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K-on! Community |OT| Never Ending Talk About Never Ending Girl's Talk


Just for reference, here's what all the girls' birthdays are.

Mio - January 15
Mugi - July 2
Ritsu - August 21
Yui - November 27
Nodoka - December 26
Sawako - January 31
Ui - February 22
Azusa - November 11
Jun - Has existed before the beginning of space and time itself Not Available.

So if I understand Japanese school terms correctly, it would make Mio the youngest of the original 4 club girls, and Mugi being the oldest. /creepy
Just for reference, here's what all the girls' birthdays are.

Mio - January 15
Mugi - July 2
Ritsu - August 21
Yui - November 27
Nodoka - December 26
Sawako - January 31
Ui - February 22
Azusa - November 11
Jun - Has existed before the beginning of space and time itself Not Available.

So if I understand Japanese school terms correctly, it would make Mio the youngest of the original 4 club girls, and Mugi being the oldest. /creepy

Is it possible for Mio to have started later compared to everyone else?
If I'm thinking about this right, Japanese school terms start in the spring, so those that have birthdays right after the term starts are the oldest in the class and goes down from there. So assuming the school year starts around March or April, the first birthday to come up would be Mugi's then Ritsu's and so on. So in that sense, Mio and Azusa should have been born within the same calender year, since Azusa is only one grade lower than her. /creepyuselessfacts


heh i had no idea the girls had birthdays defined. that's not common at least in the animes i watch.

i already made a gift for Ritsu. i marathoned the Metroid Prime Trilogy between yesterday and today and beat all 3 games (12 hours straight of pointing at the screen. my arm is sore for the first time ever). normally i don't have the willpower for that but for her i can go farther than usual.
(anyone interested in the marathon and with time to burn can watch it here: http://www.twitch.tv/uchihasda/videos )

heh i had no idea the girls had birthdays defined. that's not common at least in the animes i watch.
I guess it kinda is, but with how popular the show is in Japan, it's not that crazy.
i already made a gift for Ritsu. i marathoned the Metroid Prime Trilogy between yesterday and today and beat all 3 games (12 hours straight of pointing at the screen. my arm is sore for the first time ever). normally i don't have the willpower for that but for her i can go farther than usual.
(anyone interested in the marathon and with time to burn can watch it here: http://www.twitch.tv/uchihasda/videos )
I'll check it out later tonight.


the Ritsu overload feels so good. i feel like i've eaten cake even though i haven't in months.
i wish i could have all those things in the pics.

Jun - Has existed before the beginning of space and time itself Not Available.
so basically she was chilling with Arceus?


ANN posted their review of the second US BD set for K-On S2:


[K-On] isn't a defense of escapism; there's nothing defensive about it at all. It's proof. Proof that escapism can be heartfelt; that if made with skill and conviction, with absolute devotion, it can be moving and even true. That is truer here, as the story of Yui and Mugi and Ritsu and Mio and Azusa draws to its close, than it ever was. Let there be no mistake: this is pure escapism. This is a show that spurns with conscientious thoroughness anything that is bleak or upsetting or remotely unpleasant. [...] It's a portrait of friendship and school life that cherry-picks only the best and happiest and sweetest of either.
The delight and warmth and affection are contagious. The girls' personalities bleed so convincingly into their body language and such time has been spent soaking up their quirks of speech and motion and humor that they've long since ceased to be empty character types or even characters and become friends. Friends whose happiness we revel in and whose company we delight in. In their company we can really believe that happiness reigns supreme, that friends will always be together and the good times will never end.
K-ON!! is escapism. When you sit down to watch it, the world washes away. For a time all is right in the universe, if only because you've forgotten all about it. That the series can do that with depth of feeling and artistic dedication such that we don't feel bilked or bamboozled for surrendering is its gift, and its gift to us.
Well here they are: Numba 1 and Numba 2

Brownie points to people who can guess what they are (decipher through AnathemicOne's mediocre drawing skillz!)

Cool, lets see if I can give some helpful advice.
  • The hands are looking pretty good, though you may wanna try pushing yourself beyond just an open hand.
  • The face on the first picture seems off, with her left eye appearing bigger than her right eye when it should be the other way around, like how you did on you second drawing.
  • The right shoulder on the yuriyuri girl isn't right, and I don't think from that angle you would be able to see her shoulder clearly like that. I say just erase it, otherwise I'd say it turned out quite well.
  • Draw their feet next time.
I hope that was helpful in some way. I'm not good at teaching or giving useful feedback.
College/adult Yui

Where did her boobs go?
But in seriousness, her eyes look more like Mio's there, Yui's are more round and don't really have any angles in them. And her nose seems rather large, but since the show doesn't bother drawing them anyways, I'll let that slide.
Cool, lets see if I can give some helpful advice.
  • The hands are looking pretty good, though you may wanna try pushing yourself beyond just an open hand.
  • The face on the first picture seems off, with her left eye appearing bigger than her right eye when it should be the other way around, like how you did on you second drawing.
  • The right shoulder on the yuriyuri girl isn't right, and I don't think from that angle you would be able to see her shoulder clearly like that. I say just erase it, otherwise I'd say it turned out quite well.
  • Draw their feet next time.
I hope that was helpful in some way. I'm not good at teaching or giving useful feedback.

-One challenge at a time

-Hm really? Since the face is angled/turned slightly to the right shouldn't the left eye appear bigger or at least the same size for both eyes (I is noob at this)?

-Yeah I see, at first I intended to have her clasp both hands behind her back (this is why the shoulders are raised) but I said screw it x_x

-I would but somehow when I draw the body to be proportionate with the head/face the feet are always cut off due to the bottom of my sketchbook!

But that doesn't answer where her boobs went!

Boobs makes the world go round.
-One challenge at a time

-Hm really? Since the face is angled/turned slightly to the right shouldn't the left eye appear bigger or at least the same size for both eyes (I is noob at this)?

-Yeah I see, at first I intended to have her clasp both hands behind her back (this is why the shoulders are raised) but I said screw it x_x

-I would but somehow when I draw the body to be proportionate with the head/face the feet are always cut off due to the bottom of my sketchbook!

I meant her left, which would be the one on the right side of the page. Sorry if that confused you.

And I know that feeling when you accidentally leave no room for their feet. It happens.

Boobs makes the world go round.
/manyuu hikenchou


GAF's Ed McMahon
Hmm strawberry panic, i think i watched the anime back in the day. Heavy yuri stuff!

Also where is everyone ?! It's empty here. Almost 00:30 and i'm sitting on my balcony because it's so hot and i can't sleep.
Hmm strawberry panic, i think i watched the anime back in the day. Heavy yuri stuff!

Also where is everyone ?! It's empty here. Almost 00:30 and i'm sitting on my balcony because it's so hot and i can't sleep.

It's the best yuri to have ever been created (I haven't seen anything yet to equal or top it as of yet).
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