All i am saying is, there was nothing against the rules in the OP in that Pokemon thread. That was not fanart, and not "pervy". Still, if they still wanted to ban to make a statement, they could have banned him for a few days. But two months ?
Whatever. I'm done talking about this subject here.
Chet banned, I wasn't expecting to wake up and see that.
And, although I agree with you, what constitutes that criteria is entirely subjective, and I can understand why some wouldn't like that sort of stuff being posted. It is the Pokemon thread after all, but I'm not entirely qualified to talk on what flies there, having only posted a couple of times. But it does seem like something you should be confident about before putting out there, as some of the community threads differ wildly in tone.
The 2 months thing is harsh, but I'm not going to pretend I know how the GAF hierarchy works. He'll be back before we know it, and I guess there is always the IRCs to haunt.
EDIT: I can see where you are coming from, Kandrick. Skimming through that thread pretty much highlights that wasn't anything more egregious than that what had previously been posted.
Anyway, let's keep the thread active. I will be sure to post my thoughts on K-ON!! as I continue to make my way through it. Which is something I should remember to do, especially as as Chet was the only one who discussed it with me in the Anime thread (daw).