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K-on! Community |OT| Never Ending Talk About Never Ending Girl's Talk

They'd suit you well.


I don't own any merchandise of any work of any medium ever. Not even a poster or something. My room is very barren and minimalistic as a result.
I don't own any merchandise of any work of any medium ever. Not even a poster or something. My room is very barren and minimalistic as a result.

In contrast, my room is just littered with posters and little figures, statues and junk. There's so much stuff that it's sometimes hard to walk through.
Probably doesn't help that I don't like to throw anything away.


In contrast, my room is just littered with posters and little figures, statues and junk. There's so much stuff that it's sometimes hard to walk through.
Probably doesn't help that I don't like to throw anything away.

I think a photo is in order! I have quite a lot of things, but a lot of that is just games, books, clothes, the usual stuff. I have little in the way of anime merchandise, past a couple of art books . I wouldn't mind a couple of Nendoroids for decoration though, but anything larger just doesn't appeal to me.
I'm in dorms at college half a year per year, for the next 3 years, so I cant really have that much merch. It's probably a good thing though, due to how much I've spent on manga since I got here. I honestly wouldn't be able to walk around in my room if I was allowed anything here :p I'd also be a very poor man, as I'm living on bursaries.


turning a himecut into a ponytail... KyoAni is so dead in m eyes.
Looks totally regal on 'ojō-sama's and 'miko'-wearing archers, man! Moreover, if CLAMP uses it then all is cool (see the multiple 'hime'-cut hairstyle variations of xxxHolic's Ms. Ichihara)...


I did take a shitty photo of one of my walls back in July. I think I took some photos of some stuff I had on my self around the same time too, but I don't know what I did with it.
I have so much stuff that some of my stuff has spilled into the guest bedroom. The guest bedroom is where I have my new figures set up.

That you did!

Damn, and I thought I was bad! I managed to confine most of my stuff to one large bookcase when I redecorated, but as you'll see (when I get a photo in daylight), it's still quite packed. I also would like some posters up, but they would need to be framed first (including my prized Olly Moss Totoro print), but stuff's expensive!

And looking at those old posts, I was curious about the English dub. It's not that bad! Although I can never be deemed fair with these sort of things, because once I get attached to one set of performances, I can never disassociate myself from the original.
That you did!

Damn, and I thought I was bad! I managed to confine most of my stuff to one large bookcase when I redecorated, but as you'll see (when I get a photo in daylight), it's still quite packed. I also would like some posters up, but they would need to be framed first (including my prized Olly Moss Totoro print), but shit's expensive!

And looking at those old posts, I was curious about the English dub. It's not that bad! Although I can never be deemed fair with these sort of things, because once I get attached to one set of performances, I can never disassociate myself from the original.
Under my bed is just full of old sketch books I've had through out the years. I think the oldest one I found was from like the 6th grade. I think my Dragon Ball manga collection is down there too.

And I wish they put in more effort into the dub. The voice talent I think was there, but the localized script was just so ho-hum. It felt like it was just trying to be too similar to the original script, even preserving honorifics and shit. Hell, KyoAni came up with a better English nickname for Azusa in the movie than Bandai did, or whoever did the dub work. I guess you could say that I'd prefer dubs to be more localized, if I wanted something similar to the way it was originally, I'd just watch it subbed.
Huh, I was rooting through my stuff in storage yesterday and found that exact same Nintendo Power poster. It was on my wall before I moved out.

Well any one who read Nintendo Power at that point would have that poster, given that it came with the magazine.
RIP Nintendo Power.


And I wish they put in more effort into the dub. The voice talent I think was there, but the localized script was just so ho-hum. It felt like it was just trying to be too similar to the original script, even preserving honorifics and shit. Hell, KyoAni came up with a better English nickname for Azusa in the movie than Bandai did, or whoever did the dub work. I guess you could say that I'd prefer dubs to be more localized, if I wanted something similar to the way it was originally, I'd just watch it subbed.

That's true, if you're going to localize something (particularly with dubs) you should try to accommodate your audience, rather than slavishly adhere to the original. I do appreciate when the essence of the source material is retained, but over the years I have realized that doesn't necessarily equate to something being good. I can think of plenty of things that have been improved with a good localization script, and vice-versa.

The point of a dub is to find a new audience, so it's only logical that you'd try to make sure they enjoy themselves. Obviously all this is a case by case basis, and certain things won't always carry as well depending on the material (like honorifics), whereas they might be integral elsewhere.

We've talked this in circles before, but for me, it comes down to the setting. I don't really like an English voice cast creeping into a show that is ostensibly Japanese, but there are always exceptions. But sometimes trying to adapt/hide things just comes off as dumb, like the infamous Pokemon "jelly donuts" example.

I think K-ON is a great example of this, with the songs providing a massive dissonance between the dub cast and the actual performances. I can't imagine that the first time that audience heard those songs, they weren't immediately taken out of the moment. But first impressions are everything, and I still think back to the original Pokemon dub fondly, despite railing on better dubs (the Ghibli ones spring to mind) after the fact.

Under my bed is just full of old sketch books I've had through out the years. I think the oldest one I found was from like the 6th grade. I think my Dragon Ball manga collection is down there too.

I love stuff like that, and I wish I'd kept a better record of my drawings, because I used to draw, a lot! I've left it far too long to brag about it nowadays, but it used to be of my main hobbies. I still remember drawing a huge mural of Sonic on one of my old bedroom walls. To this day, he is the one thing I can draw from memory.
The weird thing about the songs in the dub is that there's extras on the disc with the dub cast singing all the songs from the show in English. And outside of Fuwa Fuwa Time, which for some lines in the lyrics are just huge mouthfuls, the songs are pretty decent. It's pretty clear, at least for Mio and Yui's voice actors, that the dub cast was cast based on their singing ability. It's odd that they didn't just put them in the actual show.
I didn't think I'd ever give this much effort to talk about the K-ON! dub of all things...
I love stuff like that, and I wish I'd kept a better record of my drawings, because I used to draw, a lot! I've left it far too long to brag about it nowadays, but it used to be of my main hobbies. I still remember drawing a huge mural of Sonic on one of my old bedroom walls. To this day, he is the one thing I can draw from memory.

I liked to think I've gotten to the point where I can draw the K-ON! girls purely from memory, at the very least for Mio.
insert joke about the club girls not being complicatedly designed here.
Otherwise I can pretty easily draw a lot of Mario characters off the top of my head. The art from my Mario Kart 7 thread was mostly drawn from memory.


My drawing was so bad art teachers thought I was just ignoring the class and not putting in any effort. This ended up being a self-fulfilling prophecy as low marks (pulling down my high average built up with exemplary maths and sciences grades) and annoying comments by several art teachers completely destroyed any motivation for the class and made me utterly dislike the practice of drawing for years.

Only since the passive art history classes did I gain an appreciation for the visual crafts.
Well, I've never had that problem, since I've been practicing since before I can remember. Though looking back, it was all shit anyways, but you can't get anywhere without trying.
Though your teachers also sound like huge assholes.


Just finished watching Episode 14, these last few episodes have really done a good job of raising the stakes. Such a good run.


I was actually looking for that for my write-up *yoink*

In fact, that entire episode is just an endless string of gifs.
Alright, I've gotta ask, how much K-On merchandise do all of you own? Not including DVDs/BDs of the show itself, of course.

I've got all the school uniform nendos except Ritsu (as noted before) and all the figma except Nodoka and Ui, though I believe those were web shop exclusives in Japan or something. Also have Hougako Live on PSP. I'll try to do a pic of the figures sometime when I get a chance.

Love those Live Stage nendo pics, Chet. Love those faces! I NEED that Mio.



Yes, this is truly the season of the Mugi! The further I get, the more she begins to take over, so good!

And here is my weekly digest of impressions, just let me know if they become too much, as I do find myself gradually writing more and more as these have gone on.


K-ON!! - Episode 12


Don't we all?

The dark underbelly of K-ON is revealed! This show has a tendency to make everything appear light and unassuming, which is just as well, because if Sawako was male, and it did away with the usual K-ON touch, then this episode would be taking an entirely different turn! I guess Sawako quickly got over her façade of being dignified though, because here she is taking away teenagers on a debauched weekend! But I guess her friends did cancel on her plans, and at the last minute too, hm...


Ever wonder what those sparkly dots are up there?

Duplicity seems to be the name of the game here, as everyone's personality is a little off-kilter, compared to what we're used to. Ritsu is the straight-man, Mio is crazy, Yui is reflective, and Mugi is just, Mugi. All of Yui's foibles were on show here. She went from beginning the episode, being her usual self and wandering off frame, to providing this wonderfully sincere observation. I think that when these moments are delivered via this usual ball of idiocy, it makes them all that more poignant for the audience. It's interesting that, for all the talk (mainly from Azusa) of how they need to move forward as a band, it's usually Yui who throws this into stark relief, displaying how their dynamic transcends the simple pretence of being part of a school club.

Also, base entire episode around a musical festival, yet we never hear a song in full. lol.


K-ON!! - Episode 13


I've always thought that this is a ridiculously cool lounge

I really enjoyed the lucidity of this episode, it captured that strange end of summer haze really well. Essentially, it was one big day-dream, and a pathway into the mind of Azu-nyan, as she cat-napped her way through the day. The contents of the dreams was quite strange, mainly because they were just so mundane! Okay, maybe not that much. Damn Azusa, eat some cheese or something! They were a clever conceit though, as it allowed her to ruminate on the rest of the group. I really liked how it all eventually came together, and the way in which the dreams were juxtaposed with the eventual ending was great, culminating in this really sweet moment.

It was a welcome surprise, when a previous episode focussed on the perspective new group, so it was nice to see that aspect of the show revisited. And It was interesting to discover that, when switched to the perspective of Azusa, despite all her complaining, she really does revere the rest of the band. It was also funny to see Jun's reaction to the summary of what they all get up to, because when you do break it down, it is pretty ridiculous! She is also the audience surrogate that I originally expected Azusa to be, she's cool.

So, the grass is always greener, and with that, Jun joins the club! The end is nigh...


K-ON!! - Episode 14

Daw, Mugi just can't catch a break! Between wanting to get hit (a little weird, admittedly), its pointed out just how much on the periphery of the group she is, or at least perceives herself to be. It was kind of telling, that although they all hang out a whole lot within the confines of the school, Mugi herself states that she rarely sees the others on the outside. I don't know, it struck me as an odd moment, because it's not like they aren't all good friends after all, but I always made the assumption that it extended far beyond what we actually see within the episodes. And what little hints had been dropped about her background previously, would suggest that she is trying her best to conform, so actually seeing how desperately she was to tag along with Ritsu, just made me empathize with her that little bit more.

As for the cute quotient (if you're keeping track), it handily gets met here! What between Mugi being...well Mugi, and Yui philosophizing on what it means to eat cake, they're pretty much grinding its essence into a fine powder at this point. All of which meets its logical conclusion in this piece of artistry. And the best gag makes a triumphant return!

Fantastic episode all round, and with Mugi as its focus, why wouldn't it be? This was almost two seasons in the making, and it didn't disappoint

The power of friendship prevails! Mostly.


K-ON!! - Episode 15


The assembly line.

A marathon is the least likely thing for the band to participate in, so naturally Yui does her best to duck out of it, in any way possible. I guess a decision was made to further explore the range of Yui's VA, as she pretty much gets by making a range of ridiculous sounds, and trying to sing whilst out of breath (more impressive than it sounds), becoming more animated as the episode moves on, it's truly something to behold.


Cute crazy girls doing cute crazy things

The moment where the footage actually started to rewind was incredible, and the end to the race was all round ridiculous. This was just a fun episode, and it involved all the characters, even Tomi! So there are bonus points there too. And Sawako got her just deserts, serves her right for torturing Yui before the race.

Mio, you did it again.

I found this gif I "made" with gifsoup years ago. Has anyone got a better version of it? I love this scene.

...actually don't. I guess that's what I need to find next.
I've got all the school uniform nendos except Ritsu (as noted before) and all the figma except Nodoka and Ui, though I believe those were web shop exclusives in Japan or something. Also have Hougako Live on PSP. I'll try to do a pic of the figures sometime when I get a chance.

Love those Live Stage nendo pics, Chet. Love those faces! I NEED that Mio.
You got a lot more stuff than I do. lol
And the live stage Nendos come in pairs, just wanted to point that out. For some reason the Yui and Mugi one is more expensive pretty much everywhere I look. I wonder why that is.

Yes, this is truly the season of the Mugi! The further I get, the more she begins to take over, so good!

And here is my weekly digest of impressions, just let me know if they become too much, as I do find myself gradually writing more and more as these have gone on.


Mio, you did it again.


Everyone I know that likes Mugi from watching the first season just absolutely loves the second season. Now you understand why.
It finally arrived! It's a lot blue-er than I was led to believe in the picture. Also, it looks like the L is the equivalent to an XL, but I haven't tried it on yet.

I kinda want that shirt.
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