Chet Rippo
I wouldn't doubt it.According to your theory, Mugi's way into scat, apparently, along with probably even more terrifying fetishes.
There's more to it than that, but yeah.
I wouldn't doubt it.According to your theory, Mugi's way into scat, apparently, along with probably even more terrifying fetishes.
That I do, but I've never been one to judge for something like that. One of my friends used to show me some of the more erotic anime figures he would buy even though he knew I wasn't into that sort of thing. It was funny when he would ask me to help him pick them out.
I wonder how many times that .gif has been posted in this thread...
How many times have you posted it? Hm.
LOL good times of showing you Super Sonico and Bible Black figs
DUDE! DUDE! DUDE! DUDE! DUDE! I've missed you soooo much! Look at the anime I watch now!
So what have I been missing?
The K-ON! movie from the sounds of it.
haha same here man, how have you been?
From One Piece to K-on!, nice!
I (re)watched was Robotech in the summer) Too busy with school, work, and other things. I don't even play videogames as much anymore (although, I keep buying games lol). Come save me!
So what have I been missing?
Sweet, will check that out.
Now that I think about it, I actually would like to.
I'm glad I could help!Sweet, will check that out.
Sundays for me aren't a whole lot different from Saturdays.Sunday is such a boring day![]()
Good to hear you're not dead!Mine's actually already out there on my Twitter. It's been the same pic for a couple years now, just too lazy to change it. Don't really care if my face is out there or not, especially if it can get me a date or something.
Oh yeah, I'm not quite dead yet, just recovering from having all my neurons fried last week at training. Finally have something resembling a normal schedule for this coming week. I did manage to finish my rewatch of K-ON!! and the movie. Just gets better the more I watch, but I'm always sad when I'm done
I do not look forward to getting old.the worst kind of sunday is when you have work and the back pain is killing you.
*passes out*
good thing next week i get the shorter shift, so i can sleep more.
Same, but that happens to me all the time...I procrastinated too much yesterday. I hate when that happens.
I spent the morning watching the movie, just finished it.I'm glad they included a song from the HTT II album during the classroom concert session. Using more of them like Tokimeki Sugar or Honey Sweet Tea Time probably would have felt contrived or forced if they dotted them across the performances throughout the movie, so I guess that's why they didn't go further than popping in the one song as a cameo of sorts. That's about the only "grievance" that I had with the movie (if you could even call it that), everything was awesome.
I think I have something in my eye. Pardon me...
Sunday's are great, it's generally when I've finished any work that I have to do, meaning that I can just fritter my day away. Like today, I caught up with some shows, and then proceeded to play a heap of P4G.
A good day!
It would have been pretty cool.I really wish they burst into the OP during 'that' performance.
I hate sundays, I have to do cleaning and school work and monday is tomorrow. -_-
Mine's actually already out there on my Twitter. It's been the same pic for a couple years now, just too lazy to change it. Don't really care if my face is out there or not, especially if it can get me a date or something.
Oh yeah, I'm not quite dead yet, just recovering from having all my neurons fried last week at training. Finally have something resembling a normal schedule for this coming week. I did manage to finish my rewatch of K-ON!! and the movie. Just gets better the more I watch, but I'm always sad when I'm done
I hate sundays, I have to do cleaning and school work and monday is tomorrow. -_-
Yup, I have already seen two of K-On GAF thanks to twitter.
I want to rewatch the first season sometime. I don't know if I could rewatch the second. Some of the episodes in season two were boring!
I think I like the slower pace in S2 more. I watched some of the episodes again and I really enjoyed all of them. I honestly can't imagine watching S1 again because I feel like it'd be really fast-paced in comparison.
I guess that's why I liked S1 more, I felt the pacing in S2 was too slow at times for my taste.
I guess that's why I liked S1 more, I felt the pacing in S2 was too slow at times for my taste.
I kind of like slow pacing. Haibane Renmei was nice for that.
Well, I guess I have been putting off Haibane Renmei for too long anyway. Time to watch it.
I guess that's why I liked S1 more, I felt the pacing in S2 was too slow at times for my taste.
You're crazy. Season 2 is love.
Then you'd love the manga.
You're crazy. Season 2 is love.
Oh...I usually prefer the manga version of anything.
I see.Yes, yes, I know. Unpopular Opinions
Maybe it's just me, but Mio as Homura seems kinda out of place amongst the rest of them.
I usually prefer the manga version of anything.
Yes, yes, I know. Unpopular Opinions
Episode 12's second half is still amazing. If it weren't for the song they made Azusa, that moment alone would have been better than the entirety of season two.
I see.
I think it's a fitting comparison.Well the past version of Homura, at least.
Season 2 has Jun, therefore it's better.
Yes! <3
I was gonna read the other 2 volumes of the manga, but I got sidetrackedStarted playing Dwarf Fortress again, and before I knew it, 6 hours had passed.
Yeah, I know how that can be sometimes.
Yes! <3
I was gonna read the other 2 volumes of the manga, but I got sidetrackedStarted playing Dwarf Fortress again, and before I knew it, 6 hours had passed.
That's good to hear! btw, I peeked into the GGT a few weeks ago to see what everyone was up to...and immediately left once I saw that someone posted that Thanksgiving song -__________-I've been good, so far not much happening on the "you know what" front. Been feeling somewhat well lately, so fingers crossed on that one! Everything else is going pretty smoothly.
distgfx going mainstream confirmed! xDI know, right? I decided to just check it out one day since it was so popular and, well... the results speak for themselves. I still watch One Piece, but I decided to give things beyond shounen-like anime a chance.
Its the Newegg sales and codes that are getting me haha.There is no saving you from that, I do the exact same thing. "Hey, look, this game is on sale for cheap, I should pick it up and play it!" Then I end up friggin' playing more DMC4 or NG2. Still big into fighters, but those basically have infinite replay value.
lol Chuunibyou. My friend has been getting on my case about not watching that show.Recently airing? Well, JoJo's has been kicking ass so far. There's also Chuunibyou, Oniai, and the hilarious Girls und Panzer.
Sounds like pizza timeI can see what you've been missing K-On!-wise was covered nicely by Chet. The movie is almost two hours long, so make yourself something nice before you start watching it.
All you guys are making want to get into GNF mode and just go on a K-on! marathon.
Heh X( Well, I have the morning off tomorrow, so I'll probably power through them then. I really like the covers of the manga.
I'm not to hot on the art for the first 2 volumes, but I really like the art on the third and fouth ones. I also really like the way Kakifly colors them.
That's good to hear! btw, I peeked into the GGT a few weeks ago to see what everyone was up to...and immediately left once I saw that someone posted that Thanksgiving song -__________-
distgfx going mainstream confirmed! xD
All you guys are making want to get into GNF mode and just go on a K-on! marathon.
Yeah, the colour pages are real niceThe only thing about the art I found weird, was that Ritsu looks a little strange. It's probably cause I watched the anime first. I don't really know how to explain it, she just looks a little.. off..?
Nodoka is the one that looks off to me.
Edit:Just checked to see what those pics in your quote were, and they look goodThey special edition covers or something? Cause mine arent like that