This has been my Backloggery's banner for like 2-3 years now, heh.
Haha, I remember looking at the front/main page of NeoGaf and seeing the name GuessMyUserName under the "Welcome our newest member!" part a little while ago and now you've been approved. Nice to meet you.
Hah well that's pretty cool! Yeah signed up twice really, once around E3 with my regular email, whoops. Then again in July when I was getting set up moving in with my brother. I was incredibly surprised how fast the response was on my account approval, after all I've heard about it taking forever for people.
*checks email*
07/14/2012 Thanks for registering!
07/16/2012 Your account has been validated!
Woo, nice to be here and meet you all!
I didn't realize that kind of thing happened in real life. Maybe I've seen too much anime and just thought people falling on top of each other was just an anime fan service thing,haha.
That's what it was like ahah, she was so embarrassed and awesome.
I see different ones mention/complain that nothing really happens in this thread but then I also see people who don't like K-On! mention that nothing happens in the show and the girls just sit around not playing music usually.
Haha, I guess the thread is still kind of living up to it's name then when you look at it that way. We're just being authentic to the source material!
That's what I love about this place! I actually have a similar series of topics I started on some GameFAQs board... though it's not as fitting as this being the K-On topic.
Yeah, I've been a big Metroid fan too since Super and played a little bit of II for the GameBoy.
I've heard some complain about some things such as it's dumb that Samus regains her health just by "thinking really hard" or you have to wait for commander something to authorize your weapons at dumb times. Gameplay wise it sounds fine, such as the health thing really just sounds like regenerative health introduced into the Metroid series, and searching for health could just be annoying sometimes more than anything in other games anyway, but the narrative justification for it is just really dumb.
The one thing I could for sure maybe have a problem with is apparently Samus comes across as really submissive and originally she was made up to be a really strong and independent girl who could do all sorts of things, whereas in Other M apparently that's more of a front and she's really just scared and alone and almost a bit of an emotional wreck apparently. I could see that as potentially a bit off putting depending how it's done as that's almost polar opposite to how her character was before. It almost sounds like what Crystal Dynamics is doing with Lara Croft in the newest game where they want you to "protect her". Although I've never played a Tomb Raider before.
Honestly I the only thing that really bothered me was they didn't actually go into WHY Samus reacted as she did. Like in the famous Ridley scene they show Samus flashback to her childhood meeting with Ridley, but unless you read the manga. At first I was excited to see them finally showing off that part of Samus's story... but they didn't go into it all. Just show the flashback of her cowering and that's it. I wouldn't mind Samus acting how she did if they act explored WHY she'd be that way... they just handled the story really really badly.