Chet Rippo
Sure, if you didn't get up before noon.Huh... uneventful day in here.
Yeah, it's kinda cool when you start hearing certain voice actors in other anime. I've been kinda looking up the shows the K-ON! main cast has been it, and all of their careers seem to explode post K-ON! Then again, they really aren't that old, in fact Minako Kotobuki was still 17 when the first season aired. And for Ayana Taketatsu one of her very first credited role is K-ON!I like seeing if I can pick out the different seiyuu's too. I've gotten pretty good and some of the really prominent ones, like Kana Hanazawa, I don't even need any lines for anymore. I hear a character laugh or something and I can tell it's her.
With Unknown Soldier's talk of Hyouka, it's interesting that all the seiyuu for the five main girls of K-On are in that show as well. You already mentioned that Satomi Satou, who does the voice of Ritsu, does the voice for Chitanda and Chet mentioned that Minako Kotobuki,who does the voice of Mugi, does the voice for the Miku cosplayer.
Aki Toyosaki,who does the voice of Yui,does the voice of the younger sister at the hot springs in episode 7. Ayana Taketatsu,the voice of Azusa, also plays a character in the manga club. She's the girl who comes up and asks Mayaka who she's cosplaying as. She has a couple more lines as well. Last but certainly not least is Yoko Hikasa,who does the voice of Mio. She does the voice of the girl who is asking all the questions at the quiz game part of the school festival.
The same seiyuu's will sometimes appear in a couple of KyoAni shows one after the other as well, such as Jun Fukuyama. He did the voice of,I believe he was the student council president, in Hyouka and then went on to do the voice of the main character Yuuta in Chuunibyou demo koi ga Shitai!.
I don't know, I find this kinda stuff neat.
I guess we are a little strange...You guys are weird.
Finished Season 1 and enjoyed it. I guess I'll come back when I start Season 2 I guess?
Well I'm glad you liked it, and I await to see what you think of the second season!!