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K-on! Community |OT| Never Ending Talk About Never Ending Girl's Talk


But you could! When I was starting I was told by some people that I should just learn righty... but I said to heck of it, lefty pride!

I'm a lefty and learned to play guitar righthanded, which gives me a handy built-in excuse when anyone notices that i'm not that good at it!


I'm a lefty and learned to play guitar righthanded, which gives me a handy built-in excuse when anyone notices that i'm not that good at it!

One of my friends is left handed but he learned to play bass right handed because we righties are keeping the left men down!
So, do you guys actually want to watch Dog Days? :3
I'd like to, but I want to finish some shows that I have unfinished before I start any more "new" shows.
Aww, but yeah I can understand that.


It would be the ultimate Mio collector item.

And mega-d'awww, I just took a 4 hour nap, and when I woke up my baby book was on me. My dad gave it to me while I was sleeping. It's so precious~
When I first read this, I thought it was like a book of baby names or an educational book about babies...
I'm not right am I?
Nice haul, Chet! My NNID is Amishpriest. Happy New Year to you and all of K-ON GAF!
Whenever I get the chance to, I'll add you all.
GuessMyUserName, of course! I'll send friend request right now.... bahahah I foresee a lot more of these Mios in my Miiverse, excellent.

Didn't really get too much stuff myself for Christmas... Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper from dad, Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor's Edge from mom, God of War Collection from brother..... I kinda forget what I got from my sister >__>. But I'm incredibly jealous of the guitar she got from our mom. Still gotta go shopping with my gift cards, hoping to pick up Persona 4 Golden, Paper Mario Sticker Star though.

So...someone else bought WO3 :p. I've found pretty much no one online for it yet. Not that I'm really surprised.
I'm a lefty and learned to play guitar righthanded, which gives me a handy built-in excuse when anyone notices that i'm not that good at it!

I just go with rarely playing in front of people~

When I first read this, I thought it was like a book of baby names or an educational book about babies...
I'm not right am I?



So...someone else bought WO3 :p. I've found pretty much no one online for it yet. Not that I'm really surprised.

Hah, yeah I've never bothered to play online. Then again I never really played online on PS3 either. Well I did a bit with a friend but it didn't let me progress my story campaign with her so we didn't bother with it again. Finally got Wii U version for Christmas, but ever since launch I've been using its Miiverse Community to draw Lu Bu.


Hah, yeah I've never bothered to play online. Then again I never really played online on PS3 either. Well I did a bit with a friend but it didn't let me progress my story campaign with her so we didn't bother with it again. Finally got Wii U version for Christmas, but ever since launch I've been using its Miiverse Community to draw Lu Bu.

I don't think I can draw anything that even resembles Lu Bu. I commend you ;).

I don't think I can draw anything that even resembles Lu Bu. I commend you ;).

To be fair my Lu Bu doesn't look like Lu Bu at all

... well, not DW Lu Bu. I loved Lu Bu in the 2010 Three Kingdoms drama I watched a bit of, so my Lu Bu is a bit moe.

That's a really long name. Assuming that's your name.

... It's not even my full name!

My whole middle name is Roberto-Tomba...... so Dylan Roberto-Tomba Giovannini~

I like that my initials are in every calculator though

Since, for the most part, the first day of 2013 is over now, what did you all do on New Years Day?

Spending it with my dad! New Years Eve we impulsively took the train to Toronto for the celebration which was nuts... on the train ride home some cute asian girls sat across from us, and when got up for her stop (which was in my city!) she tripped and fell on me. My dad's been telling everyone all day, heh.

And now we've just been watching TV together... and I got him to try Warriors Orochi 3 with me. Surprised at how well he could do it since he's never played a 3D game, but it didn't take too long for him to get used to moving around, which my mom definitely can't do in 3D games ever.
Spending it with my dad! New Years Eve we impulsively took the train to Toronto for the celebration which was nuts... on the train ride home some cute asian girls sat across from us, and when got up for her stop (which was in my city!) she tripped and fell on me. My dad's been telling everyone all day, heh.

And now we've just been watching TV together... and I got him to try Warriors Orochi 3 with me. Surprised at how well he could do it since he's never played a 3D game, but it didn't take too long for him to get used to moving around, which my mom definitely can't do in 3D games ever.

I got my dad to try out Nintendo Land. It was funny seeing him try to work the Metroid one. lol


Spending it with my dad! New Years Eve we impulsively took the train to Toronto for the celebration which was nuts... on the train ride home some cute asian girls sat across from us, and when got up for her stop (which was in my city!) she tripped and fell on me. My dad's been telling everyone all day, heh.

And now we've just been watching TV together... and I got him to try Warriors Orochi 3 with me. Surprised at how well he could do it since he's never played a 3D game, but it didn't take too long for him to get used to moving around, which my mom definitely can't do in 3D games ever.



I've been a member here at NeoGaf for about five and a half months now and this is my first post outside of AnimeGaf...which is kind of funny considering Gaming side was why I originally started reading the forum in the first place. Nice to meet you all here in the K-On! official thread. :)

I'm not sure if this has been posted yet and I'm a little late as the promotion has been going on for awhile now but the company Glico, which you can read more about (here) has been doing a marketing campaign with the help of K-On!.

They have probably the coolest 404 error pages set up which you can access here:

Click for error page.
It has a picture of the different girls complete with a voice over from their respective seiyuu's in character saying something along the lines that the page cannot be found. Just refresh the page to see and hear the different girls.

There's also a K-On! section of their website which you can access (Here). It has all kind of voice overs of the girls such as when you click on the up and down arrows (Although there doesn't seem to be Mio for this :( or the Glico logo on the top left for example. There's different sayings for the different days of the calendar and I have the page opened while writing this and just discovered that if you just leave your mouse alone there will be voice overs even for that with the girls telling you to do something! (With Mio seeming to be the most common.)

Actually, I just found out this also happens on the error pages as well, I guess because it's all part of the same site.

Have fun with that if this hasn't all been mentioned already. :)


Happy New Year to you too!
On that note, here's basically what I got for Christmas.

I've been thinking of maybe getting Pikmin 2 for Wii as I never bought it for GameCube. I have the first for GameCube and liked it. I just wonder if it would be easier or harder with the motion controls.

The only game I got as a gift was Metroid: Other M. I personally don't really care if many at NeoGaf,and plenty of people elsewhere, don't care for it, I want to try it and make my own opinion on it. There's games I like that many don't or games many like that I don't.


I'm really glad you stuck with it, you don't know how much it means to me. And a Happy New Years to you too!

I've actually been looking at getting a hat like Mugi has there. I've looked at them before and have always actually liked that style personally.

It's my dream to one day own a left handed bass just like Mio's

Haha, me too kind of. I actually looked up her guitar on Amazon.jp once but as you can imagine it was pretty expensive. I've never played guitar but even being more predominately right handed, although I'm ambidextrous in a lot of things, I think I would actually maybe play left handed anyway as holding onto guitars I've always found it easier to flex the fingers in my right hand and it feels better to hold it that way.

Talking to people who play, they just say to play whatever you feel comfortable with. If you're right handed it doesn't mean you have to play right and vice versa.

Excellent, now if only Nafe would show up.

I'm here now! :)

Although I don't know how much I'll be posting.

I just pictured playing NG3 as Nigel instead of Ryu. That was a good laugh, thank you.

I LOVE Ninja Gaiden Black but have stayed away from NG3 due to all the horrible things I've heard about it but I have been kind of interested to read more about the Wii U version. I saw the thread about Kasumi being a free DLC character and she looks awesome!
I've been a member here at NeoGaf for about five and a half months now and this is my first post outside of AnimeGaf...which is kind of funny considering Gaming side was why I originally started reading the forum in the first place. Nice to meet you all here in the K-On! official thread. :)
Yay! Welcome to the best thread on GAF!

I'm not sure if this has been posted yet and I'm a little late as the promotion has been going on for awhile now but the company Glico, which you can read more about (here) has been doing a marketing campaign with the help of K-On!.

They have probably the coolest 404 error pages set up which you can access here: It has a picture of the different girls complete with a voice over from their respective seiyuu's in character saying something along the lines that the page cannot be found. Just refresh the page to see and hear the different girls.

There's also a K-On! section of their website which you can access (Here). It has all kind of voice overs of the girls such as when you click on the up and down arrows (Although there doesn't seem to be Mio for this :( or the Glico logo on the top left for example. There's different sayings for the different days of the calendar and I have the page opened while writing this and just discovered that if you just leave your mouse alone there will be voice overs even for that with the girls telling you to do something! (With Mio seeming to be the most common.)

Actually, I just found out this also happens on the error pages as well, I guess because it's all part of the same site.

Have fun with that if this hasn't all been mentioned already. :)
I never knew of this, this is awesome! Don't hesitate to post any more K-ON! things you find! The error pages are so cute!

I've been thinking of maybe getting Pikmin 2 for Wii as I never bought it for GameCube. I have the first for GameCube and liked it. I just wonder if it would be easier or harder with the motion controls.

The only game I got as a gift was Metroid: Other M. I personally don't really care if many at NeoGaf,and plenty of people elsewhere, don't care for it, I want to try it and make my own opinion on it. There's games I like that many don't or games many like that I don't.
The no C-stick kinda sucks, but I like the aiming and what not.

There are a few people that post here that have said they liked Other M, me included. Not the best game ever, but it was fun.
I've actually been looking at getting a hat like Mugi has there. I've looked at them before and have always actually liked that style personally.

It looks like it would be pretty warm!

Haha, me too kind of. I actually looked up her guitar on Amazon.jp once but as you can imagine it was pretty expensive. I've never played guitar but even being more predominately right handed, although I'm ambidextrous in a lot of things, I think I would actually maybe play left handed anyway as holding onto guitars I've always found it easier to flex the fingers in my right hand and it feels better to hold it that way.

Talking to people who play, they just say to play whatever you feel comfortable with. If you're right handed it doesn't mean you have to play right and vice versa.
The collector in me wants Elizabeth just so I can have her. Though I suppose I could learn how to play as well, just to get more Mio-like, but I'd have to get her bass first.

I'm here now! :)

Although I don't know how much I'll be posting.
I'm really glad you did! You can post whenever you feel like it, we don't bite!


I'm here now! :)

Although I don't know how much I'll be posting.

Was it my heartwarming PM that did it?

I LOVE Ninja Gaiden Black but have stayed away from NG3 due to all the horrible things I've heard about it but I have been kind of interested to read more about the Wii U version. I saw the thread about Kasumi being a free DLC character and she looks awesome!

You continue to prove why you are one of my favorite people here. You most certainly should stay away from NG3, but I'm not sure how good Razor's Edge is. Couldn't hurt to pick up Razor's Edge for cheap if you see it for like... $20.


today, i didn't do much. i watched some streams of people playing ocarina of time and later played a bit of Warioware Touched. this game had a lot of things i didn't even remember anymore since i hadn't played it in like 6 years (my original cart was among the games stolen from me last year and i got an used copy, which i just started playing since my backlog is massive)

outside that, it was pretty much a do-nothing day for me. this is the first end of year and beginning of new year i had while having a job and there was no room to plan anything since i don't get holidays off.

KotobukiSasuke or TainakaSasuke. the former sounds better.
Best thread on GAF ? Best thread on GAF.

today, i didn't do much. i watched some streams of people playing ocarina of time and later played a bit of Warioware Touched. this game had a lot of things i didn't even remember anymore since i hadn't played it in like 6 years (my original cart was among the games stolen from me last year and i got an used copy, which i just started playing since my backlog is massive)

outside that, it was pretty much a do-nothing day for me. this is the first end of year and beginning of new year i had while having a job and there was no room to plan anything since i don't get holidays off.

KotobukiSasuke or TainakaSasuke. the former sounds better.

Wario Ware Smooth Moves is probably my favorite of the WW games.

I agree, KotobukiSasuke rolls off the tongue better.
I'm actually one of the people that really likes Other M. Metroid's been my favourite series forever and I thought the gameplay of Other M was incredibly fun. It was like playing a 2D Metroid in a 3D space, and god I've always wanted more 2D Metroid. It's definitely got story telling problems, though I don't hate on it so much... silly things like authorization didn't bother me one single bit since I basically just looked at it as a gameplay thing instead of a plot thing.
I'm actually one of the people that really likes Other M. Metroid's been my favourite series forever and I thought the gameplay of Other M was incredibly fun. It was like playing a 2D Metroid in a 3D space, and god I've always wanted more 2D Metroid. It's definitely got story telling problems, though I don't hate on it so much... silly things like authorization didn't bother me one single bit since I basically just looked at it as a gameplay thing instead of a plot thing.

That's basically how I see it too. It really got the whole feel of a 2D Metroid down, and the story isn't really much different than what was in Metroid Fusion. I just wish it had good music, or I guess, any music.
You continue to prove why you are one of my favorite people here. You most certainly should stay away from NG3, but I'm not sure how good Razor's Edge is. Couldn't hurt to pick up Razor's Edge for cheap if you see it for like... $20.

Think I'm going to Gamefly Razor's Edge just out of curiosity.


the next Warioware i'm replaying is Smooth Moves. i figured i might as well go all the way and replay them all before Game & Wario comes out.
i'm close to fully completing the GBA one on 3DS, i got a JP copy of Twisted recently and need to get to unlocking all the stuff there and i'm also progressing in DIY to get the main game beaten (this game was also among the stolen games and i got a new copy for $10)
i'll also throw in Mario Artist Poligon Studio in there somewhere (this was the game where Warioware originated)

the part i don't like about Other M's gameplay is the switch to first person and the inability to move there. makes some enemies harder than needed. the game should have stuck with 3rd person view all the way. the story is a non-factor for me thanks to skippable cutscenes.
the next Warioware i'm replaying is Smooth Moves. i figured i might as well go all the way and replay them all before Game & Wario comes out.
i'm close to fully completing the GBA one on 3DS, i got a JP copy of Twisted recently and need to get to unlocking all the stuff there and i'm also progressing in DIY to get the main game beaten (this game was also among the stolen games and i got a new copy for $10)
i'll also throw in Mario Artist Poligon Studio in there somewhere (this was the game where Warioware originated)

the part i don't like about Other M's gameplay is the switch to first person and the inability to move there. makes some enemies harder than needed. the game should have stuck with 3rd person view all the way. the story is a non-factor for me thanks to skippable cutscenes.

Apparently, you can dodge in first-person by shaking the remote. I only learned about it another topic because the game never tells you that you can do that.

Also, Twisted is my favorite WarioWare.
Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate 5-6:

This show is way, way better than it has any business being. As in, it's actually a genuinely entertaining show to watch, with an interesting story which easily stands alone outside of the waifus. It's light-years better than any other adaptation of an eroge I've ever seen, though to be fair until recently the high watermark for eroge adaptations was Fate/Stay night and anyone who's seen that anime knows how well that went.


Anyway, onto the show.

K-On!! 01 or How I learned to stop worrying and love the HNNNNGH

Well it begins simply enough. The girls, except for Azusa, enter Senior year. They are all in the same class. Hmm I wonder if a certain BEST GIRL might have something to do with that? One year left to find new members and keep K-On alive. They make multiple attempts to gain new member interest with absolutely no success, but then realize that they should just have some fun while they still can. I can hear the infamous shaking Mio song in the background heavily inspired by Buttered Popcorn. Yui plays the guitar extremely competently at this point. The animation in this show is still fucking ridiculous.
Ritsu is also my favorite K-on girl and probably always will be. Bottom line, more wacky adventures from the cutest group of chipmunks you will ever see. Kill that OP with fire though. ED is really nice. So far, a strong start to the new year.
Anyway, onto the show.

K-On!! 01 or How I learned to stop worrying and love the HNNNNGH

Well it begins simply enough. The girls, except for Azusa, enter Senior year. They are all in the same class. Hmm I wonder if a certain BEST GIRL might have something to do with that? One year left to find new members and keep K-On alive. They make multiple attempts to gain new member interest with absolutely no success, but then realize that they should just have some fun while they still can. I can hear the infamous shaking Mio song in the background heavily inspired by Buttered Popcorn. Yui plays the guitar extremely competently at this point. The animation in this show is still fucking ridiculous.
Ritsu is also my favorite K-on girl and probably always will be. Bottom line, more wacky adventures from the cutest group of chipmunks you will ever see. Kill that OP with fire though. ED is really nice. So far, a strong start to the new year.

It only gets better from here! You're in for a real treat! The animation in this season is leaps ahead of the first season's
And if you don't like this first OP, you will probably like the 2nd one.
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