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K-on! Community |OT| Never Ending Talk About Never Ending Girl's Talk


This has been my Backloggery's banner for like 2-3 years now, heh.

Haha, I remember looking at the front/main page of NeoGaf and seeing the name GuessMyUserName under the "Welcome our newest member!" part a little while ago and now you've been approved. Nice to meet you.

Hah well that's pretty cool! Yeah signed up twice really, once around E3 with my regular email, whoops. Then again in July when I was getting set up moving in with my brother. I was incredibly surprised how fast the response was on my account approval, after all I've heard about it taking forever for people.

*checks email*

07/14/2012 Thanks for registering!
07/16/2012 Your account has been validated!

Woo, nice to be here and meet you all!

I didn't realize that kind of thing happened in real life. Maybe I've seen too much anime and just thought people falling on top of each other was just an anime fan service thing,haha.

That's what it was like ahah, she was so embarrassed and awesome.

I see different ones mention/complain that nothing really happens in this thread but then I also see people who don't like K-On! mention that nothing happens in the show and the girls just sit around not playing music usually.

Haha, I guess the thread is still kind of living up to it's name then when you look at it that way. We're just being authentic to the source material!

That's what I love about this place! I actually have a similar series of topics I started on some GameFAQs board... though it's not as fitting as this being the K-On topic.

Yeah, I've been a big Metroid fan too since Super and played a little bit of II for the GameBoy.

I've heard some complain about some things such as it's dumb that Samus regains her health just by "thinking really hard" or you have to wait for commander something to authorize your weapons at dumb times. Gameplay wise it sounds fine, such as the health thing really just sounds like regenerative health introduced into the Metroid series, and searching for health could just be annoying sometimes more than anything in other games anyway, but the narrative justification for it is just really dumb.

The one thing I could for sure maybe have a problem with is apparently Samus comes across as really submissive and originally she was made up to be a really strong and independent girl who could do all sorts of things, whereas in Other M apparently that's more of a front and she's really just scared and alone and almost a bit of an emotional wreck apparently. I could see that as potentially a bit off putting depending how it's done as that's almost polar opposite to how her character was before. It almost sounds like what Crystal Dynamics is doing with Lara Croft in the newest game where they want you to "protect her". Although I've never played a Tomb Raider before.

Honestly I the only thing that really bothered me was they didn't actually go into WHY Samus reacted as she did. Like in the famous Ridley scene they show Samus flashback to her childhood meeting with Ridley, but unless you read the manga. At first I was excited to see them finally showing off that part of Samus's story... but they didn't go into it all. Just show the flashback of her cowering and that's it. I wouldn't mind Samus acting how she did if they act explored WHY she'd be that way... they just handled the story really really badly.
Mugi > Yui > Himeko > Ui > Jun > Ritsu > Mio > Nodoka > Azusa > Christmas Cake
What's wrong with Christmas Cake? They're delicious!
Yes, but what of the other girls? Do you like Nodoka more than Jun? Mio over Yui? Do tell!
Any attempt at ranking ends frustratingly because of my inability to decide between Mugi and Ritsu as best girl. That doesn't even factor in Sawako. (I love christmas cakes! Unfortunately Japan doesn't seem to.)
Nothing here is set in stone, and if you really can't decide between the two, you can always cop out and go Mugi=Ritsu
And it's true, there aren't a whole lot of fans of Sawako.

Someone notified me that K-On! is the only KyoAni show without any 'steamy' official art.

Does the manga count?


What's wrong with Christmas Cake? They're delicious!

Yes, but what of the other girls? Do you like Nodoka more than Jun? Mio over Yui? Do tell!

Nothing here is set in stone, and if you really can't decide between the two, you can always cop out and go Mugi=Ritsu
And it's true, there aren't a whole lot of fans of Sawako.

Does the manga count?

Looks like I will have to hold down the Sawako fandom. I humbly take on this honor and responsibility.

I'll vote for the movie 10 times!
I would if I could, anyway


Maybe to get into the swing of things, maybe we need to have another character rankings. We haven't done one yet this year!

Mio>>>Ritsu>Jun=Ui>Mugi>Nodoka>Megumi>Sawako>Mio's Doppelganger>Azusa>Yui

This is going to be tough...kinda like Chet said, I love them all, but...



Haha, I'd say it probably helped.


We certainly seem to like a lot of the same games huh?

Yeah, I don't have a WiiU but if I did buy it I was thinking of waiting until it got cheaper.

I'm planning on picking one up as soon as Bayonetta 2 hits.

I see different ones mention/complain that nothing really happens in this thread but then I also see people who don't like K-On! mention that nothing happens in the show and the girls just sit around not playing music usually.

Haha, I guess the thread is still kind of living up to it's name then when you look at it that way. We're just being authentic to the source material!

Nothing happens in this thread? Pfft, just look around, we've been talking non-stop. Hell, we even watch K-On together weekly in the K-On GAF IRC.

Yui and Ritsu are the best!



Or don't, you can do whatever you want.

I'm going to vote for One Piece.
I won't.
Mio > Yui > Mugi (Season 2) > Sawako > Azusa > Ui > Mugi (Season 1) > Jun > Ritsu > Nadoka

But I always feel bad making rankings because dammit I think Ritsu's great and hate seeing her so low!


See, was that so hard?
I hope you didn't put Nodoka last because of that one thing I showed you that one night... It wasn't canon!

Hah, it wasn't because of what you showed me. It's just that when it came down to it, she was probably the least interesting person to me in both the anime and manga. There's nothing wrong with her, she's just kind of boring.
Because! Tears will be shed.
I can take it!
Mio > Yui > Mugi (Season 2) > Sawako > Azusa > Ui > Mugi (Season 1) > Jun > Ritsu > Nadoka

But I always feel bad making rankings because dammit I think Ritsu's great and hate seeing her so low!
We all know we love all the characters, unless stated otherwise!
Hah, it wasn't because of what you showed me. It's just that when it came down to it, she was probably the least interesting person to me in both the anime and manga. There's nothing wrong with her, she's just kind of boring.
You're just trying to make me feel better.
I like Ritsu the best out of the 5 K-on members.
Just ranking the original 5...

Ritsu > Mio > Mugi > Yui > worstnyan

I think towards the end of the second season, you will appreciate Azusa a little more.
Ah, yes. I don't follow American voice actors too closely so I tend to forget who's done what. Looked her up and I can see why I like her based on the game roles she's done that I'm familiar with.

I don't really follow it either, but I know her! She's in pretty much everything! lol


Ok Im back home. Brewing some chai tea in my warm cozy room and about to watch the other half of K-On!! episode 3 in glorious 55 inch HD.
I don't really follow it either, but I know her! She's in pretty much everything! lol

Well, it's been driven into my brain now :p. I'm old, so that's my excuse for not remembering some things, especially names...

Ok Im back home. Brewing some chai tea in my warm cozy room and about to watch the other half of K-On!! episode 3 in glorious 55 inch HD.

Not many better ways to spend an evening :).
Maybe to get into the swing of things, maybe we need to have another character rankings. We haven't done one yet this year!

Mio>>>Ritsu>Jun=Ui>Mugi>Nodoka>Megumi>Sawako>Mio's Doppelganger>Azusa>Yui

Jun(<3)/Megumi>Ui>Yui/Ritsu>Mio/Nodoka>Azunyan>Mugi Sawako is round abouts the Yui/Ritsu level for me.


Btw, don't know if I said this yet, but the official K-On! simulview day and time is now Sundays at 8PM EST! Whoever wants to show up is more than free to! We'll all meet up in the K-On GAF IRC as usual, link is in the OP.


K-On!! 03

Ritsu is the best K-On.
Do not argue with me, its true.
Anyway, so she decides that being the drummer is a bit of a background job and wants to share some of the spotlight. Ritsu tries the other instruments, but nothing really seems to fit her. Then she listens to a tape of Keith Moon the batshit crazy drummer from The Who and remembers how much she loves the drums. Then everybody eats cake. The end.
Ritsu is THE BEST K-ON.
K-On!! 03

Ritsu is the best K-On.
Do not argue with me, its true.
Anyway, so she decides that being the drummer is a bit of a background job and wants to share some of the spotlight. Ritsu tries the other instruments, but nothing really seems to fit her. Then she listens to a tape of Keith Moon the batshit crazy drummer from The Who and remembers how much she loves the drums. Then everybody eats cake. The end.
Ritsu is THE BEST K-ON.
This was a really fun episode. Especially if you like Ritsu a lot. The next pair of episodes are some of my favorite!
Hell, I'll repost it here too;

Ritsu rediscovering her love for drumming was one of the best scenes in all of K-On!.



Play Bayonetta! It's a fantastic game even if you're new to that style of action game like I was!

I'm already a fan of those sorts of games, so it's because of playing them that I'm even more interested in Bayonetta. I first played Ninja Gaiden on the first XBox and really got into it and then played a ton of Devil May Cry 3:Special Edition for the PS2. I bought the first DMC too but didn't like it quite as much as the third. The boss Nightmare truly lived up to it's name though, that last battle was indeed a nightmare for me. One of the hardest bosses I've ever fought against in a video game. I just liked the third better though with it's more options and Vergil is awesome too.

Who said that!

I did enjoy the thread in its sleepy stage, although it can hardly be called that nowadays!

Is that how they see us? I guess so...
I just really like to talk K-ON! and get like minded people to discuss with me. I also made this thread in the hopes I can get more people to watch the show, and seeing since I made this thread, Watanabe Kazuma and others have taken a chance and watched the show. I'm so happy I made this thread, I have so much fun here.
So I guess in a way, it is like in the spirit of the show. lol Like I'm handing out fliers in a horse costume, and coming back to the thread to drink tea.

Well, nobody really complained actually and I can't remember specific names but different ones in the anime thread just made comments that it seemed like much of the conversation wasn't really about K-On! anymore or it was was mostly just now comprised of favorites lists and more of an image/gif spam/repository.

Maybe they were just joking though or they just happened to come in on the wrong time such as AnimeGaf seems to have it's weird moments but it's not all like that so it could have just been one of those situations. I've seen it personally just popping in on other community threads out of curiosity that I don't normally visit too.

I'm a huge Mario fan, if my username didn't tip that off, so I wanted to get NSMBU as soon as I can. Pikmin 3 and Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate are the games I'm most looking forward to right now for the Wii U.

I actually didn't know Chet Rippo came from Mario until you mentioned it the one time in the anime thread. I like Mario but I haven't really played a lot of the different spin off series such as Paper Mario. I think the last Mario game I played was Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Mario Sunshine before that with probably Mario 64 before that...oh wait, there was Mario Kart 64 and Double Dash too. I haven't played the one for Wii yet.

Have you played Metroid Zero Mission? I really love that one.

That's the GameBoy remake of the first one right? I haven't played that one or Fusion but I'd like to. I haven't checked yet but I'm not sure how hard the games are to find now or how much they are anyway.


Maybe to get into the swing of things, maybe we need to have another character rankings. We haven't done one yet this year!

Mio>>>Ritsu>Jun=Ui>Mugi>Nodoka>Megumi>Sawako>Mio's Doppelganger>Azusa>Yui[/QUOTE]


Best girls. Oh wait, wrong show. ;p

Hah well that's pretty cool! Yeah signed up twice really, once around E3 with my regular email, whoops. Then again in July when I was getting set up moving in with my brother. I was incredibly surprised how fast the response was on my account approval, after all I've heard about it taking forever for people.

*checks email*

07/14/2012 Thanks for registering!
07/16/2012 Your account has been validated!

Woo, nice to be here and meet you all!

That's about when I got approved as well. I registered in April though so it was about three months to the day. Reading different people's messages it seems people get approved in waves so I guess it might just depend on how close you register towards an approval period maybe.

Nothing happens in this thread? Pfft, just look around, we've been talking non-stop. Hell, we even watch K-On together weekly in the K-On GAF IRC.

Really? Hm, I've missed that then. What episode are you guys up to now? or do you just pick random ones?

Since I didn't get around to it before...


Hi Nafe!![/QUOTE]

Hello :)
K-On!! 03

Ritsu is the best K-On.
Do not argue with me, its true.
Anyway, so she decides that being the drummer is a bit of a background job and wants to share some of the spotlight. Ritsu tries the other instruments, but nothing really seems to fit her. Then she listens to a tape of Keith Moon the batshit crazy drummer from The Who and remembers how much she loves the drums. Then everybody eats cake. The end.
Ritsu is THE BEST K-ON.

Azunyan still don't give a fuck. She knows she's Best Nyan.
Do you know if it's possible to install it on a samsung galaxy note? I'm in the UK if that makes a difference..

I see you didn't read my handy guide on how to install Yomecolle. Your punishment must be more severe.

It works on any Android device which is semi-decent. An original Galaxy Note is more than plenty decent for this, and as a Galaxy Note II owner I must say that your taste in phone size is impeccable. You know as I do that size does matter, and once you've had one that big in your hand, everything else is just too small.
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