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K-on! Community |OT| Never Ending Talk About Never Ending Girl's Talk

You don't carry the heaviest instrument for nothing!

I still don't know how Chet literally has an image or GIF for every possible scenario.

Instead of being productive, I just surf the internet for K-ON! things. That and draw stupid things, which probably results in me looking up more things on the internet.
How can a keyboard be that heavy? Isn't it just a box filled with electronic circuits, essentially?

I have no clue what makes them so heavy, but they are.


How can a keyboard be that heavy? Isn't it just a box filled with electronic circuits, essentially?

Digital keyboards have weighted keys (so they imitate genuine acoustic ones), so from top to bottom, there is a noticeable difference.


It ain't nothing for Mugi!

I've seen a few of them post around so I know they's cool.

No, I haven't, hell I really haven't watched that much anime in a while. I think the latest series I actually watched was P4A.


We can be friends.

Are you getting P4G? (Silly question!) Because the online features look great, I can't wait to share my playthrough with everyone else.


Back to Battle Royale k-on! style, it';s obvious that Mugi would outclass everyone in raw power, but I've always had the impression that Ui could yandre out at any moment. It's always the happy ones.

I have 2 copies of P4:G pre-ordered. One Solid Gold from amazon that'll probably take a month to get here like always, and one regular at a local EB, because it's hard enough to wait the week until release as it is, let alone an extra few weeks on top of that.

We have a keyboard in the house and it's not that heavy either.


Back to Battle Royale k-on! style, it';s obvious that Mugi would outclass everyone in raw power, but I've always had the impression that Ui could yandre out at any moment. It's always the happy ones.

I have 2 copies of P4:G pre-ordered. One Solid Gold from amazon that'll probably take a month to get here like always, and one regular at a local EB, because it's hard enough to wait the week until release as it is, let alone an extra few weeks on top of that.

We have a keyboard in the house and it's not that heavy either.

Battle Royale is still my favourite film, so you can understand how distraught I was at missing out on this particular conversation! You have done me a great service.

It was the first franchise that I actually went a little crazy for all the merchandise, so it's just as well it doesn't have as much as certain others. It had quite a profound effect on me as a young teenager, as it caught me at exactly the right time.

I actually introduced it to my creative writing class at University, their faces when I explained the premise of the novel! lol.


I've never regretted buying the cheap DVD more than I did after I bought Battle Royale and watched it for the first time. All I wanted after that was the Blu-ray with the special features.
I've yet to read the book, I pick it up and think about buying it every time I'm at the book store, but I'm keep telling myself I'd rather read it on kindle, forgetting each time that it's not there. Maybe I'll grab it this weekend before it's not available anymore.


I've never regretted buying the cheap DVD more than I did after I bought Battle Royale and watched it for the first time. All I wanted after that was the Blu-ray with the special features.
I've yet to read the book, I pick it up and think about buying it every time I'm at the book store, but I'm keep telling myself I'd rather read it on kindle, forgetting each time that it's not there. Maybe I'll grab it this weekend before it's not available anymore.

I own this BR set, it's great. And the novel is fantastic, particularly if you've watched the film, because you have an image of all the class members. And they pretty much all get a dedicated chapter! Which is a good and bad thing, for obvious reasons.

I have one of the cinema posters that they released for the Special Edition in Japan, you know, the one with everyone's year book photo as the background. It's very cool, and I still intend to frame it at some point. I probably need to take all this prints and place them in a portfolio, so I can take them with me.

But Mugi would win in such a scenario, we all know this!
With Mio being one of the first to die. Although a K-ON! one has a high potential to end like that lighthouse scene *shudders*


Mio would get defeated with a fake move probably.
Yui could last long with dumb luck and unpredictable moves.

but i think the final fight would be Mugi vs Ritsu
and it would be a bolivian army ending just to troll everyone and not show the winner.

anyways, i don't know what got to me but i started watching that chuu-2 show and i can't help but see many of the characters as modified versions of the k-on cast. i guess this is the effect of all the hype about the same studio doing both shows.
eyepatch girl's older sister is what Mio should be for me to like her. she's basically "older and cooler Mio".


Rikka's older sister is what Mio should be for me to like her. she's basically "older and cooler Mio"

You're not wrong, I made the exact same observation. She is Mio, minus her fears and anxieties.

And interestingly, she is one of the few characters that KyoAni added into the anime themselves.


to me, Rikka resembles Azusa in appearance quite a bit already. it is their personalities that differ a lot (though azusa also has her delusions).


Chuunibyou shares its character designer with Clannad and Kanon, but those two franchises already had anime-ready designs.

I'm so glad they moved away from those eyes. Oh god they were bad. I went from Harui to Clannad and they just kept getting bigger on their faces.

Nagisa looked like a bug.


If you think KyoAni's toned down design is bad, check out the original:


I don't mind Key-faces though. It has its own little charm.

EDIT: for comparison:



Oh lord.
Granted key-faces look much better in motion than in stills, and like anything, it's just an art style. If I avoided things based on the art I would have never watched Clannad and Harui and I loved both.


Oh lord.
Granted key-faces look much better in motion than in stills, and like anything, it's just an art style. If I avoided things based on the art I would have never watched Clannad and Harui and I loved both.

I actually disagree, but I'm sure I will be in the minority when it comes to this. Nevertheless it's an interesting differential facet between VNs and anime.

The original Key-face design has as its main advantage that it adds a large amount of expression. It's like theater where actors have to overcompensate for their distance to the audience with large gestures and loud voices. Since VNs only provide stills without motion (and sometimes not even voice acting), the character design needs to be a lot more expressive. The large eyes do good in communicating the emotions of the characters, especially since their eyes noticably change composure depending on the situation (Ayu's eyes in the VN look very different when she's startled, when she's sad, ...).

I think indeed it's a good idea to tone down the eyes when you make the transition to anime, because in anime you have a lot more ways to present emotional expressions: gestures, voice acting, dynamic lightning... So the large eyes aren't necessary anymore, and I think KyoAni understands this. Different media require different artistic design.

If you want "Key-face in motion", you should check out Toei's adaptations, which are horribly awkward. Doesn't help that they don't even include the iconic theme songs either, which is near blasphemy.


Minority or not, you raise some good points. I guess it's different for me as I haven't played any VN's (other than School Days, but that's a different story, as you know all too well from the Anime thread).
Yes, about to be released, it's the GOTY!

There is a slight caveat to all this, though. Come closer...
it's for the Vita.

I've got the Solid Gold Edition on preorder...contemplating keeping it sealed and getting a digital copy depending on how my budget looks. But if Solid Gold is the only version I get of course I'm going to open it and play it.

I'm excited :).
Is there a K-ON! game on the Vita or anything? I don't own one yet, but I'm thinking about buying one for when I go to sea, try to keep me entertained in what little free time I'll have. The handhelds always seem to have a better selection or JRPGs and the like than the consoles do.


Is there a K-ON! game on the Vita or anything? I don't own one yet, but I'm thinking about buying one for when I go to sea, try to keep me entertained in what little free time I'll have. The handhelds always seem to have a better selection or JRPGs and the like than the consoles do.

There's a k-on! PSP game but it's not on PSN, therefore it's not on Vita. I went through the trouble of making a Japanese account with a spare memory card just to see if it was there. I was disappointed. Did play the Hatsune Miku demo though, which from what I understand is pretty much the same as the k-on game (made by the same people). It's pretty cool.
I have a PSP! But it's battered to hell, and I can't seem to connect to the PSN at all for some reason :( keep getting an error code. Might just be the college network though :(


Ok, I kind of want that now even though I really don't have any use for it...

The case could be useful. Apparently it comes with a psp theme on it too.

PS: if you can get your mits on a second vita memory card, make a Japanese account and try the demo of Project Diva see if you like it. It's probably cheaper+faster to buy it digitally too rather than import. I had fun with it, despite just being bad at it.
The case could be useful. Apparently it comes with a psp theme on it too.

PS: if you can get your mits on a second vita memory card, make a Japanese account and try the demo of Project Diva see if you like it. It's probably cheaper+faster to buy it digitally too rather than import. I had fun with it, despite just being bad at it.

Now you're really selling me on that :). More now for the case and theme.

I should've hung on to the 4GB card I got with the FEB. Oh well, I'll just get another one since they're cheap enough.


Are you getting P4G? (Silly question!) Because the online features look great, I can't wait to share my playthrough with everyone else.

Sharing a playthrough... online? What?

Back to Battle Royale k-on! style

Jun is the underdog and would kill everybody in the shadows because nobody would remember her existence.

We need to make a concentrated effort to make Cheska watch K-On!

I'm down.

There's only one PSP game, and a recent PS3 port of it.
Fucking lazy ass Sega, make a new game already!

Yeah, seriously, it's not like the series is profitable or anything.

If you feel like paying 50 or so dollars + shipping for a psp game it's readily available: http://www.play-asia.com/KOn_Houkago_Live_PSP_Best/paOS-13-71-9f-49-en-70-4ezh.html

And that's at budget price, too.

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