Chet Rippo
They'd suit you well.

Come on guys, get to it!
I generally don't buy much, but I will have appeased the Nendoroid gods by owning both of the Persona figures.No Yosuke!
But that's game related and not at all related to K-ON!
turning a himecut into a ponytail... KyoAni is so dead in m eyes.
turning a himecut into a ponytail... KyoAni is so dead in m eyes.
Why? It's better *runs*
Saving that Mio gif. ^_^
I'm totally guilty of doing that to someone before.
I don't own any merchandise of any work of any medium ever. Not even a poster or something. My room is very barren and minimalistic as a result.
In contrast, my room is just littered with posters and little figures, statues and junk. There's so much stuff that it's sometimes hard to walk through.
Probably doesn't help that I don't like to throw anything away.
I think a photo is in order!
Looks totally regal on 'ojō-sama's and 'miko'-wearing archers, man! Moreover, if CLAMP uses it then all is cool (see the multiple 'hime'-cut hairstyle variations of xxxHolic's Ms. Ichihara)...turning a himecut into a ponytail... KyoAni is so dead in m eyes.
I did take a shitty photo of one of my walls back in July. I think I took some photos of some stuff I had on my self around the same time too, but I don't know what I did with it.
I have so much stuff that some of my stuff has spilled into the guest bedroom. The guest bedroom is where I have my new figures set up.
I am seeing some unconfirmed news that Manga UK and Sentai may have licensed the K-On movie for their respective territories.
I did take a shitty photo of one of my walls back in July.
Under my bed is just full of old sketch books I've had through out the years. I think the oldest one I found was from like the 6th grade. I think my Dragon Ball manga collection is down there too.That you did!
Damn, and I thought I was bad! I managed to confine most of my stuff to one large bookcase when I redecorated, but as you'll see (when I get a photo in daylight), it's still quite packed. I also would like some posters up, but they would need to be framed first (including my prized Olly Moss Totoro print), but shit's expensive!
And looking at those old posts, I was curious about the English dub. It's not that bad! Although I can never be deemed fair with these sort of things, because once I get attached to one set of performances, I can never disassociate myself from the original.
Huh, I was rooting through my stuff in storage yesterday and found that exact same Nintendo Power poster. It was on my wall before I moved out.
And I wish they put in more effort into the dub. The voice talent I think was there, but the localized script was just so ho-hum. It felt like it was just trying to be too similar to the original script, even preserving honorifics and shit. Hell, KyoAni came up with a better English nickname for Azusa in the movie than Bandai did, or whoever did the dub work. I guess you could say that I'd prefer dubs to be more localized, if I wanted something similar to the way it was originally, I'd just watch it subbed.
Under my bed is just full of old sketch books I've had through out the years. I think the oldest one I found was from like the 6th grade. I think my Dragon Ball manga collection is down there too.
I did take a shitty photo of one of my walls back in July.
I love stuff like that, and I wish I'd kept a better record of my drawings, because I used to draw, a lot! I've left it far too long to brag about it nowadays, but it used to be of my main hobbies. I still remember drawing a huge mural of Sonic on one of my old bedroom walls. To this day, he is the one thing I can draw from memory.
Yen Press has licensed the final two manga volumes, K-On! college and K-On! highschool.
Probably something that everyone expected, but still nice to know.
Just finished watching Episode 14, these last few episodes have really done a good job of raising the stakes. Such a good run.
That's all you got to say about Mugi's summer skinship training?
Not likely.
Before you ask, yes, there is a figure of Mugi in her cute red dress.Since I know you're just dying to know.
Just finished watching Episode 14, these last few episodes have really done a good job of raising the stakes. Such a good run.
The mid-run was really good for K-On--light-hearted, fun stuff. Was 14 the 'hit me' episode for Mugi? I can't remember.
Alright, I've gotta ask, how much K-On merchandise do all of you own? Not including DVDs/BDs of the show itself, of course.
Don't we all?
Ever wonder what those sparkly dots are up there?
I've always thought that this is a ridiculously cool lounge
The assembly line.
Cutecrazy girls doingcutecrazy things
I found this gif I "made" with gifsoup years ago. Has anyone got a better version of it? I love this scene.
You got a lot more stuff than I do. lolI've got all the school uniform nendos except Ritsu (as noted before) and all the figma except Nodoka and Ui, though I believe those were web shop exclusives in Japan or something. Also have Hougako Live on PSP. I'll try to do a pic of the figures sometime when I get a chance.
Love those Live Stage nendo pics, Chet. Love those faces! I NEED that Mio.
Yes, this is truly the season of the Mugi! The further I get, the more she begins to take over, so good!
And here is my weekly digest of impressions, just let me know if they become too much, as I do find myself gradually writing more and more as these have gone on.
Mio, you did it again.
It finally arrived! It's a lot blue-er than I was led to believe in the picture. Also, it looks like the L is the equivalent to an XL, but I haven't tried it on yet.
Does anyone know if the PS3 game has online multiplayer?
It does indeed!