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K-on! Community |OT| Never Ending Talk About Never Ending Girl's Talk


Some crappy Katawa Shoujo reference.

AH! I see.


So wait... have you all played this game?


GAF's Ed McMahon
*Put on my hipster glasses*

I like that Katawa Shoujo brought more people to the VN world, but now i see references to it everywhere! I liked VNs before they were cool.

*Take off my hipster glasses*


*Put on my hipster glasses*

I like that Katawa Shoujo brought more people to the VN world, but now i see references to it everywhere! I liked VNs before they were cool.

*Take off my hipster glasses*

I'm in that group. If it wasn't for that I'd never have looked into them outside of Phoenix Wright.


I haven't looked into them outside of Phoenix Wright and I'm still pretty damned satisfied with what I've found.

Another thing that drew me to them was realizing a bunch of the harem anime I liked have been based off them. It's like watching the shows, but I choose the the best girl.
Azusa looked on in fright, but was somehow aroused by Mugi's display of power. She slowly approached Mugi from behind and embraced her slowly while whispering, "Mugi-senpai... my protector." Mugi slowly looked behind her and smiled softly as she felt Azusa's massive A-cups pressing against her from behind.

Azusa's eyes widened with shock, then her expression hardened. Neither Yui nor Ritsu saw Azusa's other arm slowly creeping backwards. With a flash too rapid for either of them to see, the other arm unsheathed a dagger, cut Mugi's throat from ear to ear, and then slid the dagger back into the sheath before they even heard the sound of the slice. Mugi gagged once as air escaped her lungs through her exposed trachea. Then she fell to the ground gurgling as blood poured from the surgically precise slash across her neck. Yui and Ritsu blinked once in shock, and Azusa was gone. They didn't even see her turn before she vanished from their sight. It was the first time that Yui and Ritsu had witnessed the gruesome sight of an assassin plying her trade. Mugi's exposed neck had a small tattoo burned into it near the base of her skull. Neither of them understood what the small sigil of a mounted horseman was supposed to signify.


Azusa's eyes widened with shock, then her expression hardened. Neither Yui nor Ritsu saw Azusa's other arm slowly creeping backwards. With a flash too rapid for either of them to see, the other arm unsheathed a dagger, cut Mugi's throat from ear to ear, and then slid the dagger back into the sheath before they even heard the sound of the slice. Mugi gagged once as air escaped her lungs through her exposed trachea. Then she fell to the ground gurgling as blood poured from the surgically precise slash across her neck. Yui and Ritsu blinked once in shock, and Azusa was gone. They didn't even see her turn before she vanished from their sight. It was the first time that Yui and Ritsu had witnessed the gruesome sight of an assassin plying her trade. Mugi's exposed neck had a small tattoo burned into it near the base of her skull. Neither of them understood what the small sigil of a mounted horseman was supposed to signify.

Alright, you've been playing too much assassin's creed, it's time to put down the controller.

Someone PM me the doujin that Fatal Pulse pic from last page. Pleaaaaase.

EDIT: Never mind, found it. Niiiice.

This is the type of ending it was meant to have.

Would she still be a lesbian?

No way! They actually put that in the game as a scenario?! That is beyond amazing.
Okay, I'll need to brainstorm some ideas then.

While I do that, you guys need to catch up on Robotics;Notes. Or start it if you haven't. Bunch of shit is getting real in that show as of the latest episode (5).


Wouldn't I have to play P4 first anyway?

Nope, however it would probably keep you from playing the game as it pretty much covers as much of the 80+ hour game a two season anime could possibly do, thus spoiling the good revelations. It rubs some fans the wrong way on how they cut some stuff and all that to fit an episodic format but since you haven't played the game you wouldn't notice. Although I think its good even though I love the game. You should watch.


Nope, however it would probably keep you from playing the game as it pretty much covers as much of the 80+ hour game a two season anime could possibly do, thus spoiling the good revelations. It rubs some fans the wrong way on how they cut some stuff and all that to fit an episodic format but since you haven't played the game you wouldn't notice. Although I think its good even though I love the game. You should watch.

So it would spoil a good portion of the game for me? Why would I want to play the game then if all I'm playing the game for is story? ... I think that's what I'm playing it for anyway.


So it would spoil a good portion of the game for me? Why would I want to play the game then if all I'm playing the game for is story? ... I think that's what I'm playing it for anyway.

I didn't even know you was playing the game. I'm just throwing out random anime recommendations.

Well watch Red Garden then. It's top tier anime.


I didn't even know you was playing the game. I'm just throwing out random anime recommendations.

Well watch Red Garden then. It's top tier anime.

Before watanabe, it would have been a 100% safe bet to assume that I would not be playing it.

Also, Red Garden and Robotics;Notes added to list for later ... much later.


Persona 4, I love that game! Looking forward to the new Vita version, it's the main reason I even got the system. Also Teddie is <3 just look at my avatar.

You're here!


Guys, this is one the friends I was talking about, and it turns out that he likes K-On, too!

I totally did not force him to do this, btw.

Rough idea sketch for Assassin's Creed: Another A

Prologue - Desmond. Set up the overall narrative arc. (In AC world.)
Part I - Azusa. Pre-Keionbu. (# of chapters?)
Story Break I - Desmond. Comments on part I.
Part II - Azusa. Keionbu, until the assassination of Mugi. (# of chapters?)
(Assassination of Mugi)
Part III - Azusa. Dissolution of Keionbu. (Death of other members? # of chapters?)
Epilogue - Desmond. Tying up narrative arc. (Connection to current AC events?)

Writing the first part should be easy, and it will let me set all of Azusa's events in the recent past. I have no interest in running a story concurrently with AC's story, which is convoluted enough as it is. I'm probably going to have to retcon Mugi's death a bit (a retcon? already??) to fit it neatly into this progression.


Rough idea sketch for Assassin's Creed: Another A

Prologue - Desmond. Set up the overall narrative arc. (In AC world.)
Part I - Azusa. Pre-Keionbu. (# of chapters?)
Story Break I - Desmond. Comments on part I.
Part II - Azusa. Keionbu, until the assassination of Mugi. (# of chapters?)
(Assassination of Mugi)
Part III - Azusa. Dissolution of Keionbu. (Death of other members? # of chapters?)
Epilogue - Desmond. Tying up narrative arc. (Connection to current AC events?)

Would not read.

Persona 4, I love that game! Looking forward to the new Vita version, it's the main reason I even got the system. Also Teddie is <3 just look at my avatar.


Good people!
Prologue - Part I

2012: Europe - Unknown Location

The rain drummed relentlessly on the roof of the dingy truck as it rumbled along the deserted expressway. The metal walls of the truck vibrated and rattled. Desmond could swear they were going to collapse at any moment. He looked down at the rusty floor and tried not to be sick.

The tablet sitting on the floor flickered to life. An incoming call. Wherever he was, Desmond's tablet was getting a signal. He prodded the green icon with his left hand. A slightly garbled voice: "Desmond? It's Lucy. How are you holding up in there?" With the voice scrambler, he couldn't even tell if the voice was male or female. "Where am I?"

Lucy's voice faded in and out. "Somewhere near the Swiss border. Can't say for sure. You're only a few hours out from the rendezvous point though. Hang in there." Desmond wasn't able to hide the irritation in his voice, "I'm still not sure why I have to sit in this truck for eight hours." He could imagine Lucy's shrug in his mind's eye. "We both know why, Desmond. I'm not happy about it either. Look, I'll keep you company. I've been checking the dossiers of other members of the Order."

Something in Desmond's mind seemed to click on. "Other members? What for?" Lucy replied, "Well, we'll need more members of the team at some point. We can't keep running from the Templars forever, after all. That means we need to recruit." Desmond was paying attention now. He had spent the majority of the past few months diving into the memories of his ancestors, all Assassins of legendary skill. Despite this, he knew almost nothing of the other members of the Order he had fled years previously besides the members of the team which had extracted him from Abstergo's confinement. "All right, I'll take a look. Who are you researching right now?"

Desmond's tablet flickered again. Lucy was trying to send him a file. He accepted the transfer on his end and waited. Lucy was silent on the other side of the connection as he watched a bar moving from left to right on his screen. It took longer than Desmond thought it would to reach 100%. Clearly the dossier was more extensive than he guessed. He tapped the screen to open the file, and Lucy's voice faded back in over the sound of the truck's engine and the rain. "Let's begin."

Desmond read:
&#20013;&#37326; &#26771;

The helpful Romanization next to the name was "Nakano Azusa."
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