. Maybe they're making a concerted effort to have us thinking that way, only to let one or both of them somehow survive for a happy ending.

I doubt it though. It just feels right that Justified should have a somber close.

From the beginning, I felt Raylan would make it to the end, but Boyd wouldn't. I don't think we'll see Raylan live happily ever after in Florida, though.



Boyd and Raylan die in that tunnel together Boyd's building, reminiscing about their coal mining days.

Or, they take the easy way out and Boyd saves Raylan and Raylan lets Boyd go, calling back to the Season 1 finale.

Either way, show closes with "You'll Never Leave Harlan Alive".

I don't think Raylan needs to die, this isn't SoA. But, I wouldn't be surprised at all if he did. It'd just be such a dick move to make him a dad, then make him a terrible absentee dad, then kill him.

Nice analysis! Seems like all signs are pointing to a nasty end for both Boyd and Raylan. Art's constant warnings, Raylan and Boyd both giving up chances to leave town for their wife/kid, "You'll never leave Harlan alive", coal-mine backdrops...the showrunners are laying it on thick with the foreshadowing. Maybe they're making a concerted effort to have us thinking that way, only to let one or both of them somehow survive for a happy ending.

I doubt it though. It just feels right that Justified should have a somber close.

Err, didn't see this beforehand, but yeah, it's definitely a logical conclusion that a lot of people are drawing. I wonder if they're going to cash in on that and just make it quality, or try to throw a curve to dodge expectations. Gotta wonder how the latter would turn out.


I enjoy a good setup episode when I know there wil be a pay off, and I've never had any real reason to doubt Justified on that front.

I can't shake the feeling Raylan is never going to make it out of Harlan, as this awesome song would suggest, and I imagine Art will be last seen eulogising him, talking about what it means to be a marshal and how Raylan embodied that.

Funky Papa

Down to Ep 4.

So hey, is this the season when Ava turns out hot? Did she bathe her goulish carcass in the blood of Raylan's Internet baby? What gives?
It's still an Elmore Leonard story. And no matter what goes down in Elmore Leonard stories, the bad guys get theirs, and the good guys tend to make it out alive at the least.

Raylan won't die. He won't get exactly what he wants, either. But there's no way they kill him.

So hey, is this the season when Ava turns out hot? Did she bathe her goulish carcass in the blood of Raylan's Internet baby?



How could you do that to Winona? :(

Couldn't help but feel that last scene with Ava was the explicit beginning of the end for Raylan. Doesn't help that the amount of fantastic humour this season seems like they're setting up a real dark turn.

All the shows I love end tragically, I need to add some levity to my viewing.
There'll be levity. There's almost always levity at the end of a Elmore Leonard story. You can't write stories about personalities this vivid and not have a grin of some sort near the end.

Raylan Givens is the protagonist. Boyd Crowder is the antagonist. The protagonist is going to win out. The cleanliness of that victory is going to vary.
Another good episode. This season is amazing.
I hope in the end both Raylan and Boyd survive.
That line in this episode about, that only Raylan or Boyd can make that kind of trouble for them, leads me to believe, that maybe they'll set their problems aside and will take down Markham together. Anyway "You'll Never Leave Harlan Alive" has to play in the final scene.
Boyd and Raylan die in that tunnel together Boyd's building, reminiscing about their coal mining days.

Or, they take the easy way out and Boyd saves Raylan and Raylan lets Boyd go, calling back to the Season 1 finale.

Either way, show closes with "You'll Never Leave Harlan Alive".

I don't think Raylan needs to die, this isn't SoA. But, I wouldn't be surprised at all if he did. It'd just be such a dick move to make him a dad, then make him a terrible absentee dad, then kill him.
I love this idea


Ava hasn't looked good since S1.

That said it's pretty much the first time since that first season where I feel she isn't tacked on to the narrative and I'm enjoying her scenes. maybe it's that awful prison arc that clouds my memories but I never could care much about her or her relationship with Boyd. This season is a monumental improvement so far, I'm just hoping there won't be a retread of her relationship with Raylan and this is just him manipulating her,

Overall this season is great so far and if it keeps up, it might very well be the best for me. Writing is sharp as nails, Markham is a great antagonist and with this being the last season the stakes and tension is higher than ever.

Though the buy land for weed plot seems a weird choice and I wonder if there won't be any twist to it later. Like looking for Oil/Gas/Shales or whatever.

Edit: I wonder when Dewey's demise will surface. Raylan should have noticed by now he's missing his best bro.


Great episode. Was nice to see some familiar faces back again. Didn't expect them to have Raylan get it on with Ava again to be honest. Curious to see how things pan out. Tim's exchange with the prison guy was sensational. As was Choo Choo's light punch to the head.
How to Get Away With a Series Finale: 'Breaking Bad,' 'Justified' and 'Parks and Rec' Creators Tell All

Yost has also been thinking about his favorite finales as he plans Justified’s endgame. “Well, the best ever was Newhart. It was brilliant,” says Yost, of Newhart’s 1990 finale in which star Bob Newhart woke up next to Suzanne Pleshette, the wife from his previous series, The Bob Newhart Show, and said, “You won’t believe the dream I just had!” In other words, Yost jokes of the Justified conclusion, “It will be Tim [Olyphant] back on Deadwood: ‘My God, I had the strangest dream! There were automobiles, I think they called them….’”

His Justified writers room, meanwhile, is hoping to emulate The Shield’s 2008 finale, which ranks among the best in television history. “Everyone felt that that was one of the best endings because it was satisfying and unexpected,” says Yost. But more importantly, “For us what the guiding force has been from the beginning and will be to the very end is Elmore Leonard,” the late author who created the character of Raylan Givens in his novels. “So how does he end his books and how does he wrap up stories? The closest he came to a recurring character as a series is Raylan, but he never finished Raylan’s story. So we’ve got to make that up. And that’s going to be part of how we work that out. We’ve been doing an Elmore Leonard show. People have enjoyed that, therefore hopefully they’ll enjoy an Elmore Leonard ending.”

But even with years to plan a conclusion, devising the perfect ending can still be elusive. Yost says he’s known since Season 3 that he’d be able to end Justified on his own timetable, but that hasn’t made the task any easier. “It changes every year and sometimes week by week, how do we want to end it,” he says. “I’ve had fully formulated ideas in my head, and then three weeks later said, ‘No, not that.’ But just having that opportunity is wonderful.”
Interesting that Yost continues to state his line about changing the ending. Probably not something to worry about, but it's surprising they've been waffling about it in the room for a while. Nice to hear the shout out for The Shield's conclusion. He states more or less what Bobby Roberts said above - it's ultimately an Elmore Leonard story, and they'll try and conclude it with that in mind.

Also, note: "Yost says he’s known since Season 3 that he’d be able to end Justified on his own timetable." I guess he had conversations with Landgraf back that far about finishing up in 5-6 seasons?


Hunky Nostradamus
Interesting that Yost continues to state his line about changing the ending. Probably not something to worry about, but it's surprising they've been waffling about it in the room for a while.

I'm pretty sure the Breaking Bad people said the same thing, heh. I have no worries though - the writers of Justified are mighty talented people.

Also, note: "Yost says he’s known since Season 3 that he’d be able to end Justified on his own timetable." I guess he had conversations with Landgraf back that far about finishing up in 5-6 seasons?

Hopefully he's had similar conversations with the creators of The Americans!
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