That flaw is going to be hard to overlook, but I think I can do it. The least I can do is explain myself, though. I think SFIV has a dumbass wake-up game and vortex characters are way too strong in it. It has some of the easiest ass safe jump setups and unblockable setups I have seen in a game for a lot of characters. Oh, you want to safe jump a 4-frame SRK with Cody? Just fucking hold up back after a back throw. The input buffer allows you to have a stupid amount of option selects. My eyes widened when my friends told me that you can option select an option select that's option selecting an option select within an option select. Yeah, try reading that shit back to yourself. It was about some stupid setup he had with Seth. As for SFxT, it fixed a lot of issues that I had with SFIV, but unfortunately introduced its own set of issues. I still think that for all the issues it has, it's much better than SFIV and v2013 looks to improve upon the issues it introduced. The style of play that was displayed at the grand finals should not be that strong in the game.
So even for all the dumb shit that 3s and SFxT has, it doesn't touch the level of stupidity SFIV reaches at times. I played that game since it came out and just gave up on it a little after v2012 hit. Looks like my decision to do so was not a bad one. I'm sure I could come up with more stuff, but obviously my biggest issues with the game are the wake-up game and option selects. Yes, every game has that stuff, but not to the degree that this shitty game has it.