Regulus Tera
Romanes Eunt Domus
So after the disappointment of NSMBU I'm goon back to Kid Icarus Uprising and I'm realising this is a game I would enjoy more on 3DSXL.
So after the disappointment of NSMBU I'm goon back to Kid Icarus Uprising and I'm realising this is a game I would enjoy more on 3DSXL.
I will say that the forest of illusion thing in swamp land was one of my best Mario experiences ever. Sad that the rest of the game lacked on that section's charms.
I was kinda hoping that this would be a discussion for how stuff keeps on getting smaller with no regard for ergonomics though.
The fact that the comfortable option for my big manly hands is sold at a premium is bs.But wouldn't the fact that there is a 3DS XL make this discussion pointless?
K-On!! 02
Oh well, anyway this show is REALLY FUCKING CUTE.
This is why I was surprised to hear that you hadn't watched season 2. I liked K-On after S1 but S2 really sealed the deal for me. Glad to hear you're watching it and I hope you enjoy it!
New year, new avatar!
At least get a Tamako Market one. Chu2 is so 2012.
So after the disappointment of NSMBU I'm goon back to Kid Icarus Uprising and I'm realising this is a game I would enjoy more on 3DSXL.
So after the disappointment of NSMBU I'm goon back to Kid Icarus Uprising and I'm realising this is a game I would enjoy more on 3DSXL.
But wouldn't the fact that there is a 3DS XL make this discussion pointless?
The only game I got as a gift was Metroid: Other M. I personally don't really care if many at NeoGaf,and plenty of people elsewhere, don't care for it, I want to try it and make my own opinion on it. There's games I like that many don't or games many like that I don't.
3DS XL is awesome!
I recently sold my launch 3DS to my friend and I'm not lookin' back!
Good luck, Kazzy!
3DS XL is awesome!
I recently sold my launch 3DS to my friend and I'm not lookin' back!
I should really get an XL. At least getting one of those extended life replacement battery packs make the regular 3DS easier to hold.
Glad you're liking S2 so far, cajun. Not that there was ever any doubt you would.
If we're talking buying crazy handhelds, I did come close to winning an N-Gage on eBay a few months back. After I lost the auction, I had to stop and re-evaluate my life.
We all know how this is going to play out!
I should have just bought a game-gear instead.
New year, new avatar!
That's actually something they don't even translate in the dub. One of my many problems I have with it.K-On!! 02
Know what time it is? Its "post a picture of Sawako in her rockstar persona because its hot as fuck" time!
Anyway, the girls discover that the music room is loaded down with personal belongig hoarder shit everywhere so they decide to clean it up. They discoverYui sucks at jan-ken so she has to carry it. They mess around at a hardware store looking for some shelving. Yui discovers the cutest fucking turtle ever.Sawako's old guitar. Sawako tells them to sell it and put the funds into the club.
Anyway so. Sawako asks for the receipt. Ritsu being awesome like usual tries to eat it to hide the value. Sawako gives her that incredibly hot death stare. I love you Sawako be my waifu. I mean, so ritsu spits it out and she discovers the real value. She says she will buy one thing for the club. They get the cute turtle for Azusa as her kouhai. For some reason this word was not translated in the official subs so it looks rather silly. They could have just said "junior" or "understudy". Oh well, anyway this show is REALLY FUCKING CUTE.they sell the guitar to the guitar shop for 5000 bucks. The girls all let the money go to their heads
I guess.The fact that the comfortable option for my big manly hands is sold at a premium is bs.
I see where you're coming from. K-ON!! does kinda have a prevailing theme that runs through the whole season, unlike season 1 does. Anyways, you're going to love it.Well, as much as I like cute anime shows, if they arent story driven I tend to drag my feet a bit. I like long epic anime stories, so I was focusing on Shangri La, Steins;Gate, From the New world, that sort of thing. But I had osme time tonight so why not at least start it? Gonna be back at my place in the morning and rest of the week so I will continue it there on a much larger screen sitting in a more comfortable chair and not in my parents frozen kitchen on a bar stool with their little 30 inch Vizio with the volume turned down.
Niiice. I need to start off my new year with a new avatar.
Not sure which Queen's Blade character I should use though...
I've never owned any Sega consoles. It was just never a thing for me. Game gear didn't play Pokemon, I had no interest.
I tried to get one of those new Dreamcasts think geek puts out every so often but I always miss them.
If we're talking buying crazy handhelds, I did come close to winning an N-Gage on eBay a few months back. After I lost the auction, I had to stop and re-evaluate my life.
Edit: guess while on topic, I don't think I ever mentioned how much I love the art in the op. Sawa and the link cable cracks me up.
Spending it with my dad! New Years Eve we impulsively took the train to Toronto for the celebration which was nuts... on the train ride home some cute asian girls sat across from us, and when got up for her stop (which was in my city!) she tripped and fell on me. My dad's been telling everyone all day, heh.
I never knew of this, this is awesome! Don't hesitate to post any more K-ON! things you find! The error pages are so cute!
It looks like it would be pretty warm!
Was it my heartwarming PM that did it?
You continue to prove why you are one of my favorite people here. You most certainly should stay away from NG3, but I'm not sure how good Razor's Edge is. Couldn't hurt to pick up Razor's Edge for cheap if you see it for like... $20.
Best thread on GAF ? Best thread on GAF.
I'm actually one of the people that really likes Other M. Metroid's been my favourite series forever and I thought the gameplay of Other M was incredibly fun. It was like playing a 2D Metroid in a 3D space, and god I've always wanted more 2D Metroid. It's definitely got story telling problems, though I don't hate on it so much... silly things like authorization didn't bother me one single bit since I basically just looked at it as a gameplay thing instead of a plot thing.
OMG it's Nafe! *waves*
Which is my rationale, and why I have held off for so long. The DS Lite's for example, they looked really nice, but they were extremely small and kind of annoying in practice.
And knowing Nintendo's penchant for hardware iteration, early adopters are never the winners!
I enjoyed Other M! But I come from a (relatively) unique position of it being my very first Metroid game, and so I had no affection for the franchise beforehand. That said, the story was nonsensical, and the voice acting was patchy at best, but that's not why I played it.
And posting in AnimeGAF should have already prepared you for defending a contrary opinion!
Ive got a Genesis and a SAturn. the Saturn was mainly a NiGHTS into Dreams playing device but has been made nearly irrelevant by the HD version on my Ps3. Well the old machine still has the superior 3D special controller and unless there is an adapter for that thing to work with USB then I will prefer to play it old school.
The genesis is mainly a sonic/Jurassic Park machine (so help me I loved that game)
I see different ones mention/complain that nothing really happens in this thread but then I also see people who don't like K-On! mention that nothing happens in the show and the girls just sit around not playing music usually.
Haha, I guess the thread is still kind of living up to it's name then when you look at it that way. We're just being authentic to the source material!
Play Bayonetta! It's a fantastic game even if you're new to that style of action game like I was!
Play Bayonetta! It's a fantastic game even if you're new to that style of action game like I was!
I didn't realize that kind of thing happened in real life. Maybe I've seen too much anime and just thought people falling on top of each other was just an anime fan service thing,haha.
Yeah, there's slightly different kinds, such as l've looked at the more military style ones and you can always get one to cover your ears. Being made for a Russian winter I imagine they would be pretty warm.
I see different ones mention/complain that nothing really happens in this thread but then I also see people who don't like K-On! mention that nothing happens in the show and the girls just sit around not playing music usually.
Haha, I guess the thread is still kind of living up to it's name then when you look at it that way. We're just being authentic to the source material!
Yeah, I've been a big Metroid fan too since Super and played a little bit of II for the GameBoy.
I've heard some complain about some things such as it's dumb that Samus regains her health just by "thinking really hard" or you have to wait for commander something to authorize your weapons at dumb times. Gameplay wise it sounds fine, such as the health thing really just sounds like regenerative health introduced into the Metroid series, and searching for health could just be annoying sometimes more than anything in other games anyway, but the narrative justification for it is just really dumb.
The one thing I could for sure maybe have a problem with is apparently Samus comes across as really submissive and originally she was made up to be a really strong and independent girl who could do all sorts of things, whereas in Other M apparently that's more of a front and she's really just scared and alone and almost a bit of an emotional wreck apparently. I could see that as potentially a bit off putting depending how it's done as that's almost polar opposite to how her character was before. It almost sounds like what Crystal Dynamics is doing with Lara Croft in the newest game where they want you to "protect her". Although I've never played a Tomb Raider before
That reminds me that I haven't taken a look at that thread yet. I didn't play any of the games you mentioned, although I didn't really play all that much of anything last year really. I spent much more time watching anime instead.
Personally I'm not really that interested in a WiiU right now as NSMBU and Ninja Gaiden 3 are really the only games I think I would want to purchase. There's some coming later such as Pikmin 3 or that P100 game or Bayonetta 2, even though I haven't played the first yet.
I think the WiiU will pretty much be like my Wii system in that I'll really only want the Nintendo franchises and the odd exclusive game.
Have you played Metroid Zero Mission? I really love that one.Ok, well I really liked Super Metroid and the Metroid Prime games, with the third being the weakest in my opinion, so I'd recommend those. The GameBoy ones might be fun too.
Haha, yeah, true enough about AnimeGaf. Sometimes some maybe seem a bit more blunt about things but at the end of the day I don't think people really care that much if you like or don't like something.
Why would anyone be weary of a WiiU Bayonetta? Its going to look at least as good as the 360 one. Unless you mean the tablet controller or something.
You already quoted Nafe about that!
Also the Wii U's launch titles were mainly late ports with low budgets/dev time and absolutely do not reflect the performance of a title that is actually taking advantage of the system.
You already quoted Nafe about that! Does the Nafe fan club have another member?
This is the part where I am too friendly to a new poster and drive them away isn't it?![]()
This is the part where I am too friendly to a new poster and drive them away isn't it?![]()