I guess I finally got productive. And forgive me talking about plot details so earnestly, I genuinely don't know what happens!
K-ON!! Episode 1
The more things change...
Good opening episode, and it contained quite a few of those idle moments that KyoAni seem to do so well. Yui featured heavily in this regard, both in the opening scene, with her practising alone in the music room, as well as the shots of her stopping to gather the cherry blossoms. There was a nice sense of melancholy throughout the episode, with there being notice given to the fleetingness of their time spent together. The end of the first season gave a little indication that the show can get serious when it wants to, and it seems like that carries over here.
K-ON! has always been a ridiculously pretty show to look at, but I'm noticing an animation bump between the seasons, which they seem all too aware of, highlighting this very fact with the flashback scene to the original freshman concert.
For as big a franchise as this is, its remarkably breezy in terms of its pacing. It's crazy to think that the original line-up is already in their third and final high-school year, where it could have been so tempting to otherwise drag the series on.
I just thought this was a nice shot.
By all accounts, this is the superior of the two seasons, so I'm looking forward to seeing how they play around with the greater freedom here.
Also I may have missed it, but this may have been the only episode (based in the school) that there wasn't a transition shot showing the school statue.
I'm not sold on the new OP/ED'S yet.
K-ON!! Episode 2
This episode decided to give a brief history on guitars. Considering the character design, I always find it striking just how much detail is lavished upon the actual instruments. It was also notable in that Sawako didn't act like a complete crazy person for once, maybe even acting her age. The middle of the episode played like an after-school special, with the group trying to decide how to use their windfall from an antique guitar.
Remember kids, honesty is the best policy!
Again, the devil is in the details, and the mundane setting of a hardware store was made to look visually eye-cathing.
There was even a moe turtle thrown into the mix.Most of the first season felt pretty loose in terms of an overarching narrative, but there looks to already be something going on here, particuarly in the case of Azusa.