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K-on! Community |OT| Never Ending Talk About Never Ending Girl's Talk


Download here. It's FREE! Everyone should download and get the online stuff set up so we can play! And it doesn't take much to run! FREE!!

LOL nope. I've been playing this for years, riding on dat Lilith train, just not as much as I used to as I have no one to play with. Like literally no one. :(

I was actually shocked it was mentioned in that thread as I figured not too many people here was hip to the poverty fighters.

Free? Downloading it now.

I dunno about you, but that thread makes me rage with the fury of a thousand suns.


Free? Downloading it now.

I dunno about you, but that thread makes me rage with the fury of a thousand suns.


- Complain about not many new IPs in the FG genre

- People list a bunch of new IPs in the FG genre

- LOL no, crappy anime fighters doesn't count lol



- Complain about not many new IPs in the FG genre

- People list a bunch of new IPs in the FG genre

- LOL no, crappy anime fighters doesn't count lol

I want UNIB so bad, you have no idea. Just had to throw that out there.

Yeah, there have been a ton of new IPs this gen, but I guess they don't count unless they're Capcom or Namco fighters.

I can't quite seem to figure out how VP's combo system works. I wasn't able to do any chains, nor could I surprisingly cancel normals into specials. Guessing all the combos are link based or require the assist to continue them.


I want UNIB so bad, you have no idea. Just had to throw that out there.

Yeah, there have been a ton of new IPs this gen, but I guess they don't count unless they're Capcom or Namco fighters.

I can't quite seem to figure out how VP's combo system works. I wasn't able to do any chains, nor could I surprisingly cancel normals into specials. Guessing all the combos are link based or require the assist to continue them.

Honestly, this region feels more like Capcom land than Capcom and Namco.

I doubt they are link based, at least for Lilith, or I wouldn't of been able to do them, lol. I just followed some of the stuff on that wiki.
That would be cool, to bad I'm no animator or have any skill drawing sprites.

EDIT: Bleh, too much work to replace the voices and images. I'll just stick with the models and stage.
I dunno about you, but that thread makes me rage with the fury of a thousand suns.

That happens to me with a lot of GAF threads. Mostly Zelda and Metroid threads. They've gotten quite insufferable lately.


That happens to me with a lot of GAF threads. Mostly Zelda and Metroid threads. They've gotten quite insufferable lately.

Any Persona related thread is nothing but salt from a few european users and a few people who are just dicks. That's why I like this thread so much.


Honestly, this region feels more like Capcom land than Capcom and Namco.

I doubt they are link based, at least for Lilith, or I wouldn't of been able to do them, lol. I just followed some of the stuff on that wiki.

Capcom land? It's Marvel land is what it is. Just go into any weekly FG thread. The majority of it is Marvel with a sprinkle of AE. Sure, every once in a while some Namco fans like to post streams, but they get so little attention in comparison. I've tried posting in there before, guess the type of attention talking about BlazBlue attracts? At least some of them love 3s, so that's awesome.

Judging by the wiki, it actually looks like I was 100% correct in my assumption. There's very few combos and the ones that they do have are by utilizing the assist. I generally like my games to have stylin' combos, but I'm willing to give this a shot anyway.

That would be cool, to bad I'm no animator or have any skill drawing sprites.

You're our best shot at it.

You know it.

That happens to me with a lot of GAF threads. Mostly Zelda and Metroid threads. They've gotten quite insufferable lately.

You should look at my post history to see where the majority of my posts are. Oh, that's right, 90% of them are in here for a reason.


That would be cool, to bad I'm no animator or have any skill drawing sprites.

Me either. I do have this sprite drawing program but I have not one clue how to use it.

That happens to me with a lot of GAF threads. Mostly Zelda and Metroid threads. They've gotten quite insufferable lately.

Metroid threads are just endless Other M bashing.

GAF is not the most friendly place for us Other M fans to chill.

Capcom land? It's Marvel land is what it is. Just go into any weekly FG thread. The majority of it is Marvel with a sprinkle of AE. Sure, every once in a while some Namco fans like to post streams, but they get so little attention in comparison. I've tried posting in there before, guess the type of attention talking about BlazBlue attracts? At least some of them love 3s, so that's awesome.

Judging by the wiki, it actually looks like I was 100% correct in my assumption. There's very few combos and the ones that they do have are by utilizing the assist. I generally like my games to have stylin' combos, but I'm willing to give this a shot anyway.

Marvel land is pretty much Capcom land. I bet you before MvC3/UMvC3 came out it was nothing but SSFIV stuff and before that CvSNK2, MvC2, 3S, etc. This region is fixated on Capcom fighters, SFxT being the exception. Doesn't help that the biggest fighting game message board SRK is more or less completely focused on SF and Marvel and every other fighter is relegated to small, dead side boards.

I don't mind stylin' combos too much, just long as they aren't infested with strict links.

Close enough. Give it time, it'll eventually hit 90%.
Even if I had every post in this thread, I still wouldn't be at 90%. I post to much.
Metroid threads are just endless Other M bashing.

GAF is not the most friendly place for us Other M fans to chill.

I'm not even the biggest fan of Other M and the hate still gets annoying. GAF has made me start hating Metroid Prime fans a lot, even if I like Metroid Prime quite a bit.
2D > 3D


Metroid threads are just endless Other M bashing.

GAF is not the most friendly place for us Other M fans to chill.

Somebody else who liked Other M? You exist? Amazing.

Marvel land is pretty much Capcom land. I bet you before MvC3/UMvC3 came out it was nothing but SSFIV stuff and before that CvSNK2, MvC2, 3S, etc. This region is fixated on Capcom fighters, SFxT being the exception. Doesn't help that the biggest fighting game message board SRK is more or less completely focused on SF and Marvel and every other fighter is relegated to small, dead side boards.

I don't mind stylin' combos too much, just long as they aren't infested with strict links.

It was indeed nothing but SFIV stuff before Marvel 3 came out. Guess how well received Arcana Heart 3 was? Oh, that's right, you probably know as well. =(

I don't actually mind links, but I guess I'm just used to them at this point. Yup... just used to them.



Chie is the worst waifu
Even if I had every post in this thread, I still wouldn't be at 90%. I post to much.

I'm not even the biggest fan of Other M and the hate still gets annoying. GAF has made me start hating Metroid Prime fans a lot, even if I like Metroid Prime quite a bit.
2D > 3D

GAF can be OK, it depends on the thread in question. The OT Vita thread was nice and friendly, until they decided to ax all megathreads. It was nice going into a thread without people shitting all over the Vita.

And yes, the 2D Metroid are better than the 3D ones, Super Metroid is the greatest game of all time.


I'm not even the biggest fan of Other M and the hate still gets annoying. GAF has made me start hating Metroid Prime fans a lot, even if I like Metroid Prime quite a bit.
2D > 3D

I own Corruption but I never got far into it. Found the aiming with the Wii remote awkward.

Somebody else who liked Other M? You exist? Amazing.

Oh yeah. A bunch of us came out in that one Metroid thread. Prime fans were freaking out. Shit was funny.

It was indeed nothing but SFIV stuff before Marvel 3 came out. Guess how well received Arcana Heart 3 was? Oh, that's right, you probably know as well. =(

I don't actually mind links, but I guess I'm just used to them at this point. Yup... just used to them.


There was a dedicated community for AH3 on SRK for the longest but even that started dying off slowly but surely.

I slowly started disliking links because of how important it is in many SF's core gameplay (I was trying to get into the community). In many other fighting games link intensive gameplay is usually relegated to either the most hardcore of hardcore shit or only to certain characters. In most SF games doing some of the most basic of basic BnBs for a character requires some sort of link.

Its why I'm mostly playing 3D fighters or "anime" fighters now.

I thought I was the only one.

And yeah, you run into opposition everywhere, GAF being GAF.

Other M fans unite!

FFXIII fans, Other M fans, fans of any anime styled games in general, runs into opposition on GAF.

Is this now a secret Other M appreciation thread?
Should be.
And yes, the 2D Metroid are better than the 3D ones, Super Metroid is the greatest game of all time.
I'd probably like Zero Mission more if it didn't have the part after Mother Brain.
Even if Zero Suit Samus is awesome.
I own Corruption but I never got far into it. Found the aiming with the Wii remote awkward.

The first two Metroid Prime games are so much better than Corruption, it's not even funny.


The hour or so I played of Other M I liked more than the two of three hours I played of Prime. I should play that again now that I've given up waiting for Wii U to play Wii games.

I played a bunch of Fusion and loved it.



Nooo, that's not what I meant by it!


I slowly started disliking links because of how important it is in many SF's core gameplay (I was trying to get into the community). In many other fighting games link intensive gameplay is usually relegated to either the most hardcore of hardcore shit or only to certain characters. In most SF games doing some of the most basic of basic BnBs for a character requires some sort of link.

Its why I'm mostly playing 3D fighters or "anime" fighters now.

It's not so bad once you figure out the techniques players use to hit links more consistently like double tapping. It works surprisingly well.


Hmm, so you need to first create a Group to have a chat room on Steam, because you have to use the Group's chat room. You can't just arbitrarily create a chat room. Oh, Steam.

edit: Okay, let's try this.

What's your Steam ID?

We're already friends, this surprised me too!


I have it for Xbox too. I thought I had the first, but it seems I don't.
I have them for PC as well, but no PC to play on at the moment.


But I want to play with the K-ON! mod...

I don't know, Mio died. A lot.

The voices worked too, although they still had to contend with all the set-piece dialogue, which was...something.

I don't know what it was but that felt odd to me, I was trying to get use to the sensitivity, but even then, normal should be a cakewalk. So apologies if I wasn't much help, I had to leave before I got frustrated with the game.
Once uraizen figured out how to just throw the gas cans down and fill the car up later, it went better. How exactly the hell do you dodge the tackles the special zombies do? That's so goddamned annoying.

I wonder how you're supposed to play this game. It seems a lot harder to aim than it should be.


GAF's Ed McMahon
Never played L4D other than for like 30min on some free week end on Steam.

Thought it was pretty boring and the people playing were idiots as expected.


Once uraizen figured out how to just throw the gas cans down and fill the car up later, it went better. How exactly the hell do you dodge the tackles the special zombies do? That's so goddamned annoying.

I wonder how you're supposed to play this game. It seems a lot harder to aim than it should be.

Have you never played it? That might explain why were having difficulties. The specials are there to stop you running off on your own, because as soon as they initiate their attack, you need someone to free you. You should always be in a group. And for the finale, throwing the cans off the top is the best method. I was struggling to convey that, though, what with not knowing how to type an ingame message!

Not that I can say much, I spent most of the game messing with my aiming sensitivity!


Ritsu chucked those suckers with all her might. Mugi
after watanabe left
was useless and left me for dead. Mio was my savior and rescued me a few times when mugi left. Yui was a damned fine teammate and picked up for my slack.


Mio was my savior and rescued me a few times when mugi left.

I was getting a little worried when you kept taking Mio's health pack during the finale, because the AI can be useful, they always have 100% accuracy! And yet you kept letting her die!

They always prioritize your safety over their own, so don't expect them to be savvy about healing themselves, they will usually default to you.


Never played L4D other than for like 30min on some free week end on Steam.

Thought it was pretty boring and the people playing were idiots as expected.

I'm not a fan of the games in general, but playing with friends always seems to make an okay game better.

I was getting a little worried when you kept taking Mio's health pack during the finale, because the AI can be useful, they always have 100% accuracy! And yet you kept letting her die!

I'm sorry, I haven't played this game enough to know the dos and don'ts.

Have you never played it? That might explain why were having difficulties. The specials are there to stop you running off on your own, because as soon as they initiate their attack, you need someone to free you. You should always be in a group. And for the finale, throwing the cans off the top is the best method. I was struggling to convey that, though, what with not knowing how to type an ingame message!

Not that I can say much, I spent most of the game messing with my aiming sensitivity!

Ha, yeah it took me awhile before to figure out to hit Y to talk.

And yeah, I think I said a few pages back I had never played it before. But out of curiosity I went back in there and did that part solo again just now. With 3 AIs and their perfect aim, it took me 10 minutes and no deaths to throw a bunch of gas cans down and then put them in the tank. The AI has amazing aim. :|

I feel old now. I used to play Quakeworld and Quake II back in college, now I can't hit the broad side of a barn. Also, maybe we should try to get voice chat working if we try that again.
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