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K-on! Community |OT| Never Ending Talk About Never Ending Girl's Talk


Believe it or not, I liked Mio the most even before the first beach episode.


Damn, you found me out.
But really, I prefer quieter, shier girls.
And it was clear she had big boobs before the beach episode anyways


Crossposting from AnimeGAF because I'm too lazy to write separate posts for the same thing. :D

Here are some articles containing interviews with Yamada Naoko, the director of K-On, from Scotland Loves Anime.

Naoko responded by saying that image of sleeping at your desk was so cool! But KyoAni was nothing like that and sometimes worked slightly longer hours but on the whole not.


Going back to the idea of her directorial style, she is very much a “method” director, preferring to get into the minds of the characters and although bits of her style may creep in, a creator “colouring” a work destroys the illusion. She would far rather hope that someone would watch her works, only to find out afterwards she had created them and for them to be their favourites. Naoko also mentioned the two types of directors: those who act as a cameraman and try to put their image on screen, and those who are actors and live within the characters.


And the final question: given the restraints on resources, is a movie harder to make because you have more staff but similarly more resources? The movie apparently wasn’t too hard as there were many talented staff in-house and her superiors essentially told her not to worry about the budget; but on the whole a movie isn’t too different to a TV series.


The most revealing question was one I had wanted to ask myself: with Kyoto Animation’s reputation for having a high number of female staff, does this have any effect in a typically male dominated industry and when producing something like K-On? The answer was slightly cagey with Naoko having not worked anywhere but Kyoto Animation in her career, but she mentioned the staff’s propensity to “mother” the characters; so if one of them was showing too much skin they would cover her up saying “she would be cold!” The answer to a follow on question by Jonathan on whether the lack of fan-service was purposeful – definitely yes and the fan-service is in the words not the visuals – elicited spontaneous applause from the audience which seemed to take both Naoko and Yoshihisa by surprise.
Highlighted some of what I found interesting, but they're good articles with a lot of nice information, especially if you're interested in the production process. Or if you're a KyoAni fanboy like I am. :)

It was especially interesting to hear that they never really work overtime and the different ways directors approach their work.
Crossposting from AnimeGAF because I'm too lazy to write separate posts for the same thing. :D

Here are some articles containing interviews with Yamada Naoko, the director of K-On, from Scotland Loves Anime.

Highlighted some of what I found interesting, but they're good articles with a lot of nice information, especially if you're interested in the production process. Or if you're a KyoAni fanboy like I am. :)

It was especially interesting to hear that they never really work overtime and the different ways directors approach their work.

Her method of directing really suit K-on! as a character driven show. In fact, it seems like she was the perfect fit for the show as a whole. That little bit about 'mothering' the characters was cute.


Her method of directing really suit K-on! as a character driven show. In fact, it seems like she was the perfect fit for the show as a whole. That little bit about 'mothering' the characters was cute.


Haha, I thought it was cute too. I also agree with the directing thing. It really feels like I'm watching a window into their lives, as opposed to shows like Mawaru Penguindrum where I feel like I'm being told a story. How the staff "mothered" the characters helps explain how endearing they are, I think.

I find it kinda amusing that she says she tried to keep the movie like the manga would be though, because I really prefer the anime series over the little I've read of the manga.
I find it kinda amusing that she says she tried to keep the movie like the manga would be though, because I really prefer the anime series over the little I've read of the manga.

It's not like the anime deviates too far from the manga anyways, so in a way she just wanted it to feel like any other episode of the show, just like how they handled how they did original anime episodes.
Though thinking about it, the parts in the K-ON! movie about where they talk about Mio's panties
or lack there of
, Azusa's suspicion that
Yui is lesbian for her
, and Sawako designing sexy ninja outfits for the girls seemed very manga like. lol Though Kakifly would have probably upped the fan service for those.


Crossposting from AnimeGAF because I'm too lazy to write separate posts for the same thing. :D

Here are some articles containing interviews with Yamada Naoko, the director of K-On, from Scotland Loves Anime.

Highlighted some of what I found interesting, but they're good articles with a lot of nice information, especially if you're interested in the production process. Or if you're a KyoAni fanboy like I am. :)

It was especially interesting to hear that they never really work overtime and the different ways directors approach their work.

Animegaf moves too fast, I didn't even see these before. Thanks for linking them, they're cool stuff.


Having come over to the UK and seeing our reactions, would she (and other staff) take the UK into consideration for their next projects? Naoko was touched by the response to her visit and was nervous to us watching K-On, worried that we’d walk out (as if!)

That is an extremely British answer!


This was mostly to welcome the esteemed guests as well as indicate that any recording of the after-film session would be taken care of by a Kyoto Animation camera person.

hmmm so dvd extra for the western movie release maybe?
It finally arrived! It's a lot blue-er than I was led to believe in the picture. Also, it looks like the L is the equivalent to an XL, but I haven't tried it on yet.

Do like that shirt...think I'll pick it up. Good to know that it runs big.

You got a lot more stuff than I do. lol
And the live stage Nendos come in pairs, just wanted to point that out. For some reason the Yui and Mugi one is more expensive pretty much everywhere I look. I wonder why that is.

Probably the Mugi tax :p. I've had good luck finding older figures for a fair price on Mandarake so I'll keep an eye on that.


Any stuff about Ishihara in there? After seeing the Kanon documentary on YouTube he fascinates me.

I've seen the Kanon documentary on Youtube as well and it was great. I don't think Ishihara went to Scotland Loves Anime though. He isn't as big of a name as Yamada with the K-On movie anyway and he might have been working on Chu2koi at the time.


I've seen the Kanon documentary on Youtube as well and it was great. I don't think Ishihara went to Scotland Loves Anime though. He isn't as big of a name as Yamada with the K-On movie anyway and he might have been working on Chu2koi at the time.

Oh, for some reason I was under the impression this was simply an extension of the trip he took together with Yamada to the British Isles.

There are some interviews here and there (I think some about Clannad on Chinese video websites) but no one bothers to translate those things. He seems to be the chief/senior director and it was kinda cool learning how he approached the Kanon source material.


Oh, for some reason I was under the impression this was simply an extension of the trip he took together with Yamada to the British Isles.

There are some interviews here and there (I think some about Clannad on Chinese video websites) but no one bothers to translate those things. He seems to be the chief/senior director and it was kinda cool learning how he approached the Kanon source material.

Oh, he went on a trip to Yamada there? Maybe he was in Scotland too... I don't remember seeing his name in the articles though.

I really want to see the interviews for Clannad, since I really enjoyed those. In fact, I'm interested in hearing how he approached Hyouka, since I thought it was wonderful. I think that, while Yamada's work with K-On is more "natural", Ishihara's work with the KEY adaptations, Haruhi, and Hyouka is a lot more centered around the protagonist and his inner monologue. I want to know how much of that is the source material and how much of that is Ishihara's style.
So is it against friends only or is there a way to play with random people?
How do I do it?
Of the people who post here, I remember Kandrick and Billiechu have the PS3 ver. It's probably best to ask them directly maybe? Though knowing Billiechu she probably doesn't know/doesn't remember.
Or you could ask someone who knows Japanese to help you.
Animegaf moves too fast, I didn't even see these before. Thanks for linking them, they're cool stuff.
Now you all understand.
hmmm so dvd extra for the western movie release maybe?
Which I hope isn't too far off.
Probably the Mugi tax :p. I've had good luck finding older figures for a fair price on Mandarake so I'll keep an eye on that.

That's the place that sells doujins right? I should check that place out.
Could anyone recommend a good website that I can buy assorted anime t-shirts and stuff from, for a competitive price? Preferably one either based in the UK, or with relatively cheap shipping to the UK? Thanks guys :)


Could anyone recommend a good website that I can buy assorted anime t-shirts and stuff from, for a competitive price? Preferably one either based in the UK, or with relatively cheap shipping to the UK? Thanks guys :)

I use Yesasia most recently, and have never had any problems with them. You can currently get free shipping on most items, and I've never been slapped with the dreaded import tax. I will say that whenever I've used Playasia in the past, it's hard to know whether you will get extra charges or not. That, and they aren't exactly cheap to begin with. There is always that sort of element with importing though, especially with the convoluted rules regarding delivery to the UK. Although I feel like they are one of the sites that could be more transparent with that sort of stuff. The one time I did order a big-ticket item with them (a DS), I got stung pretty badly with import tax.

But I never really import stuff with any sort of regularity, and a lot of this is usually down to anecdotal evidence. I'm sure someone (judging by the swag on show in the thread) can provide a much more comprehensive rundown on the subject.
The only import places I really know of are Playmoya and AmiAmi, and I think the first one has substantial shipping charges. I haven't bought anything from AmiAmi though, so I'm not sure what good bringing them up would do...


Oooooh, I knew about play-asia and lik-sang (RIP), but I've never heard of any of these other places. May not have been my question, but thanks for the hook up!


GAF's Ed McMahon
Amiami is decent. They also have pre order items bonuses ( sometimes even exclusive goodies ) on games and other products.
The only import places I really know of are Playmoya and AmiAmi, and I think the first one has substantial shipping charges. I haven't bought anything from AmiAmi though, so I'm not sure what good bringing them up would do...

Amiami is decent. They also have pre order items bonuses ( sometimes even exclusive goodies ) on games and other products.

Thanks for the info you two :) I'm currently sat with about 60 tabs open browsing those websites. There will be no escape D:

The one thing that bugs me about AmiAmi is that the site takes forever to load for me. It's like the servers are like set up at the south pole or something. Other than that, I like to just browse through the site, even if a lot of what I want is way out of my price range/sold out.


The college internet I'm on makes everything load stupidly slowly anyway, so I didn't notice much of a difference :p

Speaking of which, look what I found on the college campus where I'm teaching:

K-ON! on the brain I guess! Excuse the relative shitiness of the photos, It was far too cold to be standing around.


K-ON!! - Episode 16

You know what the fans like? The implication, if I didn't know any better, I'd be inclined to say the Azusa has a little crush!

Jun is awesome, she is reminiscent of Ritsu, but it much more adept in the subtle art of trolling. I continue to love these divergent episodes, and if the last Azusa-centric episode was inception, this would be groundhog day, as she tries to prove that the light music club actually do something. Yeah, good luck with that!

Like Mio before her, Azusa was far too serious for her own good, so it was about time she eased up a little. The puppet-master Jun tries to make her see the error of her ways, by pointing out that her indoctrination by the band is a good thing, well, underneath all the jokes. Yui is the great leveler once again, and is on hand to deliver another succinct pearl of wisdom.


A wild boy appears!

Overall, the quality of these episodes has just increased exponentially, and it's now easy to see why many swear by the second season. It would be easy for the episodes to become formulaic, so I really appreciate just how much they continually toy with the make-up of the show.
Speaking of which, look what I found on the college campus where I'm teaching:

K-ON! on the brain I guess! Excuse the relative shitiness of the photos, It was far too cold to be standing around.

Now you need to find all the characters' instruments in the store just to show how much of a K-ON! fan you are.

K-ON!! - Episode 16

You know what the fans like? The implication, if I didn't know any better, I'd be inclined to say the Asuza has a little crush!
In the manga, it's a lot less implied. Azumugi is better than Azuyui.

Jun is awesome, she is reminiscent of Ritsu, but it much more adept in the subtle art of trolling. I continue to love these divergent episodes, and if the last Asuza-centric episode was inception, this would be groundhog day, as she tries to prove that the light music club actually do something. Yeah, good luck with that!

Like Mio before her, Asuza was far too serious for her own good, so it was about time she eased up a little. The puppet-master Jun tries to make her see the error of her ways, by pointing out that her indoctrination by the band is a good thing, well, underneath all the jokes. Yui is the great leveller once again, and is on hand to deliver another succinct pearl of wisdom.
Jun really is a great character. It's too bad she doesn't get much time to interact with the seniors as I'd think they'd have played off well with each other. Ritsu and Jun would be a deadly combo, Mios and Azusas better watch out.

Overall, the quality of these episodes has just increased exponentially, and it's now easy to see why many swear by the second season. It would be easy for the episodes to become formulaic, so I really appreciate just how much they continually toy with the make-up of the show.

Jun really is a great character. It's too bad she doesn't get much time to interact with the seniors as I'd think they'd have played off well with each other. Ritsu and Jun would be a deadly combo, Mios and Azusas better watch out.

Oh lawd, this. So much. It's a shame there wont be any sort of follow on to K-ON!!. Even though it wouldn't be the same, I'd settle for the next gen of the Light Music club.
I don't understand what I just watched, but I somehow have the feeling that you have more of these ... I totally know you do.

Yes, yes I do.
Just to stay with the Kirby x K-ON! theme
There are some more I want to show that I can't find at the moment, I hope they haven't been taken down.
There was one with Chrono Trigger that I posted in this thread, but I don't really remember when...
Time to waste time on Youtube!

This one isn't really the same thing, but it's fun.


Jun really is a great character. It's too bad she doesn't get much time to interact with the seniors as I'd think they'd have played off well with each other. Ritsu and Jun would be a deadly combo, Mios and Azusas better watch out.

Agreed. Jun seems similarly in awe of the band, though she actually does admit and embrace this (unlike Azusa), so her interactions are always great. I just like overt she is, basically.


Speaking of which, look what I found on the college campus where I'm teaching:

Cool guitar pics

K-ON! on the brain I guess! Excuse the relative shitiness of the photos, It was far too cold to be standing around.

This has finally prompted me to get off my arse and post a few K-ON! related pictures from a recent trip to Tokyo, excuse the odd aspect ratio but i had to crop out a few people from them.











This has finally prompted me to get off my arse and post a few K-ON! related pictures from a recent trip to Tokyo, excuse the odd aspect ratio but i had to crop out a few people from them.

I'm glad I could (indirectly) help! I love stuff like this, what was the damage?

I'm assuming you didn't stop until you snagged them? The claw machine goodies, I mean.


I'm glad I could (indirectly) help! I love stuff like this, what was the damage?

I'm assuming you didn't stop until you snagged them?

Only managed to get the one I'm afraid, did get a shed load of stuff from a shop underneath tokyo station and in kotobukiya in akihabara though. I'll try and post pics later but currently full of flu and doing anything much is pretty horrible.
Only managed to get the one I'm afraid, did get a shed load of stuff from a shop underneath tokyo station and in kotobukiya in akihabara though. I'll try and post pics later but currently full of flu and doing anything much is pretty horrible.

Aww :( Get better soon! I've pretty much just recovered from a week or so bout of it, and it was awful.
Agreed. Jun seems similarly in awe of the band, though she actually does admit and embrace this (unlike Azusa), so her interactions are always great. I just like overt she is, basically.
It's kinda funny that she would have fit right in if she decided to join right away.

I've always kinda wanted to start collecting the cards, but the only things I find are people selling one card, or they're selling like their whole collection for a lot of money. Then the starter set seems to cost an arm and a leg too. But whatever, figures before cards.

And I'd like those movie prize figures more if they weren't flashing gang signs. If they were posed like they are in that TCG billboard, I'd love them.


I think when everyone did a drawing (or two) a while back, I said I'd do something similar. Well, I never did, but finding myself at a loose end today, I tried my hand at a sketch. Its been a long while since I have drawn anything, so bear that in mind:

Ah, I see that Reg changed his avatar too, maybe it's time to finally rock the Mugi stripes.
I think when everyone did a drawing (or two) a while back, I said I'd do something similar. Well, I never did, but finding myself at a loose end today, I tried my hand at a sketch. Its been a long while since I have drawn anything, so bear that in mind:

Yes! I love it! Seeing other people draw makes me happy. Keep it up!
I've been drawing something too, but I want to keep it to myself until I'm closer to completing it.


Yes! I love it! Seeing other people draw makes me happy. Keep it up!
I've been drawing something too, but I want to keep it to myself until I'm closer to completing it.

you're too kind
, though I think I cheated by the style of the drawing. I wasn't expecting not to be rusty, but I fell back into my old habits quickly, like too many hard lines, and not working from a proper base (I generally draw from the eyes, and go from there), which can lead to problems with proportions, at least for me. I used to be quite good (or at least think I was) when I was younger (primary school), but I never maintained it long enough to develop a proper technique.

It's one of my hobbies I'm hoping to pick back up, so hopefully I can piece together something. I had forgotten how relaxing it was.
If you're having trouble with proportions, start of the shape of the head and measure out the body in terms of "head size" That usually helps.
The best thing to do is just keep doing it. I hope you can keep it up and draw more
K-ON! fanart


Yes, yes I do.
Just to stay with the Kirby x K-ON! theme
There are some more I want to show that I can't find at the moment, I hope they haven't been taken down.
There was one with Chrono Trigger that I posted in this thread, but I don't really remember when...
Time to waste time on Youtube!

This one isn't really the same thing, but it's fun.

I have no idea why I find these so amusing.
I have no idea why I find these so amusing.

You're not the only one. Did anyone else notice two dudes almost completely unclothed, with one slapping the other ones ass in one of the picture in picture parts of the second video?
It made me spray lucozade everywhere =\


man, i should pick up again my old dream of going to japan. i gave up like 10 years ago due to money but now i'd like to go there just to see it in person (the difference with my country is way too big)
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