I paid full price...no regrets. Definitely my most expensive piece of K-ON merchandise so far.

I paid full price...no regrets. Definitely my most expensive piece of K-ON merchandise so far.
So if I had money....I could brainwash Azu-nyan to do whatever I want no?
Whoa, whoa, whoa... I want explicit details of where you're going with this.
Oh lawd, what?!
Where do you find these things, Chet?
I think you know exactly where he is going!
Been done so many times in doujins too.
The internet. I have way to much time on my hands.
I have to say you are incredibly resourceful when it comes to K-ON pics and gifs. Something for every occasion, and then some.
oh god this thread has gone from k-on talk to hyouka talk to chun2 talk to fucking clannad talk
abandon ship already
Apparently it was turned into a meme.
some of those What Would X Do For Money are quite funny, this one made me laugh
Whoa, whoa, whoa... I want explicit details of where you're going with this.
Nyaaaan~ Esura-senpai! Nyaaan~!
Man I wish we had signatures here as I would've definitely made this into a sig banner.
Haha, yeah. Still not sure what's going on with Azu in that picture though..
Has Mugi forcibly inserted her into the ceiling or something?
Man I wish we had signatures here as I would've definitely made this into a sig banner.
Sharing a playthrough... online? What?
Work isn't as bad today. It's sort of fun!
shit's kawaii yo
Well, that was fast.
Why not grab a new memory stick too?
Well as branding goes, that is just nonsensical! You would literally be paying for the packaging in that case.
Looks like he was spamming the funny images thread. Nothing to do with us.
I know. That thread is mostly unpleasant just with the sheer amount of complaining going on.
I did read a Kat Bailey article that compared the online aspects to Dark Souls though, whatever that means.
If only it was only that thread!
If only it was only that thread!
Would you buy it if it had only mugi all over it?
Unknown, does this count?
I actually can't remember if it has been posted here. But it probably has.
Thought it was pretty clever when I saw it.
You should check out the bad endings from the VN.I just had the School Days ending spoiled for me. I take bad what I said earlier aboutNow I'm glad K-On ended on a good note; more happy endings, please!sad endings.
You should check out the bad endings from the VN.
... what's a VN?
... what's a VN?