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K-on! Community |OT| Never Ending Talk About Never Ending Girl's Talk


GAF's Ed McMahon
That's like saying the Megaman community thread should just change to the Capcom community thread because Megaman is dead. And it's not like K-ON! is dead, it's just started stretching it's merchandising legs. Not to mention there are many people that have yet to experience K-ON! This thread is for them too.
That said, it is a community thread.

Have you seen Sora no Woto?

I second this suggestion...excellent show. Wish it would get a US blu ray release.

That's like saying the Megaman community thread should just change to the Capcom community thread because Megaman is dead. And it's not like K-ON! is dead, it's just started stretching it's merchandising legs. Not to mention there are many people that have yet to experience K-ON! This thread is for them too.
That said, it is a community thread.

K-ON! is forever :D.
Where do I start on my journey of k-on discovery?

By watching the show. Though I guess you could start by reading the manga. But anime > manga as far as I'm concerned, but maybe starting with the inferior of the 2 is a good idea.
Just remember:
K-ON! = first season, consisting of 13 episodes + OVA
K-ON!! = second season, consisting of 26 episodes + OVA
And then there's the movie that just recently came out.


You guys have to move on at some point, right? Considering how K-ON is dead now, except in the hearts of fans and in the marketing of merchandise.

Why would we move on? Someone experiencing the show for the first time and giving their views of it is almost like watching it again for the first time.
Current Capcom wouldn't be able to make a good Megaman game anymore anyway. K-On at least has a shot at another good movie.

E.X. Trooper looks better than MML3 anyways. To bad I'll probably never get to play it. Though it probably has a higher chance of coming out to the west than Senran Kagura does. And I shouldn't say never, as Monster Hunter 3G is coming out in the west, but that can also be because it's Monster Hunter and an already established IP... Now I'm just rambling...


E.X. Trooper looks better than MML3 anyways. To bad I'll probably never get to play it. Though it probably has a higher chance of coming out to the west than Senran Kagura does. And I shouldn't say never, as Monster Hunter 3G is coming out in the west, but that can also be because it's Monster Hunter and an already established IP... Now I'm just rambling...

Do you have a PS3?


E.X. Trooper looks better than MML3 anyways. To bad I'll probably never get to play it. Though it probably has a higher chance of coming out to the west than Senran Kagura does. And I shouldn't say never, as Monster Hunter 3G is coming out in the west, but that can also be because it's Monster Hunter and an already established IP... Now I'm just rambling...

Well, I actually had MMX and MMX4 in mind when I made that statement. I never cared for the MML series. It's just, y'know, given their recent track record, I don't think they would even have enough faith in themselves to make a good megaman game. They would outsource it and turn it into a TPS running on the Unreal engine. Now I'm rambling when my original point was that K-On has a chance at another good product and megaman doesn't.
Well, I actually had MMX and MMX4 in mind when I made that statement. I never cared for the MML series. It's just, y'know, given their recent track record, I don't think they would even have enough faith in themselves to make a good megaman game. They would outsource it and turn it into a TPS running on the Unreal engine. Now I'm rambling when my original point was that K-On has a chance at another good product and megaman doesn't.

That's true.


K-ON!! Episode 19


Mugi is always watching...

Nothing much to note here, any sort of drama was resolved with the previous episode, and so we are left to watch the rest of the school festival unfold without too much incident. Well, except for a niggle with a tombstone, but that's less a crisis, and more an opportunity to play some funky incidental music!

The starring role is played to perfection in the end. Man, can Yui really play the shrubs! This really was just a case of cute things occurring, and about framing the conclusion of the series proper. Azusa has been increasingly used as the viewpoint for the audience, with there being a gradual creep towards the realization, that their time together as a group is coming to its end. In some ways she is quite a straightforward role, but a lot of her characterization goes on via those internal monologues. Something that we become privy to, whenever she becomes the focus. And though she can be fairly similar to Mio in many respects, much of her anxieties are otherwise internalized. In a roundabout way, I guess I'm trying to say that my opinion on her has gradually been on the turn, particularly in these past couple of episodes.


Wait, the what?!

It's weird when K-ON! has an overarching plot of any kind, but that's precisely what we've been given these past two episodes. No doubt it carries the weight of being the favourite episode(s) for some, chiefly because it crystallizes the relationship of Mio and Ritsu so overtly. The previous episode did a lot to reiterate just how diametrically opposed they both are, and here we see just how these personalities continue to endure.

And after all Azusa's worrying, it's clear to the rest of the band, just how much she (secretly) worries. Daw, Jun must feel forever like the girl who never gets invited to the party! And Sawako was up all night making five t-shirts?! What was she doing...


K-ON!! Episode 20

You know when a show typically saves it's big emotional pay-off until the very end? Yeah, well K-ON! must be spilling over, because they've started with the formalities way early. This was probably my favourite episode so far. It pretty much encapsulated everything that I like about K-ON! It went full-steam on all fronts, but most important of all, it was earnest, disarmingly so. Not this came as any surprise, because there have been many occasions in the past, where the show has displayed it's ability to masterfully weave in the dramatic moments. But what has become apparent, is that it has been subtly laying the groundwork for the ending, which of course underpins a lot of the otherwise carefree antics with a prevailing sense of melancholy.

This was captured in the journey of Yui, who pretty much drove the episode. It was through her, that most of the sweeping moments were hinged upon, from her stream of consciousness throughout the concert, down to her solemn realization back in the clubroom. She manages to embody the real heart of the show, and this roller-coaster of emotions is conveyed by way of her.

I don't really need to discuss how the episode itself ends, because it's not something you soon forget. But it came as quite an unexpected moment, as one would naturally expect the climax of the concert to be the moment. Which is precisely why the proceeding minutes carry so much gravitas. It wasn't something that worked, simply because it exists as a sad moment, it worked because it felt genuine.

It was also nice to see the little details, like how the crowd picked up on the bands quirks during the concert, and how those were naturally being drawn out by the occasion, like Mugi's exuberance, and Ritsu's bashfulness. The episode in general just played off lots of little elements that it had been steadily building on, recurring motifs, character relationships, callbacks, etc, the list goes on. But I digress. It was great.
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