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K-on! Community |OT| Never Ending Talk About Never Ending Girl's Talk

I made the terrible mistake of eating chocolate ice cream right before midnight, so it is 3 am and I am still awake. Tomorrow afternoon I gotta get to a wedding (I met the happy couple at work, great people) soooo yeah.

Well, I've been drawing and I turned this up. It's an attempt at Mio, random pics at Danbooru were reference and I tried my hand at a very vague rendition of what her Persona could possibly be. Mio's meant to be wielding something like the combat fans that Yukiko uses. I'm open to suggestions as for what weapons everyone could use
with the exception of Mugi, who fights hand-to-hand

;;>_> said:
I'd do it for you right now, if I wasn't lazy at the moment.
I am no longer lazy!

I made the terrible mistake of eating chocolate ice cream right before midnight, so it is 3 am and I am still awake. Tomorrow afternoon I gotta get to a wedding (I met the happy couple at work, great people) soooo yeah.

Well, I've been drawing and I turned this up. It's an attempt at Mio, random pics at Danbooru were reference and I tried my hand at a very vague rendition of what her Persona could possibly be. Mio's meant to be wielding something like the combat fans that Yukiko uses. I'm open to suggestions as for what weapons everyone could use
with the exception of Mugi, who fights hand-to-hand
Looking good! Your feet need work, but I'm glad you gave it a try! A lot of people seem to just avoid trying to draw feet.
I don't know anything about Persona though, you're gonna need to get some feed back from someone else about that.


I am no longer lazy!

Don't say that!

Gosh, that joke has long since been beaten into the ground!

And thank you!

Well, I've been drawing and I turned this up. It's an attempt at Mio, random pics at Danbooru were reference and I tried my hand at a very vague rendition of what her Persona could possibly be. Mio's meant to be wielding something like the combat fans that Yukiko uses. I'm open to suggestions as for what weapons everyone could use
with the exception of Mugi, who fights hand-to-hand

I think that "The Priestess" is a more fitting arcana, and you're right in using Yukiko as a basis, because they are quite similar in their disposition.

And for the group, "The Fool" arcana is very fitting, for obvious reasons!

The Persona arcana are all quite clever in that they fit their characters, both thematically and narratively. If you look at what each one correspsonds to, you can glean quite a lot about each character.
Persona 3 did a hell of a lot of foreshadowing regarding Shinji and Akihiko, and their Persona's strongly hint at their fates.

But cool drawing, and I'm always a little jealous of anyone who look as though they can actually sketch. I alwas feel like I'm quite rigid, and go for a lot of hard lines, meaning I stray away from experimenting.
Nice! I need to finish reading those too.

And I'll be curious to get your impressions on the latest Haruhi book.

I'll certainly let you know once I've got it :) I got an email at 0200 this morning saying Amazon is still waiting for stock from their suppliers, so it looks like I'm not gonna get it for another 2 weeks or so :(

As far as I'm aware, there aren't any equivalents for the rest of the group.

That's a real shame :(


a lot of pages in like 2 days.

i was busy getting some packages of some n64 carts i ordered the other day. 1 cart came broken but that one costed just $3 so no big deal. the ones that matter work fine (and i now have a duplicate lol)

i'm also kinda struggling to move forward in paper mario. i gave it a chance but i don't enjoy the new fighting mechanics with how stickers run out and crap. i'll still beat the game but my motivation is getting lower each day.

i'm up to s2 ep 15 in my k-on rewatch. i really want to finish before the year's end (i started this back in sept and i'm lagging like mad now. maybe i'm watching too many shows currently?)
Looking good! Your feet need work, but I'm glad you gave it a try! A lot of people seem to just avoid trying to draw feet.

I think that's another reason why I always inevitably (Perhaps even instinctively?) draw too big to be able to complete a piece on one sheet: so I can avoid drawing the rest underneath like the subject's feet. One of these days I'll look at an actual anatomy thing and work off that.

And heck, looking at her feet it's easy to see that I just sketch-y looped around and kinda left it there without doing any finishing touches. Why's her right foot way bigger than her left? XD

I think that "The Priestess" is a more fitting arcana, and you're right in using Yukiko as a basis, because they are quite similar in their disposition.

And for the group, "The Fool" arcana is very fitting, for obvious reasons!

The Persona arcana are all quite clever in that they fit their characters, both thematically and narratively. If you look at what each one correspsonds to, you can glean quite a lot about each character.
Persona 3 did a hell of a lot of foreshadowing regarding Shinji and Akihiko, and their Persona's strongly hint at their fates.

But cool drawing, and I'm always a little jealous of anyone who look as though they can actually sketch. I alwas feel like I'm quite rigid, and go for a lot of hard lines, meaning I stray away from experimenting.

I remember making a print-out of the first section of the Tarot Motifs page from TVTropes and I was using that as a basis to try to see what each girl would fit. Between Mio and Mugi, I remember them flip-flopping between Empress and High Priestess, and have no idea who had what on the print-out because I've lost it since. ;;>_> Here's the descriptions from the TVTropes link:

TVTropes said:
- The High Priestess (La Papesse): an old woman with a closed book, a symbol of hidden knowledge, wisdom, female mystery, and magic. The card may often double up with Triptic Goddess imagery. She often is a Threshold Guardian, and associated with water and the Moon.
III - The Empress (L'Impératrice): a young and fair woman, sometimes pregnant, with symbols of power. She represents prosperity, creativity, sexuality, abundance, fertility, and comfort. It can hold symbolism related to The Three Faces of Eve, and represent the main female love interest. See also Earth Mother.

As for the band HTT themselves, The Fool makes sense, like how SEES and the Investigation Team were both The Fool arcana in the third and fourth games
before shit got real and they ascended to Judgment Arcana for the last stretch of the story, which miiiight happen here too...

Trying to work out where things can fit together naturally is fun (i.e. Himeko works part-time at a convenience store, which makes me wanna put her in a JUNES but I also get the sense that those are quite larger than a Lawson sooooo.)

Is it something that I'm only noticing now? Have people always shied away from drawing noses when it comes to the more cute/adorable (I hesitate to jump to the "moé" designation) anime character style? I grew up on the Pokémon anime and DBZ and whatever else was on U.S. TV airwaves so noses seemed like the usual thing to draw. Hrm...


Is it something that I'm only noticing now? Have people always shied away from drawing noses when it comes to the more cute/adorable (I hesitate to jump to the "moé" designation) anime character style? I grew up on the Pokémon anime and DBZ and whatever else was on U.S. TV airwaves so noses seemed like the usual thing to draw. Hrm...

Noses are pretty ugly so it is indeed a characteristic trait of more modern character design intended to be cute to minimise the presence of the nose. Only in profile do they really appear, which has the weird effect characters can look very different in profile than they do heads on.

Yui, for example, looks much better to me in profile.

I've just powered through the first two volumes of the manga, and I'm enjoying it. The one thing that really stands out though is just how tight the pacing is. I'm pretty amazed at how well KyoAni managed to stretch the source material out into so many episodes.
Don't say that!

Gosh, that joke has long since been beaten into the ground!

And thank you!

You could cut yourself with Mio's Tsurime eyes.

Yeah, he really drew them sharp. At first they kinda look bad, looking like alien eyes or something, but by the end of the first book he gets the hang of it and they start looking good, and after a while her eyes soften down a bit and look more like they do in the anime.
I think that's another reason why I always inevitably (Perhaps even instinctively?) draw too big to be able to complete a piece on one sheet: so I can avoid drawing the rest underneath like the subject's feet. One of these days I'll look at an actual anatomy thing and work off that.

And heck, looking at her feet it's easy to see that I just sketch-y looped around and kinda left it there without doing any finishing touches. Why's her right foot way bigger than her left? XD.
The fact that you gave it a shot is more than enough. Keep working at it!
Is it something that I'm only noticing now? Have people always shied away from drawing noses when it comes to the more cute/adorable (I hesitate to jump to the "moé" designation) anime character style? I grew up on the Pokémon anime and DBZ and whatever else was on U.S. TV airwaves so noses seemed like the usual thing to draw. Hrm...
If you look at things from the 00s you can tell that there was a progression up to this point. And when you look at older shows, when they get all cutesie reaction faces, they usually down play the nose quite a bit or get rid of it entirely. So yeah, it's probably done to make the characters seem more cute.
I've just powered through the first two volumes of the manga, and I'm enjoying it. The one thing that really stands out though is just how tight the pacing is. I'm pretty amazed at how well KyoAni managed to stretch the source material out into so many episodes.
Yeah, just wait until you get to the 3rd and 4th volumes. It'll be even more apparent there.
When I said "give me some time," I meant I wanted you to wait until I can get the supplies and get around to drawing something.
Excuses, excuses...
By that I meant KyoAni stretching it out, not that the pace gets faster, in fact it slows down quite a bit. But I still wish there was more there.

Ahh okay, I misunderstood :p I mean, I knew they were pretty good at it after reading the Haruhi novels. But with that, there's also a lot of material that they didn't use, and some bits (like the endless 8), that they stretched out further than I would have thought possible.
As far as I'm aware, there aren't any equivalents for the rest of the group.
Well, you were kinda right.
Ahh okay, I misunderstood :p I mean, I knew they were pretty good at it after reading the Haruhi novels. But with that, there's also a lot of material that they didn't use, and some bits (like the endless 8), that they stretched out further than I would have thought possible.

I don't want to give anything away, but there are a lot of things that were added for the anime, but there were little bits that were in the manga but not in the anime, for obvious reasons though.


Excuses, excuses...

Well, there's two options: you can either rush me to get it done ASAP with tools that I'm not used to when I'm not in the mood to draw, or you can wait until I have the supplies and am comfortable enough to put in more than 5 minutes worth of effort. It's like asking me to play a fighter with a controller when I'm exhausted, I wouldn't do well and I wouldn't be able to give it my all, ya dig?
No worries, you're just making me more curious!
That's good to hear.
Well, there's two options: you can either rush me to get it done ASAP with tools that I'm not used to when I'm not in the mood to draw, or you can wait until I have the supplies and am comfortable enough to put in more than 5 minutes worth of effort. It's like asking me to play a fighter with a controller when I'm exhausted, I wouldn't do well and I wouldn't be able to give it my all, ya dig?

An artist's job is never done. This would only be the beginning.
At least you guys can draw! The closest I get to a decent looking image is something I copy pretty much directly from the source, and even then, it looks worse.
At least you guys can draw! The closest I get to a decent looking image is something I copy pretty much directly from the source, and even then, it looks worse.
I started out using tracing paper on old Nintendo Powers. RIP NP
I never said my penmanship was perfect, let this be a form of foreshadowing for my drawing.
I've been told by a few people that I "write like a girl." I've also been told I write really slow.
Are the two connected?
I'm still torn on whether I like No, Thank You! or Singing! more. I like them both so much.

Yoko Hikasa has a number of songs from the various Infinite Stratos albums too which are really nice.


All of the S2 K-On songs are awesome. I think the only S1 song I like more than most of the songs in S2 is Fuwa Fuwa Time, and even then I think I like U&I and Listen!! just as much. The movie songs are definitely great too.

Haha, I wonder if I should try making a list.
All of the S2 K-On songs are awesome. I think the only S1 song I like more than most of the songs in S2 is Fuwa Fuwa Time, and even then I think I like U&I and Listen!! just as much. The movie songs are definitely great too.

Yeah, there's a reason they play Fuwa Fuwa Time so much, it's really fun to listen too. Though my favorite song they play in the actual show is probably My Love is a Stapler.


Yeah, there's a reason they play Fuwa Fuwa Time so much, it's really fun to listen too. Though my favorite song they play in the actual show is probably My Love is a Stapler.
I wish there was an official duet version of this song. I think I saw a video where someone mixed the two halves together on Youtube or Nico Nico Douga and I really liked it. I don't have the link anymore though.

"No, thank you" is the best, obviously.
This is a really popular song. I'm probably one of the few who prefer Listen!!
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