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K-on! Community |OT| Never Ending Talk About Never Ending Girl's Talk

If you're in the mood, you might even be able to talk to my friends, if you want. There's just one little thing that would be considered taboo. Don't ever say that SFIV is better than 3s
because it's factually wrong.
We can respect your opinion if you think ST or Alpha is better, but saying SFIV would not end well for you. It would end up like... well... this:


While I'm bad at everything, I'm certainly not daft enough to say that SFIV is better than 3s. Art's better in the latter anyway.


The amount of people I've seen online who are into both anime and fighting games is really surprising. Well, I guess this is a gaming forum after all.
I'm just going to assume you're trying to insult me in some way because it's you.
What would make you think that?
Go back and watch episode 14 of season 2 to get what I'm saying.
The amount of people I've seen online who are into both anime and fighting games is really surprising. Well, I guess this is a gaming forum after all.

It probably has to do with most fighting games are made in Japan I would guess. A lot of fighting games are very anime like in design anyways.


What would make you think that?
Go back and watch episode 14 of season 2 to get what I'm saying.

I just did!
And by that I mean I found the scene.

It probably has to do with most fighting games are made in Japan I would guess. A lot of fighting games are very anime like in design anyways.

I don't think that has anything to do with it for the more popular fighters. For fighters like Arcana Heart 3, Persona 4 Arena, and BlazBlue I would agree that them having an anime art style tends to attract players. For games like Street Fighter and Marvel, I think there's a smaller demographic of people who enjoy both fighters and anime. Anime fighters are usually made fun of by people who play Capcom fighters. Why? I have no clue. It might be for the exact same reason anime fans are attracted to them. I don't really have any good explanation for this, but these are just my thoughts on the matter.
I don't think that has anything to do with it for the more popular fighters. For fighters like Arcana Heart 3, Persona 4 Arena, and BlazBlue I would agree that them having an anime art style tends to attract players. For games like Street Fighter and Marvel, I think there's a smaller demographic of people who enjoy both fighters and anime. Anime fighters are usually made fun of by people who play Capcom fighters. Why? I have no clue. It might be for the exact same reason anime fans are attracted to them. I don't really have any good explanation for this, but these are just my thoughts on the matter.

Street Fighter Alpha.
I'm just as surprised as you are, I usually associate anime fans with RPG fans.
Yay for stereotyping.

Actually, I do like rpg's probably more than fighting games, or at least I used to. But then again I'll tend to like a lot of things as long as they are good or at least entertaining.


Street Fighter Alpha.

What about it?

Actually, I do like rpg's probably more than fighting games, or at least I used to. But then again I'll tend to like a lot of things as long as they are good or at least entertaining.

As long as I'm having fun while playing a game, I don't really have any complaints.
It's a shame that doesn't happen too often these days.
I'm a lot less picky with anime than I am with games.


If you're in the mood, you might even be able to talk to my friends, if you want. There's just one little thing that would be considered taboo. Don't ever say that SFIV is better than 3s
because it's factually wrong.
We can respect your opinion if you think ST or Alpha is better, but saying SFIV would not end well for you. It would end up like... well... this:


You are aware that 3s is my least favorite SF game right? :p

Btw, I can't do links consistently for shit but I love Sakura. Been my main since Alpha 2.


As long as you don't say you think SFIV is better, you're safe. If you ever mention that you think SFIV is better, then not even I can save you.
Even SFxT is better than SFIV.

But I do think SFIV is better than 3s, which for me isn't saying much. I think if you mention that spoiler ANY where though you gonna get chewed out by more people than I would if said SFIV > 3s. I never seen a fighting game get hated on as much as SFxT since SVC.

Actually, you should post that on SRK for shits and giggles. :p


But I do think SFIV is better than 3s, which for me isn't saying much. I think if you mention that spoiler ANY where though you gonna get chewed out by more people than I would if said SFIV > 3s. I never seen a fighting game get hated on as much as SFxT since SVC.

Actually, you should post that on SRK for shits and giggles. :p

That flaw is going to be hard to overlook, but I think I can do it. The least I can do is explain myself, though. I think SFIV has a dumbass wake-up game and vortex characters are way too strong in it. It has some of the easiest ass safe jump setups and unblockable setups I have seen in a game for a lot of characters. Oh, you want to safe jump a 4-frame SRK with Cody? Just fucking hold up back after a back throw. The input buffer allows you to have a stupid amount of option selects. My eyes widened when my friends told me that you can option select an option select that's option selecting an option select within an option select. Yeah, try reading that shit back to yourself. It was about some stupid setup he had with Seth. As for SFxT, it fixed a lot of issues that I had with SFIV, but unfortunately introduced its own set of issues. I still think that for all the issues it has, it's much better than SFIV and v2013 looks to improve upon the issues it introduced. The style of play that was displayed at the grand finals should not be that strong in the game.

So even for all the dumb shit that 3s and SFxT has, it doesn't touch the level of stupidity SFIV reaches at times. I played that game since it came out and just gave up on it a little after v2012 hit. Looks like my decision to do so was not a bad one. I'm sure I could come up with more stuff, but obviously my biggest issues with the game are the wake-up game and option selects. Yes, every game has that stuff, but not to the degree that this shitty game has it.

EDIT: Yeah, I'm salty because I put over three years of practice into a game that I hate.


That flaw is going to be hard to overlook, but I think I can do it. The least I can do is explain myself, though. I think SFIV has a dumbass wake-up game and vortex characters are way too strong in it. It has some of the easiest ass safe jump setups and unblockable setups I have seen in a game for a lot of characters. Oh, you want to safe jump a 4-frame SRK with Cody? Just fucking hold up back after a back throw. The input buffer allows you to have a stupid amount of option selects. My eyes widened when my friends told me that you can option select an option select that's option selecting an option select within an option select. Yeah, try reading that shit back to yourself. It was about some stupid setup he had with Seth. As for SFxT, it fixed a lot of issues that I had with SFIV, but unfortunately introduced its own set of issues. I still think that for all the issues it has, it's much better than SFIV and v2013 looks to improve upon the issues it introduced. The style of play that was displayed at the grand finals should not be that strong in the game.

So even for all the dumb shit that 3s and SFxT has, it doesn't touch the level of stupidity SFIV reaches at times. I played that game since it came out and just gave up on it a little after v2012 hit. Looks like my decision to do so was not a bad one. I'm sure I could come up with more stuff, but obviously my biggest issues with the game are the wake-up game and option selects. Yes, every game has that stuff, but not to the degree that this shitty game has it.

Yeah, I can see why SFIV could bother you.

Hey, if it makes you feel any better I don't think highly of SFIV anymore either, but for completely different reasons though. I more or less moved on from SF games although I'm still open for some matches tomorrow.

EDIT: I never got competent enough with Sakura which started irritating me around when AE came out so I dropped it.
I love anime but I'm so behind on current anime besides stuff like SAO, Tari Tari and Kokoro Connect. And it seems like all the anime I bother to watch and like seems to be not popular. I know of no one who watched Rin: Daughter of the Mymnosyne. Shit has a badass opening. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rym6jnnhXJ0

Tari Tari and Kokoro Connect were from last season, and SAO is probably the most popular show from this year not counting movies.
Girls und Panzer is a show from this season you will be guaranteed to like, Chu-2 is another you'd probably like.


Yeah, I can see why SFIV could bother you.

Hey, if it makes you feel any better I don't think highly of SFIV anymore either, but for completely different reasons though. I more or less moved on from SF games although I'm still open for some matches tomorrow.

EDIT: I never got competent enough with Sakura which started irritating me around when AE came out so I dropped it.

I'd like to see why you dislike 3s. I can tell you why I like it or disagree with certain points and give you my perspective.

I went through Balrog (SFIV), Cammy (SFIV), Makoto (SSFIV/AE/2012), Dudley (SSFIV/AE/2012), Ibuki (2012) and Yun (AE/2012) just to see if maybe I would have fun playing other characters. Hint - It didn't work, still the same game.


I'd like to see why you dislike 3s. I can tell you why I like it or disagree with certain points and give you my perspective.

I went through Balrog (SFIV), Cammy (SFIV), Makoto (SSFIV/AE/2012), Dudley (SSFIV/AE/2012), Ibuki (2012) and Yun (AE/2012) just to see if maybe I would have fun playing other characters. Hint - It didn't work, still the same game.

You ignored my previous posts on 3s have you? :p

I really did not like the parry system. It ruined the fireball zoning aspect that seemed integral to the SF series or the idea that whiffing shit gets your meter up. Feels like all the matches I played on GGPO and 3SO is standing back whiffing shit until either him or I the got full meter. I also didn't care for some of the newer characters. Granted, I'm not really fond of many of the traditional SF characters as is but...

Tari Tari and Kokoro Connect were from last season, and SAO is probably the most popular show from this year not counting movies.
Girls und Panzer is a show from this season you will be guaranteed to like, Chu-2 is another you'd probably like.

I should add those anime on my MAL list.


You ignored my previous posts on 3s have you? :p

I really did not like the parry system. It ruined the fireball zoning aspect that seemed integral to the SF series or the idea that whiffing shit gets your meter up. Feels like all the matches I played on GGPO and 3SO is standing back whiffing shit until either him or I the got full meter.

A little bit because I usually only saw complaints about the way the characters look or art, which isn't something I particularly care about when it comes to a fighter.

I think the parry system is the ultimate form of yomi and one of the reasons I adore the game. If you're going to be obvious, then yeah, you're going to get parried and punished. I want more games like it, but it doesn't seem like I will ever get that. As for the fireball zoning, it's definitely the least SF-esque of any SF game. It's not like it was the only one that changed up the SF formula, though. It made me play more aggressively than any other SF. It's also one of the least fraudulent fighters I've ever seen. It feels like the game gives me a plethora of options in any situation because of parry. It's not like parrying takes no skill either, you have to know the timing of every move to parry it properly. What you can follow it up with varies, too.

I don't know who you played on GGPO, but that's certainly not how I play. My Makoto goes berserk and the only time I get destroyed is when my friend goes nuts with Urien. If you were fighting a chun, then that's chun's game plan as much as throwing sonic booms is guile's. If you were fighting a Ken or something, then they're doing it wrong!

EDIT: Curse your edit!

Two posters, one or both of which I think Chet already has (so he'd probably know the magazine source)

And two double-sided pencilboards

Ooooh, nice pick-ups, I laughed at Mionyan.
A group of friends had an anime swap meet earlier today. I managed to acquire the following:

Two posters, one or both of which I think Chet already has (so he'd probably know the magazine source)

And two double-sided pencilboards

(excuse my terrible photography skills)
(unfortunately the horizontal-oriented images got shrunk down, but w/e)

No, that's not the one I have, but I can see how they're similar. Very cute they are, makes me very jealous. I really like the first poster, the Mionyan one too!



Yeah, most of the SF3 characters suck.

I like many of the character's designs but I don't like how many of them play.

Btw, cute K-ON! x Queen's Blade crossover.

A little bit because I usually only saw complaints about the way the characters look or art, which isn't something I particularly care about when it comes to a fighter.

I think the parry system is the ultimate form of yomi and one of the reasons I adore the game. If you're going to be obvious, then yeah, you're going to get parried and punished. I want more games like it, but it doesn't seem like I will ever get that. As for the fireball zoning, it's definitely the least SF-esque of any SF game. It's not like it was the only one that changed up the SF formula, though. It made me play more aggressively than any other SF. It's also one of the least fraudulent fighters I've ever seen. It feels like the game gives me a plethora of options in any situation because of parry. It's not like parrying takes no skill either, you have to know the timing of every move to parry it properly. What you can follow it up with varies, too.

I don't know who you played on GGPO, but that's certainly not how I play. My Makoto goes berserk and the only time I get destroyed is when my friend goes nuts with Urien. If you were fighting a chun, then that's chun's game plan as much as throwing sonic booms is guile's. If you were fighting a Ken or something, then they're doing it wrong!

EDIT: Curse your edit!

Actually, I'm pretty fond of 3s' art and it's character designs. Love the soundtrack too. My issues with the newer additions are primarily a gameplay reason. They feel so unorthodox to play with (especially Makoto) so I always just stuck with Chun or Ken. My execution in fighters leave very little to be desired so characters with high barrier entries always frustrates me.


Actually, I'm pretty fond of 3s' art and it's character designs. Love the soundtrack too. My issues with the newer additions are primarily a gameplay reason. They feel so unorthodox to play with (especially Makoto) so I always just stuck with Chun or Ken. My execution in fighters leave very little to be desired so characters with high barrier entries always frustrates me.

Okay, now I completely understand the issue here. It sounds like you were trying to play SF instead of 3s. I guess I'll just have to turn you to our side. We may not be pros, but we sure as hell know how to have a good time. Last time we played we decided to do a "Pick only bad supers" night ... it was an awesome night. Enough about this from me, I'm just going to get mad again that I spent 500+ hours on SFIV. I need some K-On gifs to cheer me up.
You should ask for those as presents.
You buying?
I like many of the character's designs but I don't like how many of them play.

Btw, cute K-ON! x Queen's Blade crossover.

At first I though Ritsu as Leina was a little weird, but now the more I look at them, the more it fits.
Outside of the size of their boobs of course

I need some K-On gifs to cheer me up.



Okay, now I completely understand the issue here. It sounds like you were trying to play SF instead of 3s. I guess I'll just have to turn you to our side. We may not be pros, but we sure as hell know how to have a good time. Last time we played we decided to do a "Pick only bad supers" night ... it was an awesome night. Enough about this from me, I'm just going to get mad again that I spent 500+ hours on SFIV. I need some K-On gifs to cheer me up.

So do you all play 3SO or something?

At first I though Ritsu as Leina was a little weird, but now the more I look at them, the more it fits.
Outside of the size of their boobs of course

They both have short hair. Also Leina's hair is blonde. But I feel you on that one. Mio as Tomoe is cute too.

They also both fit because of another reason too. Ritsu x Mio = Leina x Tomoe
They both have short hair. Also Leina's hair is blonde. But I feel you on that one. Mio as Tomoe is cute too.

They also both fit because of another reason too. Ritsu x Mio = Leina x Tomoe

Well, yeah, Leina's hair is more blonde, but the way she has her hair pulled back by a hair band is basically just like how Ritsu does. And Leina is basically shippable with every Queen's Blade character.
Trollin' your best friend doesn't make you Alpha, Urai-kun.


She's always so bored looking in the EDs compared how she normally is on the drums. I think it's kinda funny.


So do you all play 3SO or something?

That we do, it's our "go to" game that all of us enjoy. We always have disagreements about other fighters, but our love for 3s is something we all have in common. Trashing 3s is the equivalent of trashing Paper Mario for Chet or Persona 4 for Kazzy. I don't really know what you love, so I can't come up with one for you.

Trollin' your best friend doesn't make you Alpha, Urai-kun.

It's just her way of showing she loves her, Onii-chan.


Well, yeah, Leina's hair is more blonde, but the way she has her hair pulled back by a hair band is basically just like how Ritsu does. And Leina is basically shippable with every Queen's Blade character.


She's always so bored looking in the EDs compared how she normally is on the drums. I think it's kinda funny.

But Leina x Tomoe and Leina x Risty is probably the most "canon" one in a way. In a way, Leina x Risty is kind of similar to Azu-nyan x Yui. Yui is Azu-nyan's Risty.

Ritsu looks bored because they tried to make her look cool. They do that with all of them except for Mugi. Mugi always have a creepy smile in all the endings and the endings always over glorify Mio (no offense). Still love Don't Say Crazy though.
She's always so bored looking in the EDs compared how she normally is on the drums. I think it's kinda funny.

And here is where my headcanon starts to morph and balloon out some bizarre fanfic-level scenarios where it assumes that the EDs are recorded in scenarios where Mio has blown out in popularity and Ritsu has become disillusioned to the point of not being as energetic or bombastic as she used to be back in their high school days.

Always made me laugh how when Mugi or others have a jokey vision of the band splitting up in their head, Ritsu is the one who waves away at the cameras.
It's just her way of showing she loves her, Onii-chan.

My Little Uraizen Can't Be This Cute!
Ritsu looks bored because they tried to make her look cool. They do that with all of them except for Mugi. Mugi always have a creepy smile in all the endings and the endings always over glorify Mio (no offense). Still love Don't Say Crazy though.

But she's the singer, how can that be over glorifying?

And here is where my headcanon starts to morph and balloon out some bizarre fanfic-level scenarios where it assumes that the EDs are recorded in scenarios where Mio has blown out in popularity and Ritsu has become disillusioned to the point of not being as energetic or bombastic as she used to be back in their high school days.

Always made me laugh how when Mugi or others have a jokey vision of the band splitting up in their head, Ritsu is the one who waves away at the cameras.
Hahaha, that would be funny.
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